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Gerbils were caught in the Béni-Abbès area (Algeria). Testicular endocrine activity was highest in spring (testicular wt 298 +/- 10 mg; seminal vesicle wt 603 +/- 62 mg; testicular testosterone and androstenedione content 9.2 +/- 1.7 and 0.5 +/- 0.1 ng/testis; plasma testosterone 832 +/- 200 pg/ml). Values decreased in summer, were lowest in late summer and in autumn (84 +/- 17 mg; 40 +/- 14 mg; 0.20 +/- 0.06 and 0.02 +/- 0.01 ng/testis; 228 +/- 54 pg/ml, respectively) and increased again in winter (December-January). The onset of testicular endocrine activity was concomitant with the lowest temperatures and the shortest photoperiod; it increased when temperatures and daylength were increasing and began to decline when temperatures and photoperiod were still maximal. These seasonal changes in the endocrine activity of the testis of the gerbil differ from those of the sand rat inhabiting the same area.  相似文献   
Summary A collection of 2,000 lambda phage-carrying human single-copy inserts (> 700 bp) were isolated from two chromosome-3 flow-sorted libraries. The single-copy DNA fragments were first sorted into 3p and 3q locations and about 700 3p fragments were regionally mapped using a deletion mapping panel comprised of two humanhamster and two-human-mouse cell hybrids, each containing a chromosome 3 with different deletions in the short arm. The hybrids were extensively mapped with a set of standard 3p markers physically localized or ordered by linkage. The deletion mapping panel divided the short arm into five distinct subregions (A-E). The 3p fragments were distributed on 3p regions as follows: region A, 26%; B, 31%; C, 4%; D, 4% and E, 35%. We screened 300 single-copy DNA fragments from the distal part of 3p (regions A and B) with ten restriction endonucleases for their ability to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Of these fragments 110 (36%) were found to detect useful RFLPs: 35% detected polymorphisms with frequency of heterozygosity of 40% or higher, and 25% with frequency of 30% or higher. All polymorphisms originated from single loci and most of them were of the base pair substitution type. These RFLP markers make it possible to construct a fine linkage map that will span the distal part of chromosome 3p and encompasses the von Hippel-Lindau disease locus. The large number of single-copy fragments (2,000) spaced every 100–150 kb on chromosome 3 will make a significant contribution to mapping and sequencing the entire chromosome 3. The 300 conserved chromosome 3 probes will increase the existing knowledge of man-mouse homologies.  相似文献   
The role of polyamines (PA) synthesis in NMDA receptor-mediated45Ca2+ fluxes and norepinephrine release was studied in rat hippocampal synaptosomes. NMDA (50M) caused a sharp (>2-fold) transient increase in PA synthesis regulating enzyme, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity with concomitant elevation in PA levels in the order putrescine>spermidine>spermine. ODC inhibitor, -difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), and NMDA antagonist, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (D-AP5), both blocked increases in ODC activity and PA levels. Activation of NMDA receptors induced a sharp (3 to 4-fold) and quick (15 seconds) increase in45Ca2+ uptake by synaptosomes within 15 seconds of exposure at 37°C. The efflux of45Ca2+ and3H-norepinephrine (NE) release at 22°C from pre-loaded synaptosomes was also significantly (2 to 4-fold) enhanced by NMDA within 15 seconds. These NMDA receptor-mediated effects on calcium fluxes and NE release were blocked by NMDA receptor-antagonists (DAP-5 and MK-801) and PA synthesis inhibitor, DFMO and the DFMO inhibition nullified by exogenous putrescine. These observations establish that ODC/PA cascade play an important role in transduction of excitatory amino acid mediated signals at NMDA receptors.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Ochs.  相似文献   
The compositional distributions of high molecular weight DNA fragments from 20 species belonging to 9 out of the 17 eutherian orders were investigated by analytical CsCl density gradient centrifugation and by preparative fractionation in Cs2SO4/BAMD density gradients followed by analysis of the fractions in CsCl. These compositional distributions reflect those of the isochores making up the corresponding genomes. A “general distribution” was found in species belonging to eight mammalian orders. A “myomorph distribution” was found in Myomorpha, but not in the other rodent infraorders Sciuromorpha and Histricomorpha, which share the general distribution. Two other distributions were found in a megachiropteran (but not in microchiropteran, which, again, shares the general distribution) and in pangolin (a species from the only genus of the order Pholidota), respectively. The main difference between the general distribution and all other distributions is that the former contains sizable amounts (6–10%) of GC-rich isochores (detected as DNA fragments equal to, or higher than, 1.710 g/cm3 in modal buoyant density), which are scarce, or absent, in the other distributions. This difference is remarkable because gene concentrations in mammalian genomes are paralleled by GC levels, the highest gene concentrations being present in the GC-richest isochores. The compositional distributions of mammalian genomes reported here shed light on mammalian phylogeny. Indeed, all orders investigated, with the exception of Pholidota, seem to share a common ancestor. The compositional patterns of the megachiropteran and of Myomorpha may be derived from the general pattern or have independent origins.  相似文献   
