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A low pH method of liposome-membrane fusion (Schneider et al., 1980, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 77:442) was used to enrich the mitochondrial inner membrane lipid bilayer 30-700% with exogenous phospholipid and cholesterol. By varying the phospholipid-to- cholesterol ratio of the liposomes it was possible to incorporate specific amounts of cholesterol (up to 44 mol %) into the inner membrane bilayer in a controlled fashion. The membrane surface area increased proportionally to the increase in total membrane bilayer lipid. Inner membrane enriched with phospholipid only, or with phospholipid plus cholesterol up to 20 mol %, showed randomly distributed intramembrane particles (integral proteins) in the membrane plane, and the average distance between intramembrane particles increased proportionally to the amount of newly incorporated lipid. Membranes containing between 20 and 27 mol % cholesterol exhibited small clusters of intramembrane particles while cholesterol contents above 27 mol % resulted in larger aggregations of intramembrane particles. In phospholipid-enriched membranes with randomly dispersed intramembrane particles, electron transfer activities from NADH- and succinate-dehydrogenase to cytochrome c decreased proportionally to the increase in distance between the particles. In contrast, these electron- transfer activities increased with decreasing distances between intramembrane particles brought about by cholesterol incorporation. These results indicate that (a) catalytically interacting redox components in the mitochondrial inner membrane such as the dehydrogenase complexes, ubiquinone, and heme proteins are independent, laterally diffusible components; (b) the average distance between these redox components is effected by the available surface area of the membrane lipid bilayer; and (c) the distance over which redox components diffuse before collision and electron transfer mediates the rate of such transfer.  相似文献   
Ants in the Neotropical genus Sericomyrmex Mayr cultivate fungi for food. Both ants and fungi are obligate, coevolved symbionts. The taxonomy of Sericomyrmex is problematic because the morphology of the worker caste is generally homogeneous across all of the species within the genus, species limits are vague, and the relationships between them are unknown. We used ultraconserved elements (UCEs) as genome‐scale markers to reconstruct evolutionary history and to infer species boundaries in Sericomyrmex. We recovered an average of ~990 UCE loci for 88 Sericomyrmex samples from across the geographical range of the genus as well as for five outgroup taxa. Using maximum likelihood and species‐tree approaches, we recovered nearly identical topologies across datasets with 50–95% matrix completeness. We identify nine species‐level lineages in Sericomyrmex, including two new species. This is less than the previously described 19 species, even accounting for two species for which we had no UCE samples, which brings the total number of Sericomyrmex species to 11. Divergence‐dating analyses recovered 4.3 Ma as the crown‐group age estimates for Sericomyrmex, indicating a recent, rapid radiation. We also sequenced mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) for 125 specimens. Resolution and support for clades in our COI phylogeny are weak, indicating that COI is not an appropriate species‐delimitation tool. However, taxa within species consistently cluster together, suggesting that COI is useful as a species identification (‘DNA barcoding’) tool. We also sequenced internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) for 32 Sericomyrmex fungal cultivars. The fungal phylogeny confirms that Sericomyrmex fungi are generalized higher‐attine cultivars, interspersed with Trachymyrmex‐associated fungal species, indicating cultivar sharing and horizontal transfer between these two genera. Our results indicate that UCEs offer immense potential for delimiting and resolving relationships of problematic, recently diverged species.  相似文献   
During eukaryotic cell division, the sister chromatids of duplicated chromosomes are pulled apart by microtubules, which connect via kinetochores. The kinetochore is a multiprotein structure that links centromeres to microtubules, and that emits molecular signals in order to safeguard the equal distribution of duplicated chromosomes over daughter cells. Although microtubule‐mediated chromosome segregation is evolutionary conserved, kinetochore compositions seem to have diverged. To systematically inventory kinetochore diversity and to reconstruct its evolution, we determined orthologs of 70 kinetochore proteins in 90 phylogenetically diverse eukaryotes. The resulting ortholog sets imply that the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) possessed a complex kinetochore and highlight that current‐day kinetochores differ substantially. These kinetochores diverged through gene loss, duplication, and, less frequently, invention and displacement. Various kinetochore components co‐evolved with one another, albeit in different manners. These co‐evolutionary patterns improve our understanding of kinetochore function and evolution, which we illustrated with the RZZ complex, TRIP13, the MCC, and some nuclear pore proteins. The extensive diversity of kinetochore compositions in eukaryotes poses numerous questions regarding evolutionary flexibility of essential cellular functions.  相似文献   
