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Abstract Three manipulations of the male contribution to copulation were used to investigate what determines the switch-off of female receptivity that follows mating in Lucilia cuprina. Multiple matings by males led to a reduction in their effectiveness at switching-off females: the first twelve matings caused more than 50% of females to be switched-off 1 day after mating, while the first four matings caused more than 50% of females to be switched-off for 7 days after mating. Males mated up to twenty-three times and on average ten times during 10 h of continuous access to virgin females. The number of sperm transferred declined logarithmically through a series of matings as did the quantity of material transferred from the male accessory gland (measured as radiolabeled material) through the first six matings. Overnight isolation of multiply-mated males led to considerable recovery of their ability to switch-off females, and to limited renewal of their ability to transfer sperm. Castrated males transferred similar quantities of accessory gland material to females as did sham-operated males during their first five matings and in their first three matings switched-off 95% of females for 1 day but only 48% for 7 days. When normal mating pairs were separated at increasing intervals after coupling, an increasing proportion of females were switched-off at 1 or 7 days afterward. 7 days after 2 min matings no females were switched-off though 40% of the number of sperm transferred in a full mating had been transferred by this time. The proposed explanation for these data is that both the initial switch-off and its duration are determined by the quantity of a receptivity-inhibiting substance that normally enters the female haemo-lymph after being injected by the male into the wall of the bursa copulatrix. It is proposed that when castrated males mate, an absence of sperm results in most accessory gland secretion entering the empty spermathecae (rather than the wall of the bursa as usually occurs) and hence being unable to reach the haemolymph and exert its influence. The effective dose of the receptivity-inhibiting substance is measured on a logarithmic scale.  相似文献   
The mature ovaries accounted for about 25% of dry weight and 30% of the protein content of wild-type (anautogenous) females of L. cuprina which had fed ad lib. on liver. The protein content of gravid females was 50% greater than at emergence. Protein ingested during the adult stage, therefore, plays an important role in ovarian maturation. The protein content of the ovaries of females fed measured amounts of liver exudate was from 37 to 52% of the amount of protein ingested.

Only limited ovarian development occurred in females fed only protein (high MW fraction of liver exudate or bovine serum albumin). The presence, in addition, of low MW components (low MW fraction of liver exudate or a salt mixture) was necessary for ovarian maturation. Quantitative feeding showed that the high and low MW fractions of liver exudate were, respectively, superior to bovine serum albumin and the salt mixture, which was based on the cation analysis of the low MW fraction of the exudate.  相似文献   
Nearly 90% of nulliparous females of a laboratory selected autogenous strain of the sheep blowly, Lucilia cuprina, developed mature oocytes when fed only sucrose and water. The mean number of oocytes matured by those females which reached maturity was about 100. In the few females which did not reach maturity, ovarian development ceased early in vitellogenesis. Females had approximately 250 ovarioles, and when given ad libitum access to sheep liver, matured virtually all their primary oocytes. Flies given limited amounts of protein-rich material matured more oocytes than individuals given only sucrose and water; the apparent efficiency of conversion of ingested protein to ovary protein was of the order of 50%.

In females fed only sucrose and water or limited amounts of protein-rich material, the reduction in the number of oocytes resulted from oosorption initiated early in vitellogenesis. Oosorption was initiated earlier in females fed only sucrose and water, which were destined to resorb of the order of 150 oocytes, than in females which resorbed about 65 oocytes after having consumed a limited amount of protein-rich material.

