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Murine cDNA that encodes neuromodulin, a neurospecific calmodulin binding protein, was inserted into the plasmid pKK223-3 for expression in Escherichia coli. After being transformed into E. coli strain SG20252 (lon-), the expression vector directed the synthesis of a protein that was recognized by polyclonal antibodies raised against bovine neuromodulin. The recombinant protein expressed in E. coli was found to be tightly associated with insoluble cell material and was extractable only with guanidine hydrochloride or sodium dodecyl sulfate. Following solubilization with guanidine hydrochloride, the protein was purified to apparent homogeneity by a single CaM-Sepharose affinity column step with a yield of 0.2 mg of protein/L of E. coli culture. The availability of the purified recombinant neuromodulin made it possible to answer several specific questions concerning the structure and function of the protein. Despite the fact that murine neuromodulin is 12 amino acid residues shorter than the bovine protein and the recombinant protein expressed in E. coli may lack any posttranslational modifications, the two proteins displayed similar biochemical properties in almost all respects examined. They both had higher affinity for CaM-Sepharose in the absence of Ca2+ than in its presence; they were both phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase C in a Ca2+- and phospholipid-dependent manner; neither form of the proteins was autophosphorylated, and the phosphorylated form of the proteins did not bind calmodulin. The recombinant neuromodulin and neuromodulin purified from bovine brain had similar, but not identical, affinities of calmodulin, indicating that the palmitylation of the protein that occurs in animal cells is not crucial for calmodulin interactions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
RA 233, a pyrimido-pyrimidine analogue developed originally as an antiplatelet agent, has reduced the incidence of tumor metastases in clinical trials. However, in animal tumor models antimetastatic therapy using RA 233 has been inconsistent. We therefore tested RA 233 for additional effects, such as its direct action on tumor cells. Using the rat 13726NF mammary adenocarcinoma tumor system, low, nontoxic concentrations of RA 233 had pleiotropic and differential effects on two 13762NF tumor cell clones. The growth of MTC cells (low spontaneous metastatic potential) was not affected by low concentrations of RA 233 (50 microM) or epidermal growth factor (EGF) (up to 10 ng/ml) for 3 days in 0.5-10% fetal bovine serum. In contrast, MTLn3 (high spontaneous metastatic potential) cell cultures maintained for 3 days in low (0.5-1%) serum in the presence of 1.25-10 ng/ml EGF doubled in cell numbers compared with control cultures, and addition of 50 microM RA 233 abrogated the growth-stimulatory effect of EGF. The inhibitory effect of RA 233 on MTLn3 cells was dose dependent and not due to cell toxicity as determined by cell viability, cell growth, and colony formation properties after drug removal. In addition, incubation of MTLn3 cells with 50 microM RA 233 resulted in an increase of p21ras protein expression, whereas there was no effect on the level of p21ras in identically treated MTC cells or when either clone was treated with 10 ng/ml EGF. The results suggest that among the heterogeneous effects of RA 233 on tumor cells, modulation of growth factor responses and regulatory molecules may be important.  相似文献   
We report on the discovery and isolation of DNA- and RNA-containing macromolecular nuclear complexes whose purified major DNA possessed electrophoretic mobilities of approximately 90 and approximately 25 kbp. The deoxyribonucleoprotein-ribonucleoprotein complexes contain RNA and DNA polymerase and primase activities and were isolated from nuclei of murine RAW117 large-cell lymphoma cells by restriction digestion with Msp-I, gentle extraction with solutions containing MgCl2, but without chelating agents, and low ionic strength gel electrophoresis. Two-dimensional (isoelectric focusing/M(r)) gel electrophoresis and silver staining of the proteins of the complexes after treatment with DNase I indicated the presence of approximately 30 protein components. In vitro DNA and RNA polymerase/primase assays showed that the DNP/RNP complexes had very high enzyme specific activities. Using the DNP/RNP complexes a discrete DNA polymerase alpha product of approximately 85 kbp was synthesized that was not synthesized in the presence of the DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor aphidicolin. RNA polymerase assays in the presence of excess alpha-amanitin indicated that the complexes possessed significant RNA polymerase I activity. Preparing the complexes at various