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A screening of more than 40 loci was performed in the Bribri and Cabecar Amerindian populations of Talamanca in Southeastern Costa Rica. Some differences were found in the distribution (presence or absence) of the variants (some of them private) of the GOT, PEPA, RH, TF and TPI loci when the results reported here were compared with those of the Bribris and Cabecars that inhabit in the Pacific side of the country. Admixture with non-Indians was detected at the ABO, ADA, and G6PD loci. The proportion of polymorphic loci (P) found were 17.1 in the Bribris and 19.4 in the Cabecars; their average heterozygosites (H) estimates were 0.039 and 0.049 respectively. Fst values (0.019 in the Bribris and 0.056 in the Cabecars) seem to indicate that random events have played important roles in the divergence of the Cabecars. Low effective population sizes of the emigrant groups to the Pacific side and probable gene flow in the case of the Bribris, could be the cause of these differences.  相似文献   
NaIO4 oxidation, exo- and endo-glycosidase treatments and combinations thereof have been applied to acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo marmorata in its membrane-bound and detergent-solubilised forms. The effects of these chemical and enzymatic treatments are made apparent in the electrophoretic properties of the four receptor subunits (α, β, γ and δ) and of the non-receptor polypeptides, their thermal and proteolytic susceptibility, and the steady-state and kinetic parameters of receptor-toxin complex formation. The electrophoretic pattern of the membrane polypeptides is found to depend on the redox state of the membranes, presence or absence of the non-receptor peripheral ν-peptide (Mr 43,000), pH and temperature. Very low NaIO4 concentrations (50 μM) suffice to prevent the penetration of the ν-peptide into NaDodSO4 polyacrylamide gels. This effect could be abolished by N-ethylmaleimide alkylation of free sulphydryl groups, suggesting the involvement of easily oxidizable vicinal thiols in the aggregation of the peptide. Higher reagent concentrations resulted in the altered mobility and subsequent splitting of the receptor subunit carrying the ligand recognition site (α, Mr 40,000) into a doublet. In contrast, NaIO4 treatment of the detergent-solubilized receptor aggregated the α-subunit, presumably via chemical groups hidden in the membrane but exposed in detergent. Only this subunit underwent such NaIO4-dependent changes within the concentration range in which (a) an increase of the 13-S dimeric receptor species at the expense of the 9-S monomeric form was observed and (b) half-maximal quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence occurred (~2 mM NaIO4).Neuraminidase digestion affected exclusively the γ- and δ-subunits of the receptor, suggesting the presence of substantial amounts of sialic acid residues in these subunits. β-Glucosidase and endoglycosidase D had no effect on the electrophoretic properties of receptor and non-receptor polypeptides. Neither NaIO4 nor neuroaminidase treatments had any effect on the thermal sensitivity of the receptor. Similarly, the equilibrium and kinetic properties of receptor-α-neurotoxin complex formation were not modified by such treatment nor was the susceptibility to tryptic digestion. The thermal and proteolytic sensitivities were affected by acid pH (5.2) and β-glucosidase treatments. The latter enzymatic digestion reduced the α-toxin binding capacity of the receptor by 35% and increased the equilibrium dissociation constant by 2-fold.  相似文献   
When rat cerebral-cortex membranes were labelled with [3H]propylbenzilylcholine mustard ([3H]PrBCM), a single protein of Mr 68,000 was found to carry the atropine-sensitive covalent label. After trypsinolysis of the receptors solubilized in 0.075% SDS, the resulting fragments were submitted to size analysis in combination with wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA)-Sepharose and organomercurial-agarose chromatography. Peptides of Mr 75,000, 50,000, 30,000, 18,000 and 8000 were specifically released from the receptor. All fragments above Mr 8000 were able to bind WGA-Sepharose and therefore the peptide of Mr 18,000 was taken as the upper limit of the distance between the antagonist and the glycan moieties. The limit fragment of Mr 8000 carried chemical groups which were modified by N-ethylmaleimide and reacted with an immobilized organomercurial. About 65-80% of the labelled receptors were adsorbed on concanavalin A-Sepharose with low affinity, generating two further components after sequential application to WGA-Sepharose. About 50% of the receptors were susceptible to neuraminidase treatment, with a concomitant slight modification of the SDS/polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoretic pattern.  相似文献   
Creatine kinase (CK, EC has recently been identified as the intermediate isoelectric point species (pl 6.5-6.8) of the Mr 40,000-43,000 nonreceptor, peripheral v-proteins in Torpedo marmorata acetylcholine receptor-rich membranes (Barrantes, F. J., G. Mieskes, and T. Wallimann, 1983, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 80: 5440-5444). In the present study, this finding is substantiated at the cellular and subcellular level of the T. marmorata electric organ by immunofluorescence and by protein A-gold labeling of either ultrathin cryosections of electrocytes or purified receptor-membrane vesicles that use subunit-specific anti-chicken creatine kinase antibodies. The muscle form of the kinase, on the one hand, is present throughout the entire T. marmorata electrocyte except in the nuclei. The brain form of the kinase, on the other hand, is predominantly located on the ventral, innervated face of the electrocyte, where it is closely associated with both surfaces of the postsynaptic membrane, and secondarily in the synaptic vesicles at the presynaptic terminal. Labeling of the noninnervated dorsal membrane is observed at the invaginated sac system. In the case of purified acetylcholine receptor-rich membranes, antibodies specific for chicken B-CK label only one face of the isolated vesicles. No immunoreaction is observed with anti-chicken M-CK antibodies. A discussion follows on the possible implications of these localizations of creatine kinase in connection with the function of the acetylcholine receptor at the postsynaptic membrane, the Na/K ATPase at the dorsal electrocyte membrane, and the ATP-dependent transmitter release at the nerve ending.