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Starfish waste has been shown to be an effective compost material not only in the promotion of plant growth but also in terms of having insecticidal activity. In the present study, plant growth regulation by chemicals from starfish was examined. The aqueous fraction from a hot water extract of the starfish Asterias amurensis Lütken showed plant-growth activity, while the aqueous fraction from a methanol extract inhibited growth of Brassica campestris. The lipophilic fraction from the methanol extract also exhibited a plant growth-promoting effect. The active components from each extract were identified. Asterubine from the hot water extract promoted plant growth. A ceramide from the lipophilic fraction showed root growth promoting effect, and three glucocerebrosides had promotive effects on the entire plant. Asterosaponins were identified as the main growth inhibitors in the aqueous fraction of the methanol extract. These active compounds from starfish waste could be analyzed as potential plant growth regulators in agricultural applications in the future.  相似文献   
Three proteins, GTPase activating protein (GAP), neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) and the yeast inhibitory regulator of the RAS-cAMP pathway (IRA2), have the ability to stimulate the GTPase activity of Ras proteins from higher animals or yeast. Previous studies indicate that certain lipids are able to inhibit this activity associated with the mammalian GAP protein. Inhibition of GAP would be expected to biologically activate Ras protein. In these studies arachidonic acid is shown also to inhibit the activity of the catalytic fragments of the other two proteins, mammalian NF1 and the yeast IRA2 proteins. In addition, phosphatidic acid (containing arachidonic and stearic acid) was inhibitory for the catalytic fragment of NF1 protein, but did not inhibit the catalytic fragments of GAP or IRA2 proteins. These observations emphasize the biochemical similarity of these proteins and provide support for the suggestion that lipids might play an important role in their biological control, and therefore also in the control of Ras activity and cellular proliferation.  相似文献   
RAS2 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes post-translational modifications involving methyl esterification and palmitic acid addition, resulting in their association with the plasma membrane. In this paper, we provide evidence that two kinds of proteolytic events accompany the biosynthesis. This is shown by separating and characterizing three intracellular forms of RAS2 protein: precursor, intermediate, and mature (fatty acid-acylated) forms. N-Terminal sequencing has revealed that all three forms start with proline, which is the second amino acid expected from the RAS2 gene sequence. Thus, the first methionine is removed very early during the biosynthesis. Isolation and sequencing of C-terminal peptides indicate that three C-terminal amino acids present in the precursor form are removed in the intermediate and in the fatty acid acylated forms. C-Terminal proteolysis appears to accompany methyl esterification, since the methylation occurs with the intermediate and the fatty acid-acylated forms, but not with the precursor. Palmitic acid is identified as the major fatty acid attached to the fatty acid-acylated form.  相似文献   
Autophagy-related degradation selective for mitochondria (mitophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved process that is thought to be critical for mitochondrial quality and quantity control. In budding yeast, autophagy-related protein 32 (Atg32) is inserted into the outer membrane of mitochondria with its N- and C-terminal domains exposed to the cytosol and mitochondrial intermembrane space, respectively, and plays an essential role in mitophagy. Atg32 interacts with Atg8, a ubiquitin-like protein localized to the autophagosome, and Atg11, a scaffold protein required for selective autophagy-related pathways, although the significance of these interactions remains elusive. In addition, whether Atg32 is the sole protein necessary and sufficient for initiation of autophagosome formation has not been addressed. Here we show that the Atg32 IMS domain is dispensable for mitophagy. Notably, when anchored to peroxisomes, the Atg32 cytosol domain promoted autophagy-dependent peroxisome degradation, suggesting that Atg32 contains a module compatible for other organelle autophagy. X-ray crystallography reveals that the Atg32 Atg8 family-interacting motif peptide binds Atg8 in a conserved manner. Mutations in this binding interface impair association of Atg32 with the free form of Atg8 and mitophagy. Moreover, Atg32 variants, which do not stably interact with Atg11, are strongly defective in mitochondrial degradation. Finally, we demonstrate that Atg32 forms a complex with Atg8 and Atg11 prior to and independent of isolation membrane generation and subsequent autophagosome formation. Taken together, our data implicate Atg32 as a bipartite platform recruiting Atg8 and Atg11 to the mitochondrial surface and forming an initiator complex crucial for mitophagy.  相似文献   
