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F. Fiocca  A. Lugliè  N. Sechi 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):1016-1031

The phytoplankton study on the S'Ena Arrubia Lagoon started in 1990, after dystrophic events, leading to high fish mortality and consequently great economic losses. This study presents a general picture of the conditions of the lagoon between 1990 and 1995, and reports on the quali-quantitative changes in the phytoplanktonic populations, as well as the trends of temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, algal nutrients and chlorophyll a. The lagoon was characterized by great changes in salinity between years and within the same year, by high nutrient contents and by a phytoplankton trend characterized by sudden intense blooms mostly due to the Chlorophyceae and the Bacillariophyceae. The number of species found, decreased from 1990 to 1994, followed by a slight increase in 1995. The same trend was also found for total density and chlorophyll a.  相似文献   
Summary Bromodeoxyuridine (BUDR) is a non-radioactive thymidine analogue which is incorporated into the DNA of proliferating cells. This allows evaluation of the size of the S-phase as the BUDR labelling index (BUDR-LI) not onlyin vitro but alsoin vivo, since BUDR is not toxic at the doses needed to label cells. To ascertain whetherin vivo BUDR incorporation can be detected on routine histological material we tested several different procedures prior to immunoperoxidase staining, on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections from five patients with gastric cancer, who received BUDR (250 mg m–2, intravenous) 4 h before surgery. To determine the optimal conditions for detecting BUDR in formalin-fixed tissues, immunohistochemical testing for BUDR was performed simultaneously on duplicate sections fixed with 70% ethanol. It was found that hydrolysis with 3N HCl at 37° C for 30 min and digestion with 0.5% in at 37° C for 30 min were sufficient to detect BUDR immunoreactivity in formalin-fixed sections.The method presented extends the range of applications of thein vivo BUDR technique for cell kinetics studies in human neoplasms because it can be used on routinely fixed archival material, with the advantage of correlating the kinetic data with histopathological characters.  相似文献   
A series of 60 gastric endocrine tumors comprised 44 body-fundus argyrophil carcinoids, of which 23 arose in a background of hypergastrinemia and type A chronic atrophic gastritis (A-CAG), mainly with histologic patterns suggestive of an autoimmune process. Only 22 percent (compared with 19 percent of 58 tumor-free A-CAG cases) of 36 carcinoids and 21 percent of 19 A-CAG carcinoids investigated had Helicobacter pylori (HP) colonization, against 50 percent of 14 CAG-associated neuroendocrine carcinomas or mixed endocrine-exocrine tumors, 84 percent of 150 cases with early gastric cancer (p < 0.001 versus carcinoids), mostly with B- or AB-type CAG, 76 percent of 97 tumor-free AB-CAG, and 95 percent of 151 tumor-free B-CAG cases. Secondary hypergastrinemia and local mechanisms activated by chronic autoimmune gastritis are among factors involved in the pathogenesis of relatively indolent CAG-associated carcinoids, whereas active HP gastritis in cooperation with environmental carcinogens may likely cause more severe epithelial transformation, leading to ordinary cancer and, possibly, to neuroendocrine carcinomas or mixed endocrine-exocrine tumors.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated whether an acidic extracellular pH may inhibit H. pylori-induced internalization of bacterial virulence factors by gastric epithelium, thus preventing ingestion of potentially dangerous luminal contents and resulting cellular damage. The interaction of H. pylori VacA toxin and ammonia (produced by H. pylori urease) with partly polarized gastric MKN 28 cells in culture was investigated at neutral and moderately acidic pH (6.2, compatible with cell viability) by means of neutral red dye uptake and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry. We found that acidic extracellular pH virtually abolished both VacA-dependent and ammonia-dependent cell vacuolation, as shown by the neutral red test, and caused a 50% decrease in VacA internalization into endosomal vesicles and vacuoles, as assessed by quantitation of immunogold particles. In addition, acidic pH blocked endosomal internalization of H. pylori outer membrane vesicles, a convenient indicator of endocytosis. Our data raise the possibility that suppression of gastric acid may increase H. pylori-induced gastric damage by enhancing epithelial internalization of H. pylori virulence factors through activation of endocytosis. Increased transmembrane diffusion of ammonia could also contribute to this process.  相似文献   
Basophils, which are normally confined to the circulation, can migrate to sites of allergic inflammation. Using the specific mAb, BB1, we detected basophil infiltration of the gastric mucosa of Helicobacter pylori-infected patients affected by moderate and severe gastritis. Basophils were not found in H. pylori-free individuals or in subjects with mild gastritis. The H. pylori-derived peptide, Hp(2-20), was a potent basophil chemoattractant in vitro, whereas the control peptide, Hp1, was ineffective. Basophils from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers expressed mRNA for the formyl peptide receptors, N-formyl-peptide receptor (FPR), FPR-like (FPRL)1, and FPRL2. Preincubation of basophils with FMLP or Hp(2-20) caused complete desensitization to a subsequent challenge with homologous stimulus. Incubation of basophils with a low concentration of FMLP, which binds with high affinity to FPR, but not to FPRL1 or FPRL2, did not affect the chemotactic response to Hp(2-20). In contrast, a high concentration of FMLP, which binds to FPRL1 and FPRL2, reduced the chemotactic response to Hp(2-20). The FPR antagonist, cyclosporin H, prevented chemotaxis induced by FMLP, but not by Hp(2-20). Hp(2-20) could be responsible, at least in part, for basophil infiltration of the gastric mucosa of H. pylori-infected patients presumably through the interaction with FPRL1 and FPRL2.  相似文献   
AIM: The aim of this study is to validate the accuracy of HER2 assessment on biopsies by comparing matched biopsy/surgical material from the same patients. METHODS: HER2 status was evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in 103 cases of gastric and gastroesophageal junction cancers in coupled biopsy and surgical material. RESULT: Complete concordance between IHC and FISH results on biopsy versus surgical samples was noted in 80% and 95% of cases, respectively. At comprehensive comparison, including IHC and FISH data on biopsy and surgical samples, 89% of biopsies were predictive of HER2 status in surgical samples, whereas 11% showed variable inconsistencies. The majority of these (10 of 12 cases) showed IHC score 0/1+ on biopsy but were all IHC positive and amplified at surgery; in particular, three (3 of 35; 8.5%) IHC score 0 and four (4 of 16; 25%) IHC score 1+ cases were FISH amplified on biopsy material also, whereas the remaining three cases were FISH non-amplified on biopsy. The percentage of cases, which were FISH amplified with IHC score 1+ or 2+ on biopsies, were similar (25% and 33%, respectively) and they also shared a similar grade of amplification. These data suggest that both IHC score 1+ and 2+ on biopsy material represent “equivocal cases” that may merit further investigation. CONCLUSIONS: The predictive value of HER2 IHC in biopsies is high. FISH analysis should be considered for IHC score 2+ and 1+ biopsy cases. Approximately 8% of cases will not be accurately predicted by biopsy evaluation.  相似文献   
Glucagon/PP-related peptides were detected immunohistochemically in 18 out of 22 cases of rectal tumors investigated. The reactive tumors showed prevalence of trabecular or mixed trabecular-acinar structure and moderate staining with Grimelius' silver and lead-hematoxylin. Three of the remaining 4 cases were characterized by reactivity for 5-hydroxytryptamine only, prevalence of a solid nest structural component and intense staining with Grimelius' silver technique and lead-hematoxylin. Fifteen of the 18 glucagon/PP-reactive cases were investigated immunohistochemically with a series of 6 sera directed against different sequences of glucagon, glicentin and proglucagon, and of 7 sera directed against PP, PYY and proPP-icosapeptide. A large spectrum of glucagon-related immunoreactivities, including C-terminus and mid-portion glucagon-immunoreactivity, N- and C-terminus glicentin-immunoreactivity, GLP1- and GLP2-immunoreactivity, were detected in human rectal L cells and most rectal carcinoids. With the exception of a few scattered cells in the rectal mucosa and in 3 tumors, C-terminus glucagon-immunoreactivity was obtained only after trypsin or subtilisin treatment of tissue sections. Both PYY and PP/proPP-like peptide(s) were detected in rectal L cells and carcinoids, with prevalence of PYY in normal cells and PP/proPP-like peptides in tumor cells. It is concluded that the same or closely related hormone/prohormone sequences are synthesized and stored in rectal endocrine cells and carcinoid tumors although differences of quantitative expression, post-translational cleavage or reactivity to antibodies may occur. The usefulness of protease treatments of tissue sections to unmask immunoreactivities of uncleaved propeptides or fixative-denatured peptides is outlined.  相似文献   

