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It has long been debated whether the mind consists of specialized and independently evolving modules, or whether and to what extent a general factor accounts for the variance in performance across different cognitive domains. In this study, we used a hierarchical Bayesian model to re-analyse individual level data collected on seven primate species (chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, gorillas, spider monkeys, brown capuchin monkeys and long-tailed macaques) across 17 tasks within four domains (inhibition, memory, transposition and support). Our modelling approach evidenced the existence of both a domain-specific factor and a species factor, each accounting for the same amount (17%) of the observed variance. In contrast, inter-individual differences played a minimal role. These results support the hypothesis that the mind of primates is (at least partially) modular, with domain-specific cognitive skills undergoing different evolutionary pressures in different species in response to specific ecological and social demands.  相似文献   
How do adapting populations navigate the tensions between the costs of gene expression and the benefits of gene products to optimize the levels of many genes at once? Here we combined independently-arising beneficial mutations that altered enzyme levels in the central metabolism of Methylobacterium extorquens to uncover the fitness landscape defined by gene expression levels. We found strong antagonism and sign epistasis between these beneficial mutations. Mutations with the largest individual benefit interacted the most antagonistically with other mutations, a trend we also uncovered through analyses of datasets from other model systems. However, these beneficial mutations interacted multiplicatively (i.e., no epistasis) at the level of enzyme expression. By generating a model that predicts fitness from enzyme levels we could explain the observed sign epistasis as a result of overshooting the optimum defined by a balance between enzyme catalysis benefits and fitness costs. Knowledge of the phenotypic landscape also illuminated that, although the fitness peak was phenotypically far from the ancestral state, it was not genetically distant. Single beneficial mutations jumped straight toward the global optimum rather than being constrained to change the expression phenotypes in the correlated fashion expected by the genetic architecture. Given that adaptation in nature often results from optimizing gene expression, these conclusions can be widely applicable to other organisms and selective conditions. Poor interactions between individually beneficial alleles affecting gene expression may thus compromise the benefit of sex during adaptation and promote genetic differentiation.  相似文献   
Cytometry and flow cytometry were used to study characteristics of fluorescence of the DNA-DAPI complex in nuclei released from different fresh and formaldehyde-fixed pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Lincoln) tissues. The two methods of isolation are compared and discussed as well as their possible use for quantitative analysis of DNA in plant tissues. With fixed tissues it is possible to obtain a number of nuclei sufficient for the flow cytometric analysis, even using small amounts of plant tissue.  相似文献   
The morphogenic effect of different light wavelengths on in vitro rooting of Prunus insititia GF655-2 in relation to the presence of napthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in the culture medium was investigated. Results of experiments in which plantlets were rooted in NAA enriched medium showed that the presence of auxin induced rooting even in the dark after an initial lag period. Illumination of the cultures with Red light was as effective in promoting rooting as treatment with 0.5 M NAA; Red was more active in stimulating rooting in the short term than was NAA. The pattern of root formation resulting from the addition of NAA appeared to dominate development under White, Blue and Far Red treatments. Although it was possible to correlate the rooting response to the phytochrome photoequilibrium induced by the light treatments used, there arises a possible interference of specific Blue absorbing photoreceptors.Abbreviations B Blue - FR Far Red - HIR High Irradiance Response - Pfr active (far-red absorbing) form of phytochrome - Ptot total phytochrome - R Red - W White - NAA -naphtaleneacetic acid - BA benzyladenine - IAA indole 3-acetic acid  相似文献   
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) is the most common adult B-cell leukaemia and despite improvement in patients' outcome, following the use of targeted therapies, it remains incurable. CLL supportive microenvironment plays a key role in both CLL progression and drug resistance through signals that can be sensed by the main components of the focal adhesion complex, such as FAK and PYK2 kinases. Dysregulations of both kinases have been observed in several metastatic cancers, but their role in haematological malignancies is still poorly defined. We characterized FAK and PYK2 expression and observed that PYK2 expression is higher in leukaemic B cells and its overexpression significantly correlates with their malignant transformation. When targeting both FAK and PYK2 with the specific inhibitor defactinib, we observed a dose–response effect on CLL cells viability and survival. In vivo treatment of a CLL mouse model showed a decrease of the leukaemic clone in all the lymphoid organs along with a significant reduction of macrophages and of the spleen weight and size. Our results first define a possible prognostic value for PYK2 in CLL, and show that both FAK and PYK2 might become putative targets for both CLL and its microenvironment (e.g. macrophages), thus paving the way to an innovative therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   
