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Glutamate is the main excitatory amino acid, but its presence in the extracellular milieu has deleterious consequences. It may induce excitotoxicity and also compete with cystine for the use of the cystine–glutamate exchanger, blocking glutathione neosynthesis and inducing an oxidative stress-induced cell death. Both mechanisms are critical in the brain where up to 20% of total body oxygen consumption occurs. In normal conditions, the astrocytes ensure that extracellular concentration of glutamate is kept in the micromolar range, thanks to their coexpression of high-affinity glutamate transporters (EAATs) and glutamine synthetase (GS). Their protective function is nevertheless sensitive to situations such as oxidative stress or inflammatory processes. On the other hand, macrophages and microglia do not express EAATs and GS in physiological conditions and are the principal effector cells of brain inflammation. Since the late 1990s, a number of studies have now shown that both microglia and macrophages display inducible EAAT and GS expression, but the precise significance of this still remains poorly understood. Brain macrophages and microglia are sister cells but yet display differences. Both are highly sensitive to their microenvironment and can perform a variety of functions that may oppose each other. However, in the very particular environment of the healthy brain, they are maintained in a repressed state. The aim of this review is to present the current state of knowledge on brain macrophages and microglial cells activation, in order to help clarify their role in the regulation of glutamate under pathological conditions as well as its outcome.  相似文献   
Soil and climate are major constituents of the French notion of Terroir. This concept implies that there is a strong relationship between the composition of the grape, the characteristics of the wine and the territory of production. To study this link, a new method of characterization of the Terroir, including geological and pedological factors, was investigated. It uses a field model based on depth and clay content of soil, together with the degree of weathering of the parent rock. Consequently, for every type of parent rock belonging to a given geologic stage, there are a series of soils that show different stages of pedological evolution. According to the model, three kinds of soils are distinguished with regards to the weathering intensity of the parent rock, that are named weakly weathered rock (WWR), moderately weathered rock (MWR) and strongly weathered rock (SWR). By hypothesis, each soil type is considered as a homogeneous unit for vine production from the viewpoint of ecophysiological factors. Each terroir unit defined by this method is called a Basic Terroir Unit (BTU). To validate this hypothesis, experimental plots planted with Chenin and Cabernet Franc vines were studied over three consecutive seasons (2000–2002), in the Anjou vineyard (Loire Valley – France). The major BTUs developed on the two most important geological systems of Anjou (Brioverian and Ordovician–Devonian), were studied. Results showed that the berries of vines cultivated in WWR were significantly smaller, richer in sugars and anthocyanins and had a Total Phenolic Index higher than those of the vines cultivated in SWR. They also had a lower titratable acidity. Cabernet Franc vines cultivated in MWR had berries with sugar and anthocyanin contents but also total phenolics very close to those of WWR. With Chenin vines there was a good relationship between the global pool of free aromas of berries and the BTU type. The study showed significant relationships between the quality of grapes and the measured values of several ecophysiological variables such as the water supply regime or the timing of budburst.  相似文献   
Solid-state 13C magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy has been employed to study the conformation of the 11-cis-retinylidene Schiff base chromophore in bovine rhodopsin. Spectra were obtained from lyophilized samples of bovine rhodopsin selectively 13C-labeled at position C-5 or C-12 of the retinyl moiety, and reconstituted in the fully saturated branched-chain phospholipid diphytanoyl glycerophosphocholine. Comparison of the NMR parameters for carbon C-5 presented in this paper with those published for retinyl Schiff base model compounds and bacteriorhodopsin by Harbison and coworkers [Harbison et al. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 6955-6962], indicate that in bovine rhodopsin the C-6-C-7 single bond has the unperturbed cis conformation. This is in contrast to the 6-S-trans conformation found in bacteriorhodopsin. The NMR parameters for bovine [12-13C]rhodopsin present evidence for the presence of a negative charge interacting with the retinyl moiety near C-12, in agreement with the model for the opsin shift presented by Honig and Nakanishi and coworkers [Kakitani et al. (1985) Photochem. Photobiol. 41, 471-479].  相似文献   
