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SIRT1, the most conserved mammalian NAD+‐dependent protein deacetylase, is an important metabolic regulator. However, the mechanisms by which SIRT1 is regulated in vivo remain unclear. Here, we report that phosphorylation modification of T522 on SIRT1 is crucial for tissue‐specific regulation of SIRT1 activity in mice. Dephosphorylation of T522 is critical for repression of its activity during adipogenesis. The phospho‐T522 level is reduced during adipogenesis. Knocking‐in a constitutive T522 phosphorylation mimic activates the β‐catenin/GATA3 pathway, repressing PPARγ signaling, impairing differentiation of white adipocytes, and ameliorating high‐fat diet‐induced dyslipidemia in mice. In contrast, phosphorylation of T522 is crucial for activation of hepatic SIRT1 in response to over‐nutrition. Hepatic SIRT1 is hyperphosphorylated at T522 upon high‐fat diet feeding. Knocking‐in a SIRT1 mutant defective in T522 phosphorylation disrupts hepatic fatty acid oxidation, resulting in hepatic steatosis after high‐fat diet feeding. In addition, the T522 dephosphorylation mimic impairs systemic energy metabolism. Our findings unveil an important link between environmental cues, SIRT1 phosphorylation, and energy homeostasis and demonstrate that the phosphorylation of T522 is a critical element in tissue‐specific regulation of SIRT1 activity in vivo.  相似文献   
Aging is associated with a variety of pathologies, including motor dysfunctions and reductions in sexual behavior. In male rats, declines in sexual behavior during the aging process may be caused in part by the loss of the lumbar spinal cord motoneurons that innervate the penile musculature. Alternatively, declining sexual behavior may be caused by the precipitous reductions in circulating testosterone that occur during aging. In this paper, we report two experiments examining these issues. In Experiment 1, we counted motoneurons in the lumbar motor nuclei and measured several androgen-sensitive morphological properties of the penile muscles and their innervating motoneurons at several time points during the aging process. Motoneuron number in the lumbar nuclei did not change over time, even with very advanced age. In contrast, the penile muscles and their innervating motoneurons underwent profound atrophy, with muscle weight and motoneuron dendritic length declining to less than 50% of young adult levels. In Experiment 2, we treated aged animals with exogenous testosterone, and then examined their penile neuromuscular systems for morphological changes. Testosterone treatment, both acute and chronic, completely reversed age-related declines in the weight of the penile muscles and in the soma size and dendritic length of their innervating motoneurons. Together, these data suggest that reductions in male sexual behavior during the aging process are caused primarily by declines in testosterone levels rather than motoneuron loss. Furthermore, they raise the possibility that testosterone treatment could play an important role in maintaining neuronal connectivity in the aging body.  相似文献   
Gonadal steroids exhibit neuroprotective and neurotherapeutic effects. The lumbar spinal cord of male rats contains a highly androgen-sensitive population of motoneurons, the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB), whose morphology and function are dependent on testosterone in adulthood. Unilateral SNB motoneuron depletion induces dendritic atrophy in contralateral SNB motoneurons, but this atrophy is reversed in previously castrated males treated with testosterone. In the present experiment we test the hypothesis that the morphology of SNB motoneurons is protected from atrophy after contralateral motoneuron depletion by exogenous testosterone alone (i.e., with no delay between castration and testosterone replacement). We unilaterally depleted SNB motoneurons by intramuscular injection of cholera toxin conjugated saporin. Simultaneously, some saporin-injected rats were castrated and immediately given replacement testosterone. Four weeks later, contralateral SNB motoneurons were labeled with cholera toxin conjugated HRP, soma sizes were measured, and dendritic arbors were reconstructed. Contralateral SNB motoneuron depletion induced somal atrophy and dendritic retraction, but testosterone treatment prevented both of these effects. Thus, the presence of high-normal levels of testosterone prevents motoneuron atrophy induced by contralateral motoneuron depletion. These data support a therapeutic role for testosterone in preventing atrophy induced by motoneuron injury.  相似文献   
Androgens act on the CNS to affect motor function through interaction with a widespread distribution of intracellular androgen receptors (AR). This review highlights our work on androgens and process outgrowth in motoneurons, both in vitro and in vivo. The actions of androgens on motoneurons involve the generation of novel neuronal interactions that are mediated by the induction of androgen-dependent neurite or axonal outgrowth. Here, we summarize the experimental evidence for the androgenic regulation of the extension and regeneration of motoneuron neurites in vitro using cultured immortalized motoneurons, and axons in vivo using the hamster facial nerve crush paradigm. We place particular emphasis on the relevance of these effects to SBMA and peripheral nerve injuries.  相似文献   
