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不受欢迎的生物多样性:香港的外来植物物种   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44  
香港早在19世纪中叶开始就有外来植物入侵的记录,迄今为止,已发现多达238种已归化的外来或怀疑为外来的植物,其中又以薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)、五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)、假臭草(Eupatorium catarium)、大黍(Panicum maximum)等最常见,外来植物最常见于受人为干扰的生境,例如荒废农田及路旁等,而较少在天然林地生境及贫瘠的灌草丛中发现,外来植物的对本地生态系统的影响主要局限于低地生境,它们常形成单优种群,减少了生境及贫瘠的灌草丛中发现,外来植物对本地生态系统的影响主要局限于低地生境,它们常形成单优种群,减少少了生境及动植物的多样性,外来动物对香港原生植物影响最大的是于20世纪70年代入侵的松树线虫(Bur-saphelenchus xylophilus)。外来的脊椎动物也有可能对香港的植物被演替产生影响,目前香港的外来植物当中,有些在大陆较少分布或没有记录,作为华南最大的港口,香港对外来物种的引入扮演着重要的角色,因此制定控制外来种在香港及华南地区的引入及传播的政策及措施非常重要。  相似文献   
Herein the discovery of a novel class of aminoheterocyclic Na(v)1.7 antagonists is reported. Hit compound 1 was potent but suffered from poor pharmacokinetics and selectivity. The compact structure of 1 offered a modular synthetic strategy towards a broad structure-activity relationship analysis. This analysis led to the identification of aminopyrazine 41, which had vastly improved hERG selectivity and pharmacokinetic properties.  相似文献   
Recent advances in mass spectrometry (MS) have provided means for large-scale phosphoproteomic profiling of specific tissues. Here, we report results from large-scale tandem MS [liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS]-based phosphoproteomic profiling of biochemically isolated membranes from the renal cortex, with focus on transporters and regulatory proteins. Data sets were filtered (by target-decoy analysis) to limit false-positive identifications to <2%. A total of 7,125 unique nonphosphorylated and 743 unique phosphorylated peptides were identified. Among the phosphopeptides identified were sites on transporter proteins, i.e., solute carrier (Slc, n = 63), ATP-binding cassette (Abc, n = 4), and aquaporin (Aqp, n = 3) family proteins. Database searches reveal that a majority of the phosphorylation sites identified in transporter proteins were previously unreported. Most of the Slc family proteins are apical or basolateral transporters expressed in proximal tubule cells, including proteins known to mediate transport of glucose, amino acids, organic ions, and inorganic ions. In addition, we identified potentially important phosphorylation sites for transport proteins from distal nephron segments, including the bumetanide-sensitive Na-K-2Cl cotransporter (Slc12a1 or NKCC2) at Ser(87), Thr(101), and Ser(126) and the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter (Slc12a3 or NCC) at Ser(71) and Ser(124). A subset of phosphorylation sites in regulatory proteins coincided with known functional motifs, suggesting specific regulatory roles. An online database from this study (http://dir.nhlbi.nih.gov/papers/lkem/rcmpd/) provides a resource for future studies of transporter regulation.  相似文献   
To investigate DNA variation in natural plant populations, a 1.8-kb region of the acidic chitinase locus (ChiA)was analyzed for 17 ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana sampled worldwide and 3 Arabis species in Japan. As in the Adh region, dimorphism was detected throughout the investigated ChiA region, suggesting the possibility that dimorphic DNA variation exists in the entire nuclear genome of A. thaliana. The ChiA region was divided into two blocks by an intragenic recombination between two parental sequence types, which diverged 7.4 MYA under the assumption that nucleotide mutation rate per site per year is mu = 10(- 9). Nucleotide diversity in the entire ChiA region was 0.0104. Tajima's test was significantly negative for both nucleotide and indel variations, which was manifested as an excess of unique polymorphisms. However, the level and pattern of polymorphism in the ChiA region were inconsistent with simple theoretical explanations. The HKA test detected no difference in the levels of intra- and interspecific variations between the ChiA and Adh regions. In the ChiA coding region, no difference in the patterns of synonymous and replacement variation was found in intra- and interspecific comparisons by the MK test. Although it was difficult to determine the exact genetic mechanism acting on the ChA locus, these results suggested that the ChA locus region was under the same genetic mechanism before and after the establishment of A. thaliana as a species.   相似文献   