Locomotor activity in a field population of the freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile, was studied during the breeding season by means of radio-telemetry and by direct counts of active animals along a transect of the stream. The basic pattern of crabs' locomotor activity can be described as a sequence of short distance movements around the shelters (foraging movements), followed by rarer long distance displacements (wandering movements). Whilst direct counting showed that the crabs exhibit a broadly nocturnal rhythm in foraging movements, no daily periodicity in wandering activity was revealed by telemetry. There is sexual difference in these latter excursions: females move farther along the stream and into the surrounding terrestrial habitat than do males. This behaviour is in contrast to observations made during the non-breeding season and is probably related to the stage of female reproduction.  相似文献   
SecA protein, the ATPase promoting translocation of proteins across the Escherichia coli inner membrane, contains two ATP-binding domains that differ greatly in their affinity for bound nucleotide. In order to define more precisely the location of the high-affinity nucleotide-binding site, oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce cysteine residues into the SecA sequence, and a cysteine-specific cleavage reagent was employed to generate defined peptides of SecA protein after photocross-linking with [α-32P]-ATP. This analysis revealed that the nucleotide was cross-linked between amino acid residues 75 and 97 of SecA protein. The biochemical function of the high affinity ATP-binding domain was explored by subcellular fractionation studies which demonstrated that SecA proteins defective in this region were found almost exclusively in their integral membrane form, while SecA proteins with defects in the low-affinity ATP-domain showed a normal distribution of cytosolic, peripheral and integral membrane forms. Interestingly, the SecA51(Ts) protein that has a Leu to Pro substitution at amino acid residue 43 bound ATP with high affinity, but its fractionation pattern and translocation ATPase activity were similar to those of proteins with defects in the high-affinity ATP-binding site. These results delimit more precisely the high-affinity ATP-binding domain of SecA, indicate the importance of the early amino-terminal region of SecA protein in the functioning of this domain, and demonstrate the role of this domain in regulating penetration of SecA protein into the inner membrane. Our results lead to a simple model for the regulation of a cycle of SecA insertion into, and de-insertion from, the inner membrane by the activity of the high-affinity ATP-binding domain.  相似文献   
Treatment with VP-16 (1-50 μM) or excess thymidine (5 mM) caused a block of L cells at different steps in their progression through the replicative cycle. The arrest was followed by an asynchronous process of cell death that conformed to criteria for apoptosis. Careful monitoring of this process in the whole cell population by flow cytometry showed a virtual absence of necrosis, an increase in side light scattering, followed by the occurrence of a population with subdiploid DNA fluorescence as well as reduced forward and side light seattering. The development of apoptosis required sufficient time and adequate ion gradients in the cells. By the combined use of flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy data were obtained suggesting that (i) intracellular free Ca2+ and pH and/or their drug-induced alterations had to be adequately controlled for the apoptotic process to evolve; (ii) mitochondria were compromised earlier than the plasma membrane or lysosomes; and (iii) K+ extrusion possibly played a role in the final loss of cell volume. Interfering with the control of ion gradients and/or their changes in drug-treated cells resulted in cell death by necrosis.  相似文献   
 Light partition has been examined and evaluated on five woody species (Olea europaea, Ficus carica, Pittosporum tobira, Hedera helix maculata, Persica vulgaris) in relation to their leaf morpho-histological characteristics, water and chlorophyll contents. Leaf parameters and optical properties (reflectance, transmittance, absorbance) in PAR, FR and NIR wavebands (400–1100 nm) were preliminarily submitted to a canonical correlation analysis where lamina thickness and water content showed a leading role in determining all the optical properties, while chlorophyll, influential in the PAR region, was remarkably effective only in an extreme pigment situation when green and albino patches of ivy leaves were compared. Transmittance appeared inversely related to lamina thickness in accordance with the Lambert Beer law. Significant correlations were found also between mesophyll water content and both transmittance (positive) and reflectance (negative). Olive leaves showed peculiar optical patterns because of the dense and continuous trichome layer on their abaxial surface. Received: 3 January 1997 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   
For the first time in Rome, house-dust mite infestation was studied in 90 randomly selected houses. In each house, mite infestation was assessed in three sites: mattress, bedroom and living room. In total, 87.8% of the sampled houses were positive for dust mites. In the houses infested, 11.4% showed densities of >100 mites/g of dust, 15.2% registered densities between 50 and 99, and in the remaining houses (73.4%), the densities were between 1 and 49 mites/g dust. The percentages of infested houses were positively correlated with the relative humidity (RH) values (r=0.89,P=0.02). At the lowest range of RH (between 46 and 50), the infestation was 50% and at the highest range of RH (between 73 and 78) it was 100%. The mattress was significantly the most infested (71.1%) of the tested sites. Only wool and spring mattresses were infested, and they did not show any significant differences in mite concentrations.Dermatophagoides farinae was the most abundant species (53.1%), followed byGlycyphagus domesticus (34.5%),D. pteronyssinus (5.2%), andEuroglyphus maynei (0.2%);D. farinae was also the most frequent species (56.9%). The remaining specimens (7.0%) were predator species commonly found in houses. The prevalence ofD. farinae in Rome is discussed.  相似文献   
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