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Experiments on the laboratory cultures of lice infected by Weigl's method revealed that the spontaneous, erythromycin-resistant mutant of R. prowazekii strain E, adapted to the vector's organism, retained its resistance to erythromycin during 50 successive passages without the maintenance concentrations of this antibiotic. The above strain remained sensitive to tetracycline and levomycetin. Its level of sensitivity to the latter antibiotics was similar to that of R. prowazekii strains cultivated in the vector's organism for a long time.  相似文献   
The possibility of obtaining the mutants of R. prowazekii, strain E, by exposing these organisms to the action of N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine was studied; this substance, used in doses of 5-10 micrograms, showed a mutagenic effect on rickettsiae suspended in physiological saline, after their exposure for 10-20 minutes at 37 degrees C. The mutants thus obtained proved to be resistant to erythromycin and rifampicin and were characterized by heterogeneity in the degree and stability of their antibiotic resistance. The effectiveness of selection was increased if mutagen-treated rickettsiae were selected after the first passage in chick embryos. The induced mutants differed from the original rickettsial strain by their lower infectiosity for chick embryos.  相似文献   
A study of the correlation between electrophysiologic effects of intracoronary injections of radiopaque agents and anatomical features of blood supply of cardiac conduction was carried out in 60 patients with intact coronary arteries. Coronary angiography was performed in all the patients. Disorders in cardiac conduction and repolarization in the myocardium were observed in intracoronary injection of radiopaque agents, which was accompanied by the development of S-A bradycardia. A bradyarrhythmic reaction type depends on prevalence of the left or right coronary artery in the atrial blood supply and cardiac conduction. The bradyarrhythmic effect was more pronounced in injection of a radiopaque agent in the right artery than in the left one.  相似文献   
Currents entering through single channels with conductivity 10 pS were produced on the membrane of an isolated neuron of the fresh-water molluskPlanorbarius corneus in the presence of suberyldicholine (5 µM) by the patch-clamp technique (cell-attached configuration). The times of stay of the channels in the open and closed states, as well as the durations of pulse bursts and clusters, were measured. The distributions of the time intervals obtained experimentally were approximated for open states by one exponential function: to=27±3 msec (n=21), and for closed states by a sum of three exponentials: tc1=9.5±1.0 msec (n=21); tc2=171±33 msec (n=19); tc3=5.2±1.0 sec (n=21). The burst durations are characterized by the presence of two exponential functions in the distribution: tb2=20±14 msec (n=10), tb2=203±23 msec (n=10), and the clusters by three exponential functions: tk1=33±11 msec (n=8), tk2=274±84 msec (n=8), and tk3=1.5±0.5 sec (n=9). Thus, for work of a chemoactivated channel associated with nicotinic-type cholinoreceptors in a mollusk neuron we can suggest a kinetic scheme with one open and three nonconducting states: C O D1A2 D2A2. The two "long-lived" closed states of the channel may be associated with desensitization of the integral response of the neurons to the application of suberyldicholine. Values were obtained for the rate constants of these proposed reactions. It is suggested that this model may be useful in analyzing the action of cholinomimetics and blockers on the molluskan neuronal membrane.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 588–595, September–October, 1991.  相似文献   
The results of the morphometric study of Plantago lanceolata L. grown, in nursery, from seeds of the first and second post-accident reproductions within the thirty-kilometer zone around the crippled Chernobyl reactor show no relationship between the alterations in some quantitative indices and the variability of gamma-radiation background in places where maternal plants grow.  相似文献   
Systematic studies of the effectivity of aerosols of the mixtures of DDVP and pyrethroids tested on house flies revealed synergism among the mentioned substances the degree of which was determined by the composition of the mixtures. Among the formulae under study, the mixture of DDVP and neopynamin in a ratio 9 : 1 is of greatest interest.  相似文献   
In eukaryotes, the polypeptide release factor 1 (eRF1) is involved in translation termination at all three stop codons. However, the mechanism for decoding stop codons remains unknown. A direct interaction of eRF1 with the stop codons has been postulated. Recent studies focus on eRF1 from ciliates in which some stop codons are reassigned to sense codons. Using an in vitro assay based on mammalian ribosomes, we show that eRF1 from the ciliate Euplotes aediculatus responds to UAA and UAG as stop codons and lacks the capacity to decipher the UGA codon, which encodes cysteine in this organism. This result strongly suggests that in ciliates with variant genetic codes eRF1 does not recognize the reassigned codons. Recent hypotheses describing stop codon discrimination by eRF1 are not fully consistent with the set of eRF1 sequences available so far and require direct experimental testing.  相似文献   
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