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With the use of anticoagulants to prevent recurrence of thrombosis it is now possible to open a major artery which has been occluded by a thrombus, remove the thickened lining with the clot and restore the continuity of the vessel. Free vein grafts have been used successfully to replace arterial segments in the extremities. Vein inlay grafts are preferred in dealing with aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. The aneurysmal wall can be used to support the venous segments. It has been possible to by-pass aneurysms of the abdominal aorta by anastomosing the splenic artery to the left iliac artery. The use of the left superficial femoral artery as a by-pass to supply blood to the right leg is described.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrase in molluscs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pachodynerus nasidens (Latr.) is an inquiline in the disused cells of Sceliphron assimile Dahlbom (Sphecidae) and Eumenes colona Saussure (Eumenidae) in Jamaica. Within the area of distribution of its hosts it is virtually absent where the essential resources of water and of leaf-mining, flower-feeding or leaf-rolling caterpillars on bushes are further than 80 m from the nesting site. Its use of host cells is reduced where mean annual precipitation is less than 1200 mm and where altitude is less than 100 m. In trap-nests it can be collected only in shaded and (less frequently) in partly-shaded localities. Of six other inquilines also found, only Trypoxylon texense Saussure (Sphecidae) was sufficiently numerous to be an important competitor for host cells but evidence shows its competition was unimportant to Pachodynerus nasidens. High percentage mortality resulting from Melittobia chalybti Ashmead (Eulophidae) on P. nasidens did not limit utilization of host cells. During drought, fecundity of P. nasidens dropped from 14.0 (± 2.9) to 7.0 (± 1.4) eggs per female and this may have brought about local extinction and hence low utilization of host cells. Drought reduced longevity and the rate of oviposition, but had no effect on the speed of provisioning.  相似文献   
Upper canines in microchiropteran bats show a variety of cross-sectional shapes. A consistent feature of all species studied here is that the tooth is edged and not simply round or oval. Prominent sharp edges are positioned in several directions but particularly antero-medially toward the incisors and posteriorly toward the premolars. These edges appear to direct the cracks made in food items to the incisors or to the premolars. A continuous cutting edge is apparent in the occlusal view of the palate running from tip of canine to the ectoloph of the molars. Size and shape analysis indicates that larger bats have slender, rather than stouter, canines for their height, a condition that may be attributable to the nature of the prey. Most bats take prey that have little hard substance imbedded within. The compromises in tooth shape may vary between that of a terrestrial predator with short, conical canines for processing endoskeletal prey to that of a small flying predator with long, slender, edged canines for capturing and processing exoskeletal prey. Unicuspid teeth and how they might function in food break-up have been overlooked to the literature; such a study could lead to an understanding of how more complex teeth function.  相似文献   
啤酒多倍体酵母菌原生质体已成功地与单倍体原生质体进行融合。经细胞壁再生后,稳定的融合重组体被分离出来。这些融合体的基因分析表明,融合体中含有双亲的基因型。孢子形成良好,且每个子囊中含有四个孢子,每个孢子确实是二倍体。这样原生质体融合就提供了一个对啤酒酿造酵母进行遗传分析的方法。但是如果没有一个方便的杂交技术,这个方法将是很困难的。  相似文献   
Fluctuating asymmetry measures random deviations from bilateral symmetry, and thus estimates developmental instability, the loss of ability by an organism to regulate its development. There have been few rigorous tests of this proposition. Regulation of bilateral symmetry must involve either feedback between the sides or independent regulation toward a symmetric set point. Either kind of regulation should decrease asymmetry over time, but only right–left feedback produces compensatory growth across sides, seen as antipersistent growth following perturbation. Here, we describe the developmental trajectories of perturbed and unperturbed leaves of pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo L., grown at three densities. Covering one side of a leaf with aluminium foil for 24 h perturbed leaf growth. Reduced growth on the perturbed side caused leaves to become more asymmetrical than unperturbed controls. After the treatment the size-corrected asymmetry decreased over time. In addition, rescaled range analysis showed that asymmetry was antipersistent rather than random, i.e. fluctuation in one direction was likely to be followed by fluctuations in the opposite direction. Development involves right–left feedback. This feedback reduced size-corrected asymmetry over time most strongly in the lowest density treatment suggesting that developmental instability results from a lack of resilience rather than resistance.   © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78, 27–41.  相似文献   
Although the advent and widespread use of ataractic drugs has more or less eclipsed lobotomy as a method of dealing with severe psychotic states, variations and adaptations of the operation still can be used with benefit in certain pretty well defined circumstances."Chemical lobotomy" and regressive electroshock bring about alterations in behavior superficially resembling those of lobotomy, but without the changes in personality that are the object of lobotomy. These desirable changes consist in increased extraversion, decreased preoccupation with self and decreased sensitivity to the opinions of others. With restricted operations, undesirable changes-the "frontal lobe syndrome"-do not occur. OPERATIVE FAILURES ARE DUE TO THREE MAIN CAUSES: (a) Preoperative emotional deterioration; (b) progress of the underlying disease; (c) relapse, possibly due to inadequate operation. Lobotomy is advisable if the patient does not show sustained improvement after a year of active treatment by other indicated means. The operation often represents the turning point in effective treatment. After the first year of ineffective treatment valuable time is being lost, with danger of fixation and deterioration. Then it is safer to operate than to wait. The future of psychosurgery lies in prompt application, in favorable patients, of selective operations that will reverse the trend of illness. There is particular need for further exploration of the temporal lobes in the hope of finding some procedure that will suppress hallucinations. Some 90 per cent of patients remaining in hospitals after psychosurgery are experiencing hallucinations. If these phenomena can be eliminated without producing serious personality defects, another large field for the application of psychosurgery will be opened.  相似文献   
Two sphecid wasps, Sceliphron asiaticum (L.) and S. fistularium (Dahlbom), which build mud nests and capture spider prey, had overlapping but distinctly different distributions in Trinidad. Sceliphron asiaticum was associated with drier (<2000 mm mean annual precipitation) and less forested areas. The analysis of existing data on these species revealed a similar differential distribution throughout the neotropics. Based on the dissection of their old nests collected at 42 sites in Trinidad, retrospective life tables were constructed and estimates of fecundity made. Sceliphron asiaticum tended to form denser nesting associations and, while most of the common parasitoids were shared, had overall higher developmental mortality. Although such mortality was density-dependent in both species, where the two wasps nested together mortality from Melittobia (Eulophidae, Chalcidoidea) was higher in S. asiaticum . Both species were protarrhenotokous and had similar field fecundities (7–8/♀), but the rate of oviposition may be greater in S. asiaticum since far less mud was used in the construction of its cells. Both species had >50° mortality of the females between emergence and starting to nest. The regulation of numbers of these wasps in relation to that of S. assimile (Dahlbom) in Jamaica is discussed.  相似文献   
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