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Two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy has been applied to a structural analysis of the reduced form of a recombinant human thioredoxin, a ubiquitous dithiol oxidoreductase recently isolated from an immunocompetent lymphoblastoid cell line. The sequential assignment of the spectrum, including all proline residues, has been accomplished by using experiments to demonstrate through-bond and through-space connectivities. The secondary structure has been determined by a qualitative interpretation of nuclear Overhauser effects, NH exchange data, and 3JHN alpha coupling constants. The secondary structure was found to be similar to that of the X-ray structure of Escherichia coli thioredoxin, consisting of a mixed five-stranded beta-sheet surrounded by four alpha-helices. The assignment and structural characterization of human thioredoxin was facilitated by the increased resolution and sensitivity afforded by a magnetic field strength of 600 MHz and required the use of two temperatures and two pH conditions to resolve ambiguities caused by a duplication of resonances. This duplication, extending from Phe-41 to Val-59, and including Lys-3-Ile-5, Val-24, Val-25, Asn-39, and Ile-101-Glu-103, appears to be due to heterogeneity arising from the presence or absence of the N-terminal methionine.  相似文献   
The presence of bound water molecules in the solution structure of reduced human thioredoxin has been investigated using three-dimensional 1H rotating frame Overhauser 1H-15N multiple quantum coherence spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that the backbone amide protons of Lys21, Lys39, Lys82, Gly83 and Asn102, as well as the side-chain amide group of Asn102, are in close proximity to bound water molecules. Examination of the high-resolution solution structure of reduced human thioredoxin reveals that these results are best accounted for by four bound water molecules. Subsequent simulated annealing calculations carried out on the basis of interproton distance and hydrogen bonding restraints to the bound water molecules, supplemented by the original set of experimental restraints used in the calculation of the three-dimensional structure of human thioredoxin, permit a more precise localization of the bound water positions. Potential hydrogen bonds to these water molecules are described and a comparison is made to corresponding bound water molecules in the crystal structure of oxidized Escherichia coli thioredoxin.  相似文献   
Eph receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) mediate numerous developmental processes. Their activity is regulated by auto-phosphorylation on two tyrosines within the juxtamembrane segment (JMS) immediately N-terminal to the kinase domain (KD). Here, we probe the molecular details of Eph kinase activation through mutational analysis, X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy on auto-inhibited and active EphB2 and EphA4 fragments. We show that a Tyr750Ala gain-of-function mutation in the KD and JMS phosphorylation independently induce disorder of the JMS and its dissociation from the KD. Our X-ray analyses demonstrate that this occurs without major conformational changes to the KD and with only partial ordering of the KD activation segment. However, conformational exchange for helix alphaC in the N-terminal KD lobe and for the activation segment, coupled with increased inter-lobe dynamics, is observed upon kinase activation in our NMR analyses. Overall, our results suggest that a change in inter-lobe dynamics and the sampling of catalytically competent conformations for helix alphaC and the activation segment rather than a transition to a static active conformation underlies Eph RTK activation.  相似文献   


Many high-throughput genomic experiments, such as Synthetic Genetic Array and yeast two-hybrid, use colony growth on solid media as a screen metric. These experiments routinely generate over 100,000 data points, making data analysis a time consuming and painstaking process. Here we describe ScreenMill, a new software suite that automates image analysis and simplifies data review and analysis for high-throughput biological experiments.  相似文献   
The worldwide spread of a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus in 2009 showed that influenza remains a significant health threat, even for individuals in the prime of life. This paper focuses on the unusually high young adult mortality observed during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Using historical records from Canada and the U.S., we report a peak of mortality at the exact age of 28 during the pandemic and argue that this increased mortality resulted from an early life exposure to influenza during the previous Russian flu pandemic of 1889–90. We posit that in specific instances, development of immunological memory to an influenza virus strain in early life may lead to a dysregulated immune response to antigenically novel strains encountered in later life, thereby increasing the risk of death. Exposure during critical periods of development could also create holes in the T cell repertoire and impair fetal maturation in general, thereby increasing mortality from infectious diseases later in life. Knowledge of the age-pattern of susceptibility to mortality from influenza could improve crisis management during future influenza pandemics.
“The war is over – and I must go” Egon Schiele, 1890–1918.
Deletion of Phe-508 (F508del) in the first nucleotide-binding domain (NBD1) of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) results in destabilization of the domain, intramolecular interactions involving the domain, and the entire channel. The destabilization caused by F508del manifests itself in defective channel processing and channel gating defects. Here, we present NMR studies of the effect of F508del and the I539T stabilizing mutation on NBD1 dynamics, with a view to understanding these changes in stability. Qualitatively, F508del NMR spectra exhibit significantly more peak broadening than WT spectra due to the enhanced intermediate time scale (millisecond to microsecond) motions in the mutant. Unexpectedly, studies of fast (nanosecond to picosecond) motions revealed that F508del NBD1 tumbles more rapidly in solution than WT NBD1. Whereas F508del tumbles at a rate nearly consistent with the monomeric state, the WT protein tumbles significantly more slowly. Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement experiments confirm that NBD1 homodimerizes in solution in the expected head-to-tail orientation. NMR spectra of WT NBD1 reveal significant concentration-dependent chemical shift perturbations consistent with NBD1 dimerization. Chemical shift analysis suggests that the more rapid tumbling of F508del is the result of an impaired ability to dimerize. Based on previously published crystal structures and NMR spectra of various NBD1 mutants, we propose that deletion of Phe-508 affects Q-loop conformational sampling in a manner that inhibits dimerization. These results provide a potential mechanism for inhibition of channel opening by F508del and support the dimer interface as a target for cystic fibrosis therapeutics.  相似文献   
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