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To establish the distribution of blood lipid concentrations and the prevalences of other risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Britain 12 092 men and women aged 25-59 in Glasgow, Leicester, London, and Oxford were studied. Subjects were selected by opportunistic case finding, in which patients consulting their general practitioner for any reason were offered a health check by appointment, or random selection from age-sex registers, in which an invitation for a health check was posted. The overall rate of response was 73%, being 91-94% by opportunistic case finding and 36-63% by random selection. At the health check subjects answered a brief questionnaire about risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and their height, weight, and blood pressure were recorded; a blood sample was taken for measuring plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glucose.The mean cholesterol concentrations were 5·9 (SD 1·2) and 5·8 (1·2) mmol/l in men and women, respectively. In London the mean value was 5·5 (1·2) mmol/l for both men and women and was significantly lower than mean values in the three other centres, among which there were no significant differences. In men and women aged 25-29 concentrations were similar but they increased in men until the age of 45-49, after which they showed no further increase; in women concentrations did not increase until the age of 40-44 and by the age of 50-59 values were higher than in men. Mean triglyceride concentrations were significantly higher in men than in women (1·8 (1·4) v 1·3 (0·9) mmol/l, respectively), and trends with age were similar to those for cholesterol concentrations, except that at no age were values higher in women than in men. Mean triglyceride values overall were higher in Glasgow and London than in Oxford and Leicester. Body mass index was higher in Glasgow and London than in the other two centres and correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressures and triglyceride concentration. In addition, subjects in Glasgow smoked significantly more than those in the other centres. These observations could contribute to the higher rate of coronary heart disease in Glasgow. Plasma lipid concentrations and the prevalences of other risk factors for cardiovascular disease were similar in subjects selected by opportunistic case finding and by random selection.In Britain cholesterol values have changed little during the past 12 years despite dietary recommendations and health education. Identifying subjects at particularly high risk of coronary heart disease is required to supplement advice to the general population to reduce the prevalence of this disease. Opportunistic case finding would be an appropriate method of identifying such subjects in general practice, although none of the potential markers for hyperlipidaemia was particularly useful in identifying all subjects at high risk.  相似文献   
As pollination biology undergoes unprecedented growth as a discipline, confusion in the use of terms has become increasingly common. The need for a flexible yet unambiguous terminology has become urgent. As an example we discuss how the term “pollination efficiency” is used differently by 18 studies, and “pollinator effectiveness” by seven others. Here we present flowcharts of two general models of pollination systems (biotic and abiotic) that trace all the events from pollen production to development of seed or fruit, and we develop a lexicon for the quantities of pollen, processes of transfers (to a vector, to a stigma), and ratios of quantities that are of interest in studies of pollination and mating systems. An appendix includes a glossary of the definitions we suggest.  相似文献   
Gametophytic competition among pollen grains has been proposed as an important mechanism of sexual selection in plants. The purpose of this paper is to examine the contribution of pollen source on in vivo pollen tube growth in Chamaecrista fasciculata. We addressed two questions: 1) Is pollen tube growth affected by the genetic relatedness between the pollen source and the pollen recipient? 2) Is there significant phenotypic variation among pollen donors for pollen tube growth? We compared pollen tube growth by measuring the number of pollen tubes which germinated, reached quarter length of style, and reached the ovary resulting from self- and outcross-pollinations. The outcross pollinations included three interplant distance classes: near (within genetic neighborhood, ca. 1 m), far (between far neighborhoods and within subpopulation, ca. 20 m), and distant (between neighborhoods and adjacent subpopulations, ca. 50–100 m). Our results show that pollen tube growth was not affected by genetic relatedness, by differences between self and outcross, nor by differences due to phenotypic variation among pollen donors. In contrast, maternal environment had a strong impact on pollen tube growth. These results suggest a lack of gametophytic competition and indicate little opportunity for sexual selection on pollen tube growth in C. fasciculata.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to understand the interaction among breeding system, mating system, and expression of inbreeding depression in the hermaphroditic, primarily hummingbird-pollinated, iteroparous, short-lived perennial Silene virginica. We performed hand-selfed and hand-outcrossed pollinations in the field, conducted detailed floral observations within individual flowers and plants, and assayed adult tissue from flowering plants for a genetic estimate of population outcrossing rate. We quantified the opportunity for geitonogamy as the proportion of days each plant exhibited simultaneous male and female function, i.e., asynchronous expression of male- and female-phased flowers. Expression of cumulative inbreeding depression based on germination rate and total flower production in the glasshouse was ~40% and was congruent with the estimated high outcrossing rate of 0.89. Floral observations demonstrated strong temporal protandry within each flower (dichogamy) as well as complete spatial separation between male and female function within each flower (herkogamy). On average, 29% of the time there were both male- and female-phased flowers present on an individual plant. We conclude that our estimate of inbreeding depression is compatible with a largely outcrossing mating system and the amount of selfing observed, likely results from geitonogamy. This study illustrates the utility of examining both the causes and the consequences of inbreeding via selfing to provide additional insights into the evolution of plant mating systems.  相似文献   