Social aggression is a pervasive feature of insect societies. In eusocial Hymenoptera, aggression among females can affect task performance and competition over direct reproduction (egg laying); in most species males participate in social interactions relatively rarely. Males of the independent-founding paper wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus are exceptional: they are aggressive toward female nestmates, leading us to explore the function of this unusual behavior. We applied social network analyses to data on M. mastigophorus social aggression to quantify sex differences in giving and receiving social aggression. The network analyses supported the pattern of biased male aggression toward female nestmates; females are relatively rarely aggressive to males. We then asked whether male aggression toward females was biased by females’ relative ovary development. Males were more aggressive toward females with better-developed ovaries, opposite to patterns of aggression among females. Because food brought to the colonies is often monopolized by dominant females, we suggest that males direct aggression toward socially dominant females with better-developed ovaries to obtain food. The implications of biased male aggression for female task performance and physiology are unknown.

Flow cytometric DNa analysis was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples obtained by gastroscopic biopsy from 9 patients with histologically normal gastric mucosa (36 specimens) and by radical gastrectomy from 42 cases of human gastric cancer (120 specimens). Ploidy patterns and the distribution of cells in the different cell cycle phases were estimated, and the results were correlated with the histologic and clinical features. All samples of normal mucosa showed a diploid modal DNA content whereas DNA aneuploidy was encountered in 71.4% of the gastric tumors. The correlation between aneuploidy and histologic malignancy grading was statistically significant: aneuploidy was found in 36.4% of highly differentiated (grade 1 and grade 2) tumors and in 75.0% of poorly differentiated (grade 3) tumors (P less than .05). The percentage of cells in S-phase in normal gastric mucosa (median: 5.0%) was lower than that in the tumors (median: 11.3%) (P less than .05). There was a trend for grade 3 tumors to have higher median values (median: 13.4%) than grade 1 and 2 tumors (median: 9.3%); however, this was not statistically significant. An aneuploid DNA pattern was associated with a poorer prognosis, both in early and in advanced stages of gastric tumors, while proliferative activity did not correlate with postoperative survival.  相似文献   
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