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Expression of several of the surface antigens on normal and malignant hematopoietic cells is reduced or is modulated by incubation with specific antibodies. Although antigenic modulation provides a means by which cells can escape antibody-mediated immune destruction, the physiologic significance and frequency of this phenomenon are both poorly understood. To begin to address these issues, we identified and characterized surface antigens on the malignant B cell line Laz 221 established from a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Indirect immunofluorescence analysis with the use of 26 hematopoietic cell populations and immune precipitation studies with the use of iodinated ALL cells indicate that 163 monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) identify 22 different proteins on this cell line, including at least six previously described surface molecules. Seven of these antigens are expressed by all nucleated cells examined, whereas only the mu chain of immunoglobulin is B cell specific. Incubation of specific MoAb with cultures of Laz 221 cells at 37 degrees C reduces or modulates surface expression of five of these 22 antigens (p45, immunoglobulin mu chain, transferrin receptor, common ALL antigen (CD10), and p105). Studies that made use of multiple MoAb specific for the same antigen suggest that the capacity for antigenic modulation is an intrinsic property of individual antigens. These studies also suggest that the murine immune response to shared human antigens varies from one immunizing cell population to another. For example, three of the antigens present on Laz 221 cells were only identified by MoAb raised to the Burkitt's cell line Ramos and vice-versa. Only one of these six shared antigens is present in greater amounts on the immunogenic cell population. Immunogenicity of individual human antigens in the mouse may be a function of their cell surface environment.  相似文献   
Plant growth in the extremely arid southern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt is supported by the torrential moisture stored in the subsurface layers of wadi-fill deposits. The space-time stratification of the soil moisture and corresponding adaptive stratification of root systems lead to the niche separation of the species. The survivorship of all studied plants except Zilla spinosa, has a low mortality at early and middle life, but a rapid change to high mortality at a later stage. Zilla spinosa shows the high juvenile and low adult mortality which related significantly to the population density.  相似文献   
GABA is generally known as the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system, usually acting by hyperpolarizing membrane potential. However, GABAergic currents sometimes exhibit non-inhibitory effects, depending on the brain region, developmental stage or pathological condition. Here, we investigate the diverse effects of GABA on the firing rate of several single neuron models, using both analytical calculations and numerical simulations. We find that GABAergic synaptic conductance and output firing rate exhibit three qualitatively different regimes as a function of GABA reversal potential, EGABA: monotonically decreasing for sufficiently low EGABA (inhibitory), monotonically increasing for EGABA above firing threshold (excitatory); and a non-monotonic region for intermediate values of EGABA. In the non-monotonic regime, small GABA conductances have an excitatory effect while large GABA conductances show an inhibitory effect. We provide a phase diagram of different GABAergic effects as a function of GABA reversal potential and glutamate conductance. We find that noisy inputs increase the range of EGABA for which the non-monotonic effect can be observed. We also construct a micro-circuit model of striatum to explain observed effects of GABAergic fast spiking interneurons on spiny projection neurons, including non-monotonicity, as well as the heterogeneity of the effects. Our work provides a mechanistic explanation of paradoxical effects of GABAergic synaptic inputs, with implications for understanding the effects of GABA in neural computation and development.  相似文献   
Pepino (Solanum muricatum var. pepino) plants were found affected by an extensive leaf spot caused by plant pathogenic fungi during a survey in the Cameron highlands, Pahang state, Malaysia. Symptomatic leaf samples were collected from infected pepino plants and cultivated on PDA medium, and the pathogen was isolated and purified; then, consequently, all isolates were identified as Stemphylium lycopersici on the basis of their cultural and morphological characteristics and combined sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd) regions. A pathogenicity assay on detached leaves further confirmed that S. lycopersici causes leaf spot disease. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of S. lycopersici causing leaf spot on pepino in Malaysia and worldwide.  相似文献   
We aimed to explore the population dynamics of snail in 3 sites of the White Nile in Sudan. More specifically, we aimed to investigate the annual patterns of snail populations that act as intermediate hosts of schistosomes and monthly snail infection rates and ecological characteristics presumably related to snail populations. We collected snails for 1 year monthly at 3 different shore sites in the vicinity of El Shajara along the White Nile river in Khartoum State, Sudan. In addition, we measured air and water temperatures, water turbidities, vegetation coverages, and water depths and current speeds. Most of the collected snails were Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Bulinus truncatus. The population densities of snails and their infection rates varied across survey sites. The collected snails liberated S. mansoni and S. haematobium cercariae as well as Amphistome and Echinostome cercariae. Infected snails were found during March–June. The ecological characteristics found to be associated with the absence of snails population were: high turbidity, deep water, low vegetation coverage (near absence of vegetation), high water temperature, and high current speed. To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study of the snail population and ecological characteristics in the main basin of the White Nile river.  相似文献   
In this study, extremely halophilic and moderately thermophilic microorganisms from a hypersaline microbial mat were screened for their ability to produce antibacterial, antidiatom, antialgal, and quorum-sensing (QS) inhibitory compounds. Five bacterial strains belonging to the genera Marinobacter and Halomonas and one archaeal strain belonging to the genus Haloterrigena were isolated from a microbial mat. The strains were able to grow at a maximum salinity of 22–25 % and a maximum temperature of 45–60 °C. Hexanes, dichloromethane, and butanol extracts from the strains inhibited the growth of at least one out of nine human pathogens. Only butanol extracts of supernatants of Halomonas sp. SK-1 inhibited growth of the microalga Dunaliella salina. Most extracts from isolates inhibited QS of the acyl homoserine lactone producer and reporter Chromobacterium violaceum CV017. Purification of QS inhibitory dichloromethane extracts of Marinobacter sp. SK-3 resulted in isolation of four related diketopiperazines (DKPs): cyclo(l-Pro-l-Phe), cyclo(l-Pro-l-Leu), cyclo(l-Pro-l-isoLeu), and cyclo(l-Pro-d-Phe). QS inhibitory properties of these DKPs were tested using C. violaceum CV017 and Escherichia coli-based QS reporters (pSB401 and pSB1075) deficient in AHL production. Cyclo(l-Pro-l-Phe) and cyclo(l-Pro-l-isoLeu) inhibited QS-dependent production of violacein by C. violaceum CV017. Cyclo(l-Pro-l-Phe), cyclo(l-Pro-l-Leu), and cyclo(l-Pro-l-isoLeu) reduced QS-dependent luminescence of the reporter E. coli pSB401 induced by 3-oxo-C6-HSL. Our study demonstrated the ability of halophilic and moderately thermophilic strains from a hypersaline microbial mat to produce biotechnologically relevant compounds that could be used as antifouling agents.  相似文献   
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a vector-borne disease affecting humans and domestic animals that constitutes a serious public health problem in many countries. Although many antigens have been examined so far as protein- or DNA-based vaccines, none of them conferred complete long-term protection. The use of the lizard non-pathogenic to humans Leishmania (L.) tarentolae species as a live vaccine vector to deliver specific Leishmania antigens is a recent approach that needs to be explored further. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of live vaccination in protecting BALB/c mice against L. infantum infection using prime-boost regimens, namely Live/Live and DNA/Live. As a live vaccine, we used recombinant L. tarentolae expressing the L. donovani A2 antigen along with cysteine proteinases (CPA and CPB without its unusual C-terminal extension (CPB-CTE)) as a tri-fusion gene. For DNA priming, the tri-fusion gene was encoded in pcDNA formulated with cationic solid lipid nanoparticles (cSLN) acting as an adjuvant. At different time points post-challenge, parasite burden and histopathological changes as well as humoral and cellular immune responses were assessed. Our results showed that immunization with both prime-boost A2-CPA-CPB-CTE-recombinant L. tarentolae protects BALB/c mice against L. infantum challenge. This protective immunity is associated with a Th1-type immune response due to high levels of IFN-γ production prior and after challenge and with lower levels of IL-10 production after challenge, leading to a significantly higher IFN-γ/IL-10 ratio compared to the control groups. Moreover, this immunization elicited high IgG1 and IgG2a humoral immune responses. Protection in mice was also correlated with a high nitric oxide production and low parasite burden. Altogether, these results indicate the promise of the A2-CPA-CPB-CTE-recombinant L. tarentolae as a safe live vaccine candidate against VL.  相似文献   