A mark-release-recapture experiment to estimate population survivorship and absolute size was performed with wild-caught An. subpictus adults at the village of Khano-Harni, Lahore District, Punjab Province, Pakistan during September 1978, the end of the monsoon rainy season, when temporal population abundance was maximized. Daily survival rate estimated from the recapture sequence of marked adults was low, males=0.192 and females=0.343. Survivorship for females estimated by several vertical age-grading procedures ranged from 0.347 to 0.628. Both stage- and age-specific life tables were calculated from vertical age-grading data determined by the dilatation method. Female and male population size was estimated byBailey 's modification of theLincoln Index and was found to average 4478.4 and 6106.8, respectively. The bionomics, survivorship and population size of An. subpictus in the Lahore are indicated that this species was probably not important in the transmission of human malaria.  相似文献   
Multiple insemination was detected under laboratory conditions in 38 of 399 females of Anopheles culicifacies Giles using a sex-linked, recessive eye-color marker system. Multiple mating occurred less frequently at low pair density and was not detected in a large cage. Remating after a 24-hr delay was detected in 5 of 131 families. The high incidence of multiple mating was attributed to interrupted copulations resulting in the transference of inadequate quantities of male accessory gland substance and/or by remating before insemination barriers were established after the initial insemination.
Anopheles culicifacies giles: La presence d'inseminations multiples dans les conditions de laboratoire
Résumé Les inséminations multiples ont été mises en évidence dans les conditions de laboratoire chez 38 sur 399 femelles d'Anopheles culicifacies en utilisant un marqueur récessif colorant l'il, lié au sexe. Les copulations répétées sont moins fréquentes aux faibles densités et n'ont pas été observées dans de grandes cages. La recopulation après un délai de 24 h a été observée dans 5 familles sur 131. La haute fréquence de copulations multiples est envisagée comme conséquence de copulations interrompues, empéchant le transfert de quantités adéquates de sécrétions des glandes accessoires mâles et/ou par la recopulation avant que les barrières de non réceptivité aient été établies par l'insémination initiale.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the additive protective efficiency of ischemic preconditioning when used in combination with conventional clinically relevant cardioprotective methods of hypothermia or hypothermic cardioplegia during sustained global ischemia.Isolated rat hearts were aorta-perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer and were divided into six groups (n = 10 each). Group I: Ischemia at 34°C for 60 min; Group PC+I: preconditioned (PC) ischemia at 34°C, 2 episodes of 5 min ischemia and 10 min reperfusion at 34°C followed by I; Group HI: hypothermic ischemia at 10°C for 60 min; Group PC+HI: preconditioned (PC) hypothermic ischemia, 2 episodes of 5 min ischemia and 10 min reperfusion at 34°C followed by HI; Group CPL+HI: single dose of 'Plegisol' cardioplegia followed by HI; Group PC+CPL+HI: preconditioned hypothermic cardioplegia, followed by CPL+HI. At the end of 60 min ischemia, all the hearts were reperfused at 34°C for 30 min when post-ischemic recovery in left ventricular contractile function and coronary vascular dynamics was computed and compared.There was a significant depression in the post-ischemic recovery of developed pressure (Pmax), positive derivative of pressure (+dp/dt), negative derivative of pressure (-dp/dt) and heterometric autoregulation (HA) of contractile force in all the groups, with no major differences between the groups. