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Genome-wide analysis of the SET DOMAIN GROUP family in grapevine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The SET DOMAIN GROUP (SDG) proteins represent an evolutionarily-conserved family of epigenetic regulators present in eukaryotes and are putative candidates for the catalysis of lysine methylation in histones. Plant genomes analyses of this family have been performed in arabidopsis, maize, and rice and functional studies have shown that SDG genes are involved in the control of plant development. In this work, we describe the identification and structural characterization of SDG genes in the Vitis vinifera genome. This analysis revealed the presence of 33 putative SDG genes that can be grouped into different classes, as it has been previously described for plants. In addition to the SET domain, the proteins identified possessed other domains in the different classes. As part of our study regarding the growth and development of grapevine, we selected eight genes and their expression levels were analyzed in representative vegetative and reproductive organs of this species. The selected genes showed different patterns of expression during inflorescence and fruit development, suggesting that they participate in these processes. Furthermore, we showed that the expression of selected SDGs changes during viral infection, using as a model Grapevine Leafroll Associated Virus 3-infected symptomatic grapevine leaves and fruits. Our results suggest that developmental changes caused by this virus could be the result of alterations in SDG expression.  相似文献   
The potential for reducing the occurrence of shallow landslides through targeted reforestation of critical parts of a river basin is explored through mathematical modelling. Through the systematic investigation of land management options, modelling allows the optimum strategies to be selected ahead of any real intervention in the basin. Physically based models, for which the parameters can be evaluated using physical reasoning, offer particular advantages for predicting the effects of possible future changes in land use and climate. Typically a physically based landslide model consists of a coupled hydrological model (for soil moisture) and a geotechnical slope stability model, along with an impact model, such as basin sediment yield. An application of the SHETRAN model to the 65.8-km2 Guabalcón basin in central Ecuador demonstrates a technique for identifying the areas of a basin most susceptible to shallow landsliding and for quantifying the effects of different vegetation covers on landslide incidence. Thus, for the modelled scenario, increasing root cohesion from 300 to 1500 Pa causes a two-thirds reduction in the number of landslides. Useful information can be obtained even on the basis of imperfect data availability but model output should be interpreted carefully in the light of parameter uncertainty.  相似文献   
The plant-specific insert is an approximately 100-residue domain found exclusively within the C-terminal lobe of some plant aspartic proteases. Structurally, this domain is a member of the saposin-like protein family, and is involved in plant pathogen defense as well as vacuolar targeting of the parent protease molecule. Similar to other members of the saposin-like protein family, most notably saposins A and C, the recently resolved crystal structure of potato (Solanum tuberosum) plant-specific insert has been shown to exist in a substrate-bound open conformation in which the plant-specific insert oligomerizes to form homodimers. In addition to the open structure, a closed conformation also exists having the classic saposin fold of the saposin-like protein family as observed in the crystal structure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plant-specific insert. In the present study, the mechanisms of tertiary and quaternary conformation changes of potato plant-specific insert were investigated in silico as a function of pH. Umbrella sampling and determination of the free energy change of dissociation of the plant-specific insert homodimer revealed that increasing the pH of the system to near physiological levels reduced the free energy barrier to dissociation. Furthermore, principal component analysis was used to characterize conformational changes at both acidic and neutral pH. The results indicated that the plant-specific insert may adopt a tertiary structure similar to the characteristic saposin fold and suggest a potential new structural motif among saposin-like proteins. To our knowledge, this acidified PSI structure presents the first example of an alternative saposin-fold motif for any member of the large and diverse SAPLIP family.  相似文献   
In this study, we re-describe the advertisement and territorial calls of Boana pardalis, carry out an acoustic comparison between the studied species and the other congeners of the B. faber group, and report for the first time the tympanic amplexus for the studied species. The advertisement call of B. pardalis can be used to supplement its diagnosis in the B. faber group based on temporal call traits, e.g. emission rate and emission pattern, as well as the call envelope.  相似文献   
The aim of our work was to study the mechanism of action of aldosterone and antialdosterone compounds on Na+ and K+ fluxes in vascular smooth muscle. In the long term, regulation of salt metabolism depends on aldosterone effects on Na+, K+, H+ and H2O transport by the renal tubules. Furthermore, it has been shown that aldosterone modifies several epithelial transports, inducing a positive sodium balance. The chronic in vivo administration of aldosterone modifies transmembrane ionic fluxes in vascular smooth muscle. Garwitz and Jones suggested that aldosterone may enhance net Na+ transport through the stimulation of the sodium pump. The results obtained in our laboratory indicate that aldosterone has a direct stimulatory action on ouabain-dependent and on ouabain-independent Na efflux. Furthermore, the mineralocorticoid enhances passive K permeability, as well as the Na pump dependent K influx. Both effects are blocked by antimineralocorticoid compounds. Recent experiments have shown that vasopressin potentiates some of the in vivo effects of aldosterone.  相似文献   
Reduced noradrenaline turnover in brown adipose tissue of lactating rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Brown adipose tissue properties as well as noradrenaline turnover in the tissue were determined in 15-day lactating rats and virgin controls. Brown adipose tissue thermogenic activity was reduced in lactating rats as shown by a decrease in weight, cytochrome oxidase activity and mitochondrial GDP-binding. The noradrenaline turnover rate was lower in brown adipose tissue from lactating rats. It is suggested that diminished sympathetic activity in brown adipose tissue may be a major cause of the reduced tissue thermogenic activity during lactation.  相似文献   
An enriched IgG serum fraction obtained from rabbits immunized against pea chloroplast fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) was used, coupled to colloidal gold (15 nanometer particles) goat anti-rabbit IgG, to analyze by electron microscopy the location of photosynthetic FBPase in pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaf ultrathin sections. In accordance with earlier biochemical studies on distribution of FBPase activity, the enzyme was visualized both in the stromal space and bound to the chloroplast membranes. Some gold particles also appear in the cytoplasm, which can be related to the presence in the cytosol of a high molecular weight precursor of this nuclear coded enzyme.  相似文献   
Leghemoglobin was localized by immunogold techniques in nodules of Lupinus albus cv Multolupa inoculated with Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) strain ISLU 16. The protein localization was performed in nodules embedded in Spurr's and Araldite epoxy resins and Lowycryl K4M. A very good preservation of both the ultrastructure and antigenicity was obtained with the tissues embedded in Araldite following glutaraldehyde fixation and unpostfixed in osmium tetroxide. Lupin leghemoglobin is a stable and abundant protein which allows a conventional method to be safely used for localization of leghemoglobin. Labeling of leghemoglobin was specifically confined to the cytosol matrix and nuclei. Gold particles were never observed in the peribacteroidal spaces nor in the cytoplasmic organelles of the infected cells. Decrease of leghemoglobin was observed when the plants were grown with 10.7 micromolar and 21.4 micromolar of nitrate.  相似文献   
With the eventual goal of characterizingLegionella pneumophila serogroup 1 plasmids at the molecular level, we have analyzed the plasmid contents of 78 clinical and environmental Spanish isolates. After selection of a suitable alkaline lysis method, we detected plasmids with approximate molecular weights of 25, 36, 40, 61, 80, 85, 90, and 95 megadalton (MDal). Several factors (i.e., wide temporal and geographic distribution, high frequency in both clinical and environmental isolates, and apparent high copy number after subculturing) make the 36 MDal type IA plasmid an appropriate plasmid for further molecular studies.  相似文献   
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