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The integument of Tubiluchus philippinensis van der Land, 1984 has been investigated by means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The ultrastructure of the cuticle corresponds principally to what has been found in Priapulidae. The tumuli are mere cuticular thickenings. Setae, tubuli, flosculi and scalids are receptor organs. Tubuli additionally serve a second function: they produce a secretion. The male genital area is equipped with various receptor organs, the internal morphology of which has been described. All receptor cells are characterized by apical cilia, which may be surrounded by a circlet of microvilli. They sometimes bear a rather complicated rootlet apparatus.  相似文献   
Abstract. In a factorial experiment, fifth-instar Locusta migratoria (L.) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) were given either dry food (lyophilized grass) and drinking water, food only, water only, or neither food nor water.Food consumption and insect weight were measured daily, and the behaviour of each locust was recorded for 5 h on each of four consecutive days and for 2.5 h on the fifth.Consumption declined progressively in locusts given food only, and those given water only were not observed to drink after the first day of food deprivation.The decline in food consumption on the first day was accounted for by a decrease in the average duration of feeds, which remained constant thereafter.The further decline in consumption over subsequent days was due to a progressive decline in the number of feeds.Although food availability did not slow weight loss relative to locusts given neither food nor water, the availability of water without food did.The proportion of time locomoting increased in all deprivation treatments, but the pattern of change across the five observation days differed markedly between treatments.Locusts given food but no water increased locomotion from 20% of the time budget (the value for controls) to 30% on the first day of deprivation, and by the second day had reached a plateau of approximately 65%.which was maintained until the experiment was terminated on day 5.In contrast, locusts given water but no food approached the 65% level of locomotion on the first day, which was stutistically greater than the 55% observed in those deprived of both food and water.This increase was due both to an increase in the number of locomotion bouts initiated and an increase in the average duration of locomotion bouts.On the second and third days, all deprivation treatments maintained locomotion at around 65%.By day 4, locomotion had decreased to approximately 15% in locusts deprived of both food and water, but not in those deprived of food only or water only.Unlike those given only food, locusts given only water showed a reduction in locomotion of c. 15% on the fifth day.  相似文献   
Checa, Antonio & Westermann, Gerd E. G. 1989 01 15: Segmental growth in planulate ammonites: inferences on costal function. Lethaia , Vol. 22, pp. 95–100. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
In planulate Ammonitina, the directions of costae and their parts coincide with the growth lines, both being accreted in parallel and subtriangular increments, i.e. segments. This implies that the growing margin was consistently corrugated (plicated) parallel to the edge of the peristome. The adventral separation of the ribs caused by the coiling increased with whorl involution and was compensated for by costal division into primaries and secondaries. We propose that costation of the shallow-water, nekto-benthic plandates reduced the stiffness and increased effective thickness of their growing peristome. Ribs functioned (primarily or secondarily) as a protection for the immature, fragile aperture against predators and impacts.□ Ammonite shell, Jurassic, morphology, growth lines, ornamentation, costae .  相似文献   
The adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) from 15 species of heteropteran Hemiptera (encompassing eight families, six superfamilies and three infraorders) have been isolated and structurally identified using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. None of the structures are novel and all are octapeptides. These peptide sequence data are used, together with the previously available AKH sequence data on Heteroptera, to create a larger dataset for comparative analyses. This results, in total, in AKH sequences from 30 species (spanning 13 families), which are used in a matrix confronted with the current hypotheses on the phylogeny of Heteroptera. The expanded dataset shows that all heteropterans have octapeptide AKHs; three species have two AKHs, whereas the overwhelming majority have only one AKH. From a total of 11 different AKH peptides known from Heteroptera to date, three AKHs occur frequently: Panbo‐red pigment‐concentrating hormone (RPCH) (×10), Schgr‐AKH‐II (×6) and Anaim‐AKH (×4). The heteropteran database also suggests that particular AKH variants are family‐specific. The AKHs of Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha (all terrestrial) are not present in Nepomorpha (aquatic) and Gerromorpha: Gerridae (semiaquatic); AKHs with a Val in position 2 are absent in the Pentatomomorpha (only AKHs with Leu2 are present), whereas Val2 predominates in the nonterrestrial species. An unexpected diversity of AKH sequences is found in Nepomorpha, Nepoidea, Nepidae and Nepinae, whereas Panbo‐RPCH (which has been identified in all infraorders of decapod crustaceans) is present in all analysed species of Pentatomidae and also in the only species of Tessaratomidae investigated. The molecular evolution of Heteroptera with respect to other insect groups and to crustaceans is discussed  相似文献   
Cretaceous Vascoceras and Jurassic Lytoceras show colour markings and etched surfaces representing original organic membranes between the septa. The main difference between the formation of ammonite and Nautilus chambers involved the continuous secretion of a gelatinous cameral liquid to support the ammonite mantle when it moved forward. The gel containing cyclically secreted membranes. here named pseudosepta, resembled the intra-cameral structures of the cuttlebone in Sepia. Pseudoscpta are attached to the shell wall in pseudosutures (Pseudoloben) which are particularly visible in the saddles of the septal suture and tend to mimic them. Their shape suggests reconstruction of posterior mantle shape during translocation. Drag-bands (Schleppstreifen) are spiral markings formed by the overlapping pseudosepta along the axial traces of the foliole folds. The chamber of ammonites was formed by a locally muscular mantle in a tripartite cycle: (1) the mantle initially remained attached to the saddles of the completed septal suture while muscular tissue within the umbilical lobes was contracted and rapidly reattached to the side of the lateral saddles; (2) the whole mantle subsequently crept forward by secreting a gelatinous matrix which contained telescoped membranes, with an adhesive function on pseudolobc flanks; (3) the mantle almost ceased to move within the sites of future lobules, but expanded and crept on before forming the mural and 'gutter' ridges of the septum. □ Ammonites, chamber growth, vascoceratids, LYTOCERAS, Nigeria.  相似文献   