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) was significantly elevated after I at 34°C. Preconditioning (PC+I) prevented the rise in the LVEDP and this was accompanied by a significant reduction in the release of purine metabolises in the coronary effluents, particularly adenosine, during the immediate reperfusion period. Hypothermia (HI) provided essentially the same level of metabolic and mechanical preservation as offered by PC+I. Combination of hypothermia with preconditioning (PC+HI) or cardioplegia (PC+CPL+HI), did not further enhance the preservation. Post-ischemic recovery in the regional contractile function (segment shortening, %SS) followed nearly identical pattern to global (Pmax) recovery. Post-ischemic recovery in coronary flow (CF) was significantly reduced and coronary vascular resistance (CVR) was significantly increased in all the groups. Myogenic autoregulation (transient and sustained) was generally enhanced indicating increased vascular reactivity. Preconditioning did not alter the time-course of these changes.Preconditioned ischemia (34°C) preserved left ventricular diastolic functions and prevented the contracture development after sustained ischemia reperfusion at 34°C. This protective effect of preconditioning was possibly mediated by the reduction in the breakdown of purine metabolises. Hypothermia alone or in combination with crystalloid cardioplegia prevented the irreversibility of the ischemic injury but produced contractile and vascular stunning which was not improved by ischemic preconditioning. The results of this study indicate that preconditioning when combined with hypothermia or hypothermic cardioplegia offered no significant additional protection.  相似文献   
International Microbiology - Trichoderma species have been widely recognized as biofertilizer fungi for their ability to produce phytohormones and enhance plant growth. In our current study,...  相似文献   

In this study we tested the hypotheses that root classes would exhibit distinctive anatomical and architectural responses to drought stress, and that those responses would vary along the root axes. The root systems of four maize (Zea mays L.) sweet corn genotypes designated SC1, SC2, SC3 and SC4 were phenotyped under well-watered and drought treatments in greenhouse mesocosms, permitting increasing stratification of moisture availability as the drought progressed. Anatomical and architectural responses to drought were evaluated for each root class. Lignin distribution was assessed by image processing of UV-illuminated root cross-sections acquired by laser ablation tomography. The two cultivars with less biomass reduction under drought, SC3 and SC4, substantially enhanced lateral root development along the apical segments of axial roots when plants were grown with drought stress. These segments grew into the deeper part of the mesocosm where more moisture was available. Apical segments of the axial and large lateral roots from drought-stressed plants were thicker and had greater theoretical axial water conductance than basal segments, especially in SC3 and SC4. Basal segments of crown roots of SC3 and SC4 showed increased lignification of the stele under drought. Root anatomical and architectural responses to drought are complex and vary among cultivars and root classes, and along root axes. Drought-induced proliferation of lateral roots on apical segments of axial roots would be expected to enhance deep water acquisition, while lignification of axial roots could help preserve axial water transport.

Propolis is widely used as traditional medicine since ancient times. It was necessary to conduct the pre-clinical study because of its relevant curative properties. This study aimed to investigate in-vitro antioxidant, standardize quality parameters, study acute toxicity, and determine in-vivo anti-inflammatory. Three spectrophotometric methods were used to determine antioxidant activity. The standardization includes physical, chemical, and microbiological evaluation. Furthermore, an acute toxicity test was conducted using 20 female Sprague Dawley (SD) strain rats divided into 4 groups with different dose of propolis. The in vivo anti-inflammatory test was carried out using the carrageenan induction method on rats' soles. A total of 36 female SD rats were classified into 6 groups as follows, Group normal, negative control, diclofenac sodium, and three propolis groups (72; 144; and 288 mg/kg BW). The results demonstrated the IC50 values of the DPPH and ABTS scavenging activity 9.694 ppm and 2.213 ppm, respectively. The FRAP reducing power was 189.05 mg AaE/g. The physical appearance of propolis capsule was vegicaps as white – white, size 0, with light brown granule. Moreover, the content weight was 418.88 mg with a disintegration time of 7 min 53 s, while the water, flavonoid, and polyphenol contents were 9.07%, 1.59%, and 98.0821 mg GAE/g respectively. The content of heavy metal and microbial contamination were not detected. The acute toxicity results showed LD50 ≥ 5 g/kg BW, no toxicity symptoms, and no abnormalities in all rats. The anti-inflammatory inhibition percentage for groups III, IV, V, and VI was 11.86%, 6.53%, 7.81%, and 6.63% respectively, while the anti-inflammatory drugs effectiveness percentage compared to positive controls were 55.00%, 65.83%, and 55.83% respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that propolis capsules fulfilled the standardization requirements, and it is likely to be non-toxic, and effective as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.  相似文献   
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