Macrophage apoptosis in advanced atheromata, a key process in plaque necrosis, involves the combination of ER stress with other proapoptotic stimuli. We show here that oxidized phospholipids, oxidized LDL, saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and lipoprotein(a) trigger apoptosis in ER-stressed macrophages through a mechanism requiring both CD36 and Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2). In vivo, macrophage apoptosis was induced in SFA-fed, ER-stressed wild-type but not Cd36?(/)? or Tlr2?(/)? mice. For atherosclerosis, we combined TLR2 deficiency with that of TLR4, which can also promote apoptosis in ER-stressed macrophages. Advanced lesions of fat-fed Ldlr?(/)? mice transplanted with Tlr4?(/)?Tlr2?(/)? bone marrow were markedly protected from macrophage apoptosis and plaque necrosis compared with WT →Ldlr?(/)? lesions. These findings provide insight into how atherogenic lipoproteins trigger macrophage apoptosis in the setting of ER stress and how TLR activation might promote macrophage apoptosis and plaque necrosis in advanced atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
RNA localization is of critical importance in many fundamental cell biological and developmental processes by regulating the spatial control of gene expression. To investigate how spindle-localized RNAs might influence mitosis, we comprehensively surveyed all messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that bound to microtubules during metaphase in both Xenopus laevis egg extracts and mitotic human cell extracts. We identify conserved classes of mRNAs that are enriched on microtubules in both human and X. laevis. Active mitotic translation occurs on X. laevis meiotic spindles, and a subset of microtubule-bound mRNAs (MT-mRNAs) associate with polyribosomes. Although many MT-mRNAs associate with polyribosomes, we find that active translation is not required for mRNA localization to mitotic microtubules. Our results represent the first genome-wide survey of mRNAs localized to a specific cytoskeletal component and suggest that microtubule localization of specific mRNAs is likely to function in mitotic regulation and mRNA segregation during cell division.  相似文献   
Methods that increase cardiomyocyte survival upon exposure to ischemia, hypoxia and reoxygenation injuries are required to improve the efficacy of cardiac cell therapy and enhance the viability and function of engineered tissues. We investigated the effect of combined hypoxia/NaNO2 pretreatment on rat neonatal cardiomyocyte (CM), cardiac fibroblast, and human embryonic stem cell‐derived CM (hESC‐CM) survival upon exposure to hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R) injury in vitro. Cells were pretreated with and without hypoxia and/or various concentrations of NaNO2 for 20 min, then incubated for 2 h under hypoxic conditions, followed by 2 h in normoxia. The control cells were maintained under normoxia for 4 h. Pretreatment with either hypoxia or NaNO2 significantly increased CM viability but had no effect on cardiac fibroblast viability. Combined hypoxia/NaNO2 pretreatment significantly increased CM viability but significantly decreased cardiac fibroblast viability. In rat neonatal CMs, cell death, as determined by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, was significantly reduced with hypoxia/NaNO2 pretreatment; and in hESC‐CMs, hypoxia/NaNO2 pretreatment increased the BCL‐2/BAX gene expression ratio, suggesting that hypoxia/NaNO2 pretreatment promotes cell viability by downregulating apoptosis. Additionally, we found a correlation between the prosurvival effect of hypoxia/NaNO2 pretreatment and the myoglobin content of the cells by comparing neonatal rat ventricular and atrial CMs, which express high and low myoglobin respectively. Functionally, hypoxia/NaNO2 pretreatment significantly improved the excitation threshold upon H/R injury to the level observed for uninjured cells, whereas pretreatment did not affect the maximum capture rate. Hence, hypoxia/NaNO2 pretreatment may serve as a strategy to increase CM survival in cardiac regenerative therapy applications and tissue engineering. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:482–492, 2015  相似文献   
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