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Phentolamine (10(-5) M) and an inhibitor of the lipoxygenase pathway, nordihydroguaiaretic acid (N. D. G. A.; 8 10(-6) M) antagonized the ATP induced contraction but not antagonized the UTP induced contraction on both rat tail artery and dog saphenous vein. We conclude that the receptors to ATP are distinct from receptors to UTP and that the P2 purinoceptors are an heterogeneous group.  相似文献   
Summary Aldolase and pyruvate kinase isozymes were investigated in cultured hepatocytes from fetal, regenerating, and 2-acetyl-aminofluorene-fed rat liver as well as in some epithelial liver cell lines. Our results show that: (a) cell proliferation and prolonged expression of specific isozymes were found only in cultured hepatocytes from 17-day old fetuses; (b) the fetal type of pyruvate kinase expressed in regenerating and carcinogen-treated liver was temporarily lost only in cultured hepatocytes from regenerating liver; (c) the adult type of aldolase and pyruvate kinase was absent in one epithelial cell line derived from a carcinogen-treated liver and in the hepatoma tissue cell (HTC) line but was found in the Faza clone of the Reuber H35 cell line during the 50 first passages in vitro; and (d) the isozyme pattern of pyruvate kinase was always more strongly shifted than that of aldolase. The observations suggest that: (a) hepatocytes from carcinogen-treated liver exhibit the same lack of ability to proliferate in primary culture as normal adult hepatocytes; (b) adult hepatocytes can produce fetal isozymes without prior cell division; (c) pyruvate kinase is a stronger marker of dedifferentiation (retrodifferentiation) than aldolase; and (d) regulatory processes of isozyme expression are different during ontogenesis, regeneration, and hepatocarcinogenesis. This work was supported by the “Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale” and the “Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale Fran?aise”  相似文献   
CRISPR/Cas12a is a single effector nuclease that, like CRISPR/Cas9, has been harnessed for genome editing based on its ability to generate targeted DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Unlike the blunt-ended DSB generated by Cas9, Cas12a generates sticky-ended DSB that could potentially aid precise genome editing, but this unique feature has thus far been underutilized. In the current study, we found that a short double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) repair template containing a sticky end that matched one of the Cas12a-generated DSB ends and a homologous arm sharing homology with the genomic region adjacent to the other end of the DSB enabled precise repair of the DSB and introduced a desired nucleotide substitution. We termed this strategy ‘Ligation-Assisted Homologous Recombination’ (LAHR). Compared to the single-stranded oligo deoxyribonucleotide (ssODN)-mediated homology directed repair (HDR), LAHR yields relatively high editing efficiency as demonstrated for both a reporter gene and endogenous genes. We found that both HDR and microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) mechanisms are involved in the LAHR process. Our LAHR genome editing strategy, extends the repertoire of genome editing technologies and provides a broader understanding of the type and role of DNA repair mechanisms involved in genome editing.  相似文献   
Rotavirus infection of MA104 cells has been shown to be inhibited by cell membrane-impermeant thiol/disulfide exchange inhibitors and anti-PDI antibodies. To characterise the amino acid sequences of rotavirus structural proteins potentially mediating cell surface PDI?Csubstrate interactions, rotavirus-derived peptides from VP4 and VP7 (RRV) and VP7 (Wa), and their modified versions containing serine instead of cysteine were synthesized. Cysteine-containing VP7 peptides corresponding to residues 189?C210 or 243?C263 caused an infectivity inhibitory effect of about 64 and 85?%, respectively, when added to cells. Changing cysteine to serine significantly decreased the inhibitory effect. A cysteine-containing peptide corresponding to VP4 residues 200?C219 and its scrambled version reduced infectivity by 92 and 80?%, respectively. A cysteine to serine change in the original VP4 200?C219 peptide did not affect its inhibitory effect. Non-rotavirus related sequences containing cysteine residues efficiently inhibited rotavirus infectivity. Antibodies against VP7 residues 189?C210 or 243?C263 significantly inhibited rotavirus infectivity only after virus attachment to cells had occurred, whereas those against VP4 200?C219 peptide inhibited infectivity irrespective of whether virus or cell-attached virus was antibody-treated. A direct PDI?Cpeptide interaction was shown by ELISA for cysteine-containing VP7 and VP4 peptides. Virus?Ccell attachment was unaffected by the peptides inhibiting virus infectivity. The results showed that even though cysteine residues in the peptides tested are important in both virus infectivity inhibition and in vitro PDI?Cpeptide interaction, the accompanying amino acid sequence also plays some role. As a whole, our findings further support our hypothesis that cell surface PDI from MA104 cells might be contributing to rotavirus entry at a post-attachment step.  相似文献   
