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Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe von Pt-Aspirationselektroden wurde das Verhalten des Krebsherzens an frei beweglichen, ungestörten Astacus fluviatilis, Astacus leptodactylus und Cambarus affinis gegenüber Temperatureinflüssen untersucht. Die angewandte Methode erlaubt eine lückenlose Registrierung der Herztätigkeit über einen längeren Zeitraum. Die Herzfrequenzen folgen der R-G-T-Regel bei Astacus fluviatilis zwischen 0 und 26° C, bei Astacus leptodactylus zwischen 0 und 28° C und bei Cambarus affinis von 0–30° C. Die Letaltemperaturen liegen bei ca. 28, 34 bzw. 37° C; der Q 10 bei 1,7, 1,9 bzw. 1,8. An höhere Temperaturen adaptierte Individuen zeigen eine signifikant höhere Herzfrequenz in höheren Temperaturbereichen als die an tiefere Temperaturen adaptierten. Jungtiere geringen Gewichts (2,5 g) weisen eine signifikant höhere Herzfrequenz auf als die schwereren adulten Tiere (ca. 90 g).
Comparative experiments on the heartbeats of unrestrained decapode crustaceans (Astacus fluviatilis Fab., Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholz, and Cambarus affinis Say)
Summary The temperature influence on the heartbeats of unrestrained Astacus fluviatilis, Astacus leptodactylus, and Cambarus affinis has been studied by means of aspiration electrodes. This method allows a complete and long termed registration of the heartbeats. The rule of van t'Hoff has been proved for the heartbeat frequencies of Astacus fluviatilis between 0 and 26° C, of Astacus leptodactylus between 0 and 28° C, and of Cambarus affinis from 0–30° C. Lethal temperatures have been found at about 28° C, 34° C, and 37° C respectively, the Q 10 was measured as 1.7, 1.9, and 1.8 respectively. Warm adapted specimen show a significant higher frequency at higher temperatures than cold adapted ones. Young individuals of little weight (2.5 g) have been found to posses a marked higher frequency than the heavier adult animals (90 g).
We measured hydrolytic rates of four purified cellulases in small increments of temperature (10–50 °C) and substrate loads (0–100 g/liter) and analyzed the data by a steady state kinetic model that accounts for the processive mechanism. We used wild type cellobiohydrolases (Cel7A) from mesophilic Hypocrea jecorina and thermophilic Rasamsonia emersonii and two variants of these enzymes designed to elucidate the role of the carbohydrate binding module (CBM). We consistently found that the maximal rate increased strongly with temperature, whereas the affinity for the insoluble substrate decreased, and as a result, the effect of temperature depended strongly on the substrate load. Thus, temperature had little or no effect on the hydrolytic rate in dilute substrate suspensions, whereas strong temperature activation (Q10 values up to 2.6) was observed at saturating substrate loads. The CBM had a dual effect on the activity. On one hand, it diminished the tendency of heat-induced desorption, but on the other hand, it had a pronounced negative effect on the maximal rate, which was 2-fold larger in variants without CBM throughout the investigated temperature range. We conclude that although the CBM is beneficial for affinity it slows down the catalytic process. Cel7A from the thermophilic organism was moderately more activated by temperature than the mesophilic analog. This is in accord with general theories on enzyme temperature adaptation and possibly relevant information for the selection of technical cellulases.  相似文献   
To help ensure an expanded healthy lifespan for as many people as possible worldwide, there is a need to prevent or manage a number of prevalent chronic diseases directly and indirectly closely related to aging, including diabetes and obesity. Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) have proven beneficial in type 2 diabetes, are amongst the few medicines approved for weight management, and are also licensed for focused cardiovascular risk reduction. In addition, strong evidence suggests several other beneficial effects of the pleiotropic peptide hormone, including anti-inflammation. Consequently, GLP-1 RAs are now in advanced clinical development for the treatment of chronic kidney disease, broader cardiovascular risk reduction, metabolic liver disease and Alzheimer's disease. In sum, GLP-1 RAs are positioned as one of the pharmacotherapeutic options that can contribute to addressing the high unmet medical need characterising several prevalent aging-related diseases, potentially helping more people enjoy a prolonged healthy lifespan.  相似文献   
In many shallow coastal areas worldwide, several species of opportunistic macroalgae (mainly Chlorophyta) have an excessive growth, as a consequence of eutrophication processes. Therefore, bloom-forming macroalgae become the dominant primary producers within these coastal systems. However, frequently the ecology and the ecophysiology of adult macroalgae have been insufficient to explain their seasonal abundances. Thus, it is essential to understand the factors that regulate the germination and growth of spores of opportunistic green macroalgae. In the present work, we assessed the effects of nutrients (N and P), salinity and light on the germination and growth of Enteromorpha spores. Overall, the results highlight the fact that, such as for adult macroalgae, spore germination and growth are adversely affected by low salinities. Growth of the spores is significantly decreased at 5 psu, while salinities of 20 and, especially of 35 psu, clearly promote the spore growth. Additionally, Enteromorpha spores seem to be particularly sensitive to PO4-P limitation and to NH4-N toxicity, which suggests a higher sensitivity to the variation of external nutrient concentrations than adult macroalgae. The present results contribute to increase the understanding about the factors that control macroalgal growth at its early phases of development. In particular, the results suggest that the growth of spores from opportunistic green macroalgae is strongly salinity-dependent. Consequently, in highly hydrodynamic systems such as most shallow estuaries, salinity variations may play a determinant role in the yearly abundances of green macroalgae, since it controls macroalgal growth from the spores to the adults.  