The efforts to explain the ‘missing sink’ for anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) have included in recent years the role of nitrogen as an important constraint for biospheric carbon fluxes. We used the Nitrogen Carbon Interaction Model (NCIM) to investigate patterns of carbon and nitrogen storage in different compartments of the terrestrial biosphere as a consequence of a rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, in combination with varying levels of nitrogen availability. This model has separate but closely coupled carbon and nitrogen cycles with a focus on soil processes and soil–plant interactions, including an active compartment of soil microorganisms decomposing litter residues and competing with plants for available nitrogen. Biological nitrogen fixation is represented as a function of vegetation nitrogen demand. The model was validated against several global datasets of soil and vegetation carbon and nitrogen pools. Five model experiments were carried out for the modeling periods 1860–2002 and 2002–2100. In these experiments we varied the nitrogen availability using different combinations of biological nitrogen fixation, denitrification, leaching of soluble nitrogen compounds with constant or rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Oversupply with nitrogen, in an experiment with nitrogen fixation, but no nitrogen losses, together with constant atmospheric CO2, led to some carbon sequestration in organismic pools, which was nearly compensated by losses of C from soil organic carbon pools. Rising atmospheric CO2 always led to carbon sequestration in the biosphere. Considering an open nitrogen cycle including dynamic nitrogen fixation, and nitrogen losses from denitrification and leaching, the carbon sequestration in the biosphere is of a magnitude comparable to current observation based estimates of the ‘missing sink.’ A fertilization feedback between the carbon and nitrogen cycles occurred in this experiment, which was much stronger than the sum of separate influences of high nitrogen supply and rising atmospheric CO2. The demand‐driven biological nitrogen fixation was mainly responsible for this result. For the modeling period 2002–2100, NCIM predicts continued carbon sequestration in the low range of previously published estimates, combined with a plausible rate of CO2‐driven biological nitrogen fixation and substantial redistribution of nitrogen from soil to plant pools.  相似文献   
The skeletal morphology of Paraorthacodus jurensis, a Late Jurassic neoselachian from Nusplingen, is described based on the incomplete holotype and a newly discovered almost complete specimen. For the first time, the postcranial skeleton could be investigated. Paraorthacodus is characterized by a monognath dental heterodonty and tearing‐type dentition. The number of lateral cusplets in the lateral teeth differs between the holotype and the new specimen, possibly indicating sexual dimorphism. Clasper organs are not preserved in either of the two specimens. The notochord is sheathed by about 123 well‐calcified vertebral centra. The posterior‐most caudal vertebrae are lacking. The transition from monospondylous thoracic to diplospondylous abdominal vertebrae occurs at centra 48 and 49. The origin of the caudal fin is at the 80th centrum. Most conspicuous is the presence of a single spineless dorsal fin. In this respect, Paraorthacodus differs from most palaeospinacids, but resembles Macrourogaleus. Palidiplospinax possibly is sister to a group comprising Synechodus, Paraorthacodus, and Macrourogaleus (the Palaeospinacidae). A reinterpretation of dental and skeletal characters of synechodontiform taxa indicates that Synechodontiformes and Palaeospinacidae are monophyletic groupings of basal neoselachians. Synechodontiformes is probably sister to all living elasmobranchs.  相似文献   
Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and related climate change have stimulated much interest in the potential of soils to sequester carbon. In ‘The Jena Experiment’, a managed grassland experiment on a former agricultural field, we investigated the link between plant diversity and soil carbon storage. The biodiversity gradient ranged from one to 60 species belonging to four functional groups. Stratified soil samples were taken to 30 cm depth from 86 plots in 2002, 2004 and 2006, and organic carbon contents were determined. Soil organic carbon stocks in 0–30 cm decreased from 7.3 kg C m?2 in 2002 to 6.9 kg C m?2 in 2004, but had recovered to 7.8 kg C m?2 by 2006. During the first 2 years, carbon storage was limited to the top 5 cm of soil while below 10 cm depth, carbon was lost probably as short‐term effect of the land use change. After 4 years, carbon stocks significantly increased within the top 20 cm. More importantly, carbon storage significantly increased with sown species richness (log‐transformed) in all depth segments and even carbon losses were significantly smaller with higher species richness. Although increasing species diversity increased root biomass production, statistical analyses revealed that species diversity per se was more important than biomass production for changes in soil carbon. Below 20 cm depth, the presence of one functional group, tall herbs, significantly reduced carbon losses in the beginning of the experiment. Our analysis indicates that plant species richness and certain plant functional traits accelerate the build‐up of new carbon pools within 4 years. Additionally, higher plant diversity mitigated soil carbon losses in deeper horizons. This suggests that higher biodiversity might lead to higher soil carbon sequestration in the long‐term and therefore the conservation of biodiversity might play a role in greenhouse gas mitigation.  相似文献   
The combination of developmental and evolutionary approachesto morphology constitutes a new field of research, here termedevolutionary embryology. At present, the field is characterizedby a strong prevalence of theoretical concepts over empiricalinvestigations. This paper analyzes the possible strategiesfor experimental approaches to provide a broader empirical foundationfor the existing concepts. Five domains of development—recapitulation,timing, interaction, thresholds, and plasticity—are investigatedwith regard to their role in morphological evolution and theiraccessibility for experimentation. It is argued that the temporal,spatial, and functional dissociabilities of interactive developmentalsystems, as well astheir quantitative and integrative properties,constitute the main targets of experimentation. Further itisemphasized that the comparative method represents the fundamentalconceptual tool for evolutionary approaches to embryology.  相似文献   
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