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Beta electrocorticographic rhythms (30-45 Hz) develop during focused immobile attention within two distinct foci in cats. A multiple electrode exploration was performed, followed by post-mortem histological analysis, to determine the precise localization of these foci. Electrode tips recording beta rhythms in the waking attentive cat were located: in motor areas (Brodmann's areas 4 and 6), in a band extending from the postcruciate cortex to the walls of the presylvian sulcus, crossing the frontal pole (anterior beta focus); in the posterior parietal associative area 5a, along the divisions of the ansate sulcus (posterior beta focus). The two foci are separated by somatic areas 3, 2 and 1, where beta rhythms were never recorded. The location of the posterior focus may suggest that area 5 is, in the cat as it is in the monkey, involved in motor control.  相似文献   
Cognitive schema were used to explain health and illness behaviors among Chinese students. University students in Hong Kong were asked to attribute causes and suggest solutions to five health/mental health problems: Weakness/Fatigue, Tension/ Anxiety, Sleep Difficulty, Hollow/Emptiness, and Headache. The patterns of endorsement on the causal and solution categories used for the five problems were compared using a new asymptotic chi-squared test. The response patterns were found to be significantly different across the five problems. Each problem was attributed to multiple causes including psychological, social, situational, somatic, and existential factors. The intended solutions were often related to the nature of the causal attributions especially when the problems were mild. In lay help-seeking, the Hong Kong students would attempt a variety of self-help measures. However, for professional consultation, the medical doctor would be the primary care professional the students would turn to for most of the problems except in the case of Hollow/Emptiness.  相似文献   
A number of amphipathic peptides were tested for their effects on structural and functional properties of isolated rat liver mitochondria. The peptides included the matrix targeting sequence of subunit IV of (yeast) cytochromec oxidase. Titration experiments in which the mitochondria were incubated with increasing concentrations of the peptides revealed two major stages in the interaction. First, at low peptide/mitochondria ratios, peptide binding to the outer membrane occurred which was accompanied by gradual lysis of the outer membrane at higher ratios. The latter was deduced from the release of adenylate kinase, the classical marker enzyme of the intermembrane space. Secondly, at still higher peptide/mitochondria ratios, the permeability of the inner membrane progressively increased, as evidenced by measurements of respiratory control and of the membrane potential. Complete uncoupling of respiration seemed to precede dissipation of the membrane potential.  相似文献   
Summary Aldolase and pyruvate kinase isozymes were investigated in cultured hepatocytes from fetal, regenerating, and 2-acetyl-aminofluorene-fed rat liver as well as in some epithelial liver cell lines. Our results show that: (a) cell proliferation and prolonged expression of specific isozymes were found only in cultured hepatocytes from 17-day old fetuses; (b) the fetal type of pyruvate kinase expressed in regenerating and carcinogen-treated liver was temporarily lost only in cultured hepatocytes from regenerating liver; (c) the adult type of aldolase and pyruvate kinase was absent in one epithelial cell line derived from a carcinogen-treated liver and in the hepatoma tissue cell (HTC) line but was found in the Faza clone of the Reuber H35 cell line during the 50 first passages in vitro; and (d) the isozyme pattern of pyruvate kinase was always more strongly shifted than that of aldolase. The observations suggest that: (a) hepatocytes from carcinogen-treated liver exhibit the same lack of ability to proliferate in primary culture as normal adult hepatocytes; (b) adult hepatocytes can produce fetal isozymes without prior cell division; (c) pyruvate kinase is a stronger marker of dedifferentiation (retrodifferentiation) than aldolase; and (d) regulatory processes of isozyme expression are different during ontogenesis, regeneration, and hepatocarcinogenesis. This work was supported by the “Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale” and the “Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale Fran?aise”  相似文献   
