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The kinetic properties of the adenosine 5[prime]-diphosphate/adenosine 5[prime]-triphosphate (ADP/ATP) translocator from pea (Pisum sativum L.) root plastids were determined by silicone oil filtering centrifugation and compared with those of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts and pea leaf mitochondria. In addition, the ADP/ATP transporting activities from the above organelles were reconstituted into liposomes. The Km(ATP) value of the pea root ADP/ATP translocator was 10 [mu]M and that for ADP was 46 [mu]M. Corresponding values of the spinach ADP/ATP translocator were 25 [mu]M and 28 [mu]M, respectively. Comparable results were obtained for the reconstituted ATP transport activities. The transport was highly specific for ATP and ADP. Adenosine 5[prime]-monophosphate (AMP) caused only a slight inhibition and phosphoenolpyruvate and inorganic pyrophosphate caused no inhibition of ATP uptake. With pea root plastids and spinach chloroplasts, Km values >1 mM were obtained for ADP-glucose. Since the concentrations of ATP and ADP-glucose in the cytosolic compartment of spinach leaves have been determined as 2.5 and 0.6 mM, respectively, a transport of ADP-glucose by the ADP/ATP translocator does not appear to have any physiological significance in vivo. Although both the plastidial and the mitochondrial ADP/ATP translocators were inhibited to some extent by carboxyatractyloside, no immunological cross-reactivity was detected between the plastidial and the mitochondrial proteins. It seems probable that these proteins derive from different ancestors.  相似文献   
The concept of retrograde control of nuclear gene expression assumes the generation of signals inside the chloroplasts, which are either released from or sensed inside of the organelle. In both cases, downstream signaling path- ways lead eventually to a differential regulation of nuclear gene expression and the production of proteins required in the chloroplast. This concept appears reasonable as the majority of the over 3000 predicted plastidial proteins are encoded by nuclear genes. Hence, the nucleus needs information on the status of the chloroplasts, such as during acclimation responses, which trigger massive changes in the protein composition of the thylakoid membrane and in the stroma. Here, we propose an additional control mechanism of nuclear- and plastome-encoded photosynthesis genes, taking advantage of pathways involved in sugar- or hormonal signaling. Sugars are major end products of photosynthesis and their con- tents respond very sensitively to changes in light intensities. Based on recent findings, we ask the question as to whether the carbohydrate status outside the chloroplast can be directly sensed within the chloroplast stroma. Sugars might syn- chronize the responsiveness of both genomes and thereby help to coordinate the expression of piastome- and nuclear- encoded photosynthesis genes in concert with other, more specific retrograde signals.  相似文献   
The direct incorporation of 15NH4Cl into amino acids in illuminated spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts in the presence of 2-oxoglutarate plus malate was determined. The amido-N of glutamine was the most highly labeled N-atom during 15NH4 assimilation in the presence of malate. In 4 minutes the 15N-label of the amido-N of glutamine was 37% enriched. In contrast, values obtained for both the N-atom of glutamate and the amino-N of glutamine were only about 20% while that of the N-atom of aspartate was only 3%. The addition of malate during the assimilation of 15NH4Cl and Na15NO2 greatly increased the 15N-label into glutamine but did not qualitatively change the order of the incorporation of 15N-label into all the amino acids examined. This evidence indicates the direct involvement of the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase pathway for ammonia and nitrite assimilation in isolated chloroplasts. The addition of malate or succinate during ammonia assimilation also led to more than 3-fold increase in [14C]2-oxoglutarate transport into the chloroplast as well as an increase in the export of [14C]glutamate out of the chloroplast. Little [14C]glutamine was detected in the medium of the chloroplast preparations. The stimulation of 15N-incorporation and [14C]glutamate export by malate could be directly attributed to the increase in 2-oxoglutarate transport activity (via the 2-oxoglutarate translocator) observed in the presence of exogenous malate.  相似文献   
鸡蛋开窗法导入供体胚盘细胞对家鸡胚胎发育的影响研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过4批孵化实验,研究鸡蛋开窗法注射供体胚盘细胞对受体鸡胚发育及孵化率的影响。GLM方差分析表明,开窗处理极显著降低整个孵化期(21d)的活胚比例(P<0.01),至21日龄出壳时,处理组的孵化率为.8%-6.0%。导入供体胚盘细胞对受体鸡胚的发育仅为阶段性影响,表现在显著性孵化第8日龄左右的活胚比例(P<0.05)。而对后期发育的影响不显著(P>0.05)。因经,鸡蛋开窗处理是降低受体胚胎成活率和孵化率的主要原因,如何降低开窗处理对受体胚胎的应激和不利影响则是今后研究的一个课题。  相似文献   
The emotional reactions of an actor that resemble those experienced by the character he is portraying serve as an index of the artist's penetration into the sphere of the needs (motives) of that dramatic character, an indicator of the naturalness, verisimilitude, and accuracy of the behavior ofthat character, which is the most important condition for fruitful creativity in the theater [6]. The ability to transform one's own artistic, creative need (a "meta-meta task," in the terminology of K. S. Stanislavskii) into the motives of the behavior of the portrayed person, into his "metatask," is an extremely important aspect of an actor's talent and also of his professionalism [2,8]. This ability is closely related to a personality trait that may, very provisionally, be designated by the term emotionality, by which is meant the ability to respond forcefully to emotion-producing stimuli. In an actor, emotional responses to the reproduction in the mind of corresponding emotionally colored situations assumes special importance [1,13]. The number of studies employing objective recording of the physiological changes accompanying an actor's emotional responses is still very limited [1,3,5,9,10,15].  相似文献   
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