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Abstract Denitrification in intact sediment cores was measured by the acetylene inhibition technique and compared with the nitrate flux between water and sediment. Less than half of the nitrate-N consumed by the sediment could be recovered as nitrous oxide-N. The low recovery rate of nitrous oxide from intact sediment cores indicated losses of nitrous oxide by diffusion down to nitrate-free sediment layers, where reduction of nitrous oxide may take place. In sediment slurries 100% of nitrate-N could be recovered as nitrous oxide-N as long as the nitrate concentration in the liquid phase was above 10 μM. Nitrous oxide added to nitrate-free sediment slurries was reduced regardless of whether acetylene was present or not. Therefore denitrification may be significantly underestimated by this method.  相似文献   
 Levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were determined in needles from silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) trees in the northern Black Forest. IAA was quantified by gas chromatography (GC) as 1-heptafluorobutyryl-IAA-methylester (HFB-IAA-ME) using electron capture detection. Prior to GC analysis, extensive purification of needle extracts was performed employing two HPLC steps. Peak identity of HFB-IAA-ME was confirmed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in selected samples. Levels of IAA in needles belonging to different needle age-classes exhibited a cyclic seasonal pattern with highest concentrations in winter and lowest levels in spring when bud-break occurred. Such a cyclic seasonal pattern of IAA levels was also observed in needles from declining fir trees or fir trees suffering from a strong sulfur impact (S-impact) in the field due to a local SO2 source. Levels of IAA increased with increasing needle age. This age dependency of IAA concentrations was most pronounced in late autumn when IAA levels were high and nearly disappeared in spring when IAA levels reached their minimum. In needles from declining fir trees or fir trees suffering from a strong S-impact in the field, IAA levels hardly increased with increasing needle age. It is suggested that in healthy trees high levels of IAA protect older needles from abscission and that the considerable losses of older needles of declining fir trees or of fir trees under S-impact are a consequence of the low levels of IAA found in older needles of such trees. Received: 4 May 1995 / Accepted: 29 August 1995  相似文献   
Summary We report a newborn with incontinentia pigmenti Bloch-Sulzberger and male phenotype. Chromosome analysis revealed a Klinefelter's syndrome 47,XXY. These findings are compatible with the hypothesis of dominant sexlinked genes carried on the X-chromosome in this disease.
Zusammenfassung Wir berichten über ein neugeborenes Kind mit männlichem Phänotyp bei Incontinentia pigmenti Bloch-Sulzberger. Bei der klinischen Abklärung fand sich die Gonosomenaberration eines Klinefelter-Syndroms 47,XXY. Dieser Befund geht konform mit der Vermutung eines dominant X-gekoppelten Erbganges dieser seltenen Hauterkrankung.
L-2-Methyltryptophan was found to be an intermediate in the biosynthesis of the antibiotic thiostrepton. It was isolated from growing cultures and resting cells of Streptomyces laurentii in trapping experiments after the application of labeled L-methionine or L-tryptophan. Its formation from L-tryptophan and S-adenosylmethionine was studied in a cell-free extract of S. laurentii. Although several attempts to purify the soluble methyltransferase by standard methods failed, some of its characteristics could be determined in the crude extract. The enzyme has a sharp pH optimum at pH 7.8. The apparent Km value for S-adenosylmethionine is 120 microM and the Ki value for S-adenosylhomocysteine is 480 microM. The enzyme is not stereoselective with respect to D- or L-tryptophan, but the D-isomer is converted at a slower rate than the L-isomer. Indolepyruvic acid is also methylated, while indole is not a substrate. The methyl group is transferred with retention of its configuration, contrary to most other methyltransferase reactions.  相似文献   
The moss Polytrichum commune can be dried to less than 2% of free water and kept for some weeks without losing its viability. Upon rehydration of the moss, protein synthesis starts about 60 minutes before incorporation of radioactive precursors into RNA can be observed. Pulse labeled total RNA and poly-A-containing RNA do not show quantitative or qualitative alterations during desiccation up to 20 days.  相似文献   
The activity and distribution of CH(inf4)-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) in flooded rice (Oryza sativa) soil microcosms was investigated. CH(inf4) oxidation was shown to occur in undisturbed microcosms by using (sup14)CH(inf4), and model calculations indicated that almost 90% of the oxidation measured had taken place at a depth where only roots could provide the O(inf2) necessary. Slurry from soil planted with rice had an apparent K(infm) for CH(inf4) of 4 (mu)M and a V(infmax) of 0.1 (mu)mol g (dry weight)(sup-1) h(sup-1). At a depth of 1 to 2 cm, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in numbers of MOB between soil from planted and nonplanted microcosms (mean, 7.7 x 10(sup5) g [fresh weight](sup-1)). Thus, the densely rooted soil at 1 to 2 cm deep did not represent rhizospheric soil with respect to the number of MOB. A significantly increased number of MOB was found only in soil immediately around the roots (1.2 x 10(sup6) g [fresh weight](sup-1)), corresponding to a layer of 0.1 to 0.2 mm. Plant-associated CH(inf4) oxidation was shown in a double chamber with carefully washed intact rice plants. Up to 90% of the CH(inf4) supplied to the root compartment was oxidized in the plants. CH(inf4) oxidation on isolated roots was higher and had a larger variability than that in soil slurries. Roots had an apparent K(infm) for CH(inf4) of 6 (mu)M and a V(infmax) of 5 (mu)mol g (dry weight)(sup-1) h(sup-1). The average number of MOB in homogenized roots was larger than on the rhizoplane and increased with plant age. MOB also were found in surface-sterilized roots and basal culms, indicating the ability of these bacteria to colonize the interior of roots and culms.  相似文献   
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