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The stress and strain states of the valve leaflets during fixation with glutaraldehyde affect their final mechanical parameters. Comparative studies of the stress-strain relationships of aortic valve leaflet strips from fresh, statically and dynamically fixed porcine and human valves were made. Static pressures of 5 mmHg, 16 mmHg, and 95 mmHg result in stress-strain relationships which are in a region between that of fresh porcine and fresh human leaflet strips in the circumferential direction, while they are far from that of fresh porcine tissue (larger strains) in the radial direction. Leaflet strips, fixed under dynamic loading between zero and a predefined maximum load, set at an early post-transition state, give parameters not significantly different from those of human valves.  相似文献   
Type IV collagenase activity was previously identified and purified to 7500-fold in homogenates from murine Walker 256 carcinoma, using acetylated [3H]-type IV collagen as a substrate. Anthracycline antibiotics daunorubicin, doxorubicin and epirubicin exhibited a non-competitive, reversible inhibition with Ki 92, 49 and 40 microM, respectively. This inhibitory effect, at therapeutically attainable concentrations of the forementioned antineoplastic drugs, may contribute, at least in part, to their antimetastatic properties. The anthracycline derivatives: 4-demethoxydaunorubicin, 4'-iododoxorubicin and 4-demethoxy-3'-deamino-3'-hydroxyepirubicin were without inhibitory effects at comparable concentrations. Other antineoplastic agents, such as belomycin, carmustine, cisplatine, etoposide, methotrexate, mitotane and teniposide did not exhibit any inhibitory effect at concentrations up to 1.0 mM.  相似文献   
Cellular defense systems against reactive oxygen species (ROS) include thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) and glutathione reductase (GR). They generate sulfhydryl-reducing systems which are coupled to antioxidant enzymes, the thioredoxin and glutathione peroxidases (TPx and GPx). The fruit fly Drosophila lacks a functional GR, suggesting that the thioredoxin system is the major source for recycling glutathione. Whole genome in silico analysis identified two non-selenium containing putative GPx genes. We examined the biochemical characteristics of one of these gene products and found that it lacks GPx activity and functions as a TPx. Transgene-dependent overexpression of the newly identified Glutathione peroxidase homolog with thioredoxin peroxidase activity (Gtpx-1) gene increases resistance to experimentally induced oxidative stress, but does not compensate for the loss of catalase, an enzyme which, like GTPx-1, functions to eliminate hydrogen peroxide. The results suggest that GTPx-1 is part of the Drosophila Trx antioxidant defense system but acts in a genetically distinct pathway or in a different cellular compartment than catalase.  相似文献   
Leukocytes, as an indispensable arm of the immune system, need to be recruited from the flowing blood and transferred to the sites of infection. Their extravasation is feasible due to their ability to tether and roll over the activated endothelium, which is much dependent on the association of their selectin molecules with ligands on the activated endothelial cells. In view of the importance of this interaction for the physiological immune functions as well as for autoimmune diseases, specifying the affinity of selectins to their ligands at the single molecule level appears a challenging task to gain insight into the mechanisms that control leukocyte–endothelial avidity. To this end we functionalized substrates with P‐selectin and cantilever probes with its major ligand, the P‐selectin glycoprotein ligand‐1, and used atomic force microscopy to measure their unbinding force. Two different chemical protocols were used for the tethering of the molecules on the substrates, one based on a homobifunctional poly(ethylene glycol) linker and the other on the use of antibody‐specific binding. The unbinding forces measured with the two methods were 312 ± 149 and 230 ± 57 pN, respectively. Measurements on activated endothelials, declaratory of single molecule interactions, gave comparable results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Mutations in single Drosophila melanogaster genes can alter total body metal accumulation. We therefore asked whether evolutionary constraints maintain biologically abundant metal ions (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) to similar concentrations in different species of Drosophilidae, or whether metal homeostasis is a highly adaptable trait as shown previously for triglyceride and glycogen storage. To avoid dietary influences, only species able to grow and reproduce on a standard laboratory medium were selected for analysis. