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Chickens of Regional Poultry Research Laboratory (RPRL) inbred line 63 regress sarcomas induced by Bryan high-titer Rous sarcoma virus to a greater extent than chickens of line RPRL 100, although these lines are identical for the major histocompatibility B complex. They differ, however, at three independent autosomal loci: Ly-4 and Th-1 determine the surface alloantigens of partly overlapping subsets of T lymphocytes, and Bu-1 determines a surface alloantigen of B lymphocytes. The association of genotypes at these loci with quantitative variation in their ability to regress Rous sarcomas was tested in segregating F4 generation progeny derived from crosses of lines 100 and 63. The Ly-4 and Bu-1 genotypes showed association with Rous sarcoma regression, but the Th-1 genotype did not. Chickens of the Ly-4 a/Ly-4 a, Bu-1 b/Bu-1 b and Ly-4 b/Ly-4 b, Bu-1 a/Bu-1 a genotypes had a significantly higher regressor ability than the other two double homozygous genotypes. These results indicate that higher regression is associated with (1) interaction between the Ly-4 and Bu-1 loci, and (2) complementation between either the line 6 Ly-4 a allele and the line 100 Bu-1 b allele, or the line 100 Ly-4 b allele and the line 6 Bu-1 a allele.  相似文献   
The molecular evolution of mammalian Y-linked DNA sequences is of special interest because of their unique mode of inheritance: most Y- linked sequences are clonally inherited from father to son. Here we investigate the use of Y-linked sequences for phylogenetic inference. We describe a comparative analysis of a 515-bp region from the male sex- determining locus, Sry, in 22 murine rodents (subfamily Murinae, family Muridae), including representatives from nine species of Mus, and from two additional murine genera--Mastomys and Hylomyscus. Percent sequence divergence was < 0.01% for comparisons between populations within a species and was 0.19%-8.16% for comparisons between species. Our phylogenetic analysis of 12 murine taxa resulted in a single most- parsimonius tree that is highly concordant with phylogenies based on mitochondrial DNA and allozymes. A total evidence tree based on the combined data from Sry, mitochondrial DNA, and allozymes supports (1) the monophyly of the subgenus Mus, (2) its division into a Palearctic group (M. musculus, M. domesticus, M. spicilegus, M. Macedonicus, and M. spretus) and an Oriental group (M. cookii++, M. cervicolor, and M. caroli), and (3) sister-group relationships between M. spicilegus and M. macedonicus and between M. cookii and M. cervicolor. We argue that Y- chromosome DNA sequences represent a valuable new source of characters for phylogenetic inference.   相似文献   
The acrosomic status of spermatozoa prepared for IVF has been evaluated by means of immunofluorescence test from Fenichel and Hsi using calcium A 23187 ionophore as inductor of acrosome reaction (AR). The spontaneous AR remains slight, even after 6 hour-incubation in Menezo B2 (6,8+2,7%). The response to ionophore, moderate before (11,2+9%), frankly increases after a 6h-capacitation (28,9+8,3%) in a group of 25 IVF couples (tubal indication, normal semen, positive fertilization). Nevertheless, it remains slight or null in 4 cases of unexplained repeated failure of fertilization. The response to ionophore A 23187 allows to explore the kinetics of capacitation of spermatozoa and their ability to perform AR. Its significance in terms of fecondance remains to be precised.  相似文献   
The effects on housefly (Musca domestica) of six norditerpene lactones (nagilactones B, D, E, podolide, hallactone B and 14-epi-ponalactone A) in a defined diet were tested. Nagilactone D was the most active, with an LD50 of 0.7 ppm. Nagilactones C and D were also toxic to light-brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana) and codling moth (Laspeyresia pomonella).The relationship between lactone structure and toxicity to housefly is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Viele aus Podocarpus-Arten isolierte Norditerpenlactone sind für Stubenfliegen toxisch. Es wird über die Resultate der Fütterung von sechs Lactonen an die Stubenfliege in einem definierten Nährboden berichtet und die LD50 von zwölf Verbindungen werden verglichen. Der aktivste Stoff ist Nagilacton mit einer LD50 von 0,7 ppm. Nagilacton C und D sind auch toxisch für Epiphyas postvittana und für den Apfelwickler. Die wirksamsten Verbindungen haben eine kurze nichtpolare Seitenkette und eine elektronenreiche, funktionelle Gruppe bei C-8, ferner sind sie Epoxyalkohole in Ring-A. Diese in der Natur vorkommenden Lactone spielen wahrscheinlich eine Schutzrolle in der Pflanze.
