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Total genomic DNA of 13 pseudomonads representing rRNA homology groups I-IV were screened for sequences homologous to four Pseudomonas aeruginosa alginate (alg) genes by Southern hybridization. Biotinylated probes for three structural genes (algA, algC and algD) and one regulatory gene (algR1) were prepared. Genomic DNA of strains representing group I (P. syringae pv. glycinea, P. viridiflava and P. corrugata) hybridized with all four gene probes. Hybridizing fragments were of differing sizes, indicating that evolutionary divergence among group I members has occurred. P. corrugata has not been reported to synthesize alginate. Genomic DNA from representatives of groups II-IV gave no or very weak hybridization with the probes except for algC. This study indicates that the ability to produce alginic acid as an exopolysaccharide among the pseudomonads is restricted to members of rRNA homology group I in agreement with earlier physiological studies.  相似文献   
Bacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS) was extracted from infected leaves of several host plants inoculated with phytopathogenic strains of Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. Extraction was by a facilitated diffusion procedure or by collection of intercellular fluid using a centrifugation method. The extracted EPS was purified and characterized. All bacterial pathogens which induced watersoaked lesions on their host leaves, a characteristic of most members of this bacterial group, were found to produce alginic acid (a polymer consisting of varying ratios of mannuronic and guluronic acids). Only trace amounts of bacterial EPS could be isolated from leaves inoculated with a pathovar (pv. syringae) which does not induce the formation of lesions with a watersoaked appearance. Guluronic acid was either present in very low amounts or absent in the alginic acid preparations. All bacterial alginates were acetylated (7-11%). Levan (a fructan) was apparently not produced as an EPS in vivo by any of the pathogens tested.  相似文献   
Alginate Production by Plant-Pathogenic Pseudomonads   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Eighteen plant-pathogenic and three non-plant-pathogenic pseudomonads were tested for the ability to produce alginic acid as an exopolysaccharide in vitro. Alginate production was demonstrated for 10 of 13 fluorescent plant-pathogenic pseudomonads tested with glucose or gluconate as the carbon source, but not for all 5 nonfluorescent plant pathogens and all 3 non-plant pathogens tested. With sucrose as the carbon source, some strains produced alginate while others produced both polyfructan (levan) and alginate. Alginates ranged from <1 to 28% guluronic acid, were acetylated, and had number-average molecular weights of 11.3 × 103 to 47.1 × 103. Polyfructans and alginates were not elicitors of the soybean phytoalexin glyceollin when applied to wounded cotyledon surfaces and did not induce prolonged water soaking of soybean leaf tissues. All or most pseudomonads in rRNA-DNA homology group I may be capable of synthesizing alginate as an exopolysaccharide.  相似文献   
Plasma membranes from the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line HT-29 have been isolated and examined for the presence of angiogenic activity. Membrane-associated macromolecules extracted with Triton X-100 were fractionated on immobilized wheat germ agglutinin. The fraction which bound specifically (about 200 ng of protein/mL packed cells) was highly angiogenic when assayed on the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane. As little as 0.2 ng of this human tumor derived material consistently induced neovascularization. Similarly, 1-2 ng of this material implanted into the rabbit cornea induced new vessel growth (5-8 mm) within 10 days. The plasma membranes of eight other human tumor lines were examined for angiogenic activity. For each, the wheat germ agglutinin bound material induced neovascularization at the low nanogram level. In contrast, the wheat germ agglutinin bound material derived from purified plasma membranes of two normal human diploid fibroblast cell lines failed to induce an angiogenic response on the chick chorioallantoic membrane, even at microgram levels.  相似文献   
