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The major sources of vitamin D for most humans are casual exposure of the skin to solar ultraviolet B (UVB; 290-315 nm) radiation and from dietary intake. The cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D is a function of skin pigmentation and of the solar zenith angle which depends on latitude, season, and time of day. In order to mimic the natural environment of skin to sunlight exposure, we therefore measured serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in volunteers with different skin types following repeated UV irradiation. Because melanin pigment in human skin competes for and absorbs the UVB photons responsible for the photolysis of 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3, we also studied the effect of skin pigmentation on previtamin D3 production in a human skin model by exposing type II and type V skin samples to noon sunlight in June when the solar zenith angle is most acute. Vitamin D is rare in food. Among the vitamin D-rich food, oily fish are considered to be one of the best sources. Therefore, we analyzed the vitamin D content in several commonly consumed oily and non-oily fish. The data showed that farmed salmon had a mean content of vitamin D that was approximately 25% of the mean content found in wild caught salmon from Alaska, and that vitamin D2 was found in farmed salmon, but not in wild caught salmon. The results provide useful global guidelines for obtaining sufficient vitamin D3 by cutaneous synthesis and from dietary intake to prevent vitamin D deficiency and its health consequences, ensuing illness, especially, bone fractures in the elderly.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - The effects of trans-chalcone on atherosclerosis and NAFLD have been investigated. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of these effects are not completely...  相似文献   
For several decades the physical mechanism underlying discrete dark noise of photoreceptors in the eye has remained highly controversial and poorly understood. It is known that the Arrhenius equation, which is based on the Boltzmann distribution for thermal activation, can model only a part (e.g. half of the activation energy) of the retinal dark noise experimentally observed for vertebrate rod and cone pigments. Using the Hinshelwood distribution instead of the Boltzmann distribution in the Arrhenius equation has been proposed as a solution to the problem. Here, we show that the using the Hinshelwood distribution does not solve the problem completely. As the discrete components of noise are indistinguishable in shape and duration from those produced by real photon induced photo-isomerization, the retinal discrete dark noise is most likely due to ‘internal photons’ inside cells and not due to thermal activation of visual pigments. Indeed, all living cells exhibit spontaneous ultraweak photon emission (UPE), mainly in the optical wavelength range, i.e., 350–700 nm. We show here that the retinal discrete dark noise has a similar rate as UPE and therefore dark noise is most likely due to spontaneous cellular UPE and not due to thermal activation.  相似文献   

Peatlands have accumulated vast quantities of organic carbon over thousands of years but it is unclear how these sensitive ecosystems will respond to future climate change. If emissions of methane from peatlands increase, then they may contribute increasingly towards climatic warming due to the higher greenhouse warming potential of this gas. We investigated the radiocarbon concentration of methane emissions from a temperate bog over 1.5 years, which we supported with measurements of the surface flux of methane and carbon dioxide. The radiocarbon content of methane emissions varied greatly, from modern (i.e. fixed from the atmosphere within recent decades) to ~ 1400 years BP. Flux rates of methane were spatially and temporally highly variable. A vegetation clipping experiment showed that plants had a great influence on the carbon isotope composition and flux of methane emitted from the peat surface, consistent with earlier studies showing the key role of plants in peatland methane emissions. When plants were absent, emission rates were 70–94% lower and the radiocarbon age of methane emissions was much younger and less variable. Our radiocarbon measurements show that at this peatland, plant-associated methane emissions contain carbon originally fixed from the atmosphere up to hundreds of years earlier, consistent with a contribution from plant mediated transport of methane sourced from sub-surface layers.

Molecular Biology Reports - Matrix metallopeptidases (MMPs) 1 and 3 have been shown to contribute to the initiation, and progression of different cancers, including breast cancer (BC). In this...  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the protective effect of manganese chloride against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver injury in rats. Manganese chloride (0.001, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 g/kg bw) was administered intragastrically for 28 consecutive days to male CCl4-treated rats. The hepatoprotective activity was assessed using various biochemical parameters such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Histopathological changes in the liver of different groups were also studied. Administration of CCl4 increased the serum ALT, AST, ALP and GGT but decreased SOD levels in rats. Treatment with manganese chloride significantly attenuated these changes to nearly normal levels. The animals treated with manganese chloride have shown decreased necrotic zones and hepatocellular degeneration when compared to the liver exposed to CCl4 intoxication alone. Thus, the histopathalogical studies also supported the protective effect of manganese chloride. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that manganese chloride exerts hepatoprotection via promoting antioxidative properties against CCl4-induced oxidative liver damage.  相似文献   
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