Weight reduction is associated with a decrease in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. We hypothesized that, given the central role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in vascular biology, changes in nitric oxide (NO) metabolism contribute to benefits of weight loss. In a controlled weight loss trial involving overweight (body mass index (BMI) = 27-30 kg/m(2)), otherwise healthy premenopausal Caucasian and African-American women, serum levels of nitrite and nitrate, as an index of NO production, and protein 3-nitrotyrosine and myeloperoxidase (MPO), as markers of inflammation, were determined. Testing was performed before and after reduction to normal body weight (BMI < 25) under standardized conditions, with controlled diet, and following 1 month of weight maintenance. After weight loss there was an increase in nitrite and nitrate, and levels were higher among African-American women relative to Caucasian counterparts. Whereas weight loss was associated with a decrease in 3-nitrotyrosine in Caucasian women, no change was observed among African-Americans. Furthermore, MPO levels increased in response to weight loss for African-Americans, but did not change in Caucasian women. These data indicate that vascular production of reactive nitrogen species can be modulated by race and weight loss and highlight important racial differences in these responses and are discussed in the context of risk for developing vascular disease.  相似文献   
Abstract An extensive allozyme survey was conducted within a natural "meta" population of the native North American annual legume, Chamaecrista fasciculata (Leguminosae) to quantify genetic structure at different spatial scales. Gene flow was then estimated by a recently developed indirect method based on a continuous population model, using pairwise kinship coefficients between individuals. The indirect estimates of gene flow, quantified in terms of neighborhood size, with an average value on the order of 150 individuals, were concordant among different spatial scales (subpopulation, population, metapopulation). This gene-flow value lies within the range of direct estimates previously documented from observations of pollen and seed dispersal for the same metapopulation. Monte Carlo simulations using the direct measures of gene flow as parameters further demonstrated that the observed spatial pattern of allozyme variation was congruent with a model of isolation by distance. Combining previously published estimates of pollen dispersal distances with kinship coefficients from this study, we quantified biparental inbreeding relative to either a single subpopulation or the whole metapopulation. At the level of a neighborhood, little biparental inbreeding was observed and most departure from Hardy-Weinberg genotypic proportions was explained by self-fertilization, whereas both selfing and biparental inbreeding contributed to nonrandom mating at the metapopulation level. Gene flow was also estimated from indirect methods based on a discontinuous population structure model. We discuss these results with respect to the effect of a patchy population structure on estimation of gene flow.  相似文献   
Piccolo, a presynaptic zinc finger protein structurally related to bassoon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Piccolo is a novel component of the presynaptic cytoskeletal matrix (PCM) assembled at the active zone of neurotransmitter release. Analysis of its primary structure reveals that Piccolo is a multidomain zinc finger protein structurally related to Bassoon, another PCM protein. Both proteins were found to be shared components of glutamatergic and GABAergic CNS synapses but not of the cholinergic neuromuscular junction. The Piccolo zinc fingers were found to interact with the dual prenylated rab3A and VAMP2/Synaptobrevin II receptor PRA1. We show that PRA1 is a synaptic vesicle-associated protein that is colocalized with Piccolo in nerve terminals of hippocampal primary neurons. These data suggest that Piccolo plays a role in the trafficking of synaptic vesicles (SVs) at the active zone.  相似文献   
Bumble bee pollinated Chamaecrista fasciculata provides pollen as the sole reward to its pollinators. Male sterility, expressed as an absence or nearly complete absence of pollen production, occurs in low frequency in populations of C. fasciculata. Here we describe experiments, using C. fasciculata, to examine frequently cited determinants of the spread and maintenance of male sterility: compensation and the genetic basis of male sterility. In addition, we examine the role the pollination system plays in determining the reproductive success of the male steriles. Seventeen populations in Maryland, Illinois, and Kansas were surveyed and found to range from 0 to 6% male sterility per population. An artificial population of male-sterile simulants and hermaphrodites was created to examine how the local frequency of nonrewarding male steriles might affect male-sterile female reproductive success. Male steriles performed equally poorly, with respect to seed production, whether surrounded by other male-sterile simulants or hermaphrodites. Compensation was examined by comparison of male steriles and hermaphrodites with respect to several reproductive and nonreproductive characters. Male steriles outperformed hermaphrodites in terms of nonreproductive biomass, but performed equally in terms of ovule number and produced many fewer flowers. The genetic basis of male sterility was examined by performing both intra- and interpopulational crosses of male steriles to hermaphrodites and indicate that male sterility is not purely cytoplasmic. The low frequency of male sterility in C. fasciculata populations may reflect reduced female reproductive success because of pollinator avoidance, lack of reproductive compensation, and a mode of inheritance that is not purely cytoplasmic.  相似文献   
Corolla chirality, the pinwheel arrangement of petals within a flower, is found throughout the core eudicots. In 15 families, different chiral type flowers (i.e., right or left rotated corolla) exist on the same plant, and this condition is referred to as unfixed/enantiomorphic corolla chirality. There are no investigations on the significance of unfixed floral chirality on directed pollen movement even though analogous mirror image floral designs, for example, enantiostyly, has evolved in response to selection to direct pollinator and pollen movement. Here, we examine the role of corolla chirality on directing pollen transfer, pollinator behavior, and its potential influence on disassortative mating. We quantified pollen transfer and pollinator behavior and movement for both right and left rotated flowers in two populations of Hypericum perforatum. In addition, we quantified the number of right and left rotated flowers at the individual level. Pollinators were indifferent to corolla chirality resulting in no difference in pollen deposition between right and left flowers. Corolla chirality had no effect on pollinator and pollen movement between and within chiral morphs. Unlike other mirror image floral designs, corolla chirality appears to play no role in promoting disassortative mating in this species.  相似文献   
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