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H-2b class I-restricted, TNP-specific CTL clones were obtained by limiting dilution cloning of either short term polyclonal CTL lines or spleen cells of TNP-immunized mice directly ex vivo. Sequence analyses of mRNA coding for TCR alpha- and beta-chains of 11 clones derived from CTL lines from individual C57BL/6 mice revealed that all of them expressed unique but clearly nonrandom receptor structures. Five alpha-chains (45%) employed V alpha 10 gene elements, and four of those (36%) were associated with J beta 2.6-expressing beta-chains. The alpha-chains from these four TCR, moreover, contained an acidic amino acid in position 93 of their N or J region-determined sequences. Clones isolated directly from spleen cells carried these types of receptors at lower frequency, 27% V alpha 10 and 19% J beta 2.6, indicating that bulk in vitro cultivation on Ag leads to selection for these particular receptors. However, even in TNP-specific CTL cloned directly ex vivo, V alpha 10 usage was increased about fivefold over that in Ag-independently activated T cells in H-2b mice (4 to 5%). The selection for V alpha 10/J beta 2.6-expressing cells was obtained repeatedly in other TNP-specific CTL lines from C57BL/6 mice but not in FITC-specific CTL from the same strain or in TNP-specific CTL lines from B10.BR (H-2k) or B10.D2 (H-2d) mice. We conclude from this (a) that the selection for V alpha 10/J beta 2.6+ T cells is driven by the complementarity of these receptors to a combination of TNP and MHC epitopes and (b) that predominant receptor structures reflect the existence of a surprisingly limited number of "T cell-relevant" hapten determinants on the surface of covalently TNP-modified cells.  相似文献   
Several TNP-specific, H-2Kb-restricted mouse CTL clones were identified which specifically lysed target cells in the presence of tryptic digests of TNP-modified BSA. Glutaraldehyde fixation of cells revealed that the tryptic fragments did not require further cellular processing. Chromatographic fractionation of digested TNP-BSA identified the peptide TNP-BSA222-231, containing a TNP-modified lysine at BSA position 227, as the antigenic entity. The corresponding synthetic peptide was immunologically cross-reactive with the digest. All clones reactive with TNP-BSA222-231 cross-reacted with a similar peptide from mouse serum albumin (TNP-MSA126-135), favoring the assumption that TNP-BSA222-231 represents an artificial determinant, cross-reacting with some as yet unidentified, TNP-modified, Kb-associated self-peptides. Some of our clones also cross-reacted with tryptic digests of TNP-OVA or TNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin. We interpret these findings to indicate that 1) a significant proportion of hapten (TNP) determinants for T cells are anchored to MHC via peptides; and 2) the amino acid sequence of these peptides may only partly define the specificity of the T cell-relevant hapten epitope, implying a particularly repetitive nature of these determinants. The production of T cell-antigenic hapten-peptide conjugates will hopefully open new roads to study immune responses to environmental allergens.  相似文献   
1-Hexadecylpropanediol-3-phosphorylcholine, an ether-deoxy analog of lysophosphatidylcholine, has been employed to study the sensitivity of various types of mouse cells with respect to changes in membrane permeability induced by lysophosphatidylcholine. Cells used included erythrocytes, thymocytes, spleen cells and macrophage, as well as 4 different tumors (2 lymphomas, 1 Ehrlich acites and 1 methylcholanthren-induced fibrosarcoma). The sensitivity to the lysophosphatide (on a per-cell basis) of the above cell types varied by a factor of 65. When lytic concentrations were related to available membrane surface, this variation was reduced to a factor of 2.5. No principal difference was observed between the sensitivity of normal versus tumor cell membranes with respect to lysophosphatidylcholine lysis. Membrane surface, available for lysophosphatidylcholine, has been estimated from binding equilibria of 14C-labelled deoxy-lysophosphatidylcholine to the cells under standardized conditions. This method is based on the finding that binding equilibria of lysophospholipids to cells are predominantly determined by the available membrane surface.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Herbaspirillum seropedicae (Hs) Z67 a diazotrophic endophyte was genetically engineered for secretion of 2-keto-D-gluconic acid by heterologous expression of genes for pqq synthesis and gluconate dehydrogenase to study its beneficial effect on plants.


Two plasmids, pJNK5, containing a 5.1 Kb pqq gene cluster of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and pJNK6, carrying in addition the Pseudomonas putida KT2440 gluconate dehydrogenase (gad) operon were constructed in pUCPM18Gmr under Plac promoter. H. seropedicae Z67 transformants were monitored for P and K solubilization, cadmium (Cd) tolerance and rice growth promotion.


Hs (pJNK5) secreted 23.5 mM gluconic acid and Hs (pJNK6) secreted 3.79 mM gluconic acid and 15.8 mM 2-ketogluconic acid respectively. Under aerobic conditions, Hs (pJNK5) and Hs (pJNK6) solubilized 239.7 μM and 457.7 μM P on HEPES rock phosphate and, 76.7 μM and 222.7 μM K on HRPF (feldspar), respectively, in minimal medium containing 50 mM glucose. Under N free minimal medium, similar effects of P and K solubilization were obtained. Hs (pJNK5) and Hs (pJNK6) inoculation increased the biomass, N, P, K content of rice plants (Gujarat – 17). These plants also accumulated 0.73 ng/g PQQ, and had improved growth and tolerance to CdCl2.


