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IL-2-PE40 is a chimeric molecule in which IL-2 is attached to the amino end of modified Pseudomonas exotoxin molecule lacking cell recognition domain. This molecule was extremely toxic for Con A-stimulated spleen cells from mice. Moreover, IL-2-PE40 has suppressive effect against Ag-activated cells; it inhibits the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity in a MLC. IL-2-PE40 could be a useful agent in IL-2R targeting therapy including immunosuppressive therapy for allograft rejection or some autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
Sera from 123 patients with diabetes mellitus of recent onset, 155 patients with diabetes of more than two years'' duration, and 250 normal persons were collected over a period of two and a half years. All sera were tested for neutralizing antibody to Coxsackie virus types B1–6, and a sample was tested for complement-fixing antibody to a number of viral, rickettsial, and mycoplasmal antigens.In diabetics of recent onset no evidence was found of any excess of antibodies to mumps virus or some common respiratory viruses. Insulin-dependent diabetes within three months of onset were found to have higher antibody titres to Coxsackie B virus, particularly of type B4, than either normal subjects or patients with diabetes of longer duration.  相似文献   
Domain II mutants of Pseudomonas exotoxin deficient in translocation   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) kills mammalian cells in a complex process that involves cell surface binding, internalization by endocytosis, translocation to the cytosol, and ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2. PE is a three-domain protein in which domain I binds to the cell surface, domain II promotes translocation into the cytosol, and domain III carries out ADP-ribosylation. To determine how translocation occurs, we have mutated all the arginine residues in domain II and found that mutations at positions 276 and 279 greatly diminished the cytotoxicity of PE and mutations 330 and 337 substantially reduced cytotoxicity. Biochemical studies indicate that after internalization into an endocytic compartment, the PE molecule undergoes a specific and saturable intracellular interaction, and this interaction is deficient in an Arg276----Gly mutant. Our data suggest that the translocation process of PE involves a specific interaction of Arg276 (and possibly Arg279, Arg330, and Arg337) with components of an intracellular compartment.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas exotoxin: chimeric toxins   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Pseudomonas exotoxin binds to and enters cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Within the cell it requires exposure to low pH to enable it to translocate to the cell cytoplasm where it inhibits protein synthesis by ADP-ribosylating elongation factor 2. The toxin has three main structural domains whose functions are: Ia, cell binding; II, translocation; and III, ADP-ribosylation. Key amino acids have been identified within each domain that are required for the function of the toxin. Chimeric toxins were made originally by using chemical cross-linking reagents to couple Pseudomonas exotoxin (or other toxins) to cell-binding proteins. More recently, a variety of Pseudomonas exotoxin-related chimeric toxins have been made by gene fusion technology. These chimeric toxins may be useful clinically for treating various diseases and experimentally for understanding receptor function.  相似文献   
To be toxic for mammalian cells, Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) requires proteolytic cleavage between Arg-279 and Gly-280. Cleavage, which is mediated by the cellular protease furin, generates an active C-terminal fragment which translocates to the cytosol and inhibits protein synthesis. In vitro , furin-mediated cleavage is optimal at pH 5.5 with a relatively slow turnover rate. Within cells, only 5–10% of cell-associated PE is cleaved. To investigate the reasons for this inefficient cleavage, the amino acid composition near the cleavage site was altered to resemble more closely the arginine-rich sequence from the functionally similar region of diphtheria toxin (DT). Four PE-DT mutants were generated, whereby 1, 5, 6 or 8 amino acids at the PE-cleavage site were changed to amino acids found at the DT-cleavage site. Mutant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli , purified and then analysed for their susceptibility to cleavage by furin and trypsin, susceptibility to cell-mediated cleavage, and cytotoxic activity relative to wild-type PE. At pH 5.5, the rate of both furin-mediated cleavage and trypsin-mediated cleavage increased dramatically when amino acids in PE were altered to resemble the DT sequence. This increase did not alter the pH optimum for furin-mediated cleavage of PE toxins, which remained at pH 5.0–5.5. When radioactive versions of selected PE-DT proteins were added to intact cells, an increase in the percentage of molecules that were cleaved relative to wild-type PE was also seen. However, changes that favoured increased proteolysis apparently interfered with other important toxin functions because none of the PE-DT proteins exhibited enhanced toxicity for cells when compared with the activity of wild-type PE.  相似文献   
Infection of the IL-3-dependent, myeloid progenitor cell line 32D cl 3 with murine retroviruses that contain either the wild-type or a temperature-sensitive mutant v-src can render these cells growth-factor independent. These cells also became resistant to gamma irradiation administered at the low-dose rate of 0.05 Gy/min, which is used clinically. The v-src-dependent nature of resistance to gamma irradiation was examined by studying four clones of 32D cl 3 cells that had been infected with a retrovirus carrying the tsLA31A mutant of v-src. The tyrosine-specific kinase activity of this mutant is dramatically reduced at the nonpermissive temperature of 39 degrees C. Cells transformed by v-src and grown at either 34 or 39 degrees C, in the presence or absence of IL-3, demonstrated a significantly higher D0 compared to parental cells examined under identical conditions. In addition, expression of v-src abrogated the synergistic killing effect of heat and gamma irradiation. The D0 of parental 32D cl 3 cells kept at 39 degrees C after gamma irradiation was reduced significantly compared to the D0 of these cells kept at 34 degrees C. This contrasts with data from 32D cl 3 cells infected with either the wild-type v-src or the temperature-sensitive mutant, neither exhibited a synergistic effect in the D0 at either 34 or 39 degrees C. Therefore, while continuous expression of a v-src gene product is required for maintenance of the growth-factor-independent state, v-src does not appear to be responsible for the increased gamma-radiation resistance of these cells at low dose rate.  相似文献   
We describe selected aspects of the ecology of the copepod Eurytemora affinis in tide pools of an inland salt marsh near L'Isle-Verte, Québec along the southern shore of the St. Lawrence estuary. E. affinis performed daily horizontal migrations moving from the centers of pools to the banks and into dense algae. Male E. affinis were mainly found in the center of the pools during twilight (21 : 00 hrs) and in dense algae in daylight (12: 00 hrs) whereas most females and copepodites were found near the banks at all three sampling periods. Although these daily movements among sites may have minimized predation by diurnally foraging sticklebacks (Pisces: Gasterosteidae), other explanations for the movements can not be excluded. We also quantified the effects of fish predation upon the population structure of E. affinis. Densities of all stages (nauplius, copepodite, adult) were significantly lower in pools with fish than in pools without fish. Female E. affinis were significantly smaller (mean length) in pools with fish than in pools without fish, indicating that the sticklebacks selectively ate larger females. Male-biased sex ratios were found in both types of pools, which excluded the possibility that biased ratios in this species are caused by selective predation upon the females.  相似文献   
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