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In the human genome there is one expressed gene for argininosuccinate synthetase and 14 pseudogenes. A cDNA coding for human argininosuccinate synthetase was used to screen a human genomic library. Twenty-five unique genomic clones were isolated and extensively characterized. At least seven clones represented processed argininosuccinate synthetase pseudogenes that lost the introns in the expressed gene. Restriction mapping demonstrated that these processed pseudogenes were located in distinct regions of the human genome. Complete nucleotide sequences of two processed pseudogenes, psi AS-1 and psi AS-3, and a partial sequence of psi AS-7 were determined. Both psi AS-1 and psi AS-3 had an adenine-rich region at their 3' end and were flanked by distinct imperfect direct repeats. A comparison of these pseudogene sequences to that of the cDNA demonstrated that psi AS-1 and psi AS-3 were 93% homologous to the cDNA, whereas psi AS-7 was 89% homologous to the cDNA. Therefore, it is estimated that psi AS-1 and psi AS-3 were created 10-11 million years ago, whereas psi AS-7 arose approximately 21 million years ago. We have estimated the evolutionary rate for the expressed argininosuccinate synthetase gene based on the sequences of psi AS-1 and psi AS-3. These data indicate that the expressed argininosuccinate synthetase gene is evolving at a rate similar to that of the beta-globin gene and much faster than the alpha-tubulin gene. Furthermore, a comparison of the sequences of psi AS-1 and psi AS-3 suggests the possibility that these pseudogenes arose from a common intermediate.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Schleimzellen aus dem Rindenparenchym der Blattstiele vonTilia ulmifolia werden mit dem Polarisationsmikroskop untersucht. Der zellulosefreie Pektinschleim ist anisotrop und zeigt negatives Vorzeichen in bezug auf die Tangente an die Zellwand. Imbibition und Untersuchung von Schleimf?den lassen auf konzentrische Lagerung der Bausteine mit negativer Eigendoppelbrechung schlie?en. Es ist dies der zweite Fall, da? natürliches Pektin seine Doppelbrechung ohne Vorbehandlung zeigt. Es wird festgestellt, da? die Eigendoppelbrechung desTilia-Schleimes gegenüber den Literaturangaben über doppelbrechende natürliche Pektingele deutlich h?her liegt, was auf bessere Orientierung oder verst?rkte Eigendoppel-brechung zurückgeführt wird. Mit 1 Textabbildung  相似文献   
Callus cultures of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) genotypes PI 88788, PI 438489B, and cultivar Bedford were initiated in vitro from seedling explants consisting of the cotyledonary node plus epicotyl from germinated mature seed. Plants were regenerated from these callus cultures and subsequently evaluated for qualitative variation in three to four subsequent generations. Variant phenotypes observed that have not been previously reported from tissue culture include lanceolate leaves, leaf variegation (chimeral variegated plants), pod variegation on otherwise normal plants, and change in growth habit from indeterminate to determinate. The lanceolate leaf, chimeral variegated plant, and change from indeterminate to determinate growth habit characters were inherited through at least three generations (R0-R2), and segregation occurred in each generation. Pod variegation was inherited through the two generations tested thus far and segregation occurred in each generation. No variation was observed in control plants derived from normal seed. Variants appeared more frequently in regenerants from PI 88788 and PI 438489B than from Bedford. These results confirm and extend the finding that certain tissue culture techniques may be used to induce novel plant formation from somatic tissue of soybean.Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USAMention of tradenames does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by University of Missouri or USDA-ARS and does not imply their approval to the exclusion of other products.  相似文献   
We used video microscopy techniques as a tool for live examination of the dynamic aspects of plant/fungus interactions. Early, dynamic responses of epidermal midrib cells of leaves from a potato cultivar (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Datura) carrying resistance gene R1 to Phytophthora infestans (race 1: compatible interaction, race 4: incompatible interaction) were monitored. Similar responses were observed in both types of interaction, ranging from no visible reaction of invaded plant cells to hypersensitive cell death. The overall defense response of each individual cell exhibited a highly dynamic behavior that appeared to be tightly coordinated with the growth of the fungus. Initial localized reactions, including major rearrangements within the cytoplasm, occurred directly at the fungal penetration site, where rapid apposition of autofluorescent material and callose took place. If fungal invasion stopped at this stage, the host cell restored its normal cytoplasmic activity and survived. Hypersensitive cell death occurred only when fungal growth had proceeded to the formation of a clearly identifiable haustorium. In such cases, cytoplasm and nucleus conglomerated around the intracellular fungal structure, followed by a sudden collapse of the whole conglomerate and an instantaneous collapse of the fungal haustorium. Only small quantitative differences between the compatible and incompatible interactions of the two fungal races were observed for these early responses of epidermal cells. In the incompatible interaction, a slightly larger number of epidermal cells responded to fungal attack. More pronounced quantitative differences between compatible and incompatible interactions occurred upon fungal invasion of the mesophyll. These differences in the number of responding cells were not reflected at the level of gene expression: the spatial and temporal activation patterns of two defense-related genes, encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and pathogenesis-related protein 1, were similar in both types of interaction.Dedicated to Professor Peter Sitte, Freiburg, Germany, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
J W Freytag  J A Reynolds 《Biochemistry》1981,20(25):7211-7214
The molecular weights of the polypeptide chains from (Na+,K+)-ATPase of porcine kidney medulla have been determined by analytical sedimentation equilibrium. The alpha-subunit molecular weight is 93 900, and the beta subunit is a glycoprotein with a polypeptide molecular weight of 32 300 (41 400 including protein and carbohydrate). Amino acid and carbohydrate compositions are presented together with related properties (i.e., partial specific volumes, extinction coefficients, and hydrophobic/hydrophilic amino acid content).  相似文献   
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA is often found integrated in the genome of infected human liver cells and is supposed to be related to the development of primary liver carcinoma (PLC). Four clones of HBV DNA-containing sequences derived from DNA of the human PLC-derived cell line PLC/PRF/5 are discussed. The viral sequences show no intricate rearrangements excepting for a duplication and an inversion in one case, and a deletion in another. In all cases integration of the viral DNA was seen to be in a region which is single-stranded in the unintegrated HBV DNA. Sequence homologies between human and viral DNA flanking the integration sites have been detected. That may have a functional role in integration. Nucleotide sequence analyses of regions encompassing the viral-human junctions reveal open reading frames which consist of viral and/or human information. The possible expression of chimeric or cellular proteins may play a role in tumour development, and offers directions for further investigations.  相似文献   
本文报告了本实验室设计的由血红细胞自溶液60℃热变性, 乙醇——氯仿法除血红蛋白,旋转蒸发法减压浓缩抽去氯仿、乙醇,硫酸铵分级盐析法沉降SOD,Sepbadex G-75层析提纯SOD等步骤构成的一条成本低、设计合理、简便实用的分离纯化SOD的工艺路线。  相似文献   
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