Behavioral and endocrine suppression of reproduction in subordinate females produces the high reproductive skew that characterizes callitrichid primate mating systems. Snowdon et al. [American Journal of Primatology 31:11-21, 1993] reported that the eldest daughters in tamarin families exhibit further endocrinological suppression immediately following the birth of siblings, and suggested that dominant females exert greater control over subordinate endocrinology during this energetically challenging phase of reproduction. We monitored the endocrine status of five Wied's black tufted-ear marmoset daughters before and after their mother delivered infants by measuring concentrations of urinary estradiol (E(2)), pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG), testosterone (T), and cortisol (CORT). Samples were collected from marmoset daughters 4 weeks prior to and 9 weeks following three consecutive sibling-litter births when the daughters were prepubertal (M=6.1 months of age), peripubertal (M=11.9 months), and postpubertal (M=17.6 months). The birth of infants was associated with reduced ovarian steroid excretion only in the prepubertal daughters. In contrast, ovarian steroid levels tended to increase in the postpubertal daughters. Urinary E(2) and T levels in the postpubertal daughters were 73.8% and 37.6% higher, respectively, in the 3 weeks following the birth of infants, relative to prepartum levels. In addition, peak urinary PdG concentrations in peri- and postpubertal daughters were equivalent to luteal phase concentrations in nonpregnant, breeding adult females, and all of the peri- and postpubertal daughters showed clear ovulatory cycles. Cortisol excretion did not change in response to the reproductive status of the mother, nor did the concentrations change across age. Our data suggest that marmoset daughters of potential breeding age are not hormonally suppressed during the mother's peripartum period or her return to fertility. These findings provide an additional example of species diversity in the social regulation of reproduction in callitrichid primates.  相似文献   
Kurz LC  Fite B  Jean J  Park J  Erpelding T  Callis P 《Biochemistry》2005,44(5):1394-1413
The formation of all major intermediates in the reaction catalyzed by the citrate synthase from Thermoplasma acidophilum is accompanied by changes in tryptophan fluorescence. The largest change is the strong quenching observed on formation of the binary complex with substrate, oxaloacetate (OAA). The four tryptophan residues present in the enzyme have been changed to nonfluorescent ones in various combinations without major perturbations in protein stability, enzyme mechanism, or other physical properties. W348, residing in the hydrophobic core of the protein behind the active site wall ca. 9 A from OAA, is responsible for the majority of the protein's intrinsic fluorescence and all of the quenching that accompanies OAA binding. Lifetime studies show that all of the quenching results from excited-state processes. The lack of solvent isotope effects on the quantum yields excludes a quenching mechanism involving proton transfer to an acceptor. There are no significant changes in fluorescence properties in single site mutants of residues near W348 that change conformation and/or interactions when OAA binds. This result excludes these changes from a direct role. Electron transfer from the indole excited state to some acceptor is the major quenching mechanism; the reduced quenching observed in the 5F-W-substituted protein strengthens this conclusion. Using the X-ray structures of the unliganded enzyme and its OAA binary complex, hybrid quantum mechanics-molecular dynamics (QM-MM) calculations show that OAA itself is the most likely quencher with the OAA carbonyl as the electron acceptor. This conclusion is strengthened by the ability of an alpha-keto acid model compound, trimethylpyruvate, to act as a diffusional quencher of indole fluorescence in solution. The theoretical calculations further indicate that the positive electrostatic potential surrounding the OAA carbonyl within the enzymes' active site is essential to its ability to accept an electron from the excited state of W348. These same environmental factors play a major role in activating OAA to react with the carbanion of acetyl-CoA. Since carbonyl polarization plays a role in the catalytic strategies of numerous enzymes whose reactions involve this functional group, tryptophan fluorescence changes might be useful as a mechanistic probe for other systems.  相似文献   