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of the physical state of the cell membrane on the activity of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) in various clonal cell lines transfected with the cDNAs of embryonic or adult AChR by measuring single-channel properties and some membrane physicochemical properties as a function of temperature. Unitary conductance and channel closing rate, alpha, had Q(10) values of 1.2 and 2.2, respectively. Using Eyring's transition state theory, it was calculated that both embryonic and adult-type AChR had relatively low thermal sensitivity of ionic conductance and activation energy (E(a) of 3.0-5.0 kcal-mol(-1) at 20 degrees C), indicating that once the AChR channel opens, ion movement is dominated by diffusional processes. Channel closure exhibited higher energy requirements, with E(a) values of about 13 kcal-mol(-1). This process appears to be more endothermic (higher delta H(a) values) than ion permeation, and it is plausible that the energy acquired by the system can be used in the maintenance of its degree of order, as revealed by the delta S(a) 0 calculated for channel closure. The influence of the membrane environment on AChR function is reinforced by the observation that the conductance of the same, embryonic-type AChR protein, expressed in qualitatively different cellular lipid environments, appeared to have different energetic requirements. A correlation between the electrophysiological and thermodynamic parameters of the AChR and physicochemical properties of the membrane bilayer in which the protein is embedded could be established using measurements of the so-called generalized polarization (GP) of the lipophilic probe laurdan. Both embryonic and adult AChR exhibited a higher GP and a higher sensitivity to temperature-dependent changes in GP when heterologously expressed in stable form in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-derived cells than did the native embryonic AChR in BC3H-1 cells, indicating that these two properties are determined by the host membrane and are not inherent properties of the AChR type. In addition, the differences in the macroscopic physical states of the lipids and membrane-associated solvent (water) dipolar relaxation between BC3H-1 and CHO-derived cells indicated by the spectroscopic properties of laurdan suggest that both lipid and associated water may influence the microscopic activity of individual AChR molecules embedded in the lipid bilayer. Finally, the different dependence of AChR channel conductance and mean open time as a function of GP observed between the different AChR subtypes in clonal cell lines suggests the importance of specific lipid-protein interactions in addition to bulk membrane properties.  相似文献   
The interactions between a series of spin-labeled local anesthetic analogues and the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) have been investigated by means of electron spin resonance (ESR) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The paramagnetic local anesthetic analogues quenched the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of AChR-rich membranes in an agonist-dependent manner, demonstrating a direct interaction with the AChR. The quenching efficiency was greater for the benzocaine than for the thioprocaine analogue. The protein was found to restrict directly the molecular motion of the spin-labeled analogues, as seen by the appearance of a highly anisotropic component in the ESR spectrum. The relative affinity of the population of local anesthetic probes which interacts directly with the integral protein of the AChR-rich membranes was calculated on the basis of relative association constants, Kr, determined by ESR. By comparison with the relative association constant for spin-labeled phospholipid, Kro, it was possible to differentiate between local anesthetic analogues interacting with high (Kr/Kro greater than 2), intermediate (Kr/Kro = 1.6-1.9), and low (Kr/Kro less than or equal to 1.3) specificity and to calculate the fraction of protein-associated probe in each case. Differences were observed in the presence of agonist (0.1 mM carbamylcholine) with some, but not all, of the spin-labeled derivatives. The role of the protonatable diethylammonium group in the specificity of the interaction of the procaine and thioprocaine analogues was investigated. Only in the uncharged form, or in the charged form at high ionic strength, was there a preferential association of these two local anesthetic analogues.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
1. The ESR spectra of both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine spin labels reveal an immobilized lipid component (τR ? 50 ns), in addition to a fluid component (τR ~ 1 ns), in acetylcholine receptorrich membranes prepared from Torpedo marmorata electroplax according to the method of Cohen et al. (Cohen, J.B., Weber, M., Huchet, M. and Changeux, J.P. (1972) FEBS Lett. 26, 43–47). 2. The ESR spectra of the androstanol spin label display a component corresponding to molecules which are immobilized with respect to rotation about the long molecular axis (
), in addition to the fluid lipid bilayer component in which the molecules are rotating rapidly about their long axes (
). This immobilized component is observed throughout the temperature range 2–22°C, at an approximately constant relative intensity of approx. 45% of the total, which is quantitatively the same as previously observed with fatty acid spin labels.  相似文献   
In order to characterize some of the lateralized biochemical events promoted in brain upon massive neurotransmitter release, the labeling of lipids under specific stimulation of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) has been studied in synaptosomes obtained from right and left cerebral cortex (RCC and LCC respectively). Synaptosomes were incubated with [32P]phosphate in the absence and in the presence of the cholinergic agonist carbamoylcholine and the muscarinic antagonist atropine. Binding of the agonist to the mAChR promoted an enhanced labeling of polyphosphoinositides, such effect being considerably more pronounced in the LCC than in the RCC. The differences observed could be due to a higher mAChR-elicited activity of phospholipase C in the RCC than in the LCC. The results show that mAChR stimulation activates the turnover of inosítol lipids to a different extent in the two hemispheres, indicating either an uneven distribution of the receptor in brain and/or dissimilarities in the degree of coupling of the mAChR with its corresponding transmembrane signaling system in each hemicortex.  相似文献   
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