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial variations in benthic metabolism and anaerobic carbon oxidation pathways were assessed in an anthropogenically impacted (Mtoni) and a pristine (Ras Dege) mangrove forest in Tanzania. The objectives were (1) to evaluate how benthic metabolism is affected by organic carbon availability; (2) to determine the validity of diffusive release of CO2 as a measure benthic carbon oxidation; and (3) to assess the partitioning of anaerobic carbon pathways and factors controlling the availability of electron acceptors (e.g. oxidized iron). Microbial carbon oxidation measured as diffusive exchange of O2 and CO2 (32?C67 and 28?C115 mmol m?2 day?1, respectively) showed no specific temporal patterns. Low intertidal sediments at Mtoni fed by labile algal carbon of anthropogenic origin had higher diffusive CO2 release than high intertidal sediments that primarily received less reactive mangrove detritus. Diffusive release of CO2 apparently underestimated total sediment carbon oxidation due to CO2 loss from deep sediments via emission through biogenic structures (i.e. crab burrows and pneumatophores) and porewater seepage into creeks. We propose that diffusive fluxes in the present mangrove sediments are roughly equivalent to depth-integrated reactions occurring in the upper 12 cm. Anaerobic carbon oxidation was dominated by FeR irrespective of anthropogenic influence in sediments where the oxidizing effects of biogenic structures increased the Fe(III) level. More than 80% of the anaerobic carbon oxidation in Mtoni and Ras Dege sediments was due to FeR when reactive Fe(III) exceeded 30 ??mol cm?3. The anthropogenic influence at Mtoni was primarily noted as up to one order of magnitude higher denitrification than at Ras Dege, but this process always accounted for less than 1% of total carbon oxidation. It is noteworthy that organic and nutrient enrichment of anthropogenic origin in Mtoni has no measurable effect on microbial processes, other than carbon oxidation in the low intertidal area and denitrification throughout the forest, and indicates a strong resilience of mangrove environments towards disturbances.  相似文献   
Flindt  Mogens R.  Nielsen  Jan B. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,235(1):283-293
Total oxygen uptake, bacterial oxygen uptake, total bacterial biomass and active bacterial biomass were determined at the sediment-water interface at two stations in the brackish Roskilde Fjord between September and December in 1986 before, during and after sedimentation of a phytoplankton bloom. Bacterial oxygen consumption was separated from total oxygen consumption by addition of cycloheximide. The fractional and the absolute bacterial oxygen uptake were greatest at the most eutrophic station, where total oxygen uptake was 870–1740 mg O2 m–2 d–1 and the bacterial oxygen uptake was 232–870 mg O2 m–2 d–1. At the less eutrophic station, total oxygen uptake was 725–1740 mg O2 m–2 d–1. and bacterial oxygen uptake was 200–550 mg O2 m–2 d–1.Active bacterial biomass was separated from total bacterial biomass by addition of the terminal electron acceptor INT-formazan. The active bacterial biomass was 70–120 µg C mg–1 ww of sediment at the most eutrophic station and 50–90 µg C g–1 ww of sediment at the other station. Differences in capacity of bacterial oxygen uptake between the two stations correlated to the active bacterial biomass. The non-temperature dependent bacterial oxygen uptake correlated with the sedimentation rate.  相似文献   
A community-based framework for aquatic ecosystem models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Here, we communicate a point of departure in the development of aquatic ecosystem models, namely a new community-based framework, which supports an enhanced and transparent union between the collective expertise that exists in the communities of traditional ecologists and model developers. Through a literature survey, we document the growing importance of numerical aquatic ecosystem models while also noting the difficulties, up until now, of the aquatic scientific community to make significant advances in these models during the past two decades. Through a common forum for aquatic ecosystem modellers we aim to (i) advance collaboration within the aquatic ecosystem modelling community, (ii) enable increased use of models for research, policy and ecosystem-based management, (iii) facilitate a collective framework using common (standardised) code to ensure that model development is incremental, (iv) increase the transparency of model structure, assumptions and techniques, (v) achieve a greater understanding of aquatic ecosystem functioning, (vi) increase the reliability of predictions by aquatic ecosystem models, (vii) stimulate model inter-comparisons including differing model approaches, and (viii) avoid ??re-inventing the wheel??, thus accelerating improvements to aquatic ecosystem models. We intend to achieve this as a community that fosters interactions amongst ecologists and model developers. Further, we outline scientific topics recently articulated by the scientific community, which lend themselves well to being addressed by integrative modelling approaches and serve to motivate the progress and implementation of an open source model framework.  相似文献   
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