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Intercellular communication in rat seminiferous tubules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intercellular electrical coupling in seminiferous tubules from prepubescent and adult Wistar rats has been studied by using conventional techniques. It is found that cells in the seminiferous epithelium are electrically coupled. Experiments performed using "Sertoli cell-enriched" seminiferous tubules indicate the existence of intercellular ionic communication between Sertoli cells. Junctional conductance is independent of the direction of electrical field and it is affected by A23187 Ca ionophore (5 microM) but not by exposure to the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (1-5 X 10(-5) M). Intracellular resistivity (including junctional resistance) is higher in mature as compared to immature germinal epithelium. These findings suggest that cell metabolites or second messenger molecules could be transferred via the low-resistance pathways between epithelium cells to coordinate cellular activity.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disease, mainly effecting the elderly population. The cause of OA seems to be an imbalance in catabolic and anabolic factors that develops with age. IL-1 is a catabolic factor known to induce cartilage damage, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is an anabolic factor that can counteract many IL-1-induced effects. In old mice, we observed reduced responsiveness to TGF-beta-induced IL-1 counteraction. We investigated whether expression of TGF-beta and its signaling molecules altered with age. To mimic the TGF-beta deprived conditions in aged mice, we assessed the functional consequence of TGF-beta blocking. We isolated knee joints of mice aged 5 months or 2 years, half of which were exposed to IL-1 by intra-articular injection 24 h prior to knee joint isolation. Immunohistochemistry was performed, staining for TGF-beta1, -2 or -3, TGF-betaRI or -RII, Smad2, -3, -4, -6 and -7 and Smad-2P. The percentage of cells staining positive was determined in tibial cartilage. To mimic the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice, young mice were injected with IL-1 and after 2 days Ad-LAP (TGF-beta inhibitor) or a control virus were injected. Proteoglycan (PG) synthesis (35S-sulfate incorporation) and PG content of the cartilage were determined. Our experiments revealed that TGF-beta2 and -3 expression decreased with age, as did the TGF-beta receptors. Although the number of cells positive for the Smad proteins was not altered, the number of cells expressing Smad2P strongly dropped in old mice. IL-1 did not alter the expression patterns. We mimicked the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice by TGF-beta inhibition with LAP. This resulted in a reduced level of PG synthesis and aggravation of PG depletion. The limited response of old mice to TGF-beta induced-IL-1 counteraction is not due to a diminished level of intracellular signaling molecules or an upregulation of intracellular inhibitors, but is likely due to an intrinsic absence of sufficient TGF-beta receptor expression. Blocking TGF-beta distorted the natural repair response after IL-1 injection. In conclusion, TGF-beta appears to play an important role in repair of cartilage and a lack of TGF-beta responsiveness in old mice might be at the root of OA development.  相似文献   
Staphylococcal nuclease (here termed as Nuc1) is considered an important virulence factor and a unique marker widely used in the detection of Staphylococcus aureus. A second functional thermostable nuclease (here termed as Nuc2) in S. aureus was characterized after recombinant expression in Escherichia coli. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis revealed that Nuc2 was a more conserved protein in the staphylococci group compared with Nuc1. Recombinant Nuc2 showed nuclease activity in the zymogram test and was able to degrade various types of nucleic acids. The optimal reaction temperature and pH for Nuc2 were 50 °C and pH 10, respectively. The enzymatic activity of Nuc2 was stimulated in the presence of Ca2+ (0.05 mM), Mg2+ (0.5 mM), dithiothreitol, β-mecaptoethanol, TritonX-100, Tween-20, and urea; however, activity decreased sharply when exposed to heavy metals such as Zn2+ and Mn2+, and in the presence of EDTA or SDS. Nuc2 showed weaker activity, lower thermostability and different sensitivity to these chemical agents compared with Nuc1, which was consistent with differences in the sequence pattern and structure predicted. Furthermore, a nuc1 and nuc2 double deletion mutant of S. aureus and respective complementation experiments suggest a major role for nuc1 in terms of thermonuclease activity in S. aureus.  相似文献   

