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Large carnivores inhabiting ecosystems with heterogeneously distributed environmental resources with strong seasonal variations frequently employ opportunistic foraging strategies, often typified by seasonal switches in diet. In semi-arid ecosystems, herbivore distribution is generally more homogeneous in the wet season, when surface water is abundant, than in the dry season when only permanent sources remain. Here, we investigate the seasonal contribution of the different herbivore species, prey preference and distribution of kills (i.e. feeding locations) of African lions in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, a semi-arid African savanna structured by artificial waterholes. We used data from 245 kills and 74 faecal samples. Buffalo consistently emerged as the most frequently utilised prey in all seasons by both male (56%) and female (33%) lions, contributing the most to lion dietary biomass. Jacobs’ index also revealed that buffalo was the most intensively selected species throughout the year. For female lions, kudu and to a lesser extent the group “medium Bovidae” are the most important secondary prey. This study revealed seasonal patterns in secondary prey consumption by female lions partly based on prey ecology with browsers, such as giraffe and kudu, mainly consumed in the early dry season, and grazers, such as zebra and suids, contributing more to female diet in the late dry season. Further, it revealed the opportunistic hunting behaviour of lions for prey as diverse as elephants and mice, with elephants taken mostly as juveniles at the end of the dry season during droughts. Jacobs’ index finally revealed a very strong preference for kills within 2 km from a waterhole for all prey species, except small antelopes, in all seasons. This suggested that surface-water resources form passive traps and contribute to the structuring of lion foraging behaviour.  相似文献   
Biomineralization in calcareous dinophytes (Thoracosphaeracaea, Peridiniales) takes place in coccoid cells and is presently poorly understood. Vacuolar crystal-like particles as well as collection sites within the prospective calcareous shell may play a crucial role during this process at the ultrastructural level. Using transmission electron microscopy, we investigated the ultrastructure of coccoid cells at an early developmental stage in fourteen calcareous dinophyte strains (corresponding to at least ten species of Calciodinellum, Calcigonellum, Leonella, Pernambugia, Scrippsiella, and Thoracosphaera). The shell of the coccoid cells consisted either of one (Leonella, Thoracosphaera) or two matrices (Scrippsiella and its relatives) of unknown element composition, whereas calcite is deposited in the only or the outer layer, respectively. We observed crystal-like particles in cytoplasmic vacuoles in cells of nine of the strains investigated and assume that they are widespread among calcareous dinophytes. However, similar structures are also found outside the Thoracosphaeraceae, and we postulate an evolutionarily old physiological pathway (possibly involved in detoxification) that later was specialized for calcification. We aim to contribute to a deeper knowledge of the biomineralization process in calcareous dinophytes.  相似文献   
The ability to establish genetic risk models is critical for early identification and optimal treatment of breast cancer. For such a model to gain clinical utility, more variants must be identified beyond those discovered in previous genome-wide association studies (GWAS). This is especially true for women at high risk because of family history, but without BRCA1/2 mutations. This study incorporates three datasets in a GWAS analysis of women with Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) homogeneous ancestry. Two independent discovery cohorts comprised 239 and 238 AJ women with invasive breast cancer or preinvasive ductal carcinoma in situ and strong family histories of breast cancer, but lacking the three BRCA1/2 founder mutations, along with 294 and 230 AJ controls, respectively. An independent, third cohort of 203 AJ cases with familial breast cancer history and 263 healthy controls of AJ women was used for validation. A total of 19 SNPs were identified as associated with familial breast cancer risk in AJ women. Among these SNPs, 13 were identified from a panel of 109 discovery SNPs, including an FGFR2 haplotype. In addition, six previously identified breast cancer GWAS SNPs were confirmed in this population. Seven of the 19 markers were significant in a multivariate predictive model of familial breast cancer in AJ women, three novel SNPs [rs17663555(5q13.2), rs566164(6q21), and rs11075884(16q22.2)], the FGFR2 haplotype, and three previously published SNPs [rs13387042(2q35), rs2046210(ESR1), and rs3112612(TOX3)], yielding moderate predictive power with an area under the curve (AUC) of the ROC (receiver-operator characteristic curve) of 0.74. Population-specific genetic variants in addition to variants shared with populations of European ancestry may improve breast cancer risk prediction among AJ women from high-risk families without founder BRCA1/2 mutations.  相似文献   
Individual bacterial cells can communicate via quorum sensing, cooperate to harvest nutrients from their environment, form multicellular biofilms, compete over resources and even kill one another. When the environment that bacteria inhabit is an animal host, these social behaviours mediate virulence. Over the last decade, much attention has focussed on the ecology, evolution and pathology of bacterial cooperation, and the possibility that it could be exploited or destabilised to treat infections. But how far can we really extrapolate from theoretical predictions and laboratory experiments to make inferences about ‘cooperative’ behaviours in hosts and reservoirs? To determine the likely importance and evolution of cooperation ‘in the wild’, several questions must be addressed. A recent paper that reports the dynamics of bacterial cooperation and virulence in a field experiment provides an excellent nucleus for bringing together key empirical and theoretical results which help us to frame – if not completely to answer – these questions.  相似文献   
Constraining the origin of animal groups is allowed, to some extent, by discoveries of Cambrian Lagerstätten that preserve both mineralizing and nonmineralizing organisms. A new species is reported here of the Cambrian arthropod Skania, which bears an exoskeleton that shares homologies with the Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) organism Parvancorina and firmly establishes a Precambrian root for arthropods. A new monophyletic group, Parvancorinomorpha, is proposed as the first clade within the arthropod crown group demonstrably ranging across the Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic transition. The Parvancorinomorpha is interpreted to be the sister group of the Arachnomorpha. Incipient cephalization in Skania and related genera represents a step in the progression toward division of a cephalon from a large posterior trunk as shown in Cambrian arachnomorphs such as naraoiids and the addition of a pygidium and thoracic tergites as shown in the arachnomorph clade basal to trilobites. This evidence can serve as a new calibration point for estimating the divergence time for the last common ancestor of arthropods and priapulids based on molecular clock methods.  相似文献   