Selenocystamine (RSe-SeR) was shown to catalyze the oxygen-mediated oxidation of excess GSH to glutathione disulfide, at neutral pH and ambient PO2. This glutathione oxidase activity required the heterolytic reduction of the diselenide bond, which produced two equivalents of the selenolate derivative selenocysteamine (RSe-), via the transient formation of a selenenylsulfide intermediate (RSe-SG). Formation of RSe- was the only reaction observed in anaerobic conditions. At ambient PO2, the kinetics and stoichiometry of GSSG production as well as that of GSH and oxygen consumptions demonstrated that RSe- performed a three-step reduction of oxygen to water. The first step was a one-electron transfer from RSe- to dioxygen, yielding superoxide and a putative selenyl radical RSe., which decayed very rapidly to RSe-SeR. In the second step, RSe- reduced superoxide to hydrogen peroxide through a much faster one-electron transfer, also associated with the decay of RSe. to RSe-SeR. The third step was a two-electron transfer from RSe- to hydrogen peroxide, again much faster than oxygen reduction, which resulted in the production of RSe-SG, presumably via a selenenic acid intermediate (RSeOH) which was trapped by excess GSH. This third step was studied on exogenous hydroperoxide in anaerobic conditions, and it could be eliminated from the glutathione oxidase cycle in the presence of excess catalase. The role of RSe- as a one- and two-electron reductant was confirmed by competitive carboxymethylation with iodoacetate. RSe- was able to rapidly reduce ferric cytochrome c to its ferrous derivative. The overall rate of catalytic glutathione oxidation was GSH concentration dependent and oxygen concentration independent. Excess glutathione reductase and NADPH increased the catalytic oxidation of GSH, probably by switching the rate-limiting step from selenylsulfide to diselenide cleavage. When GSH was substituted for dithiothreitol, it was shown to reduce RSe-SeR to RSe- in a fast and quantitative reaction, and selenocystamine behaved as a dithiothreitol oxidase, whose catalytic cycle was dependent on oxygen concentration. The oxidase cycle of glutathione was inhibited by mercaptosuccinate, while that of dithiothreitol was not affected. When mercaptosuccinate was substituted for GSH, a stable selenenylsulfide was formed. These observations suggest that electrostatic interactions affect the reductive cleavage of diselenide and selenenylsulfide linkages. This study illustrates the ease of one-electron transfers from RSe- to a variety of reducible substrates. Such free radical mechanisms may explain much of the cytotoxicity of alkylselenols, and they demonstrate that selenocystamine is a poor catalytic model of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.  相似文献   
The ithomiine butterflies (Nymphalidae: Danainae) represent the largest known radiation of Müllerian mimetic butterflies. They dominate by number the mimetic butterfly communities, which include species such as the iconic neotropical Heliconius genus. Recent studies on the ecology and genetics of speciation in Ithomiini have suggested that sexual pheromones, colour pattern and perhaps hostplant could drive reproductive isolation. However, no reference genome was available for Ithomiini, which has hindered further exploration on the genetic architecture of these candidate traits, and more generally on the genomic patterns of divergence. Here, we generated high-quality, chromosome-scale genome assemblies for two Melinaea species, M. marsaeus and M. menophilus, and a draft genome of the species Ithomia salapia. We obtained genomes with a size ranging from 396 to 503 Mb across the three species and scaffold N50 of 40.5 and 23.2 Mb for the two chromosome-scale assemblies. Using collinearity analyses we identified massive rearrangements between the two closely related Melinaea species. An annotation of transposable elements and gene content was performed, as well as a specialist annotation to target chemosensory genes, which is crucial for host plant detection and mate recognition in mimetic species. A comparative genomic approach revealed independent gene expansions in ithomiines and particularly in gustatory receptor genes. These first three genomes of ithomiine mimetic butterflies constitute a valuable addition and a welcome comparison to existing biological models such as Heliconius, and will enable further understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation in butterflies.  相似文献   