Atg12 is conjugated to Atg5 through enzymatic reactions similar to ubiquitination. The Atg12–Atg5 conjugate functions as an E3‐like enzyme to promote lipidation of Atg8, whereas lipidated Atg8 has essential roles in both autophagosome formation and selective cargo recognition during autophagy. However, the molecular role of Atg12 modification in these processes has remained elusive. Here, we report the crystal structure of the Atg12–Atg5 conjugate. In addition to the isopeptide linkage, Atg12 forms hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions with Atg5, thereby fixing its position on Atg5. Structural comparison with unmodified Atg5 and mutational analyses showed that Atg12 modification neither induces a conformational change in Atg5 nor creates a functionally important architecture. Rather, Atg12 functions as a binding module for Atg3, the E2 enzyme for Atg8, thus endowing Atg5 with the ability to interact with Atg3 to facilitate Atg8 lipidation.  相似文献   
Invasive ductal adenocarcinoma (IDA) of the pancreas manifests poor prognosis due to the early invasion and distant metastasis. In contrast, intraductal papillary mucinous adenoma or carcinoma (IPMA or IPMC) reveals better clinical outcomes. Various molecular mechanisms contribute to these differences but entire picture is still unclear. Recent researches emphasized the important role of miRNA in biological processes including cancer invasion and metastasis. We previously described that miR‐126 is down‐regulated in IDA compared with IPMA or IPMC, and miR‐126 regulates the expression of invasion related molecule disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain‐containing protein 9 (ADAM9). Assessing the difference of miRNA expression profiles of IDA, IPMA, and IPMC, we newly identified miR‐197 as an up‐regulated miRNA specifically in IDA. Expression of miR‐197 in pancreatic cancer cells resulted in the induction of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) along with the down‐regulation of p120 catenin which is a putative target of miR‐197. Direct interaction between miR‐197 and p120 catenin mRNA sequence was confirmed by 3′UTR assay, and knockdown of p120 catenin recapitulated EMT induction in pancreatic cancer cells. In situ hybridization of miR‐197 and immunohistochemistry of p120 catenin showed mutually exclusive patterns suggesting pivotal role of miR‐197 in the regulation of p120 catenin. This miR‐197/p120 catenin axis could be a novel therapeutic target. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 1255–1263, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The superoxide-producing phagocyte NADPH oxidase can be reconstituted in a cell-free system. The activity of NADPH oxidase is dependent on FAD, but the physiological status of FAD in the oxidase is not fully elucidated. To clarify the role of FAD in NADPH oxidase, FAD-free full-length recombinant p47(phox), p67(phox), p40(phox), and Rac were prepared, and the activity was reconstituted with these proteins and purified cytochrome b(558) (cyt b(558)) with different amounts of FAD. A remarkably high activity, over 100 micromol/s/micromol heme, was obtained in the oxidase with purified cyt b(558), ternary complex (p47-p67-p40(phox)), and Rac. From titration with FAD of the activity of NADPH oxidase reconstituted with purified FAD-devoid cyt b, the dissociation constant K(d) of FAD in cyt b(558) of reconstituted oxidase was estimated as nearly 1 nm. We also examined addition of FAD on the assembly process in reconstituted oxidase. The activity was remarkably enhanced when FAD was present during assembly process, and the efficacy of incorporating FAD into the vacant FAD site in purified cyt b(558) increased, compared when FAD was added after assembly processes. The absorption spectra of reconstituted oxidase under anaerobiosis showed that incorporation of FAD into cyt b(558) recovered electron flow from NADPH to heme. From both K(d) values of FAD and the amount of incorporated FAD in cyt b(558) of reconstituted oxidase, in combination with spectra, we propose the model in which the K(d) values of FAD in cyt b(558) is changeable after activation and FAD binding works as a switch to regulate electron transfer in NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   
Using microarray analysis, we identified a unique ras superfamily gene, termed RERG (ras-related and estrogen-regulated growth inhibitor), whose expression was decreased or lost in a significant percentage of primary human breast tumors that show a poor clinical prognosis. Importantly, high RERG expression correlated with expression of a set of genes that define a breast tumor subtype that is estrogen receptor-positive and associated with a slow rate of tumor cell proliferation and a favorable prognosis for these cancer patients. RERG mRNA expression was induced rapidly in MCF-7 cells stimulated by beta-estradiol and repressed by tamoxifen treatment. Like Ras, RERG protein exhibited intrinsic GDP/GTP binding and GTP hydrolysis activity. Unlike Ras proteins, RERG lacks a known recognition signal for COOH-terminal prenylation and was localized primarily in the cytoplasm. Expression of RERG protein in MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells resulted in a significant inhibition of both anchorage-dependent and anchorage-independent growth in vitro and inhibited tumor formation in nude mice. These features of RERG are strikingly different from most Ras superfamily GTP-binding pro-teins and suggest that the loss of RERG expression may contribute to breast tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
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