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Effects of an orally active angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor, SQ 14225, on the actions of angiotensin I (AI) infused intravenously for 120 to 390 min were studied in 5 normal men. When 20 ng/kg/min of AI infusion was started immediately after a single oral administration of 100 mg of SQ 14225, a significant rise in blood pressure (BP) was observed for the first 15 min, but BP began to fall from 17 min and returned to the pretreatment level at 45 min. This BP level continued at least to 120 min and in one subject to 180 min. In this subject BP began to rise again from 185 min and reached the level of 15 min at 390 min. Plasma AI level increased gradually from 45 min. At 15 min plasma renin activity (PRA) decreased and plasma aldosterone (PA) increased, but then PRA began to increase and PA began to decrease. At 120 min the values of PRA and PA were similar to the pretreatment values. In one subject plasma AI and PRA began to decrease and PA began to increase after 120 or 180 min. On the other hand, in the 5 men sole AI infusion caused a continued BP rise, PRA decrease and PA increase, and sole SQ 14225 administration caused increases in plasma AI and PRA and a decrease in PA but no BP change. From these results it was concluded that complete blockade and partial inhibition of AI conversion by 100 mg of oral SQ 14225 lasted for about 2.5 and 6.5 hr, respectively and that BP rise, PRA suppression and aldosterone stimulation after AI infusion were entirely due to the actions of angiotensin II converted from AI.  相似文献   
Human adipose tissue was shown to contain carboxylesterase activity when measured by methylbutyrate as substrate. The enzyme has the same characteristics as carboxylesterase purified from rat epididymal adipose tissue. Like lipoprotein lipase, carboxylesterase activity was higher in large than in small fat cells. Both cell size and carboxylesterase activity were greater in human subcutaneous than in omental adipose tissue. However, the linear regression lines between the enzyme activity and cell volume in the two tissues were almost superimposable, suggesting that cell size is a determinant of enzyme activity. Although the physiological significance of adipose tissue carboxylesterase must await further clarification, it is possible that the enzyme is related to the hydrolysis of long-chain monoacylglycerols.  相似文献   
Parathyroid hormone-induced lipolysis in human adipose tissue   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Relative lipolytic activity of human parathyroid hormone-(1-34) (hPTH-(1-34], hPTH-(3-34), desamino-Ser1-hPTH-(1-34), and rat PTH-(1-34) was compared in human subcutaneous adipose tissues in vitro. Human PTH-(1-34), rat PTH-(1-34), and desamino-Ser1-hPTH-(1-34) stimulated in vitro lipolysis significantly above basal level at the concentration of 10(-6) M. Average increments of lipolytic rate were 2.39, 1.82, and 0.87 mumol/g per 2 hr, respectively, being significantly different among the three groups. On the other hand, hPTH-(3-34)-induced lipolytic rate was 0.83 +/- 0.18 mumol/g per 2 hr, not significantly different from the basal level (0.71 +/- 0.20 mumol/g per 2 hr). The effect of hPTH-(3-34) on glycerol release stimulated by hPTH-(1-34), isoproterenol, or forskolin was subsequently investigated. Human PTH-(3-34) produced a dose-dependent inhibition of hPTH-(1-34)-stimulated lipolysis. In contrast, isoproterenol- and forskolin-induced lipolytic rates were not influenced by hPTH-(3-34). The effect of propranolol on hPTH-(1-34)- or isoproterenol-induced lipolysis was also studied. Propranolol dose-dependently inhibited isoproterenol-induced lipolysis but had no effect on lipolysis stimulated by hPTH-(1-34). These results suggest that the amino acids at positions 1 (serine) and 2 (valine) of PTH are critical for the stimulation of lipolysis in human adipose tissue. Human PTH-(1-34) causes lipolysis after binding to receptors distinct from beta-adrenergic receptors of fat cells and possibly hPTH-(3-34) inhibits hPTH-(1-34)-stimulated lipolysis by competing at the level of PTH receptor.  相似文献   
T Kono  A Taniguchi  H Imura  F Oseko  M C Khosla 《Life sciences》1986,38(16):1515-1519