times after the release of cells from a double thymidine block showed the complexes as well as the complex-associated enzyme activities to be cell-cycle dependent. The DNA and RNA polymerase-related activities were highest in late S phase, 7 and 9 h, respectively, after release from the double thymidine block. The complexes synthesized a specific in vitro DNA polymerase product using endogenous substrate and nucleotide precursors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We describe the molecular cloning of an anemogenic feline leukemia virus (FeLV), FeLV-C-Sarma, from the productively infected human rhabdomyosarcoma cell line RD(FeLV-C-S). Molecularly cloned FeLV-C-S proviral DNA yielded infectious virus (mcFeLV-C-S) after transfection of mammalian cells, and virus interference studies using transfection-derived virus demonstrated that our clone encodes FeLV belonging to the C subgroup. mcFeLV-C-S did not induce viremia in eight 8-week-old outbred specific-pathogen-free (SPF) cats. It did, however, induce viremia and a rapid, fatal aplastic anemia due to profound suppression of erythroid stem cell growth in 9 of 10 inoculated newborn, SPF cats within 3 to 8 weeks (21 to 58 days) postinoculation. Thus, the genome of mcFeLV-C-S encodes the determinants responsible for the genetically dominant induction of irreversible erythroid aplasia in outbred cats. A potential clue to the pathogenic determinants of this virus comes from previous work indicating that all FeLV isolates belonging to the C subgroup, an envelop-gene-determined property, and only those belonging to the C subgroup, are potent, consistent inducers of aplastic anemia in cats. To approach the molecular mechanism underlying the induction of this disease, we first determined the nucleotide sequence of the envelope genes and 3' long terminal repeat of FeLV-C-S and compared it with that of FeLV-B-Gardner-Arnstein (mcFeLV-B-GA), a subgroup-B feline leukemia virus that consistently induces a different disease, myelodysplastic anemia, in neonatal SPF cats. Our analysis revealed that the p15E genes and long terminal repeats of the two FeLV strains are highly homologous, whereas there are major differences in the gp70 proteins, including five regions of significant amino acid differences and apparent sequence substitution. Some of these changes are also reflected in predicted glycosylation sites; the gp70 protein of FeLV-B-GA has 11 potential glycosylation sites, only 8 of which are present in FeLV-C-S.  相似文献   
A cloned bovine corneal endothelial cell line was transformed in vitro by simian virus 40, and the subendothelial extracellular matrix-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans synthesized by the cells were isolated and compared with their untransformed counterpart. The transformed endothelial cells grew at faster rates to higher stationary cell densities in the absence of fibroblast growth factor than did the untransformed cells. On a per-cell basis, the transformed cells produced slightly lower amounts of sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The rate of production of sulfated glycosaminoglycans in extracellular matrix increased during seven days of culture. At confluency the extracellular matrix-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans synthesized by the untransformed endothelial cells consisted of about 80% heparan sulfate and about 20% chondroitin sulfate. Extracellular matrix-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans of transformed endothelial cells were composed of about 70% heparan sulfate and about 30% chondroitin sulfate plus dermatan sulfate. High-speed gel permeation chromatography profiles on Fractogel TSK HW-55(S) of matrix-associated heparan sulfate from untransformed and transformed endothelial cells were very similar, and gave single peaks (Kav = 0.19). Apparent Mr estimated from the eluting position of the peaks were approximately 47000. Heparan sulfate from both untransformed and transformed endothelial cells was degraded by incubation with a metastatic B16 melanoma cell lysate containing heparanase (heparan-sulfate-specific endo-beta-glucuronidase). The eluting position of the heparan sulfate degradation products on gel permeation column were similar (Kav = 0.43). Size analysis and anion-exchange chromatography of the degradation products after nitrous acid deamination at low pH indicated that the degree of N-sulfation of heparan sulfate was similar in untransformed and transformed endothelial cells. The results indicated that transformation of endothelial cells only slightly changes the molecular nature of subendothelial matrix-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   