BackgroundRift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a highly pathogenic arthropod-borne virus that has a detrimental effect on both livestock and human populations. While there are several diagnostic methodologies available for RVFV detection, many are not sensitive enough to diagnose early infections. Furthermore, detection may be hindered by high abundant proteins such as albumin. Previous findings have shown that Nanotrap particles can be used to significantly enhance detection of various small analytes of low abundance. We have expanded upon this repertoire to show that this simple and efficient sample preparation technology can drastically improve the detection of the RVFV nucleoprotein (NP), the most abundant and widely used viral protein for RVFV diagnostics.ResultsAfter screening multiple Nanotrap particle architectures, we found that one particle, NT45, was optimal for RVFV NP capture, as demonstrated by western blotting. NT45 significantly enhanced detection of the NP at levels undetectable without the technology. Importantly, we demonstrated that Nanotrap particles are capable of concentrating NP in a number of matrices, including infected cell lysates, viral supernatants, and animal sera. Specifically, NT45 enhanced detection of NP at various viral titers, multiplicity of infections, and time points. Our most dramatic results were observed in spiked serum samples, where high abundance serum proteins hindered detection of NP without Nanotrap particles. Nanotrap particles allowed for sample cleanup and subsequent detection of RVFV NP. Finally, we demonstrated that incubation of our samples with Nanotrap particles protects the NP from degradation over extended periods of time (up to 120 hours) and at elevated temperatures (at 37ºC).ConclusionThis study demonstrates that Nanotrap particles are capable of drastically lowering the limit of detection for RVFV NP by capturing, concentrating, and preserving RVFV NP in clinically relevant matrices. These studies can be extended to a wide range of pathogens and their analytes of diagnostic interest.  相似文献   
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) has multiple roles in coordinating the behavioral and endocrine responses to a host of environmental challenges, including social stressors. In the present study we evaluated the role of CRH in mediating responses to a moderate social stressor in Wied's black tufted-eared marmosets (Callithrix kuhlii). Male and female marmosets (n=14) were administered antalarmin (a selective CRH-1 receptor antagonist; 50 microg/kg, p.o.) or vehicle in a blind, counterbalanced, crossover design. One hr after treatment, marmosets were separated from long-term pairmates and then housed alone in a novel enclosure for 7 hr. Behavior was recorded during separation and upon reunion with the partner, and urine samples for cortisol assay collected before, during, and after the intervention. Separation from partners elevated urinary cortisol concentrations over baseline for both conditions, but antalarmin treatment reduced the magnitude of the elevation. Antalarmin also lowered rates of behavioral patterns associated with arousal (alarm and "e-e" vocalizations, object manipulate/chew), but had no effect on contact calls, locomotory activity or alertness. Although most patterns of social behavior upon reunion with the partner were not affected by antalarmin, antalarmin-treated marmosets displayed more sexual behavior (mounts and copulations) upon reunion. These data indicate that antagonism of the CRH-1 receptor acts to reduce the magnitude of both endocrine and behavioral responses to a moderate social stressor without causing any overall reduction in alertness or general activity. This supports the hypothesis that CRH, acting through its type 1 receptor, is involved in coordinating the responses to anxiety-producing events. These results further suggest that the marmoset is a useful model for exploration of the role of CRH in mediating the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to psychosocial stressors, particularly in the context of heterosexual social relationships.  相似文献   


Neisseria meningitidis is a human pathogen that can infect diverse sites within the human host. The major diseases caused by N. meningitidis are responsible for death and disability, especially in young infants. In general, most of the recent work on N. meningitidis focuses on potential antigens and their functions, immunogenicity, and pathogenicity mechanisms. Very little work has been carried out on Neisseria primary metabolism over the past 25 years.  相似文献   
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