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Summary When stomates of Zea mays open K and Cl migrate from the subsidiary cells into the guard cells; when the stomates close both elements return to the subsidiary cells. Subsidiary cells function as reservoirs for K and Cl. Import of K and Cl into the guard cells and loss of both elements from the guard cells become observable 1 or 2 min after light is turned on or off, both when histochemical methods and the electron-probe microanalyzer are used for detection. Each stomatal complex of maize contains on the average 10±3×10-13 gram equivalents (eq) of K and 4±1×10-13 eq of Cl. Guard cells accumulate K in the light and CO2-free air at an average rate of 10×10-15 eq K per minute, and Cl at approximately half that rate.  相似文献   
Growth experiments have indicated that the yeast Saccharomycopsis fibuliger is able to utilize pectic materials as a carbon source for cell growth. Small quantities of yeast extract or mycological peptone and maltose are necessary to initiate growth. Cell yields of 35 g/100 g pectin were obtained after modification of the pH value, the concentration of calcium ions and pectin in the growth medium. The optimum pH for cell growth was 4.8, which is similar to the reported optimum for cell growth on starch. Cell yields declined at higher concentrations of pectin, as a result of the reduced rate of oxygen absorption into the growth medium. Neither the concentration of ammonium and phosphate ions nor the type of inorganic nitrogen source significantly affected cell growth within the experimental conditions employed.  相似文献   
The cyclic amino alditol 2,5-dihydroxymethyl 3,4-dihydroxypyrrolidine (DMDP) has recently been shown to be an inhibitor of various glucosidases. We have investigated its role as a plant protective chemical against a range of phytophagous insects by examining its effects on development, feeding behaviour and functioning of taste receptors. We have shown that it can inhibit feeding and can be toxic. The mechanisms by which these effects are achieved are discussed in the context of the molecular structure of the compound.
Résumé Récemment a été mis en évidence le puissant pouvoir inhibiteur de différents glucosidases. Présenté par l'amino-alditol cyclique, 2,5 dihydroxymethyl 3,4 dihydroxypyrrolidine (DMDP), isolé de graines de la légumineuse Lonchocarpus sericeus. Nous avons examiné le rôle de ce composé secondaire dans la stratégie défensive de la plante contre une gamme d'insectes phytophages, à travers son action sur le développement, le comportement alimentaire et le fonctionnement des récepteurs gustatifs. Nous avons montré que DMDP peut inhiber, suivant la dose, la prise de nourriture et, qu'aprs ingestion (par Spodoptera spp), il peut agir comme une toxine. Par suite de sa structure moléculaire, DMDP peut être considéré, non seulement comme l'analogue d'un sucre, mais aussi comme un alcaloïde. Le bilan des résultats de nos expériences suggère que l'efficacité de DMDP comme phagodissuadant, si elle ne provient pas de sa toxicité, découle principalement de ses propriétés d'alcaloïde.
Expression of specific [125I]-prolactin-binding sites under culture conditions has been investigated for isolated mammary epithelial cells from virgin, pregnant, and lactating rabbits. Primary monolayer cultures were obtained by sequential enzymatic dispersion of mammary tissue followed by 48 hr incubation in a medium selective for epithelial cells. Scatchard analyses of binding data obtained from these cultures indicated a single class of receptor sites, the affinity constant of which (2.5 X 10(9) M-1) did not vary significantly during mammary development. The number of prolactin receptors, however, expressed by virgin and early pregnant epithelial cells was significantly increased over those from late pregnancy or lactation. Less differentiated cells also respond to growth in pregnant rabbit serum with an increase in specific [125I]-prolactin binding. The diminished receptor expression by cells obtained after 17 days of pregnancy coincides with the attainment of secretory capacity in the animal, and may reflect the influence of the low serum prolactin or high progesterone levels circulating during the last trimester in the rabbit, or be the cultural expression of secretory differentiation.  相似文献   