Pollination biology is often associated with mutualistic interactions between plants and their animal pollen vectors, with energy rewards as the foundation for co-evolution. Energy is supplied as food (often nectar from flowers) or as heat (in sun-tracking or thermogenic plants). The requirements of pollinators for these resources depend on many factors, including the costs of living, locomotion, thermoregulation and behaviour, all of which are influenced by body size. These requirements are modified by the availability of energy offered by plants and environmental conditions. Endothermic insects, birds and bats are very effective, because they move faster and are more independent of environmental temperatures, than are ectothermic insects, but they are energetically costly for the plant. The body size of endothermic pollinators appears to be influenced by opposing requirements of the animals and plants. Large body size is advantageous for endotherms to retain heat. However, plants select for small body size of endotherms, as energy costs of larger size are not matched by increases in flight speed. If high energy costs of endothermy cannot be met, birds and mammals employ daily torpor, and large insects reduce the frequency of facultative endothermy. Energy uptake can be limited by the time required to absorb the energy or eliminate the excess water that comes with it. It can also be influenced by variations in climate that determine temperature and flowering season.  相似文献   
Recent data suggest that angiogenesis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of valvular disease. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying this process remain unknown. This study aimed at identifying and characterizing the cellular components responsible for pathological neovascularization in calcific aortic valves (CAV). Immunohistochemical analysis of uncultured CAV tissues revealed that smooth muscle alpha-actin (alpha-SMA)-positive cells, which coexpressed Tie-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR-2), can be identified prior to the initiation of capillary-like tube formation. In a second step, leaflets of CAV and non-calcific aortic valves (NCAV) were cultured and the cells involved in capillary-like tube formation were isolated. The majority of these cells displayed the same phenotype as non-cultured cells identified in CAV tissues, i.e., expression of alpha-SMA, Tie-2, and VEGFR-2. In comparison to cells isolated from cultures of NCAV leaflets, these cells showed enhanced angiogenic activity as demonstrated by migration and tube assays. The coexpression of VEGFR-2 and Tie-2 together with alpha-SMA suggests both endothelial and mesenchymal properties of the angiogenically activated cells involved in valvular neovascularization. Hence, our findings might provide new insights into the process of pathological angiogenesis in cardiac valves.  相似文献   
Gelatinous zooplankton are the least understood of all planktonic animal groups. This is partly due to their fragility, which typically precludes the capture of intact specimens with nets or trawls. Specialized tools and techniques have been developed that allow researchers and aquarists to collect intact gelatinous animals at sea and to maintain many of these alive in the laboratory. This paper summarizes the scientific literature on the capture, collection, and culture of gelatinous zooplankton and incorporates many unpublished methods developed at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in the past 15 years.  相似文献   
Comparing beta-carotene,vitamin E and nitric oxide as membrane antioxidants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Singlet oxygen initiates lipid peroxidation via a nonfree radical mechanism by reacting directly with unsaturated lipids to form lipid hydroperoxides (LOOHs). These LOOHs can initiate free radical chain reactions leading to membrane leakage and cell death. Here we compare the ability and mechanism by which three small-molecule membrane antioxidants (beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol and nitric oxide) inhibit lipid peroxidation in membranes. We demonstrate that beta-carotene provides protection against singlet oxygen-mediated lipid peroxidation, but does not slow free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation. Alpha-Tocopherol does not protect cells from singlet oxygen, but does inhibit free radical formation in cell membranes. Nitric oxide provides no direct protection against singlet oxygen exposure, but is an exceptional chain-breaking antioxidant as evident from its ability to blunt oxygen consumption during free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation. These three small-molecule antioxidants appear to have complementary mechanisms for the protection of cell membranes from detrimental oxidations.  相似文献   
In common with many other higher plant species, Arabidopsis undergoes photosynthetic acclimation, altering the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus in response to fluctuations in its growth environment. The changes in photosynthetic function that result from acclimation can be detected in a noninvasive manner by monitoring chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence. This technique has been used to develop a screen that enables the rapid identification of plants defective at ACCLIMATION OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS TO THE ENVIRONMENT (APE) loci. The application of this screen to a population of T-DNA-transformed Arabidopsis has successfully led to the identification of a number of mutant lines with altered Chl fluorescence characteristics. Analysis of photosynthesis and pigment composition in leaves from three such mutants showed that they had altered acclimation responses to the growth light environment, each having a distinct acclimation-defective phenotype, demonstrating that screening for mutants using Chl fluorescence is a viable strategy for the investigation of acclimation. Sequencing of the genomic DNA flanking the T-DNA elements showed that in the ape1 mutant, a gene was disrupted that encodes a protein of unknown function but that appears to be specific to photosynthetic organisms, whereas the ape2 mutant carries an insertion in the region of the TPT gene encoding the chloroplast inner envelope triose phosphate/phosphate translocator.  相似文献   
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