Mating increased slightly both the proportion of females expressing autogeny and the number of oocytes matured.  相似文献   
Abstract. The effect of the stage of ovarian development on the volumes of meals of the protein-rich material, liver exudate, taken by females of the blowfly, L. cuprina (Wiedemann), was examined using an experimental regime which was designed to isolate the effects of ovarian development from any other more direct effects of protein feeding or deprivation. It was found that volumes of meals taken by females with developing ovaries were little, if any, smaller than the volumes taken by protein-deprived females until quite late in vitellogenesis, at which stage meal size fell abruptly to that of meals taken by gravid females. A direct effect of protein-feeding was also demonstrated, with females that had consumed exudate during the previous few hours taking substantially smaller meals than those that had not done so. This effect was, however, shown to be non-specific in that the recent consumption of an equal volume of concentrated sucrose solution caused a similar reduction in the volume of exudate taken.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A high level of sexual receptivity was displayed by females of Lucilia cuprina (Wied.) following the ingestion of a known amount of a standard preparation of a protein-rich material (liver exudate), in addition to sucrose and water. A similarly high level of receptivity resulted from the ingestion of bovine serum albumin (BSA) plus a low molecular weight (MW) fraction of the liver exudate, or BSA plus an inorganic salt mixture, provided that the amount of BSA ingested equalled that of protein in the ingested exudate, the amount of low MW fraction was the same as that in the exudate, and the ingested salt mixture contained the same amounts of Na+, K+, Mg++ and Ca++ as were in this amount of low MW fraction. Substantial but less pronounced increases in receptivity followed the ingestion of equivalent amounts of BSA or low MW fraction alone. Receptivity was slightly increased by the ingestion of the inorganic salt mixture. When females were fed smaller quantitatively equivalent amounts of liver exudate or one or other of the two mixtures in the presence of low MW components, BSA was as effective, in inducing receptivity, as the high MW (protein) fraction of liver exudate, and the salt mixture was as effective as the low MW fraction when ingested together with protein. Receptivity correlated well with the mean ovarian developments of the groups of females which fed on the different materials. However, some lack of correlation at the level of individuals indicates that the control mechanisms for the two are at least partially distinct.  相似文献   
Abstract. The pattern of feeding is described for males of the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina , with ad libitum access to either 0.1 M or 1.0 M glucose solution. Flies given the 0.1 M solution ingested nearly 3 times the volume taken by flies given the 1.0 M solution by eating meals of, on average, twice the size about 1.5 times as frequently. Flies were usually relatively inactive following a meal, with the extent of this post-prandial quiescence being a function both of meal size and concentration of sugar. Quiescence lasted only about 20% of the average intermeal interval, however, and there was no correlation between meal size and time to the next meal. The crop emptied more slowly when it contained 1.0 M rather than 0.1 M glucose solution and the crop was, on average, fuller at the beginning of a meal on the higher concentration. The volume of solution imbibed during a meal was positively correlated with time since the end of the preceding meal. The average crop volume at the end of a meal was similar in flies feeding on 0.1 M and 1.0 M solutions. The results are considered in relation to published information on control of feeding and compensation in the blowfly Phormia regina.  相似文献   
Adults of the locust Chortoicetes terminifera which had been deprived of water for 24 h took larger 'meals' of water than insects which had been deprived for 2 h. Water or dilute solutions of NaCl injected into the kaemcoel reduced the amount of water ingested by 24-h, deprived locusts. Injections of more concentrated solutions of NaCl (0.5 m) or glycerol (1.0m) increased the water intake of 2-h deprived locusts. Water injections into 24-h deprived locusts did not reduce their responsiveness to sucrose and it is concluded that haemolymph osmotic pressure plays an important role in determining the specific responsiveness of C. terminifera to water. The time course of the effects of injection indicates that the effects of haemolymph osmotic pressure on water responsiveness are mediated neurally. Injections of water into 24-h deprived insects caused a marked reduction in the sizes of their meals of seedling wheat. It is suggested that the mechanisms responsible for the regulation of water intake might limit total intake when locusts have access only to fresh vegetation of high water content.  相似文献   
The receptivity of females of Luciliu cuprina to mating attempts is increased by protein feeding. Females became maximally receptive after consuming a quantity of protein which was insufficient to allow full ovarian development in any individual, and which was 25 % of that needed to produce full ovarian development in most flies. Receptivity increased progressively over 3 days following a protein meal taken on the day after emergence, but was almost maximal within 24 h when females were given a protein meal on the fifth day after emergence. Topical application of the insect growth regulator Altosid caused a marked increase in the sexual receptivity of non-protein fed females.  相似文献   
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