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Presence of the dihydrouridine (D) stem in the mitochondrial cysteine tRNA is unusually variable among lepidosaurian reptiles. Phylogenetic and comparative analyses of cysteine tRNA gene sequences identify eight parallel losses of the D-stem, resulting in D-arm replacement loops. Sampling within the monophyletic Acrodonta provides no evidence for reversal. Slipped-strand mispairing of noncontiguous repeated sequences during replication or direct replication slippage can explain repeats observed within cysteine tRNAs that contain a D-arm replacement loop. These two mechanisms involving replication slippage can account for the loss of the cysteine tRNA D-stem in several lepidosaurian lineages, and may represent general mechanisms by which the secondary structures of mitochondrial tRNAs are altered.   相似文献   


It is an inherent assumption in randomised controlled trials that the drug effect can be estimated by subtracting the response during placebo from the response during active drug treatment.


To test the assumption of additivity. The primary hypothesis was that the total treatment effect is smaller than the sum of the drug effect and the placebo effect. The secondary hypothesis was that non-additivity was most pronounced in participants with large placebo effects.


We used a within-subject randomised blinded balanced placebo design and included 48 healthy volunteers (50% males), mean (SD) age 23.4 (6.2) years. Experimental pain was induced by injections of hypertonic saline into the masseter muscle. Participants received four injections with hypertonic saline along with lidocaine or matching placebo in randomised order: A: received hypertonic saline/told hypertonic saline; B: received hypertonic saline+lidocaine/told hypertonic saline; C: received hypertonic saline+placebo/told hypertonic saline+pain killer; D: received hypertonic saline+lidocaine/told hypertonic saline+pain killer. The primary outcome measure was the area under the curve (AUC, mm2) of pain intensity during injections.


There was a significant difference between the sum of the drug effect and the placebo effect (mean AUC 6279 mm2 (95% CI, 4936–7622)) and the total treatment effect (mean AUC 5455 mm2 (95% CI, 4585–6324)) (P = 0.049). This difference was larger for participants with large versus small placebo effects (P = 0.015), and the difference correlated significantly with the size of the placebo effect (r = 0.65, P = 0.006).