Triglycerides within the cytosol of cells are stored in a phylogenetically conserved organelle called the lipid droplet (LD). LDs can be formed at the endoplasmic reticulum, but mechanisms that regulate the formation of LDs are incompletely understood. Adipose tissue has a high capacity to form lipid droplets and store triglycerides. Fat storage-inducing transmembrane protein 2 (FITM2/FIT2) is highly expressed in adipocytes, and data indicate that FIT2 has an important role in the formation of LDs in cells, but whether FIT2 has a physiological role in triglyceride storage in adipose tissue remains unproven. Here we show that adipose-specific deficiency of FIT2 (AF2KO) in mice results in progressive lipodystrophy of white adipose depots and metabolic dysfunction. In contrast, interscapular brown adipose tissue of AF2KO mice accumulated few but large LDs without changes in cellular triglyceride levels. High fat feeding of AF2KO mice or AF2KO mice on the genetically obese ob/ob background accelerated the onset of lipodystrophy. At the cellular level, primary adipocyte precursors of white and brown adipose tissue differentiated in vitro produced fewer but larger LDs without changes in total cellular triglyceride or triglyceride biosynthesis. These data support the conclusion that FIT2 plays an essential, physiological role in fat storage in vivo.  相似文献   
Motoneuron loss is a significant medical problem, capable of causing severe movement disorders or even death. We have been investigating the effects of motoneuron loss on surviving motoneurons in a lumbar motor nucleus, the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB). SNB motoneurons undergo marked dendritic and somal atrophy following the experimentally induced death of other nearby SNB motoneurons. However, treatment with testosterone at the time of lesioning attenuates this atrophy. Because testosterone can be metabolized into the estrogen estradiol (as well as other physiologically active steroid hormones), it was unknown whether the protective effect of testosterone was an androgen effect, an estrogen effect, or both. In the present experiment, we used a retrogradely transported neurotoxin to kill the majority of SNB motoneurons on one side of the spinal cord only in adult male rats. Some animals were also treated with either testosterone, the androgen dihydrotestosterone (which cannot be converted into estradiol), or the estrogen estradiol. As seen previously, partial motoneuron loss led to reductions in soma area and in dendritic length and extent in surviving motoneurons. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone attenuated these reductions, but estradiol had no protective effect. These results indicate that the neuroprotective effect of testosterone on the morphology of SNB motoneurons following partial motoneuron depletion is an androgen effect rather than an estrogen effect.  相似文献   
In rats, motoneurons of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) innervate the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle, which surrounds the base of the penis. The SNB/BC is a sexually dimorphic, steroid-sensitive neuromuscular system, which is critically important in male reproductive behavior. Androgens are necessary for the development, morphology, and function of the SNB/BC system. However, estradiol (E) is also necessary for the development of the SNB/BC system, and E is capable of maintaining BC EMG activity in adulthood. In this study, we used electrophysiological and anatomical methods to examine estrogenic effects on BC EMG activity. We used a modified H-reflex testing method to investigate polysynaptic reflex characteristics in intact males, castrates, and castrates treated short term with estradiol benzoate (EB). Measures of EMG activity, response latency, and spike count were altered in castrates, but maintained in EB-treated castrates to the levels of intact males. Furthermore, estrogenic effects were found in EMG activity that could be isolated to the periphery of the SNB/BC system. BC NMJ size and muscle fiber area have been demonstrated to be hormone sensitive, and we examined these for possible correlates of E's effects on BC EMG activity. BC muscles of intact males, castrates, and short-term EB-treated castrates were fixed and stained with zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide. NMJ size and muscle fiber area did not differ between groups. Together, these data suggest that E treatment results in changes in the neuromuscular periphery that maintain BC EMG activity, but this effect cannot be accounted for by changes in NMJ size or muscle fiber area.  相似文献   
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