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Mammalian retrotransposons, transposable elements that are processed through an RNA intermediate, are categorized as short interspersed elements (SINEs), long interspersed elements (LINEs), and long terminal repeat (LTR) retroelements, which include endogenous retroviruses. The ability of transposable elements to autonomously amplify led to their initial characterization as selfish or junk DNA; however, it is now known that they may acquire specific cellular functions in a genome and are implicated in host defense mechanisms as well as in genome evolution. Interactions between classes of transposable elements may exert a markedly different and potentially more significant effect on a genome than interactions between members of a single class of transposable elements. We examined the genomic structure and evolution of the kangaroo endogenous retrovirus (KERV) in the marsupial genus Macropus. The complete proviral structure of the kangaroo endogenous retrovirus, phylogenetic relationship among relative retroviruses, and expression of this virus in both Macropus rufogriseus and M. eugenii are presented for the first time. In addition, we show the relative copy number and distribution of the kangaroo endogenous retrovirus in the Macropus genus. Our data indicate that amplification of the kangaroo endogenous retrovirus occurred in a lineage-specific fashion, is restricted to the centromeres, and is not correlated with LINE depletion. Finally, analysis of KERV long terminal repeat sequences using massively parallel sequencing indicates that the recent amplification in M. rufogriseus is likely due to duplications and concerted evolution rather than a high number of independent insertion events.  相似文献   
Trans isomers of unsaturated fatty acids are absorbed from the diet, due to their presence in diary fat and hydrogenated vegetable oils, and health concern has risen due to their effects on lipid risk factors in cardiovascular diseases. On the basis of the efficiency of the thiyl-radical-catalyzed cis/trans isomerization in vitro and the presence of many sulfur-containing compounds in the cell, the aim of this study was to demonstrate that trans geometry of lipid double bonds can be endogenously generated within membrane phospholipids. The study reports trans fatty acids occurrence in tissue and erythrocyte phospholipids of young adult rats fed a diet completely free of trans isomers. Results show that tissues are differently prone to the endogenous isomerization and that, following a free radical attack, trans fatty acids can reach very high amounts. The effectiveness of this process is considerably inhibited in the presence of all-trans retinol, confirming previous data in model membranes. Our results suggest that geometrical isomerization of unsaturated fatty acids, which causes a structural modification of membrane lipids and may influence basic membrane properties and vital biochemical functions, can occur under radical stress conditions and could be efficiently prevented by vitamin A.  相似文献   
Prior to 1985, the open waters of Lake Malawi were free from schistosome transmission. Over the past decades, however, the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis has increased dramatically in the southern part of the lake. We found the prevalence of human schistosomiasis in school-aged children to be negatively correlated with the density of molluscivorous fishes. Specifically, the increased infection rate in southern Lake Malawi between 1978 and 1991 is coincident with the reduction in numbers of snail-eating fishes. During 2003, we determined the relative abundance of molluscivorous fishes and snail density at 18 sites throughout the lake and schistosome infection in school-aged children living in selected lakeshore communities of Lake Malawi. At the 18 sites sampled in 2003, we found that snail abundance decreased with an increase in abundance of snail-eating fishes. Furthermore, the 2003 samples showed that the abundance of snail-eating fishes increased and there was a reduction in schistosomiasis in school-aged children in Chembe Village. We believe that we will not observe a return to the 1978 infection rates until these fishes continue to increase and inhabit shallower waters.  相似文献   
The constitution of the centromeric portions of the sex chromosomes of the red-necked wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus (family Macropodidae, subfamily Macropodinae), was investigated to develop an overview of the sequence composition of centromeres in a marsupial genome that harbors large amounts of centric and pericentric heterochromatin. The large, C-band-positive centromeric region of the X chromosome was microdissected and the isolated DNA was microcloned. Further sequence and cytogenetic analyses of three representative clones show that all chromosomes in this species carry a 178-bp satellite sequence containing a CENP-B DNA binding domain (CENP-B box) shown herein to selectively bind marsupial CENP-B protein. Two other repeats isolated in this study localize specifically to the sex chromosomes yet differ in copy number and intrachromosomal distribution. Immunocytohistochemistry assays with anti-CENP-E, anti-CREST, anti-CENP-B, and anti-trimethyl-H3K9 antibodies defined a restricted point localization of the outer kinetochore at the functional centromere within an enlarged pericentric and heterochromatic region. The distribution of these repeated sequences within the karyotype of this species, coupled with the apparent high copy number of these sequences, indicates a capacity for retention of large amounts of centromere-associated DNA in the genome of M. rufogriseus.  相似文献   