The light chain of tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT L chain)has been shown to be endowed with zinc endopeptidaseactivity, selectively directed towards theGln76–Phe77 bond of synaptobrevin, avesicle-associated membrane protein criticallyinvolved in neuroexocytosis. In previous reports,truncations at the NH2- and COOH-terminus ofsynaptobrevin have shown that the sequence 39–88 ofsynaptobrevin is the minimum substrate of TeNT,suggesting either the requirement of a well-definedthree-dimensional structure of synaptobrevin or a rolein the mechanism of substrate hydrolysis for residuesdistal from the cleavage site. In this study, theaddition of NH2- and COOH-terminal peptides ofsynaptobrevin, S 27–55 (S1) and S 82–93(S2), to the synaptobrevin fragment S 56–81allowed the cleavage of this latter peptide by TeNT tooccur. This appears to result from an activationprocess mediated by the simultaneous binding ofS1 and S2 with complementary sites presenton TeNT as shown by surface plasmon resonanceexperiments. All these results favor anexosite-controlled hydrolysis of synaptobrevin by TeNTprobably involving a conformational change of thetoxin. This could account for the high degree ofsubstrate specificity of TeNT and, probably, botulinumneurotoxins.  相似文献   
The hydrological structure of the French coastal part of the eastern English Channel is strongly linked with tidal regimes and riverine input. Two distinct water masses are separated by a frontal area and drift along the coast in SW–NE direction. These two water masses are well-mixed during the entire year. We studied the seasonal dynamic of nitrogenous nutrients, chlorophyll a and organic particulate carbon and nitrogen at two stations, characteristic of these water masses, during the year 1994. Results show (i) a winter stock of nitrate and ammonium, (ii) a pre-bloom period corresponding to the use of ammonium, (iii) a high bloom period of short duration using nitrate, (iv) a post-bloom period with little phytoplanktonic activity probably limited by nutrients other than nitrogen and (v) an autumnal period of reconstitution of stock. The essential difference between the two stations is the importance of winter stock of nutrients and of bloom chlorophyll a concentration, with the coastal station richer than the offshore one. An assumption about the nitrogen available for new production in this area gives a value of 57% of the winter stock of inorganic nitrogen.  相似文献   
Sequence similarity has given rise to the proposal that IF-2, EF-G, and EF-Tu are related through a common ancestor. We evaluate this proposition and whether the relationship can be extended to other factors of protein synthesis. Analysis of amino acid sequence similarity gives statistical support for an evolutionary affiliation among IF-1, IF-2, IF-3, EF-Tu, EF-Ts, and EF-G and suggests further that this association is a result of gene duplication/fusion events. In support of this mechanism, the three-dimensional structures of IF-3, EF-Tu, and EF-G display a predictable domain structure and overall conformational similarity. The model that we propose consists of three consecutives duplication/fusion events which would have taken place before the divergence of the three superkingdoms: eubacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. The root of this protein superfamily tree would be an ancestor of the modern IF-1 gene sequence. The repeated fundamental motif of this protein superfamily is a small RNA binding domain composed of two α-helices packed along side of an antiparallel β-sheet. Received: 17 October 1996 / Accepted: 10 June 1997  相似文献   
In view of the importance of Pi in the control of cell metabolism, it was of interest to study the mechanism and regulation of Pi uptake by Acer pseudoplatanus cells grown as cell suspensions. At low external Pi concentrations up to 10 mm, sycamore cells incorporate phosphate against a concentration gradient, by a process which is energy dependent. Under these conditions the intracellular Pi concentration is maintained constant (2–3 mm). On the contrary at high external Pi concentrations, higher than that which counterpoises the cytoplasmic Pi concentration (approximately 10 mm), Pi enters the cell by slow diffusion and the intracellular Pi concentration increases continuously as the extracellular Pi concentration increases from 15 to 50 mm. When sycamore cells are transferred to a phosphate-deficient medium, growth slows down considerably and ceases after 4–5 days. During this time, intracellular Pi concentration falls from 3 to 0.1 mm and phosphate esters from 8 to 2 mm. Phosphate starvation stimulates the uptake indicating that phosphate uptake depends on the intracellular phosphate and/or cytoplasmic ester-P pool. Pi uptake by Pi-starved cells is strongly dependent on the pH of the medium.  相似文献   
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