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Populations of the Oriental White-backed Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) have declined by over 95% within the past decade. This decline is largely due to incidental consumption of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory veterinary pharmaceutical diclofenac, commonly used to treat domestic livestock. The conservation status of other Gyps vultures in southern Asia is also of immediate concern, given the lack of knowledge regarding status of their populations and the continuing existence of taxonomic uncertainties. In this study, we assess phylogenetic relationships for all recognized species and the majority of subspecies within the genus Gyps. The continuing veterinary use of diclofenac is an unknown but potential risk to related species with similar feeding habits to Gyps bengalensis. Therefore, an accurate assessment of the phylogenetic relationships among Gyps vultures should aid in their conservation by clarifying taxonomic uncertainties, and enabling inference of their respective relatedness to susceptible G. bengalensis.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) Rev protein is thought to be involved in the export of unspliced or singly spliced viral mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. This function is mediated by a sequence-specific interaction with a cis-acting RNA element, the Rev response element (RRE), present in these intron-containing RNAs. To identify possible host proteins involved in Rev function, we fractionated nuclear cell extracts with a Rev affinity column. A single, tightly associated Rev-binding protein was identified; this protein is the mammalian nucleolar protein B23. The interaction between HIV Rev and B23 is very specific, as it was observed in complex cell extracts. The complex is also very stable toward dissociation by high salt concentrations. Despite the stability of the Rev-B23 protein complex, the addition of RRE, but not control RNA, led to the displacement of B23 and the formation of a specific Rev-RRE complex. The mammalian nucleolar protein B23 or its amphibian counterpart No38 is believed to function as a shuttle receptor for the nuclear import of ribosomal proteins. B23 may also serve as a shuttle for the import of HIV Rev from the cytoplasm into the nucleus or nucleolus to allow further rounds of export of RRE-containing viral RNAs.  相似文献   
The terminal involution pattern of the human thymus was studied based on autopsy cases (both sexes, age range 63-91 years). Large sections through the entire thymic fat body were examined with the help of both conventional histological and immunohistochemical techniques. The findings demonstrate that thymic atrophy in old humans (a) goes far beyond the degree of involution observed in small rodents; (b) results in a system of thin, branching, in part interrupted, non-keratinizing epithelial plates containing no typical Hassall bodies; (c) concerns all components of the thymus except fat tissue which progressively replaces original thymic structures; and (d) involves various types of disorganization of individual lobules with T and B lymphocytes often located outside rather than within epithelial remnants. Effects of low-level radiation on this final regression of the human thymus are unknown.  相似文献   
O-Methylthreonine (OMT) inhibits the growth of plated Rosa cells (ID506·10-6M). Isoleucine is able to reverse efficiently and specifically this OMT toxicity. From OMT-resistant colonies occurring at a frequency of 1.58·10-7 variants per cell plated at 10-4M OMT, the variant strains OMTR-1 and OMTR-2 were isolated, cloned via protoplasts and characterized. Both variants were ten times more resistant to OMT than the wildtype and were cross-resistant to another isoleucine analog, dl-4-thiaisoleucine. The resistant variants retained their resistance after storage for three years in liquid nitrogen. Both resistant strains were stable for several months when subcultured in the absence of OMT although it was shown in a reconstitution experiment that wildtype cells overgrow OMTR-2 variant cells if co-cultivated for many passages in drug-free medium. One case of instability was observed upon long-term subculturing in drug-free medium: the strain OMTR-1D* partially lost phenotypic properties. Resistance to OMT was followed qualitatively by a new method based on inhibition-zone formation in cell suspensions plated in agar medium. The OMT-resistant variants showed a reduction in sensitivity of the enzyme l-threonine deaminase to feedback inhibition by isoleucine, a decreased stability of l-threonine deaminase when stored at-18°C or incubated at +55°C and a two- to threefold increase of the free isoleucine pool within the cells. The genetical events and the biochemical mechanisms which might lead to the observed stable and biochemically defined character are discussed with particular reference to the high ploidy level of the Rosa cell line.Abbreviations OMT l-O-methylthreonine - TD l-threonine deaminase  相似文献   
