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Three isozymes specifically concerned with the “branching” of linear polyglucosides have been delected in algae. These enzymes were detected using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and were found to be present in blue-green, red and in green algae. Two isozynies were found in Oscillatoria princeps; three enzymes were present in Spirogyra setiformis, and two and three such enzymes were detected in red algae of the Rhodymenia type. The significance of the multiple forms of this branching enzyme was assessed in light of the type of storage poly-glucosides formed by these plants. The “degree of branching” of the storage sugar appeared to be related to the evolutionary status of these algae.  相似文献   
Data on 60-Hz electric field (EF) induced reduction in growth rate of plant roots have strongly supported the hypothesis that the effect is related to an EF-induced transmembrane potential (V i m). An investigation was undertaken to determine if this hypothesis is also applicable to 60-Hz EF-induced reductions in growth rate of mammalian cells in vitro. Human lymphoblastic (RPMI 1788) and human carcinoma (HeLa) cells were selected for study, the former having a relatively small diameter (11.2 m), and the latter having a relatively large diameter (15.4 tm). The 60-Hz EFs ranged from 430–1200 V/m in the culture medium. The growth rate of RPMI 1788 cells after 4-days was depressed by about 42% at a 60-Hz EF of 1000–1200 V/m with a response threshold occurring at 950 V/m; theV i m at the response threshold was 8 mV There was no 60-Hz EF-induced effect on HeLa cell growth rate of aV i m of 8 mV (60-Hz EF=700 V/m); a statistically significant effect was achieved atV i m of 11 mV (950 V/m). The data support the hypothesis that above a threshold 60-Hz EF,V i m acts as the initial signal leading to growth rate reductions.  相似文献   
Summary Male and female embryos develop in an identical fashion during the initial portion of gestation. If the indifferent gonad differentiates into an ovary (or if no gonad is present), a female phenotype is formed. Male phenotypic differentiation, however, requires the presence of an endocrinologically active testis. Two secretion of the fetal testis, Müllerian inhibiting substance and testosterone, are responsible for male development. Studies of single gene mutations that interfere with androgen action indicate that testosterone itself is responsible for virilization of the Wolffian duct system into the epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicle, whereas the testosterone metabolite dihydrotestosterone induces development of the prostate and male external genitalia. Thus, impairment of dihydrotestosterone formation results in a characteristic phenotype consisting of predominantly female external genitalia but normally virilized Wolffian ducts. The molecular mechanisms by which testosterone and dihydrotestosterone act during fetal development appear to involve the same high affinity receptor, a protein that transports both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone to the nucleus of target cells. When this receptor is either absent, deficient, or structurally abnormal, the actions of both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are impaired, and the resulting developmental anomalies involve both internal and external genital structures.The original work described in this review was supported by grant AM 03892 from the National Institutes of Health  相似文献   
A nuclear-polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, which forms an icosahedral inclusion body, was transmitted to larvae of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis. Serial passages of Bombyx NPV in the alternate host by injecting the supernatant of diseased hemolymph produced inclusion bodies with cuboidal and other shapes that differed from the original shape formed in Bombyx. These different shapes increased with times of passages, and after the twelfth passage, only cuboidal inclusion bodies were formed. The icosahedral inclusion bodies in B. mori and the cuboidal inclusion bodies in C. suppressalis occluded singly enveloped virions of the same size (350 × 75 nm), but the cuboidal inclusion bodies contained only a few virions and a large number of membraneous spherical structures. The formation process of the cuboidal inclusion body differed from that of the icosahedral. At first, irregularly branched inclusion bodies containing “vacant” spaces appeared in the infected nuclei. The bodies grew larger with the deposition of protein in the spaces between the branches, and this was accompanied with the occlusion of a large number of membraneous structures formed in the vicinity of the inclusion bodies, which became cuboidal in shape.  相似文献   
The landscape genetics framework is typically applied to broad regions that occupy only small portions of a species’ range. Rarely is the entire range of a taxon the subject of study. We examined the landscape genetic structure of the endangered Point Arena mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra), whose isolated geographic range is found in a restricted (85 km2) but heterogenous region in California. Based on its diminutive range we may predict widespread gene flow and a relatively weak role for landscape variation in defining genetic structure. We used skin, bone, tissue and noninvasively collected hair samples to describe genetic substructure and model gene flow. We examined spatial partitioning of multilocus DNA genotypes and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes. We identified 3 groups from microsatellite data, all of which had low estimates of effective population size consistent with significant tests for historical bottlenecks. We used least-cost-path analysis with the microsatellites to examine how vegetation type affects gene flow in a landscape genetics framework. Gene flow was best predicted by a model with “Forest” as the most permeable, followed by “Riparian”. Agricultural lands demonstrated the highest resistance. MtDNA data revealed only two haplotypes: one was represented in all 57 individuals that occurred north of the east–west flowing Garcia River. South of the river, however, both haplotypes occurred, often at the same site suggesting that the river may have affected historical patterns of genetic divergence.  相似文献   
Dengue outbreaks were first reported in East Africa in the late 1970s to early 1980s including the 1982 outbreak on the Kenyan coast. In 2011, dengue outbreaks occurred in Mandera in northern Kenya and subsequently in Mombasa city along the Kenyan coast in 2013–2014. Following laboratory confirmation of dengue fever cases, an entomologic investigation was conducted to establish the mosquito species, and densities, causing the outbreak. Affected parts of the city were identified with the help of public health officials. Adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were collected using various tools, processed and screened for dengue virus (DENV) by cell culture and RT-PCR. All containers in every accessible house and compound within affected suburbs were inspected for immatures. A total of 2,065 Ae. aegypti adults were collected and 192 houses and 1,676 containers inspected. An overall house index of 22%, container index, 31.0% (indoor = 19; outdoor = 43) and Breteau index, 270.1, were observed, suggesting that the risk of dengue transmission was high. Overall, jerry cans were the most productive containers (18%), followed by drums (17%), buckets (16%), tires (14%) and tanks (10%). However, each site had specific most-productive container-types such as tanks (17%) in Kizingo; Drums in Nyali (30%) and Changamwe (33%), plastic basins (35%) in Nyali-B and plastic buckets (81%) in Ganjoni. We recommend that for effective control of the dengue vector in Mombasa city, all container types would be targeted. Measures would include proper covering of water storage containers and eliminating discarded containers outdoors through a public participatory environmental clean-up exercise. Providing reliable piped water to all households would minimize the need for water storage and reduce aquatic habitats. Isolation of DENV from male Ae. aegypti mosquitoes is a first observation in Kenya and provides further evidence that transovarial transmission may have a role in DENV circulation and/or maintenance in the environment.  相似文献   
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