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With the use of anticoagulants to prevent recurrence of thrombosis it is now possible to open a major artery which has been occluded by a thrombus, remove the thickened lining with the clot and restore the continuity of the vessel. Free vein grafts have been used successfully to replace arterial segments in the extremities. Vein inlay grafts are preferred in dealing with aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. The aneurysmal wall can be used to support the venous segments. It has been possible to by-pass aneurysms of the abdominal aorta by anastomosing the splenic artery to the left iliac artery. The use of the left superficial femoral artery as a by-pass to supply blood to the right leg is described.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrase in molluscs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨高原低氧对机体无氧代谢阈值(AT)的影响,本研究采用Wasserman无创性方法,分别测定了11名新兵在平原(四川淮口,海拔500m)和经空运进驻高原 (西藏错那,海拔4370m)后的第3、5、7和14天的AT。结果表明:新兵进驻高原后AT由平原的813.6±147.4kg·m/min降低到395.5±194.5 kg·m/min(P<0.01);高原低氧引起AT的降低幅度与受试者平原AT的高低呈正相关(r=0.933,P<0.01);进驻高原后第3、5、7天AT维持在较低水平,随后呈上升趋势。但移居高原1年战士的AT仍低于平原水平(P<0.05)。提示,高原低氧能够显著地降低机体的AT,并且AT越高的个体进驻高原后受低氧环境的影响程度越大。  相似文献   
白翅叶蝉是福建省水稻的重要害虫,苗期受害严重者,整片稻苗苍白,甚至枯死;早稻孕穗、抽穗期常大量发生为害,影响谷粒饱满度,造成减产。福州和闽侯地区一年发生4代,部分5代。成虫越冬。冬季日平均温度达11℃以上时仍能取食为害。春季成虫侵入稻田,4月下旬前后大量产卵,5月中旬虫数激增,5月下旬或6月初达到高峰。早稻收割时由于农事活动引致若虫大量死亡。晚稻田于8、9月虫数较多,但危害不如早稻严重。10月中旬以后成虫逐渐离开稻田,迁往越冬场所。 寄主植物幼嫩茂密和较大湿度的小生境有利于白翅叶蝉的发育繁殖。大发生的气候因子主要是春季多雨。适宜的温湿度范围为温度20—25℃,相对湿度85—90%。 DDT单独使用或DDT与666混用防治白翅叶蝉都能收到满意的效果。早稻秧田宜在播种后两周施药防治;本田于5月中旬虫口密度开始增长之际施药,亦能抑制为害。冬季小麦出土以前清除田边杂草,也是一项有效的防治措施  相似文献   
Pachodynerus nasidens (Latr.) is an inquiline in the disused cells of Sceliphron assimile Dahlbom (Sphecidae) and Eumenes colona Saussure (Eumenidae) in Jamaica. Within the area of distribution of its hosts it is virtually absent where the essential resources of water and of leaf-mining, flower-feeding or leaf-rolling caterpillars on bushes are further than 80 m from the nesting site. Its use of host cells is reduced where mean annual precipitation is less than 1200 mm and where altitude is less than 100 m. In trap-nests it can be collected only in shaded and (less frequently) in partly-shaded localities. Of six other inquilines also found, only Trypoxylon texense Saussure (Sphecidae) was sufficiently numerous to be an important competitor for host cells but evidence shows its competition was unimportant to Pachodynerus nasidens. High percentage mortality resulting from Melittobia chalybti Ashmead (Eulophidae) on P. nasidens did not limit utilization of host cells. During drought, fecundity of P. nasidens dropped from 14.0 (± 2.9) to 7.0 (± 1.4) eggs per female and this may have brought about local extinction and hence low utilization of host cells. Drought reduced longevity and the rate of oviposition, but had no effect on the speed of provisioning.  相似文献   
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