Mate choice is mediated by many components with the criteria varying across the animal kingdom. Chemical cues used for mate attractiveness can also reflect mate quality. Regarding the gregarious species Armadillidium vulgare (isopod crustacean), we tested whether individuals can discriminate conspecifics at two different levels (between sex and physiological status) based on olfactory perception. Tested conspecifics were individuals of the same or opposite sex, with the females at different moult stages. We found that the attractiveness of individuals was mediated by short-distance chemical cues and tested individuals were able to discriminate and prefer individuals of the opposite sex. Moreover, male preference to female increased during their moulting status as they matured. Males were particularly more attracted by females with appearing white calcium plates, which corresponds to the beginning of their higher receptivity period. These differences in attractiveness due to sex and physiological status are likely to shape the composition of aggregates and facilitate mate finding and optimize the reproductive success for both males and females. Thus aggregation pheromones could be linked to sex pheromones in terrestrial isopods.  相似文献   
In insect societies, the presence of reproductives or eggs has been shown to shape several biological traits in the colony members. Social interactions are one of these traits that involve modification of the communication system of the entire colony. Many studies described the role of chemical compounds and dominance behaviors in the presence of reproductive but vibratory behaviors received very few investigations. Yet, vibratory behaviors are ideal candidates, particularly for subterranean species like termites, as they could be quickly transmitted through the substrate and could be very diversified (origin, modulation). Here, we investigated whether the presence of reproductives/eggs affects the vibratory behavior (body‐shaking) of workers in the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes. Our results reveal that the presence of reproductives or eggs triggers an increase of workers' body‐shaking, independent of their colony of origin after 24 hr. We hypothesize that vibratory communication could be used to transfer information about the presence of reproductives and eggs to the entire colony, suggesting that vibratory behaviors could serve as an important yet neglected mediator of social regulation.  相似文献   
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTD) are two clinicohistological entities that share a severe prefrontal syndrome. To what extent do the cognitive syndrome and the location of the underlying brain atrophy unify or segregate these entities? Here, we examined the clinical and radiological patterns of frontal involvement and the neural bases of the cognitive dysfunctions observed in the Richardson form of PSP and the behavioral variant of FTD (bvFTD). The cognitive profile and grey and white matter volume of PSP (n = 19) and bvFTD (n = 16) patients and control participants (n = 18) were compared using a standard battery of neuropsychological tests and voxel-based morphometry (VBM), respectively. Analyses of correlations between neuropsychological and morphometric data were additionally performed. The severity and qualitative pattern of cognitive dysfunction was globally similar between the two patient groups. Grey matter volume was decreased in widespread frontal areas and in the temporal uncus in bvFTD, while it was decreased in the frontal and temporal lobes as well as in the thalamus in PSP. We also found an unexpected involvement of the frontal rectal gyrus in PSP patients compared to controls. Correlation analyses yielded different results in the two groups, with no area showing significant correlations in PSP patients, while several frontal and some temporal areas did so in bvFTD patients. In spite of minor neuropsychological and morphological differences, this study shows that the patterns of cognitive dysfunction and atrophy are very similar in PSP and bvFTD. However, executive dysfunction in these diseases may stem from partially divergent cortical and subcortical neural circuits.  相似文献   
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