Incorporation of pqq and gad gene clusters in H. seropedicae Z67 imparted additional plant growth promoting traits of P and K solubilization and ability to alleviate Cd toxicity to the host plant.


The incidence of false positives is a potential problem in single-cell PCR experiments. This paper describes an optimized protocol for single-cell qPCR measurements in primary pituitary cell cultures following patch-clamp recordings. Two different cell harvesting methods were assessed using both the GH4 prolactin producing cell line from rat, and primary cell culture from fish pituitaries.  相似文献   
Nickel is the most common inducer of contact sensitivity in humans. We previously found that overrepresentation of the TCRBV17 element in Ni-induced CD4+ T cell lines of Ni-allergic patients relates to the severity of the disease. Amino acid sequences of these beta-chains suggested hypothetical contact points for Ni2+ ions in complementarity-determining region (CDR) 1 and CDR3. To specifically address the molecular requirements for Ni recognition by TCR, human TCR alpha- and beta-chains of VB17+ Ni-reactive T cell clones were functionally expressed together with the human CD4 coreceptor in a mouse T cell hybridoma. Loss of CD4 revealed complete CD4 independence for one of the TCR studied. Putative TCR/Ni contact points were tested by pairing of TCR chains from different clones, also with different specificity. TCRBV17 chains with different J regions, but similar CDR3 regions, could be functionally exchanged. Larger differences in the CDR3 region were not tolerated. Specific combinations of alpha- and beta-chains were required, excluding a superantigen-like activation by Ni. Mutation of amino acids in CDR1 of TCRBV17 did not affect Ag recognition, superantigen activation, or HLA restriction. In contrast, mutation of Arg95 or Asp96, conserved in many CDR3B sequences of Ni-specific, VB17+ TCR, abrogated Ni recognition. These results define specific amino acids in the CDR3B region of a VB17+ TCR to be crucial for human nickel recognition. CD4 independence implies a high affinity of such receptor types for the Ni/MHC complex. This may point to a dominant role of T cells bearing such receptors in the pathology of contact dermatitis.  相似文献   
Metal-protein interactions are vitally important in all living organisms. Metalloproteins, including structural proteins and metabolic enzymes, participate in energy transfer and redox reactions or act as metallochaperones in metal trafficking. Among metal-associated diseases, T cell mediated allergy to nickel (Ni) represents the most common form of human contact hypersensitivity. With the aim to elucidate disease-underlying mechanisms such as Ni-specific T cell activation, we initiated a proteomic approach to identify Ni-interacting proteins in human B cells. As antigen presenting cells, B cells are capable of presenting MHC-associated Ni-epitopes to T cells, a prerequisite for hapten-specific T cell activation. Using metal-affinity enrichment, 2-DE and MS, 22 Ni-interacting proteins were identified. In addition to known Ni-binding molecules such as tubulin, actin or cullin-2, we unexpectedly discovered that at least nine of these 22 proteins belong to stress-inducible heat shock proteins or chaperonins. Enrichment was particularly effective for the hetero-oligomeric TRiC/CCT complex, which is involved in MHC class I processing. Blue Native/SDS electrophoresis analysis revealed that Ni-NTA-beads specifically retained the complete protein machinery, including the associated chaperonin substrate tubulin. The apparent Ni-affinity of heat shock proteins suggests a new function of these molecules in human Ni allergy, by linking innate and adaptive immune responses.  相似文献   
Spermatogenesis in male Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) was investigated by sampling blood plasma and testicular tissue from 15-39-month-old fish. The experiment covered a period in which all fish reached puberty and completed sexual maturation at least once. The germinal compartment in Atlantic halibut testis appears to be organized in branching lobules of the unrestricted spermatogonial type, because spermatocysts with spermatogonia were found throughout the testis. Spermatogenesis was characterized histologically, and staged according to the most advanced type of germ cell present: spermatogonia (Stage I), spermatogonia and spermatocytes (Stage II), spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids (Stage III), spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa (Stage IV), and regressing testis (Stage V). Three phases could be distinguished: first, an initial phase with low levels of circulating testosterone (T; quantified by RIA) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT; quantified by ELISA), spermatogonial proliferation, and subsequently the initiation of meiosis marked by the formation of spermatocytes (Stage I and II). Secondly, a phase with increasing T and 11-KT levels and with haploid germ cells including spermatozoa present in the testis (Stage III and IV). Thirdly, a phase with low T and 11-KT levels and a regressing testis with Sertoli cells displaying signs of phagocytotic activity (Stage V). Circulating levels of 11-KT were at least four-fold higher than those of T during all stages of spermatogenesis. Increasing plasma levels of T and 11-KT were associated with increasing testicular mass throughout the reproductive cycle. The absolute level of, or the relation between, testis growth and circulating androgens were not significantly different in first time spawners compared to fish that underwent their second spawning season. These results provide reference levels for Atlantic halibut spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
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