A metastatic variant cell subline of the Abelson virus-transformed murine large lymphoma/lymphosarcoma RAW117 has been selected in vivo ten times for liver colonization. Highly metastatic subline RAW117-H10 forms greater than 200 times as many gross surface liver tumor nodules as the parental line RAW117-P. Analysis of cellular proteins and glycoproteins indicates reduced expression of murine Moloney leukemia virus-associated p15, p30, and gp70, and increased expression of a sialoglycoprotein, gp150, in the highly metastatic H10 cells. Northern analyses of oncogene expression suggested that mRNA of various oncogenes was expressed equally or not expressed in the RAW117 cells of differing metastatic potential. Differential gene expression was examined using a cDNA library of 17,600 clones established from poly A+ mRNA isolated from H10 cells. The cDNA library was screened by the colony hybridization technique using probes made from both RAW117-P and -H10 cells. Approximately 99.5% of these cDNA clones were expressed identically in P and H10 cells. Of the few differentially expressed cDNA clones (approx. 150/17,600), one-half of these were identified as Moloney leukemia virus sequences in a separate probing with a radiolabeled Moloney leukemia virus probe. The remainder of the differentially expressed mRNA detected by colony hybridization of the cDNA library were expressed at higher levels (approx. 1/6) or lower levels (approx. 1/3) in the highly metastatic H10 cells.  相似文献   
Lactoside-binding lectins (galectins) with molecular weights of about 14.5 kDa (galectin-1) and 29–35 kDa (galectin-3) bind preferentially to polylactosaminoglycan-containing glycoconjugates and have been found on the surface of tumour cells and implicated in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion and metastasis. We have demonstrated by immunoblotting that both galectin-1 and galectin-3 are present in extracts of endothelial cells cultured from bovine aorta, rat lung, mouse lung and mouse brain microvessels, whereas mouse hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells expressed primarily galectin-1. These galectins were also localized by indirect immunofluorescent labelling on the surface of the different endothelial cells in culture and by immunohistochemical staining in human tissuesin vivo. Anti-galectin-1 antibodies inhibited the adhesion of liver-preferring murine RAW117-H10 large-cell lymphoma cells to hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells or lung microvessel endothelial cellsin vitro. The data indicate that galectin-1 is expressed on the extracellular surface of endothelial cells and can mediate in part the adhesion of RAW117-H10 cells to liver microvessel endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Cortical granules, which are specialized secretory organelles found in ova of many organisms, have been isolated from the eggs of the sea urchins Arbacia punctulata and Strongylocentrtus pupuratus by a simple, rapid procedure. Electron micropscope examination of cortical granules prepared by this procedure reveals that they are tightly attached to large segments of the plasma membrane and its associated vitelline layer. Further evidence that he cortical granules were associated with these cell surface layers was obtained by (125)I-labeling techniques. The cortical granule preparations were found to be rich in proteoesterase, which was purified 32-fold over that detected in a crude homogenate. Similarly, the specific radioactivity of a (125)I-labeled, surface glycoprotein was increased 40-fold. These facts, coupled with electron microscope observations, indicate the isolation procedure yields a preparation in which both the cortical granules and the plasma membrane-vitelline layer are purified to the same extent. Gel electrophoresis of the membrane-associated cortical granule preparation reveals the presence of at least eight polypeptides. The major polypeptide, which is a glycotprotein of apparent mol wt of 100,000, contains most of the radioactivity introduced by (125)I-labeling of the intact eggs. Lysis of the cortical granules is observed under hypotonic conditions, or under isotonic conditions if Ca(2+) ion is present. When lysis is under isotonic conditions is induced by addition of Ca(2+) ion, the electron-dense contents of the granules remain insoluble. In contrast, hypotonic lysis results in release of the contents of the granule in a soluble form. However, in both cases the (125)I-labeled glycoprotein remains insoluble, presumably because it is a component of either the plasma membrane or the vitelline layer. All these findings indicate that, using this purified preparation, it should be possible to carry out in vitro studies to better define some of the initial, surface-related events observed in vivo upon fertilization.  相似文献   
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