Rotavirus infection of MA104 cells has been shown to be inhibited by cell membrane-impermeant thiol/disulfide exchange inhibitors and anti-PDI antibodies. To characterise the amino acid sequences of rotavirus structural proteins potentially mediating cell surface PDI?Csubstrate interactions, rotavirus-derived peptides from VP4 and VP7 (RRV) and VP7 (Wa), and their modified versions containing serine instead of cysteine were synthesized. Cysteine-containing VP7 peptides corresponding to residues 189?C210 or 243?C263 caused an infectivity inhibitory effect of about 64 and 85?%, respectively, when added to cells. Changing cysteine to serine significantly decreased the inhibitory effect. A cysteine-containing peptide corresponding to VP4 residues 200?C219 and its scrambled version reduced infectivity by 92 and 80?%, respectively. A cysteine to serine change in the original VP4 200?C219 peptide did not affect its inhibitory effect. Non-rotavirus related sequences containing cysteine residues efficiently inhibited rotavirus infectivity. Antibodies against VP7 residues 189?C210 or 243?C263 significantly inhibited rotavirus infectivity only after virus attachment to cells had occurred, whereas those against VP4 200?C219 peptide inhibited infectivity irrespective of whether virus or cell-attached virus was antibody-treated. A direct PDI?Cpeptide interaction was shown by ELISA for cysteine-containing VP7 and VP4 peptides. Virus?Ccell attachment was unaffected by the peptides inhibiting virus infectivity. The results showed that even though cysteine residues in the peptides tested are important in both virus infectivity inhibition and in vitro PDI?Cpeptide interaction, the accompanying amino acid sequence also plays some role. As a whole, our findings further support our hypothesis that cell surface PDI from MA104 cells might be contributing to rotavirus entry at a post-attachment step.  相似文献   
The composition and ecological role of ciliates and dinoflagellates were investigated at one station in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, during six consecutive field campaigns between March and December 2006. Total ciliate and dinoflagellate abundance mirrored the seasonal progression of phytoplankton, peaking with 5.8 × 104 cells l−1 in April at an average chlorophyll a concentration of 10 μg l−1. Dinoflagellates were more abundant than ciliates, dominated by small athecates. Among ciliates, aloricate oligotrichs dominated the assemblage. A large fraction (>60%) of ciliates and dinoflagellates contained chloroplasts in spring and summer. The biomass of the purely heterotrophic fraction of the ciliate and dinoflagellate community (protozooplankton) was with 14 μg C l−1 highest in conjunction with the phytoplankton spring bloom in April. Growth experiments revealed similar specific growth rates for heterotrophic ciliates and dinoflagellates (<0–0.8 d−1). Food availability may have controlled the protozooplankton assemblage in winter, while copepods may have exerted a strong control during the post-bloom period. Calculations of the potential grazing rates of the protozooplankton indicated its ability to control or heavily impact the phytoplankton stocks at most times. The results show that ciliates and dinoflagellates were an important component of the pelagic food web in Kongsfjorden and need to be taken into account when discussing the fate of phytoplankton and biogeochemical cycling in Arctic marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
CRISPR/Cas12a is a single effector nuclease that, like CRISPR/Cas9, has been harnessed for genome editing based on its ability to generate targeted DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Unlike the blunt-ended DSB generated by Cas9, Cas12a generates sticky-ended DSB that could potentially aid precise genome editing, but this unique feature has thus far been underutilized. In the current study, we found that a short double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) repair template containing a sticky end that matched one of the Cas12a-generated DSB ends and a homologous arm sharing homology with the genomic region adjacent to the other end of the DSB enabled precise repair of the DSB and introduced a desired nucleotide substitution. We termed this strategy ‘Ligation-Assisted Homologous Recombination’ (LAHR). Compared to the single-stranded oligo deoxyribonucleotide (ssODN)-mediated homology directed repair (HDR), LAHR yields relatively high editing efficiency as demonstrated for both a reporter gene and endogenous genes. We found that both HDR and microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) mechanisms are involved in the LAHR process. Our LAHR genome editing strategy, extends the repertoire of genome editing technologies and provides a broader understanding of the type and role of DNA repair mechanisms involved in genome editing.  相似文献   
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