Productive entry of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) into a host cell is believed to proceed via fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell's plasma membrane. Interestingly, the majority of HIV-1 particles that bind to the cell surface are taken up by the host cell via endocytosis; however, this mode of internalization generally does not result in infection. Presumably, virus particles remain trapped in the endocytic pathway and are eventually degraded. Here, we demonstrate that treatment of cells with various pharmacological agents known to elevate the pH of endosomes and lysosomes allows HIV-1 to efficiently enter and infect the host cell. Pretreatment of cells with bafilomycin A1 results in up to a 50-fold increase in the infectivity of HIV-1(SF2). Similarly, pretreatment of target cells with amantadine, concanamycin A, concanamycin B, chloroquine, and ammonium chloride resulted in increases in HIV-1 infectivity ranging between 2- and 15-fold. Analysis of receptor and coreceptor expression, HIV-long terminal repeat (LTR) transactivation, and transduction with amphotropic-pseudotyped murine leukemia virus (MLV)-based vectors suggests that the increase in infectivity is not artifactual. The increased infectivity under these conditions appears to be due to the ability of HIV-1 and MLV particles to enter via the endocytic pathway when spared from degradation in the late endosomes and lysosomes. These results could have significant implications for the administration of current and future lysosmotropic agents to patients with HIV disease.  相似文献   
1. Sympatric flower visitor species often partition nectar and pollen and thus affect each other's foraging pattern. Consequently, their pollination service may also be influenced by the presence of other flower visiting species. Ants are solely interested in nectar and frequent flower visitors of some plant species but usually provide no pollination service. Obligate flower visitors such as bees depend on both nectar and pollen and are often more effective pollinators. 2. In Hawaii, we studied the complex interactions between flowers of the endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae) and both, endemic and introduced flower‐visiting insects. The former main‐pollinators of M. polymorpha were birds, which, however, became rare. We evaluated the pollinator effectiveness of endemic and invasive bees and whether it is affected by the type of resource collected and the presence of ants on flowers. 3. Ants were dominant nectar‐consumers that mostly depleted the nectar of visited inflorescences. Accordingly, the visitation frequency, duration, and consequently the pollinator effectiveness of nectar‐foraging honeybees (Apis mellifera) strongly decreased on ant‐visited flowers, whereas pollen‐collecting bees remained largely unaffected by ants. Overall, endemic bees (Hylaeus spp.) were ineffective pollinators. 4. The average net effect of ants on pollination of M. polymorpha was neutral, corresponding to a similar fruit set of ant‐visited and ant‐free inflorescences. 5. Our results suggest that invasive social hymenopterans that often have negative impacts on the Hawaiian flora and fauna may occasionally provide neutral (ants) or even beneficial net effects (honeybees), especially in the absence of native birds.  相似文献   
1. Interspecific competition among ants is common, and so is competitive exclusion among dominant ant species. In contrast, specific associations between non‐parasitic ant species are rare, especially in the temperate zones. As an exception, the subordinate ant Camponotus lateralis frequently co‐occurs with the dominant Crematogaster scutellaris but rarely with other dominant ants. 2. This association is one of various associations between Camponotus and Crematogaster species across the world. However, the mechanisms behind these co‐occurences are largely unknown. 3. In the present study, we therefore investigated the association of Ca. lateralis and Cr. scutellaris. We studied the spatial association of the nests, interspecific aggression, both species' cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, and their propensity to follow the other species' pheromone trails. 4. Crematogaster scutellaris usually attacked and displaced the generally submissive Ca. lateralis, but was significantly less aggressive at jointly used trails. Camponotus nests were always in close proximity to Crematogaster nests. 5. The cuticular hydrocarbons of both species consisted of alkanes with chain lengths between C21 and C35. The two species had 25 hydrocarbons in common, including mono‐, di‐, and tetramethyl alkanes. Despite this qualitative similarity, however, the quantitative hydrocarbon composition differed between the two species. 6. Camponotus lateralis followed artificial trails containing trail pheromones of Cr. scutellaris, but the latter did not follow Ca. lateralis trail pheromones. Interspecific trail‐following by Camponotus, but not vice versa, has been observed in another Camponotus–Crematogaster association and may be a more general mechanism that facilitates associations between the two ant genera.  相似文献   
Soil characteristics are important drivers of variation in wet tropical forest structure and diversity, but few studies have evaluated these relationships in drier forest types. Using tree and soil data from 48 and 32 1 ha plots, respectively, in a Bolivian moist and dry forest, we asked how soil conditions affect forest structure and diversity within each of the two forest types. After correcting for spatial effects, soil‐vegetation relationships differed between the dry and the moist forest, being strongest in the dry forest. Furthermore, we hypothesized that soil nutrients would play a more important role in the moist forest than in the dry forest because vegetation in the moist forest is less constrained by water availability and thus can show its full potential response to soil fertility. However, contrary to our expectations, we found that soil fertility explained a larger number of forest variables in the dry forest (50 percent) than in the moist forest (17 percent). Shannon diversity declined with soil fertility at both sites, probably because the most dominant, shade‐tolerant species strongly increased in abundance as soil fertility increased.  相似文献   
The emergence of West Nile virus (WNV) in the Western Hemisphere is marked by the spread of pathogenic lineage I strains, which differ from typically avirulent lineage II strains. To begin to understand the virus-host interactions that may influence the phenotypic properties of divergent lineage I and II viruses, we compared the genetic, pathogenic, and alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta)-regulatory properties of a lineage II isolate from Madagascar (MAD78) with those of a new lineage I isolate from Texas (TX02). Full genome sequence analysis revealed that MAD78 clustered, albeit distantly, with other lineage II strains, while TX02 clustered with emergent North American isolates, more specifically with other Texas strains. Compared to TX02, MAD78 replicated at low levels in cultured human cells, was highly sensitive to the antiviral actions of IFN in vitro, and demonstrated a completely avirulent phenotype in wild-type mice. In contrast to TX02 and other pathogenic forms of WNV, MAD78 was defective in its ability to disrupt IFN-induced JAK-STAT signaling, including the activation of Tyk2 and downstream phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of STAT1 and STAT2. However, replication of MAD78 was rescued in cells with a nonfunctional IFN-alpha/beta receptor (IFNAR). Consistent with this finding, the virulence of MAD78 was unmasked upon infection of mice lacking IFNAR. Thus, control of the innate host response and IFN actions is a key feature of WNV pathogenesis and replication fitness.  相似文献   
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