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n-Propyl gallate reacts with the superoxide radical anion in aqueous solution (k = 5.1 × 105 mol-1 dm3s-1). The spectrum of the transient species so formed has been measured (absorbance maximum at 550nm, ε = 1360mol-1dm3cm-1). Electron or H atom transfer processes as well as proton abstraction have been excluded as possible mechanisms, and it is proposed that an addition reaction takes place.  相似文献   
Nehrke  K; Hagen  FK; Tabak  LA 《Glycobiology》1998,8(4):367-371
Multiple isoforms of UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyl- transferase (ppGaNTase) have been cloned and expressed from a variety of organisms. In general, these isoforms display different patterns of tissue-specific expression, but exhibit overlapping substrate specificities, in vitro . A peptide substrate, derived from the sequence of the V3 loop of the HIV gp120 protein (HIV peptide), has previously been shown to be glycosylated in vitro exclusively by the ppGaNTase-T3 (Bennett et al. , 1996). To determine if this isoform- specificity is maintained in vivo , we have examined the glycosylation of this substrate when it is expressed as a reporter peptide (rHIV) in a cell background (COS7 cells) which lacks detectable levels of the ppGaNTase-T3. Glycosylation of rHIV was greatly increased by coexpression of a recombinant ppGaNTase-T3. Overexpression of ppGaNTase- T1 yielded only partial glycosylation of the reporter. We have also determined that the introduction of a proline residue at the +3 position flanking the potential glycosylation site eliminated ppGaNTase- T3 selectivity toward rHIV observed both in vivo and in vitro .   相似文献   
Whilst chemical cleavage of mismatch (CCM) detects all point mutations in DNA, its widespread use has been hampered by the complex multistage methodology and the need for toxic chemicals, in particular osmium tetroxide. Here we show that osmium tetroxide can be replaced by potassium permanganate, giving the same spectrum of mutation detection, but with greater sensitivity. The use of potassium permanganate is compatible with solid phase capture and fluorescent detection, giving a safer method of mutation detection. We present here a comparison of CCM with osmium tetroxide and with potassium permanganate, tested on a complete set of single base pair mismatches and a number of small insertion/deletions.  相似文献   
The sulphate radical SO4(.-) reacts with 1,3-dimethyluracil (1,3-DMU) (k = 5 X 10(9) dm3 mol-1 s-1) thereby forming with greater than or equal to 90 per cent yield the 1,3-DMU C(5)-OH adduct radical 4 as evidenced by its absorption spectrum and its reactivity toward tetranitromethane. Pulse-conductometric experiments have shown that a 1,3-DMU-SO4(.-) aduct 3 as well as the 1,3-DMU radical cation 1, if formed, must be very short-lived (t1/2 less than or equal to 1 microsecond). The 1,3-DMU C(5)-OH adduct 4 reacts slowly with peroxodisulphate (k = 2.1 X 10(5) dm3 mol-1 s-1). It is suggested that the observed new species is the 1,3-DMU-5-OH-6-SO4(.-) radical 7. At low dose rates a chain reaction is observed. The product of this chain reaction is the cis-5,6-dihydro-5,6-dihydroxy-1,3-dimethyluracil 2. At a dose rate of 2.8 X 10(-3) Gys-1 a G value of approximately 200 was observed ([1,3-DMU] = 5 X 10(-3) mol dm-3; [S2O8(2-)] = 10(-2) mol dm-3; [t-butanol] = 10(-2) mol dm-3). The peculiarities of this chain reaction (strong effect of [1,3-DMU], smaller effect of [S2O(2-)8]) is explained by 7 being an important chain carrier. It is proposed that 7 reacts with 1,3-DMU by electron transfer, albeit more slowly (k approximately 1.2 X 10(4) dm3 mol-1 s-1) than does SO4(.-). The resulting sulphate 6 is considered to hydrolyse into 2 and sulphuric acid which is formed in amounts equivalent to those of 2. Computer simulations provide support for the proposed mechanism. The results of some SCF calculations on the electron distribution in the radical cations derived from uracil and 1-methyluracil are also presented.  相似文献   
Neuroendocrine (NE) differentiation within prostate tumors is proposed to be a contributing factor in disease progression. However, the cellular origin and molecular mechanism controlling differentiation of prostatic NE cells are unresolved. The prostate tumor cell line, LNCaP, can reversibly acquire many NE characteristics in response to treatment with beta-adrenergic receptor agonists and activators of adenylate cyclase. In this study, we demonstrate that these treatments induce protein kinase A (PKA) activation in LNCaP cells and that ectopic expression of a constitutively activated form of the PKA catalytic subunit, CIalpha, results in acquisition of NE characteristics, including the extension of neuritic processes, cessation of mitotic activity, and production of neuron-specific enolase. Forskolin-, epinephrine-, and isoproterenol-dependent NE differentiation of LNCaP cells was significantly inhibited by expressing a dominant negative mutant of the PKA regulatory subunit, RIalpha. These results demonstrate that prostatic NE differentiation in response to these agents depends on PKA activation, and this signaling pathway may provide a therapeutic target for treating advanced forms of prostate cancer.  相似文献   
The electron adducts of uracil, 1,3-dimethyluracil and 1,3-dimethylthymine, known to protonate rapidly in aqueous solution at oxygen, are now shown to undergo a slower protonation at C(6) producing a radical centred at C(5), a reaction which can be catalysed by buffer.  相似文献   
The normal catabolism of catecholamines proceeds through enzymatic pathways (monoaminooxidase, catechol-o-methyltranserase, and phenolsulphotransferase). In addition, nonenzymatic oxidative pathways might take place since catechols are readily oxidized. In this review article, the pathways of formation of the oxidation products of catecholamines and their reactions are described. The interactions of these products with different biological systems and their toxicity are examined. Among the reactions known to occur is that with sulfhydryls, which results in either a covalently linked adduct or disulfide production. Another interesting pathway to toxicity involves the oxidation of these catecholamine products by oxygen, with the formation of damaging oxygen-derived species. The action of the oxidation products of catecholamines is outlined, with special attention to the nervous and cardiac systems.  相似文献   
Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) technology (“Airwave”) has led to public concern because of its potential interference with electrical activity in the brain. The present study is the first to examine whether acute exposure to a TETRA base station signal has an impact on cognitive functioning and physiological responses. Participants were exposed to a 420 MHz TETRA signal at a power flux density of 10 mW/m2 as well as sham (no signal) under double‐blind conditions. Fifty‐one people who reported a perceived sensitivity to electromagnetic fields as well as 132 controls participated in a double‐blind provocation study. Forty‐eight sensitive and 132 control participants completed all three sessions. Measures of short‐term memory, working memory, and attention were administered while physiological responses (blood volume pulse, heart rate, skin conductance) were monitored. After applying exclusion criteria based on task performance for each aforementioned cognitive measure, data were analyzed for 36, 43, and 48 sensitive participants for these respective tasks and, likewise, 107,125, and 129 controls. We observed no differences in cognitive performance between sham and TETRA exposure in either group; physiological response also did not differ between the exposure conditions. These findings are similar to previous double‐blind studies with other mobile phone signals (900–2100 MHz), which could not establish any clear evidence that mobile phone signals affect health or cognitive function. Bioelectromagnetics 33:23–39, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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