Most of the processes that occur in the mind and body follow natural rhythms. Those with a cycle length of about one day are called circadian rhythms. These rhythms are driven by a system of self-sustained clocks and are entrained by environmental cues such as light-dark cycles as well as food intake. In mammals, the circadian clock system is hierarchically organized such that the master clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus integrates environmental information and synchronizes the phase of oscillators in peripheral tissues.

The circadian system is responsible for regulating a variety of physiological and behavioral processes, including feeding behavior and energy metabolism. Studies revealed that the circadian clock system consists primarily of a set of clock genes. Several genes control the biological clock, including BMAL1, CLOCK (positive regulators), CRY1, CRY2, PER1, PER2, and PER3 (negative regulators) as indicators of the peripheral clock.

Circadian has increasingly become an important area of medical research, with hundreds of studies pointing to the body’s internal clocks as a factor in both health and disease. Thousands of biochemical processes from sleep and wakefulness to DNA repair are scheduled and dictated by these internal clocks. Cancer is an example of health problems where chronotherapy can be used to improve outcomes and deliver a higher quality of care to patients.

In this article, we will discuss knowledge about molecular mechanisms of the circadian clock and the role of clocks in physiology and pathophysiology of concerns.  相似文献   
The initial microorganism adhesion on substrate is an important step for the biofilm formation. The surface properties of the stainless steel and B. cereus were characterized by the sessile drop technique. Moreover, the physicochemical properties of surface adhesion and the impact of bio adhesion to the stainless steel were determined at different time of contact (2, 4, 7, 9 and 24 h). The results showed that the strain was hydrophilic (Giwi = 3.37 mJ/m2), whereas the substratum has hydrophobic character (Giwi = ?57.6 mJ/m2). Stainless steel surface presents a weak electron-donor character (γ? = 4.1 mJ/m2) conversely to B. cereus that presents an important parameter (γ? = 31.6 mJ/m2). The bio adhesion was investigated at different time of contact. The data analysis after 2 h, confirmed the adhesion of B. cereus with an amount of 10 cfu/cm2 which increased to 1.2104 cfu/cm2 after 24 h. Interestingly, despite the difference of hydropohbicity, the interaction between B. cereus and substratum was favored by the thermodynamic aspect of adhesion (ΔGadhesion < 0). Interestingly, the study of the effect of B. cereus adhesion on the stainless steel has revealed that, the substratum becomes hydrophilic (θ° = 41.3, ΔGiwi = 39.6 mJ/m2) and highly electron donor (Γ? = 52.9 mJ/m2) after 2 h of bio adhesion.  相似文献   
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