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The reptile fauna of Romania comprises 23 species, out of which 12 species reach here the limit of their geographic range. We compiled and updated a national database of the reptile species occurrences from a variety of sources including our own field surveys, personal communication from specialists, museum collections and the scientific literature. The occurrence records were georeferenced and stored in a geodatabase for additional analysis of their spatial patterns. The spatial analysis revealed a biased sampling effort concentrated in various protected areas, and deficient in the vast agricultural areas of the southern part of Romania. The patterns of species richness showed a higher number of species in the warmer and drier regions, and a relatively low number of species in the rest of the country. Our database provides a starting point for further analyses, and represents a reliable tool for drafting conservation plans.  相似文献   
Acetamide degradation was investigated in a bench-scale upflow anaerobic sludge-blanket (UASB) reactor, successively fed with acetamide, acetate and acetamide, over a period of 343 days, at different hydraulic retention times (t HR). The reactor was seeded with the sludge previously described [Guyot et al. (1994) Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 42:452-456], in which methanogenesis from acetamide was performed through a synergistic relationship between an acetamide-degrading, aerobic rod and methanogens. When the reactor was fed acetamide, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was 86% at volumetric loads less than 1.18 kg COD m–3 day –1. At higher volumetric loads, the efficiency decreased markedly, e.g. 50.9% at a volumetric organic load of 3.39 kg COD m–3 day–1 (1 day t HR) with an accumulation of both acetamide and acetate. The same reactor, when fed with acetate at t HR 1 day, reached a high COD removal (99%). Evidence of the inhibition of acetate degradation by acetamide is presented. After a long period (135 days) without feeding the reactor with acetamide, the sludge reactor was still capable of degrading acetamide when this substrate was supplied again. It seems that the synergistic degradation of acetamide by aerobes and methanogens present in the UASB reactor sludge is stable over a long period (343 days), in spite of limiting concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the feed.  相似文献   
Moldova has a rich historical and cultural heritage, which may be reflected in the current genetic makeup of its population. To date, no comprehensive studies exist about the population genetic structure of modern Moldavians. To bridge this gap with respect to paternal lineages, we analyzed 37 binary and 17 multiallelic (STRs) polymorphisms on the non-recombining portion of the Y chromosome in 125 Moldavian males. In addition, 53 Ukrainians from eastern Moldova and 54 Romanians from the neighboring eastern Romania were typed using the same set of markers. In Moldavians, 19 Y chromosome haplogroups were identified, the most common being I-M423 (20.8%), R-M17* (17.6%), R-M458 (12.8%), E-v13 (8.8%), R-M269* and R-M412* (both 7.2%). In Romanians, 14 haplogroups were found including I-M423 (40.7%), R-M17* (16.7%), R-M405 (7.4%), E-v13 and R-M412* (both 5.6%). In Ukrainians, 13 haplogroups were identified including R-M17 (34.0%), I-M423 (20.8%), R-M269* (9.4%), N-M178, R-M458 and R-M73 (each 5.7%). Our results show that a significant majority of the Moldavian paternal gene pool belongs to eastern/central European and Balkan/eastern Mediterranean Y lineages. Phylogenetic and AMOVA analyses based on Y-STR loci also revealed that Moldavians are close to both eastern/central European and Balkan-Carpathian populations. The data correlate well with historical accounts and geographical location of the region and thus allow to hypothesize that extant Moldavian paternal genetic lineages arose from extensive recent admixture between genetically autochthonous populations of the Balkan-Carpathian zone and neighboring Slavic groups.  相似文献   
Empathy reflects the natural ability to perceive and be sensitive to the emotional states of others, coupled with a motivation to care for their well-being. It has evolved in the context of parental care for offspring, as well as within kinship bonds, to help facilitate group living. In this paper, we integrate the perspectives of evolution, animal behaviour, developmental psychology, and social and clinical neuroscience to elucidate our understanding of the proximate mechanisms underlying empathy. We focus, in particular, on processing of signals of distress and need, and their relation to prosocial behaviour. The ability to empathize, both in animals and humans, mediates prosocial behaviour when sensitivity to others'' distress is paired with a drive towards their welfare. Disruption or atypical development of the neural circuits that process distress cues and integrate them with decision value leads to callous disregard for others, as is the case in psychopathy. The realization that basic forms of empathy exist in non-human animals is crucial for gaining new insights into the underlying neurobiological and genetic mechanisms of empathy, enabling translation towards therapeutic and pharmacological interventions.  相似文献   