Uxmal and Tulum are two important Mayan sites in the Yucatan peninsula. The buildings are mainly composed of limestone and grey/black discoloration is seen on exposed walls and copious greenish biofilms on inner walls. The principal microorganisms detected on interior walls at both Uxmal and Tulum were cyanobacteria; heterotrophic bacteria and filamentous fungi were also present. A dark‐pigmented mitosporic fungus and Bacillus cereus, both isolated from Uxmal, were shown to be acidogenic in laboratory cultures. Cyanobacteria belonging to rock‐degrading genera Synechocystis and Gloeocapsa were identified at both sites. Surface analysis previously showed that calcium ions were present in the biofilms on buildings at Uxmal and Tulum, suggesting the deposition of biosolubilized stone. Apart from their potential to degrade the substrate, the coccoid cyanobacteria supply organic nutrients for bacteria and fungi, which can produce organic acids, further increasing stone degradation.  相似文献   
Volume regulation by flounder red blood cells in anisotonic media   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleated high K, low Na red blood cells of the winter flounder demonstrated a volume regulatory response subsequent to osmotic swelling or shrinkage. During volume regulation the net water flow was secondary to net inorganic cation flux. Volume regulation the net water flow was secondary to net inorganic cation flux. Volume regulation after osmotic swelling is referred to as regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and was characterized by net K and water loss. Since the electrochemical gradient for K is directed out of the cell there is no need to invoke active processes to explain RVD. When osmotically shrunken, the flounder erythrocyte demonstrated a regulatory volume increase (RVI) back toward control cell volume. The water movements characteristic of RVI were a consequence of net cellular NaCl and KCl uptake with Na accounting for 75 percent of the increase in intracellular cation content. Since the Na electrochemical gradient is directed into the cell, net Na uptake was the result of Na flux via dissipative pathways. The addition of 10(-4)M ouabain to suspensions of flounder erythrocytes was without effect upon net water movements during volume regulation. The presence of ouabain did however lead to a decreased ration of intracellular K:Na. Analysis of net Na and K fluxes in the presence and absence of ouabain led to the conclusion that Na and K fluxes via both conservative and dissipative pathways are increased in response to osmotic swelling or shrinkage. In addition, the Na and K flux rate through both pump and leak pathways decreased in a parallel fashion as cell volume was regulated. Taken as a whole, the Na and K movements through the flounder erythrocyte membrane demonstrated a functional dependence during volume regulation.  相似文献   
Alternaria alternata is a common fungal parasite on fruits and other plants and produces a number of mycotoxins, including alternariol (3,7,9-trihydroxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo [b,d]pyran-6-one), alternariol monomethyl ether (3,7-dihydroxy-9-methoxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one), and the mutagen altertoxin I {[1S-(1α,12aβ,12bα)] 1,2,11,12,12a, 12b-hexahydro-1,4,9,12a-tetrahydroxy-3,10-perylenedione}. Alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether have previously been detected in some samples of fruit beverages. Stability studies of these toxins as well as altertoxin I added to fruit juices and wine (10–100 ng/mL) were carried out. To include altertoxin I in the analysis, cleanup with a polymer-based Varian Abselut solid phase extraction column was used, as recoveries from C-18 columns were low. The stabilities of alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether in a low acid apple juice containing no declared vitamin C were compared with those in the same juice containing added vitamin C (60 mg/175 ml); there were no apparent losses at room temperature over 20 days or at 80°C after 20 min. in either juice. Altertoxin I was moderately stable in pH 3 buffer (75% remaining after a two week period). Furthermore, altertoxin I was stable or moderately stable in three brands of apple juice tested over 1–27 day periods and in a sample of red grape juice over 7 days. It is concluded that altertoxin I is sufficiently stable to be found in fruit juices and should be included in methods for alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether.  相似文献   
Real-time interactions of collagen I, fibronectin, laminin, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate with immobilized Escherichia coli O157:H7 cells were studied with a surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Results showed that collagen I and laminin bound to the E.coli surface but fibronectin had very low binding while hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate had no detectable interaction. Calcium ion inhibited laminin binding but enhanced collagen I binding. This research provides a model system to study the interactions of bacterial cells with extracellular matrix components. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   


To investigate whether accelerated hand bone mineral density (BMD) loss is associated with progressive joint damage in hands and feet in the first year of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and whether it is an independent predictor of subsequent progressive total joint damage after 4 years.


In 256 recent-onset RA patients, baseline and 1-year hand BMD was measured in metacarpals 2-4 by digital X-ray radiogrammetry. Joint damage in hands and feet were scored in random order according to the Sharp-van der Heijde method at baseline and yearly up to 4 years.


68% of the patients had accelerated hand BMD loss (>-0.003 g/cm2) in the first year of RA. Hand BMD loss was associated with progressive joint damage after 1 year both in hands and feet with odds ratios (OR) (95% confidence intervals [CI]) of 5.3 (1.3-20.9) and 3.1 (1.0-9.7). In univariate analysis, hand BMD loss in the first year was a predictor of subsequent progressive total joint damage after 4 years with an OR (95% CI) of 3.1 (1.3-7.6). Multivariate analysis showed that only progressive joint damage in the first year and anti-citrullinated protein antibody positivity were independent predictors of long-term progressive joint damage.


In the first year of RA, accelerated hand BMD loss is associated with progressive joint damage in both hands and feet. Hand BMD loss in the first year of recent-onset RA predicts subsequent progressive total joint damage, however not independent of progressive joint damage in the first year.  相似文献   
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