Although this study examined placebo effects and not the whole placebo response as in randomised controlled trials, it does suggest that the additivity assumption may be incorrect, and that the estimated drug effects in randomised controlled trials may be underestimated, particularly in studies reporting large placebo responses. The implications for randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews need to be discussed.  相似文献   
Patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) may or may not develop central neuropathic pain despite having cord lesions of apparently the same site, extension and nature. The consequences of the cord lesion in the central nervous system and the mechanisms underlying pain are unclear. In this study, we examined sensory detection and pain thresholds above injury level in 17 SCI patients with central neuropathic pain, in 18 SCI patients without neuropathic pain, and in 20 control subjects without injury and pain. The SCI pain group had significantly higher cold and warm detection thresholds compared with the SCI pain free group and controls and higher tactile detection thresholds compared with the SCI pain free group. No difference in pain or pain tolerance thresholds was seen among pain and pain free SCI patients. These data suggest changes in somatosensory function in dermatomes rostral to the segmental injury level linked to the presence of central neuropathic pain in SCI patients. The results are discussed in relation to current concepts of pain inhibitory and facilitating systems.  相似文献   
The complete cDNA sequence and protein reading frame of a developmentally regulated hemocyanin subunit in the Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) is presented. The protein sequence is aligned with 18 potentially homologous hemocyanin-type proteins displaying apparent sequence similarities. Functional domains are identified, and a comparison of predicted hydrophilicities, surface probabilities, and regional backbone flexibilities provides evidence for a remarkable degree of structural conservation among the proteins surveyed. Parsimony analysis of the protein sequence alignment identifies four monophyletic groups on the arthropodan branch of the hemocyanin gene tree: crustacean hemocyanins, insect hexamerins, chelicerate hemocyanins, and arthropodan prophenoloxidases. They form a monophyletic group relative to molluscan hemocyanins and nonarthropodan tyrosinases. Arthropodan prophenoloxidases, although functionally similar to tyrosinases, appear to belong to the arthropodan hexamer- type hemolymph proteins as opposed to molluscan hemocyanins and tyrosinases.   相似文献   
To determine if meconium fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) in rat pups is a good biomarker of prenatal exposure and effect to alcohol, three groups of pregnant rats were studied: one control (pair fed) and two treatment groups given 25% alcohol at 2.2 or 5.5 g−1 kg−1 d−1. The pups were delivered on day 20 and, for each dam, were separated into a male and female group. The body, brain, intestines, and placenta of the pups were obtained, weighed, and stored at −20°C. The pups’ intestines (as surrogate of meconium) from each group were pooled, and meconium was analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy for FAEE. The meconium showed the following FAEE: ethyl palmitate, ethyl stearate, and ethyl linolenate and were only found in the alcohol-treated group and with high specificity but low sensitivity. Mean body weight of the pups was lower in the treatment groups compared to the control groups. Ethyl palmitate concentration correlated negatively to the pups’ mean body and brain weights. Therefore, ethyl palmitate, stearate, and linolenate, in meconium of rat pups prenatally exposed to alcohol, are useful biomarkers of prenatal alcohol exposure, with ethyl palmitate a good biomarker of adverse effect on the pups’ body and brain weight.  相似文献   
Pain catastrophizing, a coping style characterized by excessively negative thoughts and emotions in relation to pain, is one of the psychological factors that most markedly predicts variability in the perception of pain; however, only little is known about the underlying neurobiology. The aim of this study was to test for associations between psychological variables, such as pain catastrophizing, anxiety and depression, and selected polymorphisms in genes related to monoaminergic neurotransmission, in particular serotonin pathway genes. Three hundred seventy-nine healthy participants completed a set of psychological questionnaires: the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Beck’s Depression Inventory, and were genotyped for 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in nine genes. The SNP rs1176744 located in the serotonin receptor 3B gene (5-HTR3B) was found to be associated with pain catastrophizing scores: both the global score and the subscales of magnification and helplessness. This is the first study to show an association between 5-HTR3B and PCS scores, thus suggesting a role of the serotonin pathway in pain catastrophizing. Since 5-HTR3B has previously been associated with descending pain modulation pathways, future studies will be of great interest to elucidate the molecular pathways involved in the relation between serotonin, its receptors and pain catastrophizing.  相似文献   
Patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) may or may not develop central neuropathic pain despite having cord lesions of apparently the same site, extension and nature. The consequences of the cord lesion in the central nervous system and the mechanisms underlying pain are unclear. In this study, we examined sensory detection and pain thresholds above injury level in 17 SCI patients with central neuropathic pain, in 18 SCI patients without neuropathic pain, and in 20 control subjects without injury and pain. The SCI pain group had significantly higher cold and warm detection thresholds compared with the SCI pain free group and controls and higher tactile detection thresholds compared with the SCI pain free group. No difference in pain or pain tolerance thresholds was seen among pain and pain free SCI patients. These data suggest changes in somatosensory function in dermatomes rostral to the segmental injury level linked to the presence of central neuropathic pain in SCI patients. The results are discussed in relation to current concepts of pain inhibitory and facilitating systems.  相似文献   

Background and Purpose

Chronic pain is increasingly recognized as a consequence of stroke. This study aimed to describe the prevalence and pain types of new onset chronic pain (“novel pain”) in patients with stroke compared with a randomly selected reference group from the general population and to identify factors associated with pain development in stroke patients.


In a population-based follow-up design, development of chronic pain after stroke was assessed by a questionnaire sent to consecutive stroke patients, registered in a Danish national stroke database, two years after their stroke. A randomly selected sex- and age-matched reference group from the same catchment area received a similar questionnaire about development of new types of chronic pain in the same time period. A total of 608 stroke patients and 519 reference subjects were included in the study.


Development of novel pain was reported by 39.0% of stroke patients and 28.9% of reference subjects (OR 1.57, CI 1.21-2.04), and was associated with low age and depression in a multivariate model. Daily intake of pain medication for novel pain was reported by 15.3% and 9.4% of the stroke and reference population, respectively. Novel headache, shoulder pain, pain from increased muscle stiffness, and other types of novel pain were more common in stroke patients, whereas joint pain was equally common in the two groups.


Development of chronic pain is more common in stroke patients compared with sex- and age-matched reference subjects. Evaluation of post-stroke pain should be part of stroke follow-up.  相似文献   
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