Biological activities of angiotensin II-(1-6)-hexapeptide [ANG-(1-6)] and angiotensin II-(1-7)-heptapeptide [ANG-(1-7)] were studied in 5 normal men and 3 patients with Bartter's syndrome. The angiotensins were infused iv in each subject from 0900 h to 0915 h at a rate of 21 nmol(16.8 micrograms)/kg X min and 18 nmol(16.2 micrograms)/kg X min for ANG-(1-6) and ANG-(1-7), respectively. In the normal men a significant rise in blood pressure was observed by the infusions of both peptides. Average increments of blood pressure for ANG-(1-6) were 17/14, 23/18, 22/15 and 17/14 mmHg at 2, 5, 10 and 15 min, respectively, and those for ANG-(1-7) were 19/15, 20/17, 13/13 and 15/13 mmHg at 2, 5, 10 and 15 min, respectively. The duration of pressor actions after the cessation of the infusions (T) was 10 min for ANG-(1-6) and 20 (for systolic) and 30 (for diastolic) min for ANG-(1-7). T for ANG-(1-6) was shorter than and T for ANG-(1-7) was similar to T for Ile5-angiotensin II (Ile5-ANG II) reported previously in 7 normal men 5 of whom were the same as examined in the present study. On the other hand, both peptides did not cause a rise in blood pressure in the 3 patients with Bartter's syndrome. Both angiotensins did not cause an increase in plasma aldosterone but did cause a significant decrease in plasma renin activity both in the normal men and in the patients. From these results and our previous observations of inactivity of angiotensin II-(5-8)-tetrapeptide, a pressor action of angiotensin II-(4-8)-pentapeptide, and pressor, renin-suppressing and steroidogenic actions of angiotensin II-(3-8)-hexapeptide in normal men, it is thought that ANG-(1-6) and ANG-(1-7) are bound to angiotensin II (ANG II) receptor in the peripheral arterioles and show pressor actions (less than 0.024% and less than 0.028% of Ile5-ANG II, respectively) and suppress renin mainly via short loop feedback and that the shortest biologically active ANG II molecules for pressor, renin-suppressing and steroidogenic actions are Tyr-Ile-His, Val-Tyr-Ile-His and Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe, respectively, in man. It is also evident that ANG-(1-6) is more rapidly metabolized than ANG-(1-7) or Ile5-ANG II in man.  相似文献   
Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) was investigated for its clinical efficacy in the treatment of various types of neutropenia (3 cases with idiopathic neutropenia of suspected drug induction, 5 cases with idiopathic neutropenia of other origin, and 2 cases with cyclic neutropenia). Treatment with glycosylated rhG-CSF produced in the Chinese Hamster Ovary cells at dose levels of 2–5g/kg/day caused rapid increases of neutrophil counts associated with an improvement of the infection. In cyclic neutropenia patients, marked reduction in the duration of the neutropenic period was observed with rhG-CSF administration started before the period. Intercurrent stomatitis, which occurred in 1 patient, was markedly milder as compared to a previous episode which occurred during an untreated neutropenic period.The treatment of rhG-CSF was well tolerated and no adverse events were observed, nor was there any detectable anti-rhG-CSF antibody in any patients studied; hence the clinical use of rhG-CSF is considered to be safe.These results suggest beneficial effects of rhG-CSF on the recovery of neutrophil counts in cyclic and other types of idiopathic neutropenias, as well as for the treatment of neutropenia-associated infection.  相似文献   
Yam 1B, a human B lymphoblastoid cell line, spontaneously produced an immunoregulatory factor, which suppresses blastogenesis and antibody formation by human lymphocytes. The Yam 1B cells, which were derived from the peripheral blood of an adult T-cell leukemia patient, have been established and maintained in our laboratory since 1985. This cell line expressed mature B-cell surface antigens including surface immunoglobulin M (IgM), CD23, and HLA-DR; had cytoplasmic IgM; and secreted small amounts of IgM in the culture supernatants. Yam 1B was positive for Epstein-Barr virus-associated antigen (EBNA) but negative for adult T-cell-associated antigen (ATLA). The serum-free Yam 1B culture supernatants (SN) inhibited the expression of transferrin