The rRNA-DNA homology group I pseudomonads Pseudomonas asplenii, Ps. corrugata, Ps. flavescens (plant pathogens), Ps. alcaligenes, Ps. pseudoalcaligenes subsp. pseudoalcaligenes (opportunistic human pathogens), Ps. aureofaciens and Ps. chlororaphis (saprophytes) were examined for their ability to produce exopolysaccharides (EPSs) when cultured on various solid and liquid complex media with glucose, glycerol or gluconate as primary sources of carbon. All three strains (388, 717 and ATCC 29736) of Ps. corrugata produced alginate, a polyuronan. An EPS composed of glucose, fucose, mannose and an unidentified uronic acid substituted with lactic acid was produced by one (B62) of two strains of Ps. flavescens. Of four strains of Ps. chlororaphis tested, only strain NRRL B-2075 produced EPS. The extracellular material purified by anion-exchange chromatography appeared to be a mixture of alginate plus an acidic hexosamine-containing polymer(s). Production of EPS by the other pseudomonads was not supported by any of the media tested.  相似文献   
The structure of an acidic exopolysaccharide of two strains of Pseudomonas marginalis, a bacterium which causes soft rots of various vegetables, has been determined to consist of a repeating unit of: ----4) beta-D-Manp-(1----3)alpha-D-Glcp-(1----4)alpha-L-Rhap-(1-. The glucose is pyruvated at O-4 and O-6 and the mannose is acetylated at either O-2 or O-3.  相似文献   
Contamination of habitats with heavy metals has become a worldwide problem. We describe herein the analysis of lake sediment contaminated with high concentrations of copper as a consequence of mine milling disposal over a 100-year period. Copper concentrations in the sediment were found to vary with depth and ranged from 200 to 5500 ppm. Analysis of the microbial community with T-RFLP identified a minimum of 20 operational taxonomic units (OTU). T-RFLP analysis along a depth profile detected as many as nine shared OTUs across 15 centimeters, suggesting a conservation of community structure over this range. Only two genera, Arthrobacter and Ralstonia, were detected among 50 aerobic copper-resistant isolates cultivated on R2A, one of which (Ralstonia sp.) was characterized by the sequestration of copper, identified by electron diffraction scanning, in growing colonies. Scanning electron microscopy showed changes to the outer envelope of the cells when grown in the presence of copper. The copper-resistant Ralstonia isolates were also resistant to Ni, Cd, and Zn, showing two patterns of phenotypic resistant to these three metals in which either resistance to Zn or Ni was expressed in an isolate but never both.  相似文献   
Pectate lyase (PL) is a potent cell wall-degrading enzyme known to play a role in the microbial infection of plants. We re-examined the pectolytic property of seven representative pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae. None of the 10 P. syringae pv. glycinea strains examined exhibited pectolytic activity. However, the PL gene (pel) was detected by Southern hybridization in four out of four P. syringae pv. glycinea strains examined. A P. syringae pv. glycinea pel gene was cloned, sequenced, and predicted to encode a protein sharing 70%-90% identity in amino acid sequence with PLs produced by pectolytic pseudomonads and xanthomonads. A series of amino acid and nucleotide sequence analyses reveal that (i) the predicted P. syringae pv. glycinea PL contains two regions in the amino acid sequence that may affect the formation of a beta-helix structure important for the enzyme activity, and (ii) the P. syringae pv. glycinea pel gene contains a single-base insertion, a double-base insertion, and an 18-bp deletion, which can lead to the synthesis of an inactive PL protein. The function of P. syringae pv. glycinea PL could be restored by removing the unwanted base insertions and by filling in the 18-bp deletions by site-directed mutagenesis. The altered pel sequence was also detected by polymerase chain reaction and nucleotide sequencing in the genomes of other pathovars of P. syringae, including phaseolicola and tagetis.  相似文献   
The physical properties of three novel acidic exopolysaccharides obtained from P. marginalis types A, B and C, one from P. ‘gingen’, one from P. andropogenis and one from P. fluorescens have been partially characterized. These EPSs were chromatographed on three serially placed SE Shodex OH pak columns covering a molar mass range for pullulans from about 4 × 107 to 1 × 103. The mobile phase was 0.05 M NaNO3. Physical measurements were performed on about 30 mg of sample for each EPS. The weight average molar mass of these EPSs ranged from about 0.71 to 2.85 × 106, the weight average intrinsic viscosity from 7.15 to 35.3 dl/ g and the radius of gyration from 62 to 123nm. The polydispersities of these EPSs ranged from 1.01 to 1.37. The large molar mass, size and viscosities of these EPSs may indicate that they have potential for use as thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and gelling agents in the food and non-food industries.  相似文献   
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