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The recent discoveries of the pRF and pRM plasmids of Rickettsia felis and R. monacensis have contravened the long-held dogma that plasmids are not present in the bacterial genus Rickettsia (Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae). We report the existence of plasmids in R. helvetica, R. peacockii, R. amblyommii, and R. massiliae isolates from ixodid ticks and in an R. hoogstraalii isolate from an argasid tick. R. peacockii and four isolates of R. amblyommii from widely separated geographic locations contained plasmids that comigrated with pRM during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and larger plasmids with mobilities similar to that of pRF. The R. peacockii plasmids were lost during long-term serial passage in cultured cells. R. montanensis did not contain a plasmid. Southern blots showed that sequences similar to those of a DnaA-like replication initiator protein, a small heat shock protein 2, and the Sca12 cell surface antigen genes on pRM and pRF were present on all of the plasmids except for that of R. massiliae, which lacked the heat shock gene and was the smallest of the plasmids. The R. hoogstraalii plasmid was most similar to pRM and contained apparent homologs of proline/betaine transporter and SpoT stringent response genes on pRM and pRF that were absent from the other plasmids. The R. hoogstraalii, R. helvetica, and R. amblyommii plasmids contained homologs of a pRM-carried gene similar to a Nitrobacter sp. helicase RecD/TraA gene, but none of the plasmids hybridized with a probe derived from a pRM-encoded gene similar to a Burkholderia sp. transposon resolvase gene.  相似文献   
Human pathogens transmitted by ticks undergo complex life cycles alternating between the arthropod vector and a mammalian host. While the latter has been investigated to a greater extent, examination of the biological interactions between microbes and the ticks that carry them presents an equally important opportunity for disruption of the disease cycle. In this study, we used in situ hybridization to demonstrate infection by the Ehrlichia muris-like organism, a newly recognized human pathogen, of Ixodes scapularis ticks, a primary vector for several important human disease agents. This allowed us to assess whole sectioned ticks for the patterns of tissue invasion, and demonstrate generalized dissemination of ehrlichiae in a variety of cell types and organs within ticks infected naturally via blood feeding. Electron microscopy was used to confirm these results. Here we describe a strong ehrlichial affinity for epithelial cells, neuronal cells of the synganglion, salivary glands, and male accessory glands.  相似文献   
Until the recent discovery of pRF in Rickettsia felis, the obligate intracellular bacteria of the genus Rickettsia (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) were thought not to possess plasmids. We describe pRM, a plasmid from Rickettsia monacensis, which was detected by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern blot analyses of DNA from two independent R. monacensis populations transformed by transposon-mediated insertion of coupled green fluorescent protein and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase marker genes into pRM. Two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that pRM was present in rickettsial cells as circular and linear isomers. The 23,486-nucleotide (31.8% G/C) pRM plasmid was cloned from the transformant populations by chloramphenicol marker rescue of restriction enzyme-digested transformant DNA fragments and PCR using primers derived from sequences of overlapping restriction fragments. The plasmid was sequenced. Based on BLAST searches of the GenBank database, pRM contained 23 predicted genes or pseudogenes and was remarkably similar to the larger pRF plasmid. Two of the 23 genes were unique to pRM and pRF among sequenced rickettsial genomes, and 4 of the genes shared by pRM and pRF were otherwise found only on chromosomes of R. felis or the ancestral group rickettsiae R. bellii and R. canadensis. We obtained pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern blot evidence for a plasmid in R. amblyommii isolate WB-8-2 that contained genes conserved between pRM and pRF. The pRM plasmid may provide a basis for the development of a rickettsial transformation vector.  相似文献   
To isolate genes that are regulated by a photoperiod that promotes flowering in Pharbitis nil, a cDNA library representing mRNA of induced cotyledons was screened by differential hybridization. The DNA sequence of one cDNA clone isolated by this approach, clone 12L, showed homology to plant small heat-shock protein (hsp) genes. P. nil genomic clones hybridizing to clone 12L were isolated, and the DNA sequences of two P. nil small hsp (shsp) genes, shsp-1 and shsp-2, were determined. The derived amino acid sequences of shsp-1 and shsp-2 showed maximum homology to the 17.9-kD soybean hsp, a member of the class II cytoplasmic hsps found in plants. A study of the expression of shsp-1 and shsp-2 genes by RNase protection assay indicated that shsp-1 is induced by photoperiod, by light treatment of dark-grown P. nil seedlings, and by heat shock, and that shsp-2 is induced only by heat shock. Analysis of the sequences of the nontranscribed region indicates that both genes contain multiple heat-shock elements. The shsp-1 gene, in addition, contains sequences homologous to the GT-1-binding site, which may play a role in its light-regulated expression.  相似文献   
