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Journal of Applied Phycology - Bioplastic made of microalgae is attractive since it does not consume high amounts of substrate compared to bacteria. However, to make the production more feasible,...  相似文献   
Male primates living in multimale groups tend to direct mate and mate-guarding choices toward females of high reproductive value, i.e., high-ranking, parous females, or females with which they share strong bonds. Little is known, however, about the constraints that may limit male mate-guarding choices (the costs of this behavior) and the influence of the females’ quality on male investment in mate-guarding. We aimed to study the effects of female rank, parity status, and male–female social bond strength on the costs of and investment in mate-guarding by males. We carried out our study during two reproductive seasons on three groups of wild long-tailed macaques in Indonesia. We combined behavioral observations on male locomotion and activity with noninvasive measurements of fecal glucocorticoids (fGC). Males spent less time feeding when mate-guarding nulliparous females than when mate-guarding parous females and tended to have higher fGC levels when mate-guarding low-ranking nulliparous females than when mate-guarding high-ranking nulliparous ones. Evolution should thus favor male choice for high-ranking parous females because such a decision brings benefits at proximate (reduced costs of mate-guarding) and ultimate (higher reproductive value) levels. Further, male investment in mate-guarding was flexible and contingent on female reproductive and social value. Males were more vigilant and more aggressive toward other males when mate-guarding females to which they were strongly bonded and/or high-ranking ones than when mate-guarding other females. Our findings bring a new dimension to the study of mate choice by showing that males not only mate preferentially with high-quality females but may also aim to secure paternity with these females through optimized monopolization.  相似文献   
Human-orangutan conflict and hunting are thought to pose a serious threat to orangutan existence in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. No data existed prior to the present study to substantiate these threats. We investigated the rates, spatial distribution and causes of conflict and hunting through an interview-based survey in the orangutan's range in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Between April 2008 and September 2009, we interviewed 6983 respondents in 687 villages to obtain socio-economic information, assess knowledge of local wildlife in general and orangutan encounters specifically, and to query respondents about their knowledge on orangutan conflicts and killing, and relevant laws. This survey revealed estimated killing rates of between 750 and 1800 animals killed in the last year, and between 1950 and 3100 animals killed per year on average within the lifetime of the survey respondents. These killing rates are higher than previously thought and are high enough to pose a serious threat to the continued existence of orangutans in Kalimantan. Importantly, the study contributes to our understanding of the spatial variation in threats, and the underlying causes of those threats, which can be used to facilitate the development of targeted conservation management.  相似文献   
Accurately differentiating between ventricular fibrillation (VF) and ventricular tachycardia (VT) episodes is crucial in preventing potentially fatal misinterpretations. If VT is misinterpreted as VF, the patient will receive an unnecessary shock that could damage the heart; conversely, if VF is incorrectly interpreted as VT, the result will be life-threatening. In this study, a new method called semantic mining is used to characterize VT and VF episodes by extracting their significant characteristics (the frequency, damping coefficient and input signal). This newly proposed method was tested using a widely recognized database provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and achieved high detection accuracy of 96.7%. The semantic mining technique was capable of completely discriminating between normal rhythms and VT and VF episodes without any false detections and also distinguished VT and VF episodes from one another with a recognition sensitivity of 94.1% and 95.2% for VT and VF, respectively.  相似文献   
According to ecological theory, the concept of niche differentiation is essential to our understanding of how sympatric species can limit competition over resources. We here examine ecological niche differentiation in 2 sympatric Asian langurs, Presbytis potenziani and Simias concolor, both endemic to the Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra. We collected data (home range size, canopy use, activity budgets, diet, and niche breadth and overlap) using GPS and scan/focal animal sampling methods on 2 groups of Presbytis potenziani and 3 groups of Simias concolor living in a mixed primary rain forest in northern Siberut. Results show that home ranges of the 2 species overlapped completely and that the home range size of Presbytis potenziani was ca. 4 times larger than that of Simias concolor. Lower canopy levels (<20 m) were used more often by Simias concolor, whereas Presbytis potenziani preferred the canopy >20 m. Apart from foraging and other activities, there was little difference in overall activity budgets of the 2 species. Regarding diet, although 60% of all food species examined were used by both langur species, they shared only 3 of the 10 most commonly eaten species. Presbytis potenziani fed more selectively on fruits, whereas Simias concolor fed predominantly on leaves. Levin’s niche breadth indices revealed that the diet of Simias concolor is more general (0.34) than that of Presbytis potenziani (0.22). Based on a Pianka index of 0.32, we conclude that there is a relatively small food niche overlap between the 2 colobine species and that diet represents an important mechanism enabling their coexistence.  相似文献   
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