R, but neither the expression of interleukin 2 (IL-2) R(CD25) nor the production of IL-2 in the lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutin. Yam 1B SN also inhibited DNA synthesis by human T and B lymphocytes and immunoglobulin generation by normal B cells as well as by Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human B lymphoblastoid cell lines. The inhibitory activity of Yam 1B SN was inactivated at 56 degrees C and at pH 10 but was relatively stable at pH 2. It was abrogated by digestion with pronase and was partially stable by digestion with trypsin. Fractions collected from a Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration column (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Uppsala, Sweden) were found to have a peak of inhibitory activity of cell proliferation associated with molecules of apparent MWr of 43,000 to 67,000. The inhibitory activity of Yam 1B SN was not blocked by the anti-transforming growth factor beta antibody.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The effects of retinoic acid (RA) on the proliferation and differentiation of normal myeloid progenitor cells (CFU-C) were studied. In general, RA at 10?10 to 10?6 M enhanced primary myeloid colony formation in the presence of colony-stimulating factor(s). However, macrophage colony formation was strongly inhibited by RA. This may be related to the finding that RA is able to differentiate bipotential HL-60 cells into granulocytes but not into macrophages. Moreover, secondary colony formation was always suppressed by the addition of RA to the primary cultures. It means that self-renewal capacity of CFU-C was suppressed by RA. This finding suggests that normal myelopoiesis will be suppressed eventually by RA.  相似文献   
Periapical lesions are induced by bacterial infection of the dental pulp and result in destruction of the surrounding alveolar bone. Although various immunological studies concerning periapical bone resorption have been reported, the role of cytokines in the formation of periapical lesions remains unclear. In this study, the role of IL-17A in periapical lesions in mice was investigated. Normal C57BL/6, IFN-γ−/−, TNF-α−/−, and IL-17A−/− mice were subjected to pulp exposure and infected with Prevotella intermedia (ATCC25611) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (ATCC33277) in the mandibular first molar. Periapical lesions were determined by μCT on day 21 after infection, and 3D visual construction was performed using 3D picture quantification software. The expression of IL-17A mRNA in periapical lesions was determined by the RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR method. Periapical lesions developed in wild-type, IFN-γ−/−, and TNF-α−/− mice after infection with P. intermedia and P. gingivalis . However, periapical lesions were not observed in IL-17A−/− mice. The expression of IL-17A mRNA was significantly induced in periapical lesions of wild-type mice after infection. These results suggest that IL-17A, but not IFN-γ or TNF-α, plays an important role in the formation of periapical lesions.  相似文献   
Human myeloblastic cell line HL-60 cells undergo apoptosis during in vitro culture in a cell density-dependent manner, and this cell density-dependent apoptosis was observed when the concentration of cultured cells exceeded 8–10 × 105 cells/ml. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a differentiation inducer of HL-60 cells, did not amplify, but rather potently inhibited, this apoptosis. In a low density culture condition, DMSO attenuated proliferation of HL-60 cells in spite of its inhibition of apoptosis. In contrast, DMSO did support cell survival under high cell density conditions, and DMSO-treated HL-60 cells reached an extremely high concentration of 2–3 × 106 cells/ml, a condition which could never be possible in a usual culture environment. Thus, DMSO exerted dual effects on cell proliferation, i.e., growth inhibition and apoptosis inhibition, and the sum of these effects resulted in an apparently distinct phenomenon according to the culture conditions including cell density. J. Cell. Physiol. 174:135–143, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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