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine metal content in 5-days-old adult flies. Overall, the data suggest that the metallome of the nine species tested is well conserved. Meaningful average values for the Drosophilidae family are presented. Few statistically significant differences were noted for copper, manganese and zinc between species. In contrast, Drosophila erecta and Drosophila virilis showed a 50% increase above average and a 30% decrease below average in iron concentrations, respectively. The changes in total body iron content correlated with altered iron storage in intestinal ferritin stores of these species. Hence, the variability in iron content could be accounted for by a corresponding adaptation in iron storage regulation. We suggest that the relative expression of the multitude of metalloenzymes and other metal-binding proteins remains overall similar between species and likely determines relative metal abundances in the organism. The availability of a complete and annotated genome sequence of different Drosophila species presents opportunities to study the evolution of metal homeostasis in closely related organisms that have evolved separately for millions or dozens of million years.  相似文献   
Molecular oxygen is key to aerobic life but is also converted into cytotoxic byproducts referred to as reactive oxygen species (ROS). Intracellular defense systems that protect cells from ROS-induced damage include glutathione reductase (GR), thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), superoxide dismutase (Sod), and catalase (Cat). Sod and Cat constitute an evolutionary conserved ROS defense system against superoxide; Sod converts superoxide anions to H(2)O(2), and Cat prevents free hydroxyl radical formation by breaking down H(2)O(2) into oxygen and water. As a consequence, they are important effectors in the life span determination of the fly Drosophila. ROS defense by TrxR and GR is more indirect. They transfer reducing equivalents from NADPH to thioredoxin (Trx) and glutathione disulfide (GSSG), respectively, resulting in Trx(SH)(2) and glutathione (GSH), which act as effective intracellular antioxidants. TrxR and GR were found to be molecularly conserved. However, the single GR homolog of Drosophila specifies TrxR activity, which compensates for the absence of a true GR system for recycling GSH. We show that TrxR null mutations reduce the capacity to adequately protect cells from cytotoxic damage, resulting in larval death, whereas mutations causing reduced TrxR activity affect pupal eclosion and cause a severe reduction of the adult life span. We also provide genetic evidence for a functional interaction between TrxR, Sod1, and Cat, indicating that the burden of ROS metabolism in Drosophila is shared by the two defense systems.  相似文献   
Haem has been previously implicated in the function of the circadian clock, but whether iron homeostasis is integrated with circadian rhythms is unknown. Here we describe an RNA interference (RNAi) screen using clock neurons of Drosophila melanogaster. RNAi is targeted to iron metabolism genes, including those involved in haem biosynthesis and degradation. The results indicate that Ferritin 2 Light Chain Homologue (Fer2LCH) is required for the circadian activity of flies kept in constant darkness. Oscillations of the core components in the molecular clock, PER and TIM, were also disrupted following Fer2LCH silencing. Other genes with a putative function in circadian biology include Transferrin-3, CG1358 (which has homology to the FLVCR haem export protein) and five genes implicated in iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis: the Drosophila homologues of IscS (CG12264), IscU (CG9836), IscA1 (CG8198), Iba57 (CG8043) and Nubp2 (CG4858). Therefore, Drosophila genes involved in iron metabolism are required for a functional biological clock.  相似文献   
The collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum (EC degrades type IV collagen with Km 32 nM, indicating a high affinity for this substrate. Ferrous and ferric ions can inhibit Clostridium collagenase. Inhibition by Fe++ was of the mixed, non-competitive type, with Ki 90 microM. The inhibitory effect of Fe++ may be due to Zn++ displacement from the intrinsic functional center of this metalloprotease, since in the presence of excess amounts of Zn++ enzyme activity is retained. This inhibitory effect of Fe++ may be common for all types of collagenases, since this ion can also inhibit type IV collagenase purified from Walker 256 carcinoma, with IC50 80 microM. Cu++ can only partially inhibit Clostridium collagenase, while other divalent metal ions such as Cd++, Co++, Hg++, Mg++, Ni++ or Zn++ are devoid of any inhibitory effect on the enzyme.  相似文献   
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