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Free and total putrescine and, to a lesser extent, spemidine accumulate in both roots and shoots of peas in response to potas stum deficiency and ammomnium supply. Free putrescine responds more sensitively than total putreseine to variatioin of nutrients. Accumulation of putrescine is more pronounced in the roots than in the shoots.  相似文献   
The formation of lysigenous cavities (aerenchyma) in the root cortex of maize, Zea mays L. cv. Capella, under well-aerated conditions has been studied in relation to the composition of the nutrient solutions. Nitrogen, either supplied as nitrate or as ammonium, reduced the cavity formation by the roots. This reduction was most apparent at nitrate concentrations above 2 mM. Cavities were increasingly formed when the nitrate concentration was decreased and they reached their largest dimensions in roots growing in water. Thus, inadequate availability of nitrogen leads, under acrated conditions, to deterioration of cortex cells and cavity formation in the maize roots. It is suggested that cavity formation in these roots is connected with reduced nitrogen assimilation.  相似文献   
Like other secondary soft‐bottom dwellers, serpulid and sabellid tube worms used particular strategies in order to cope with their earlier loss of mobility. This is expressed by the transition from irregular to genomically programmed morphologies of their calcareous shells that guarantee a stable horizontal resting position. In contrast to permanent recliners, however, this attitude was probably only the starting position for active resurrection after the muddy tail of storm sediments had settled on top of the displaced animal.  相似文献   
The scope of morphological plasticity of vegetative structures among Podostemoideae (Podostemaceae) is documented for Crenias weddelliana, a neotropical species, Maferria indica, a palaeotropical species, and Sphaerothylax abyssinica, from Kenya, and compared with related taxa. The study highlights intrinsic characters of the widely enigmatic plant body of many species of the subfamily Podostemoideae. These include dorsiventrality of shoots occurring irrespective of gravity, incurvate distichy and one‐sided spirodistichy correlated with shoot dorsiventrality, asymmetric leaves, and several types of positioning of the two prophylls and inflorescence structures. The homogeneity of hairs of the ‘Zeylanidium olivaceum type’ established on the subulate leaves of some Indian species is of taxonomic value. The latter also applies to the stipella (not stipule) on the asymmetric compound leaf in New World species. The morphological data represent a framework of features consistent for the subfamily. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 138 , 63–84.  相似文献   
Regeneration and reestablishment of synaptic connections is an important topic in neurobiological research. In the present study, the regeneration of auditory afferents and the accompanying effects in the central nervous system are investigated in nymphs and adults of the bush cricket Tettigonia viridissima L. (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). In all animals in which the tympanal nerve is crushed, neuronal tracing shows a regrowth of the afferents into the prothoracic ganglion. This regeneration is seen in both adult and nymphal stages and starts 10–15 days after nerve crushing. Physiological recordings from the leg nerve indicate a recovery of tympanal fibres and a formation of functional connections to interneurones in the same time range. Electrophysiological recordings from the neck connective suggest additional contralateral sprouting of interneurones and the formation of aberrant connections. The regeneration processes of the tympanal nerve in nymphal stages and adults appear to be similar.  相似文献   
1. High water column NO3? concentrations, low light availability and anoxic, muddy sediments are hypothesised to be key factors hampering growth of rooted submerged plants in shallow, eutrophic fresh water systems. In this study, the relative roles and interacting effects of these potential stressors on survival, growth, allocation of biomass and foliar nutrient concentrations of Potamogeton alpinus were determined in a mesocosm experiment using contrasting values of each factor (500 versus 0 μmol L?1 NO3?; low irradiance, corresponding to the eutrophic environment, versus ambient irradiance; and muddy versus sandy sediment). 2. Low irradiance, high NO3? and sandy sediment led to reduced growth. In a muddy sediment, plants had lower root : shoot ratios than in a sandy sediment. 3. Growth at high NO3? and on the sandy sediment resulted in lower foliar N and C concentrations than in the contrasting treatments. The C : N ratio was higher at high NO3? and on the sandy sediment. Foliar P was higher on the muddy than on the sandy sediment but was not affected by irradiance or NO3?. The N : P ratio was lowest at high NO3? on the sandy sediment. 4. Total foliar free amino acid concentration was lowest on sand, low irradiance and high NO3?. Total free amino acid concentration and growth were not correlated. 5. Turbidity and ortho‐PO43? concentration of the water layer were lower at high water column NO3? indicating that the growth reduction was not associated with increased algal growth but that physiological mechanisms were involved. 6. We conclude that high water column NO3? concentrations can significantly reduce the growth of ammonium preferring rooted submerged species such as P. alpinus, particularly on sediments with a relatively low nutrient availability. Further experiments are needed to assess potential negative effects on other species and to further elucidate the underlying physiological mechanisms.  相似文献   
Four hundred and eleven African buffaloes were immobilized with etorphine hydrochloride (M99, Reckitts) and sampled under difficult conditions in North Western Botswana. The buffaloes were darted from a helicopter in 36 days. 584 darts were fired giving a success rate of 70-5%. Various age groups in three separate buffalo populations were included. The technique and difficulties encountered when working from a helicopter are described. Mechanical failure of the darting equipment was negligible. A breakdown of the costs involved is given and a comparison made with similar work carried out solely from land vehicles.  相似文献   
Insect attraction to host plants may be partly mediated by visual stimuli. In the present study, the responses of adult Hycleus apicicornis (Guér.) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) to plant models of different colours, different combinations of two colours, or three hues of blue of different shapes are compared. Single‐colour models comprised the colours sky blue, bright green, yellow, red, white and black. Sky blue (reflecting light in the 440–500 nm region) is the most attractive, followed by white, which reflects light over a broader range (400–700 nm). On landing on sky blue targets, beetles exhibit feeding behaviour immediately. When different hues of blue (of different shapes) are compared, sky blue is preferred over turquoise, followed by dark blue, indicating that H. apicicornis is more attracted to lighter hues of blue than to darker ones. No significant differences are found between the three shapes (circle, square and triangle) tested, suggesting that reflectance associated with colour could be a more important visual cue than shape for host location by H. apicicornis. The preference of H. apicicornis for sky blue can be exploited in designing an attractive trap for its management.  相似文献   
Tube structure, ultrastructure and mineralogy support serpulid affinities of the problematic worm fossil ‘Serpulaetalensis from the Lower Jurassic of Germany. The original tube mineralogy of ‘Serpulaetalensis is purely aragonitic and is preserved in Upper Pliensbachian specimens from eastern Germany. ‘Serpulaetalensis represent the earliest record of aragonitic mineralogy for serpulids. The tube is formed of irregularly oriented prismatic crystals that are 3–6 µm in length and 0.5–1.0 µm in diameter. Calcitic specimens of ‘Serpulaetalensis from Upper Sinemurian of southwestern Germany were recrystallized during the diagenesis and lack the original tube ultrastructure.  相似文献   
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