alpha 1-Proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI), a member of the serine proteinase inhibitor superfamily, has a primary role in controlling neutrophil elastase activity within the mammalian circulation. Several studies have indicated that the reactive center region of alpha 1-PI, the amino acid sequence of which is critical to recognition of and binding to target proteinases, is highly divergent within and among species. This appears to be a consequence of accelerated rates of evolution that may have been driven by positive Darwinian selection. In order to examine this and other features of alpha 1-PI evolution in more detail, we have isolated and sequenced cDNAs representing alpha 1- PI mRNAs of the mouse species Mus saxicola and Mus minutoides and have compared these with a number of other mammalian alpha 1-PI mRNAs. Relative to other mammalian mRNAs, the extent of nonsynonymous substitution is generally high throughout the alpha 1-PI mRNA molecule, indicating greater overall rates of amino acid substitution. Within and among mouse species, the 5'-half of the mRNA, but not the 3'-half, has been homogenized by concerted evolution. Finally, the reactive center is under diversifying or positive Darwinian selection in murid rodents (rats, mice) and guinea pigs yet is under purifying selection in primates and artiodactyls. The significance of these findings to alpha 1-PI function and the possible selective forces driving evolution of serpins in general are discussed.   相似文献   
In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, septum formation and cytokinesis are dependent upon the initiation, though not the completion of mitosis. A number of cell cycle mutants which show phenotypes consistent with a defect in the regulation of septum formation have been isolated. A mutation in the S. pombe cdc16 gene leads to the formation of multiple septa without cytokinesis, suggesting that the normal mechanisms that limit the cell to the formation of a single septum in each cycle do not operate. Mutations in the S. pombe early septation mutants cdc7, cdc11, cdc14 and cdc15 lead to the formation of elongated, multinucleate cells, as a result of S phase and mitosis continuing in the absence of cytokinesis. This suggests that in these cells, the normal mechanisms which initiate cytokinesis are defective and that they are unable to respond to this by preventing further nuclear cycles. Genetic analysis has implied that the products of some of these genes may interact with that of the cdc16 gene. To understand how the processes of septation and cytokinesis are regulated and coordinated with mitosis we are studying the early septation mutants and cdc16. In this paper, we present the cloning and analysis of the cdc16 gene. Deletion of the gene shows that it is essential for cell proliferation: spores lacking a functional cdc16 gene germinate, complete mitosis and form multiple septa without undergoing cell cleavage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Shaded plants challenged with herbivores or pathogens prioritize growth over defense. However, most experiments have focused on the effect of shading light cues on defense responses. To investigate the potential interaction between shade-avoidance and wounding-induced Jasmonate (JA)-mediated signaling on leaf growth and movement, we used repetitive mechanical wounding of leaf blades to mimic herbivore attacks. Phenotyping experiments with combined treatments on Arabidopsis thaliana rosettes revealed that shade strongly inhibits the wound effect on leaf elevation. By contrast, petiole length is reduced by wounding both in the sun and in the shade. Thus, the relationship between the shade and wounding/JA pathways varies depending on the physiological response, implying that leaf growth and movement can be uncoupled. Using RNA-sequencing, we identified genes with expression patterns matching the hyponastic response (opposite regulation by both stimuli, interaction between treatments with shade dominating the wound signal). Among them were genes from the PKS (Phytochrome Kinase Substrate) family, which was previously studied for its role in phototropism and leaf positioning. Interestingly, we observed reduced shade suppression of the wounding effect in pks2pks4 double mutants while a PKS4 overexpressing line showed constitutively elevated leaves and was less sensitive to wounding. Our results indicate a trait-specific interrelationship between shade and wounding cues on Arabidopsis leaf growth and positioning. Moreover, we identify PKS genes as integrators of external cues in the control of leaf hyponasty further emphasizing the role of these genes in aerial organ positioning.  相似文献   
Plants must adapt to a capricious light environment, but the mechanism by which light signals are transmitted to cause changes in development has long eluded us. The search might be over, however, as two photoreceptors, phytochrome and NPH1, have been shown to autophosphorylate in a light-dependent fashion.  相似文献   
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