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By using newly hatched (approximately 2 weeks old) brown trout(Salmo trutta) from six families of wild and six families ofsea-ranched origin (seventh generation), we tested the hypothesesthat (1) the hatchery environment selects for increased boldness,and (2) boldness predicts dominance status. Sea-ranched troutspend their first 2 years in the hatchery before being releasedinto the wild at the onset of seaward migration. Trout werepresented with a novel object (tack) and with food (brine shrimp),and their responses were measured and scored in terms of boldness.Siblings with increasing difference in boldness were then pairedin dyadic contests. Fish of sea-ranged origin were on averagebolder than were fish of wild origin, and bolder individualswere more likely to become dominant regardless of origin. Boldnesswas not related to RNA levels, indicating that bold behaviorwas not a consequence of higher metabolism or growth rate. Neitherwas size a predictor of bold behavior or the outcome of dyadiccontests. These results are consistent with studies on olderlife stages showing increased boldness toward predators in hatchery-selectedfish, which suggests that behavioral consequences of hatcheryselection are manifested very early in life. The concordancebetween boldness and dominance may suggest that these behaviorsare linked in a risk prone-aggressive phenotype, which may bepromoted by hatchery selection. However, we also found significantvariation in behavioral and growth-related traits among families,suggesting that heritable variation has not been exhausted bysea-ranching procedures.  相似文献   
Book reviewed in this article:
Images of Power: Balinese Paintings Made for Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead . Hildred Geertz.  相似文献   
[Acyl CoA]monoacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 (MGAT2) is of interest as a target for therapeutic treatment of diabetes, obesity and other diseases which together constitute the metabolic syndrome. In this Letter we report our discovery and optimisation of a novel series of MGAT2 inhibitors. The development of the SAR of the series and a detailed discussion around some key parameters monitored and addressed during the lead generation phase will be given. The in vivo results from an oral lipid tolerance test (OLTT) using the MGAT2 inhibitor (S)-10, shows a significant reduction (68% inhibition relative to na?ve, p <0.01) in plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) concentration.  相似文献   
The Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is characterized by somatic overgrowth, developmental anomalies, and proneness to embryonic tumor development. The majority of cases are sporadic, but several families with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with variable expression and reduced penetrance have been described. In three such families, BWS has been linked to DNA markers for the insulin gene (INS) and H-ras on chromosome band 11p15. Two additional families with inherited BWS are described here. Linkage analysis has been performed with a highly informative marker for the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) locus within the INS-IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor II)-TH gene cluser and confirms the previous observed linkage to this region (lod score 2.16 at = 0). Linkage analysis to TH provides a basis for informed genetic counselling and carrier detection in the hereditary form of the syndrome. Based on the hypothesis that IGF2 may be a candidate gene for BWS, we screened for mutations in the coding exons 7 and 9, but found no abnormalities in 5 unrelated BWS cases.  相似文献   
4-Pyridyl cyanoguanidines with hydrophobic aromatic side chains showed potent antiproliferative activity in the human breast and lung cancer cell lines MCF-7, NYH and H460. In vivo, treatment with N-(6-chlorophenoxyhexyl)-N′-cyano-N″-4-pyridylguanidine (18, 20 mg/kg/day po.), gave a complete remission of tumours in a model of NYH inoculated nude mice.  相似文献   
cDNAs encoding rat adipose tissue hormone-sensitive lipase were expressed in COS cells, under the control of the SV40 promoter to half the level in rat adipocytes, the richest native source of the enzyme. A cDNA lacking most of the long 5'-untranslated region of the full-length rat hormone-sensitive lipase cDNA was, with regard to the lipase activity, on the average 70% more efficiently expressed that the full-length cDNA. The recombinant protein was almost identical to hormone-sensitive lipase of rat adipose tissue with respect to specific activity, susceptibility to inhibitors, molecular size, phosphorylation and activation by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The described eukaryotic expression system will allow analysis of effects of amino acid substitutions introduced into the lipase molecule by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   
Summary An alternative approach to the regeneration of coenzymes using immobilized hydrogen dehydrogenase (hydrogenase) is described. Hydrogenase isolated from Alcaligenes Eutrophus was immobilized to porous glass particles and used in combination with alanine dehydrogenase for formation of alanine, while the NADH consumed was regenerated by molecular hydrogen. Different physical arrangements of the two enzymes were compared. Alanine was conveniently assayed with a specially designed enzyme thermistor method.  相似文献   
Caveolae are noncoated invaginations of the plasma membrane that form in the presence of the protein caveolin. Caveolae are found in most cells, but are especially abundant in adipocytes. By high-resolution electron microscopy of plasma membrane sheets the detailed structure of individual caveolae of primary rat adipocytes was examined. Caveolin-1 and -2 binding was restricted to the membrane proximal region, such as the ducts or necks attaching the caveolar bulb to the membrane. This was confirmed by transfection with myc-tagged caveolin-1 and -2. Essentially the same results were obtained with human fibroblasts. Hence caveolin does not form the caveolar bulb in these cells, but rather the neck and may thus act to retain the caveolar constituents, indicating how caveolin participates in the formation of caveolae. Caveolae, randomly distributed over the plasma membrane, were very heterogeneous, varying in size between 25 and 150 nm. There was about one million caveolae in an adipocyte, which increased the surface area of the plasma membrane by 50%. Half of the caveolae, those larger than 50 nm, had access to the outside of the cell via ducts and 20-nm orifices at the cell surface. The rest of the caveolae, those smaller than 50 nm, were not open to the cell exterior. Cholesterol depletion destroyed both caveolae and the cell surface orifices.  相似文献   
Cell fusions are important to fertilization, placentation, development of skeletal muscle and bone, calcium homeostasis and the immune defense system. Additionally, cell fusions participate in tissue repair and may be important to cancer development and progression. A large number of factors appear to regulate cell fusions, including receptors and ligands, membrane domain organizing proteins, proteases, signaling molecules and fusogenic proteins forming alpha-helical bundles that bring membranes close together. The syncytin family of proteins represent true fusogens and the founding member, syncytin-1, has been documented to be involved in fusions between placental trophoblasts, between cancer cells and between cancer cells and host cells. We review the literature with emphasis on the syncytin family and propose that syncytins may represent universal fusogens in primates and rodents, which work together with a number of other proteins to regulate the cell fusion machinery.  相似文献   
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