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Effects of soyabean and ascorbic acid on experimental carcinogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Ultrastructural changes in liver tissue of mice fed nitrosamine precursors, dibutylamine and nitrite, were observed. 2. The protective effect of soyabean in a diet containing nitrosamine precursors was demonstrated. 3. Liver tissue was examined to investigate the anticarcinogenicity of ascorbic acid. 4. The significance of soyabean and ascrobic acid in counteracting the potential hazards due to nitrosamine precursors is discussed.  相似文献   
The abundances, population dynamics and production of the rotifer community of Lough Neagh were examined for a three year period. Keratella cochlearis was the most abundant species accounting for over 40% of biomass followed by Polyarthra dolichoptera and Notholca acuminata. The mean standing crop for the rotiferan zooplankton increased in successive years (41, 51, 75 mg dwt m–2) as did production (1037, 1322, 1417 mg dwt m–2 y–1). The seasonal pattern of biomass expression and production varies markedly in different years. Instantaneous birth rates tend to be lower but more consistent for the more abundant species, instantaneous death rates show periods of negative mortality indicating an inadequacy of the model employed but explicable as hatching of resting eggs. K. cochlearis as the most successful species is explained as its perennial appearance and adaptation to the low annual temperature cycle found in the lough. The population succession and the annual occurrence of species differs in each year.  相似文献   
It is postulated that basic residues in the regulatory region of myosin light chain kinase are important for conferring autoinhibition by binding to the catalytic core. To investigate this proposal, 10 basic amino acids within the regulatory region of rabbit smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (Lys961-Lys979) were replaced either singularly or in combination with acidic or nonpolar residues by site-directed mutagenesis. All active mutant kinases were dependent on Ca2+/calmodulin for catalytic activity. None of the mutants was active in the absence of Ca2+/calmodulin, suggesting that the autoinhibitory region has not been defined completely. Charge reversal mutants at Arg974, Arg975, and Lys976 resulted in loss of high affinity binding of calmodulin and increased the concentration of calmodulin required for half-maximal activation (KCaM). The charge reversal mutant at Lys979 also increased KCaM but to a lesser extent. Charge reversal mutants at Lys965 and Arg967 resulted in an inactive myosin light chain kinase that could not be proteolytically activated. When these residues were mutated to Ala, the expressed kinase was dependent upon Ca2+/calmodulin for activity and exhibited a decrease in KCaM. Charge reversal mutants in Lys961 and Lys962 also had decreased KCaM values. These basic residues amino-terminal of the calmodulin binding domain may play an important role in the activation of the kinase.  相似文献   
The effects of K+ concentration, light intensity and CO2 levels on the volume of Commelina communis L. guard cell protoplasts were studied. Two degrees of swelling response were observed, both dependent on an external supply of K+, but not necessarily on the supply of a permeant anion. The presence of K+ itself, independent of light or CO2 level, stimulated swelling at a relatively slow rate. When K+, light and low CO2 conditions were supplied together, the swelling was relatively rapid and of high magnitude. The rapid swelling was specific for K+ and Rb+ giving a half maximal effect after 2 h at a KCl concentration of about 18 mmol m−3. The addition of CaCl2 at 1 mol m−3 inhibited K+-dependent swelling under all conditions tested. The response to light and low CO2 levels by Commelina guard cell protoplasts is thought to reflect a high degree of physiological integrity.  相似文献   
Although endurance training has been shown to profoundly affect the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle, little information is available concerning the impact of endurance training on skeletal muscle isomyosin expression across a variety of muscle fiber types. Therefore, a 10-wk running program (1 h/day, 5 days/wk, 20% grade, 1 mile/h) was conducted to ascertain the effects of endurance training on isomyosin expression in the soleus, vastus intermedius (VI), plantaris (PLAN), red and white medial gastrocnemius (RMG and WMG), and red and white vastus lateralis muscles (RVL and WVL). Evidences of training were noted by the presence of a resting and a submaximal exercise bradycardia, as well as an enhancement in peak O2 consumption in the trained rodents relative to the nontrained controls. No evidence for skeletal muscle hypertrophy was observed subsequent to training when muscle weight was normalized to body weight. Shifts in the isomyosin profile of the trained VI, RMG, RVL, and PLAN were seen relative to the nontrained controls. Specifically, training affected the slow myosin (SM) composition of the VI by decreasing the relative content of the SM2 isoform by 14% while increasing that of the SM1 isoform (P less than 0.05). In addition, training elicited various degrees of a fast to slower myosin transformation in the RMG, RVL, and PLAN. All three muscles showed a significant reduction in the fast myosin 2 isoform (P less than 0.05), with significant increases in intermediate myosin in the RVL and PLAN along with elevations in SM2 in the RMG and PLAN (P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Regulation of contraction in skeletal muscle is a highly cooperative process involving Ca(2+) binding to troponin C (TnC) and strong binding of myosin cross-bridges to actin. To further investigate the role(s) of cooperation in activating the kinetics of cross-bridge cycling, we measured the Ca(2+) dependence of the rate constant of force redevelopment (k(tr)) in skinned single fibers in which cross-bridge and Ca(2+) binding were also perturbed. Ca(2+) sensitivity of tension, the steepness of the force-pCa relationship, and Ca(2+) dependence of k(tr) were measured in skinned fibers that were (1) treated with NEM-S1, a strong-binding, non-force-generating derivative of myosin subfragment 1, to promote cooperative strong binding of endogenous cross-bridges to actin; (2) subjected to partial extraction of TnC to disrupt the spread of activation along the thin filament; or (3) both, partial extraction of TnC and treatment with NEM-S1. The steepness of the force-pCa relationship was consistently reduced by treatment with NEM-S1, by partial extraction of TnC, or by a combination of TnC extraction and NEM-S1, indicating a decrease in the apparent cooperativity of activation. Partial extraction of TnC or NEM-S1 treatment accelerated the rate of force redevelopment at each submaximal force, but had no effect on kinetics of force development in maximally activated preparations. At low levels of Ca(2+), 3 microM NEM-S1 increased k(tr) to maximal values, and higher concentrations of NEM-S1 (6 or 10 microM) increased k(tr) to greater than maximal values. NEM-S1 also accelerated k(tr) at intermediate levels of activation, but to values that were submaximal. However, the combination of partial TnC extraction and 6 microM NEM-S1 increased k(tr) to virtually identical supramaximal values at all levels of activation, thus, completely eliminating the activation dependence of k(tr). These results show that k(tr) is not maximal in control fibers, even at saturating [Ca(2+)], and suggest that activation dependence of k(tr) is due to the combined activating effects of Ca(2+) binding to TnC and cross-bridge binding to actin.  相似文献   
The majority of inteins are comprised of a protein splicing domain and a homing endonuclease domain. Experimental evidence has demonstrated that the splicing domain and the endonuclease domain in a bifunctional intein are largely independent of each other with respect to both structure and activity. Here, an artificial bifunctional intein has been created through the insertion of an existing homing endonuclease into a mini-intein that is naturally lacking this functionality. The gene for I-CreI, an intron-encoded homing endonuclease, was grafted into the monofunctional Mycobacterium xenopi GyrA intein at the putative site of the missing endonuclease. The resulting fusion protein was found to be capable of protein splicing similar to that of the parent intein. In addition, the protein demonstrated site-specific endonuclease activity that is characteristic of the I-CreI homing endonuclease. The function of each domain therefore remained unaffected by the presence of the other domain. This artificial fusion of the two domains is a potential novel mobile genetic element.  相似文献   
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