Novel type of interstitial cell (Cajal-like) in human fallopian tube   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We describe here--presumably for the first time--a Cajal-like type of tubal interstitial cells (t-ICC), resembling the archetypal enteric ICC. t-ICC were demonstrated in situ and in vitro on fresh preparations (tissue cryosections and primary cell cultures) using methylene-blue, crystal-violet, Janus-Green B or MitoTracker-Green FM Probe vital stainings. Also, t-ICC were identified in fixed specimens by light microscopy (methylene-blue, Giemsa, trichrome stainings, Gomori silver-impregnation) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The positive diagnosis of t-ICC was strengthened by immunohistochemistry (IHC; CD117/c-kit+ and other 14 antigens) and immunofluorescence (IF; CD117/c-kit+ and other 7 antigens). The spatial density of t-ICC (ampullar-segment cryosections) was 100-150 cells/mm2. Non-conventional light microscopy (NCLM) of Epon semithin-sections revealed a network-like distribution of t-ICC in lamina propria and smooth muscle meshwork. t-ICC appeared located beneath of epithelium, in a 10-15 microm thick 'belt', where 18+/-2% of cells were t-ICC. In the whole lamina propria, t-ICC were about 9%, and in muscularis approximately 7%. In toto, t-ICC represent ~8% of subepithelial cells, as counted by NCLM. In vitro, t-ICC were 9.9+/-0.9% of total cell population. TEM showed that the diagnostic 'gold standard' (Huizinga et al., 1997) is fulfilled by 'our' t-ICC. However, we suggest a 'platinum standard', adding a new defining criterion- characteristic cytoplasmic processes (number: 1-5; length: tens of microm; thickness: < or =0.5 microm; aspect: moniliform; branching: dichotomous; organization: network, labyrinthic-system). Quantitatively, the ultrastructural architecture of t-ICC is: nucleus, 23.6+/-3.2% of cell volume, with heterochromatin 49.1+/-3.8%; mitochondria, 4.8+/-1.7%; rough and smooth endoplasmic-reticulum (1.1+/-0.6%, 1.0+/-0.2%, respectively); caveolae, 3.4+/-0.5%. We found more caveolae on the surface of cell processes versus cell body, as confirmed by IF for caveolins. Occasionally, the so-called 'Ca2+-release units' (subplasmalemmal close associations of caveolae+endoplasmic reticulum+mitochondria) were detected in the dilations of cell processes. Electrophysiological single unit recordings of t-ICC in primary cultures indicated sustained spontaneous electrical activity (amplitude of membrane potentials: 57.26+/-6.56 mV). Besides the CD117/c-kit marker, t-ICC expressed variously CD34, caveolins 1&2, alpha-SMA, S-100, vimentin, nestin, desmin, NK-1. t-ICC were negative for: CD68, CD1a, CD62P, NSE, GFAP, chromogranin-A, PGP9.5, but IHC showed the possible existence of (neuro)endocrine cells in tubal interstitium. We call them 'JF cells'. In conclusion, the identification of t-ICC might open the door for understanding some tubal functions, e.g. pace-making/peristaltism, secretion (auto-, juxta- and/or paracrine), regulation of neurotransmission (nitrergic/purinergic) and intercellular signaling, via the very long processes. Furthermore, t-ICC might even be uncommitted bipotential progenitor cells.  相似文献   
There are few major morphologies of cell death that have been described so far: apoptosis (type I), cell death associated with autophagy (type II), necrosis (type III) and anchorage‐dependent mechanisms—anoikis. Here, we show for the first time a possibly novel mechanism inducing tumour cell death under in vitro conditions—enucleation. We pursued the influence of colloidal suspensions of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on tumour cell lines (SK‐BR‐3 and MCF‐7 breast cancer cell lines) grown according to standard cell culture protocols. Magnetite nanoparticles were prepared by combustion synthesis and double layer coated with oleic acid. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that tumour cells developed a network of intracytoplasmic stress fibres, which induce extrusion of nuclei, and enucleated cells die. Normal adult mesenchymal stem cells, used as control, did not exhibit the same behaviour. Intact nuclei were found in culture supernatant of tumour cells, and were visualized by immunofluorescence. Enucleation as a potential mechanism of tumour cell death might open new horizons in cancer biology research and development of therapeutic agents capable of exploiting this behaviour.  相似文献   