Fibroblastic cultures from the skin of nondiabetic and diabetic (db/db) mice have been used to investigate alterations in the biological responses of diabetic cells to insulin. Confluent cultures from the skin of both nondiabetic and diabetic animals possess specific receptors for insulin. Diabetic fibroblasts exhibit only 36% as much specific binding of insulin as nondiabetic fibroblasts, because of a decrease in the total number of binding sites, without a change in binding affinity. Insulin caused a time- and dose-dependent increase in the rate of 2-deoxy D-glucose (dGlc) uptake and in ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity of both nondiabetic and diabetic fibroblasts. In nondiabetic cells, half-maximal increase in dGlc uptake was obtained with 0.3 nM insulin, and a maximum increase of 120% was obtained with 4.1 nM insulin. In contrast, diabetic cultures required 0.8 nM insulin for a half-maximal increase in dGlc uptake, and maximum stimulation with 4.1 nM insulin was only 50% above control levels. With 4-fold higher insulin concentrations, ODC activity of diabetic cells was only 40% that of nondiabetic cells. In nondiabetic cells, down regulation of insulin receptors by insulin abolished the ability of insulin to stimulate dGlc uptake. These results demonstrate that cells cultured from diabetic animals, which possess a decreased number of insulin receptors, also exhibit decreased stimulation of deoxy D-glucose uptake and ornithin decarboxylase activity by insulin.  相似文献   
Ecosystems - Differences in water and carbon fluxes along a climate/elevation gradient within a sagebrush ecosystem are quantified, and inferences are made about climate warming using a network of...  相似文献   
In theory, extirpated plant species can be reintroduced and managed to restore sustainable populations. However, few reintroduced plants are known to persist for more than a few years. Our adaptive‐management case study illustrates how we restored the endangered hemiparasitic annual plant, Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum (salt marsh bird's beak), to Sweetwater Marsh, San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge, California, United States, and used monitoring and experimentation to identify the factors limiting the reintroduced population. After extirpation in 1988, reintroduction starting that year led to a resilient, genetically diverse population in 2016 (a “boom” of approximately 14,000) that rebounded from a “bust” (62 in 2014). Multiple regressions attributed 82% of the variation in population counts to tidal amplitude, rainfall, and temperature. Populations of salt marsh bird's beak crashed when the diurnal tide range peaked during the 18.6‐year lunar nodal cycle (a rarely considered factor that periodically added approximately 12 cm to tidal ranges). We explain booms as follows: During smaller tidal amplitudes, above‐average rainfall could desalinize upper intertidal soils and stimulate salt marsh bird's beak germination. Then, moderate temperature in May favors growth to reproduction in June. In addition, salt marsh bird's beak needs a short and open canopy of native perennial plants, with roots to parasitize (not non‐native annual grass pseudohosts) and nearby upland soil for a preferred pollinator, ground‐burrowing bees. Although our reintroduced salt marsh bird's beak population is an exceptional case of persistence, this rare species‐specific environmental and biological requirement makes it vulnerable to rising sea levels and global warming.  相似文献   
[Purpose] To determine whether physical activity (PA), primarily the recommended 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous PA, is associated with gut bacterial microbiota in 10-year-old children.[Methods] The Block Physical Activity Screener, which provides minutes/day PA variables, was used to determine whether the child met the PA recommendations. 16S rRNA sequencing was performed on stool samples from the children to profile the composition of their gut bacterial microbiota. Differences in alpha diversity metrics (richness, Pielou’s evenness, and Faith’s phylogenetic diversity) by PA were determined using linear regression, whereas beta diversity (unweighted and weighted UniFrac) relationships were assessed using PERMANOVA. Taxon relative abundance differentials were determined using DESeq2.[Results] The analytic sample included 321 children with both PA and 16S rRNA sequencing data (mean age [SD] =10.2 [0.8] years; 54.2% male; 62.9% African American), where 189 (58.9%) met the PA recommendations. After adjusting for covariates, meeting the PA recommendations as well as minutes/day PA variables were not significantly associated with gut richness, evenness, or diversity (p ≥ 0.19). However, meeting the PA recommendations (weighted UniFrac R2 = 0.014, p = 0.001) was significantly associated with distinct gut bacterial composition. These compositional differences were partly characterized by increased abundance of Megamonas and Anaerovorax as well as specific Christensenellaceae_R-7_group taxa in children with higher PA.[Conclusion] Children who met the recommendations of PA had altered gut microbiota compositions. Whether this translates to a reduced risk of obesity or associated metabolic diseases is still unclear.  相似文献   
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