The elicitation of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions in mice is due to the sequential action of two different Ag-specific Thy-1+ cells. An early-acting DTH-initiating cell in the lymphoid organs produces a circulating, Ag-specific factor that is functionally analogous to IgE antibody and initiates DTH by sensitizing the local tissue for release of the vasoactive amine serotonin. In picryl chloride (PC1) or oxazolone (OX) contact sensitivity, this DTH-initiating factor is called PC1-F and OX-F respectively, and is Ag-specific, but MHC-unrestricted. The phenotype of polyclonal DTH-initiating cells was recently shown to be unusual for an Ag-specific cell. The phenotype was: Thy-1+, Lyt-1+ (CD5), triple negative (CD4-, CD8-, and CD3-), B220+ (Ly-5, CD45RA), positive for IL-3 receptors, but not IL-2 receptors, and positive for antibodies that react with a putative constant or framework portion of DTH-initiating factors such as anti-PC1-F antibodies and 14-30 mAb. We report here the generation of an Ag-specific DTH-initiating cell clone from nude mice that were immunized and boosted by contact sensitization with OX. By flow microfluorometry analysis, this clone has a similar unique surface phenotype, and by in vivo assay has the same functional abilities, as polyclonal DTH-initiating cells. The clone produces Ag-specific OX-F that acts in an Ag-specific manner to initiate DTH. Moreover, specific cDNA probes and Northern blot analysis of the clone demonstrated that the Ag-specific DTH-initiating cells are Thy-1+, CD3-, and IL-3R+. Thus, DTH initiation is due to an Ag-specific lymphoid cell, that produces an Ag-specific factor, and that has a unique surface phenotype for Ag-specific cells; namely, Thy-1+, CD5+, sIg-, CD4-, CD8-, CD3-, CD45RA+, IL-2R-, and IL-3R+.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to determine if short‐term exposure of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and brown trout Salmo trutta to a lower pH than found in their source stream results in a shift in preference or avoidance pH. The lack of a shift in preference or avoidance pH of adult S. fontinalis and S. trutta suggests that these species can be held at a pH different from the source waterbody for a short period of time without altering preference or avoidance pH behaviour.  相似文献   
The complex scenario of radical stress reactions affecting peptides/proteins can be better elucidated through the design of biomimetic studies simulating the consequences of the different free radicals attacking amino acids. In this context, ionizing radiations allowed to examine the specific damages caused by H-atoms and electrons coupled with protons, thus establishing the molecular basis of reductive radical stress. This is an innovative concept that complements the well-known oxidative stress also in view of a complete understanding of the global consequences of radical species reactivities on living systems. This review summarizes the knowledge of the chemical changes present in sulfur-containing amino acids occurring in polypeptides under reductive radical conditions, in particular the transformation of Met and Cys residues into α-amino butyric acid and alanine, respectively. Reductive radical stress causing a desulfurization process, is therefore coupled with the formation of S-centered radicals, which in turn can diffuse apart and become responsible of the damage transfer from proteins to lipids. These reductive modifications assayed in different peptide/protein sequences constitute an integration of the molecular inventories that up to now take into account only oxidative transformations. They can be useful to achieve an integrated vision of the free radical reactivities in a multifunctional system and, overall, for wider applications in the redox proteomics field.  相似文献   
The gamma-irradiation of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) in aqueous solution were investigated at different doses by vibrational spectroscopy as well as enzymatic assay, electrophoresis, and HPLC analysis. Both functional and structural changes of the protein were caused by attack of H(*) atoms and (*)OH radicals. In particular, Raman spectroscopy was shown to be a useful tool in identifying conformational changes of the protein structure and amino acidic residues that are preferential sites of the radical attack (i.e., tyrosine and methionine). After partial structural changes by the initial radical attack, the internal sulfur-containing amino acid residues were rendered susceptible to transformation. By using the biomimetic model of dioleoyl phosphatidyl choline vesicle suspensions containing RNase A, the damage to methione residues could be connected to a parallel alteration of membrane unsaturated lipids. In fact, thiyl radical species formed from protein degradation can diffuse into the lipid bilayer and cause isomerization of the naturally occurring cis double bonds. As a consequence, trans unsaturated fatty acids are formed in vesicles and can be considered to be markers of this protein damage.  相似文献   
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