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) orchestrates plant adaptive responses to a variety of stresses, including drought. This signaling pathway is regulated by reversible protein phosphorylation, and genetic evidence demonstrated that several related protein phosphatases 2C (PP2Cs) are negative regulators of this pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we developed a protein phosphatase profiling strategy to define the substrate preferences of the HAB1 PP2C implicated in ABA signaling and used these data to screen for putative substrates. Interestingly, this analysis designated the activation loop of the ABA activated kinase OST1, related to Snf1 and AMPK kinases, as a putative HAB1 substrate. We experimentally demonstrated that HAB1 dephosphorylates and deactivates OST1 in vitro. Furthermore, HAB1 and the related PP2Cs ABI1 and ABI2 interact with OST1 in vivo, and mutations in the corresponding genes strongly affect OST1 activation by ABA. Our results provide evidence that PP2Cs are directly implicated in the ABA-dependent activation of OST1 and further suggest that the activation mechanism of AMPK/Snf1-related kinases through the inhibition of regulating PP2Cs is conserved from plants to human.  相似文献   
Sputum smear microscopy is widely used for tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment monitoring. We evaluated the correlation between smear microscopy and time to liquid culture positivity during early tuberculosis treatment. The study included patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis hospitalized at a tuberculosis reference centre in Germany between 01/2012 and 05/2013. Patient records were reviewed and clinical, radiological and microbiological data were analysed. Sputum samples were collected before treatment initiation and weekly thereafter. A number of 310 sputum samples from 30 patients were analysed. Time to liquid culture positivity inversely correlated with smear grade (Spearman''s rho −0.439, p<0.001). There was a better correlation within the first two months vs. after two months of therapy (−0.519 vs. −0.416) with a trend to a more rapid increase in time to positivity between baseline and week 2 in patients who culture-converted within the first two months (5.9 days vs. 9.4 days, p = 0.3). In conclusion, the numbers of acid-fast bacilli in sputum smears of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and time to culture positivity for M. tuberculosis cultures from sputum are correlated before and during tuberculosis treatment. A considerable proportion of patients with culture conversion after two months of therapy continued to have detectable acid-fast bacilli on sputum smears.  相似文献   
Longitudinal growth of long bones and vertebrae occurs in growth plate cartilage. This process is partly regulated by mechanical forces, which are one of the underlying reasons for progression of growth deformities such as idiopathic adolescent scoliosis and early-onset scoliosis. This concept of mechanical modulation of bone growth is also exploited in the development of fusionless treatments of these deformities. However, the optimal loading condition for the mechanical modulation of growth plate remains to be identified. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of in vitro static versus dynamic modulation and of dynamic loading parameters, such as frequency and amplitude, on the mechanical responses and histomorphology of growth plate explants. Growth plate explants from distal ulnae of 4-week-old swines were extracted and randomly distributed among six experimental groups: baseline (\(n=10\)), control (\(n=10\)), static (\(n=10\)) and dynamic (\(n=3\times 10\)). For static and dynamic groups, mechanical modulation was performed in vitro using an Indexed CartiGen bioreactor. A stress relaxation test combined with confocal microscopy and digital image correlation was used to characterize the mechanical responses of each explant in terms of peak stress, equilibrium stress, equilibrium modulus of elasticity and strain pattern. Histomorphometrical measurements were performed on toluidine blue tissue sections using a semi-automatic custom-developed MATLAB toolbox. Results suggest that compared to dynamic modulation, static modulation changes the strain pattern of the tissue and thus is more detrimental for tissue biomechanics, while the histomorphological parameters are not affected by mechanical modulation. Also, under dynamic modulation, changing the frequency or amplitude does not affect the biomechanical response of the tissue. Results of this study will be useful in finding optimal and non-damaging parameters for the mechanical modulation of growth plate in fusionless treatments.  相似文献   
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