Felsheim RF  Das A 《Plant physiology》1992,100(4):1764-1771
Four cDNA clones representing mRNAs whose levels were affected by a photoperiod that induces flowering in Pharbitis nil were isolated by a differential hybridization screening procedure. The level of mRNAs represented by three clones (12L, 15L, and 17L) increased following a photoperiod that induces flowering and that represented by the fourth clone (clone 27) increased under conditions in which flowering was inhibited. DNA sequence analysis showed that one cDNA, clone 17L, is homologous to members of the 83- to 90-kD heat-shock protein (hsp) gene family. The corresponding gene, hsp83A, was isolated and its DNA sequence was determined. hsp83A encodes a protein that exhibits 70% amino acid identity with Drosophila melanogaster HSP83. The P. nil hsp83A gene contains two introns within the coding region. hsp83A mRNA was not detectable in cotyledons of plants grown in continuous light, but its level increased transiently following a 14-h dark period and reached a maximum 2 h after the lights were turned on. A dramatic increase in the level of hsp83A mRNA was also found 2 h after an end-of-day dark treatment. Genomic Southern blot analysis demonstrated that the P. nil hsp83-90 gene family consists of at least six members, one of which appears to be constitutively expressed in the light.  相似文献   
Until the recent discovery of pRF in Rickettsia felis, the obligate intracellular bacteria of the genus Rickettsia (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) were thought not to possess plasmids. We describe pRM, a plasmid from Rickettsia monacensis, which was detected by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern blot analyses of DNA from two independent R. monacensis populations transformed by transposon-mediated insertion of coupled green fluorescent protein and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase marker genes into pRM. Two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that pRM was present in rickettsial cells as circular and linear isomers. The 23,486-nucleotide (31.8% G/C) pRM plasmid was cloned from the transformant populations by chloramphenicol marker rescue of restriction enzyme-digested transformant DNA fragments and PCR using primers derived from sequences of overlapping restriction fragments. The plasmid was sequenced. Based on BLAST searches of the GenBank database, pRM contained 23 predicted genes or pseudogenes and was remarkably similar to the larger pRF plasmid. Two of the 23 genes were unique to pRM and pRF among sequenced rickettsial genomes, and 4 of the genes shared by pRM and pRF were otherwise found only on chromosomes of R. felis or the ancestral group rickettsiae R. bellii and R. canadensis. We obtained pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern blot evidence for a plasmid in R. amblyommii isolate WB-8-2 that contained genes conserved between pRM and pRF. The pRM plasmid may provide a basis for the development of a rickettsial transformation vector.  相似文献   
l-(-)-Azetidine-2-carboxylate (AC) is a toxic, natural product analog of l-proline. This study revealed the genes and biochemical strategy employed by Pseudomonas sp. strain A2C to detoxify and assimilate AC as its sole nitrogen source. The gene region from Pseudomonas sp. strain A2C required for detoxification was cloned into Escherichia coli and sequenced. The 7.0-kb region contained eight identifiable genes. Four encoded putative transporters or permeases for gamma-amino acids or drugs. Another gene encoded a homolog of 2-haloacid dehalogenase (HAD). The encoded protein, denoted l-azetidine-2-carboxylate hydrolase (AC hydrolase), was highly overexpressed by subcloning. The AC hydrolase was shown to catalyze azetidine ring opening with the production of 2-hydroxy-4-aminobutyrate. AC hydrolase was further demonstrated to be a new hydrolytic member of the HAD superfamily by showing loss of activity upon changing aspartate-12, the conserved active site nucleophile in this family, to an alanine residue. The presence of a gene encoding a potential export chaperone protein, CsaA, adjacent to the AC hydrolase gene suggested that AC hydrolase might be found inside the periplasm in the native Pseudomonas strain. Periplasmic and cytoplasmic cell fractions from Pseudomonas sp. strain A2C were prepared. A higher specific activity for AC hydrolysis was found in the periplasmic fraction. Protein mass spectrometry further identified AC hydrolase and known periplasmic marker proteins in the periplasmic fraction. A model was proposed in which AC is hydrolyzed in the periplasm and the product of that reaction is transported into and further metabolized in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
We tested the stability and tick transmission phenotype of transformed Anaplasma marginale through a complete in vivo infection cycle. Similar to the wild type, the gfp-transformed A. marginale strain established infection in cattle, a natural reservoir host, and persisted in immune competent animals. The tick infection rates for the transformed A. marginale and the wild type were the same. However, there were significantly lower levels of the transformed A. marginale than of the wild type in the tick. Despite the lower levels of replication, ticks transmitted the transformant. Transformants can serve as valuable tools to dissect the molecular requirements of tick colonization and pathogen transmission.  相似文献   
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