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The water-relations parameters of Chara inflata cells were determineddirectly using the micro pressure probe technique. The turgorpressure of cells in artificial pond water (0 = 0.06 MPa) wasabout 0.65 MPa and the half-time (T1/2) for water exchange wasabout 6.5 s. The calculated values of the hydraulic conductivity(LP) were in the range 1–2 ? 10–6m s–1 (MPa)–1.The volumetric elastic modulus () was 32.8 MPa for turgor rangingfrom 0.77 to 0.82 MPa. Large changes in the water-relations parameters and the electricalproperties of the membrane occurred when the turgor was decreasedto low values. These changes included: (i) a decrease in theT1/2 for water exchange, (ii) an increase in LP and (iii) depolarizationof the membrane potential difference (Vm). The micro pressure probe, which enabled the turgor pressureof the cell to be altered, was used in combination with thevoltage-clamp technique to determine the relationship betweenK+ and Cl conductances of the plasmalemma and the cellturgor. The K+ conductance increased reversibly as the turgorwas reduced in the range 0 to 0.6 MPa and the Cl -conductanceincreased as the turgor was reduced in the range 0.1 to 0.5MPa. It is suggested that these pressure-dependent K+ and Clconductances may have a dual role in electrical events and thenon-electrical responses such as changes in the cell volume. Key words: Chara inflata, membrane conductances, ion channels, water-relations parameters  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate collagen patches seeded with mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) and/or tenocytes(TCs) with regards to their suitability for anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) repair. METHODS: Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization utilizes a dynamic screw system to keep ACL remnants in place and promote biological healing, supplemented by collagen patches. How these scaffolds interact with cells and what type of benefit they provide has not yet been investigated in detail. Primary ACL-derived TCs and human bone marrow derived MSCs were seeded onto two different types of 3D collagen scaffolds, Chondro-Gide?(CG) and Novocart?(NC). Cells were seeded onto the scaffolds and cultured for 7 d either as a pure populations or as "premix" containing a 1:1 ratio of TCs to MSCs. Additionally, as controls, cells were seeded in monolayers and in co-cultures on both sides of porous high-density membrane inserts(0.4 μm). We analyzed the patches by real time polymerase chain reaction, glycosaminoglycan(GAG), DNA and hydroxyproline(HYP) content. To determine cell spreading and adherence in the scaffolds microscopic imaging techniques, i.e., confocal laser scanning microscopy(c LSM) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM), were applied.RESULTS: CLSM and SEM imaging analysis confirmed cell adherence onto scaffolds. The metabolic cell activity revealed that patches promote adherence and proliferation of cells. The most dramatic increase in absolute metabolic cell activity was measured for CG samples seeded with tenocytes or a 1:1 cell premix. Analysis of DNA content and c LSM imaging also indicated MSCs were not proliferating as nicely as tenocytes on CG. The HYP to GAG ratio significantly changed for the premix group, resulting from a slightly lower GAG content, demonstrating that the cells are modifying the underlying matrix. Real-time quantitativepolymerase chain reaction data indicated that MSCs showed a trend of differentiation towards a more tenogenic-like phenotype after 7 d.CONCLUSION: CG and NC are both cyto-compatible with primary MSCs and TCs; TCs seemed to perform better on these collagen patches than MSCs.  相似文献   
Trophoblast invasion and remodeling of the maternal spiral arteries are required for pregnancy success. Aberrant endothelium–trophoblast crosstalk may lead to preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication that has serious effects on both the mother and the baby. However, our understanding of the mechanisms involved in this pathology remains elementary because the current in vitro models cannot describe trophoblast–endothelium interactions under dynamic culture. In this study, we developed a dynamic three-dimensional (3D) placenta model by bioprinting trophoblasts and an endothelialized lumen in a perfusion bioreactor. We found the 3D printed perfusion bioreactor system significantly augmented responses of endothelial cells by encouraging network formations and expressions of angiogenic markers, cluster of differentiation 31 (CD31), matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2), matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9), and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA). Bioprinting favored colocalization of trophoblasts with endothelial cells, similar to in vivo observations. Additional analysis revealed that trophoblasts reduced the angiogenic responses by reducing network formation and motility rates while inducing apoptosis of endothelial cells. Moreover, the presence of endothelial cells appeared to inhibit trophoblast invasion rates. These results clearly demonstrated the utility and potential of bioprinting and perfusion bioreactor system to model trophoblast–endothelium interactions in vitro. Our bioprinted placenta model represents a crucial step to develop advanced research approach that will expand our understanding and treatment options of preeclampsia and other pregnancy-related pathologies.  相似文献   
The electrical conductance of the plasmalemma of cells of Charainflata, due to the diffusion of ions, consists predominantlyof K+, Cl and leak components. When the membrane electricalpotential difference is stepped in a negative direction witha voltage-clamp, the resulting inward current has componentsIK, ICl and IL (leak). During such voltage-clamp steps IK isinactivated, and Ic activated with voltage-dependent half-times.Increases in the external NaCl concentration reduce the magnitudeof IK and increase the magnitude of Ic, but reduce the half-timeof inactivation or activation. The NaCl-induced changes in Ikand ICl and their kinetics were more pronounced at pH0 =6.5than at pH0 =9.5. When the concentration of external CaCl2 wasincreased, Ik, ICl and the half-time of inactivation, (T1/2),of Ik were all reduced. The half-time of activation of ICl wasincreased. The NaCI-induced changes could result from increases in bothexternal ion concentration and osmotic pressure. Previous experimentshave shown that an increase in external osmotic pressure alonealters the properties of the conductances. In this paper weattempt to separate the purely ionic effects from the osmoticones. Key words: Chara inflata, ionic effects, K+ and Cl currents  相似文献   
  • 1 Blue whale locations in the Southern Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean were obtained from catches (303 239), sightings (4383 records of ≥8058 whales), strandings (103), Discovery marks (2191) and recoveries (95), and acoustic recordings.
  • 2 Sighting surveys included 7 480 450 km of effort plus 14 676 days with unmeasured effort. Groups usually consisted of solitary whales (65.2%) or pairs (24.6%); larger feeding aggregations of unassociated individuals were only rarely observed. Sighting rates (groups per 1000 km from many platform types) varied by four orders of magnitude and were lowest in the waters of Brazil, South Africa, the eastern tropical Pacific, Antarctica and South Georgia; higher in the Subantarctic and Peru; and highest around Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Chile, southern Australia and south of Madagascar.
  • 3 Blue whales avoid the oligotrophic central gyres of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, but are more common where phytoplankton densities are high, and where there are dynamic oceanographic processes like upwelling and frontal meandering.
  • 4 Compared with historical catches, the Antarctic (‘true’) subspecies is exceedingly rare and usually concentrated closer to the summer pack ice. In summer they are found throughout the Antarctic; in winter they migrate to southern Africa (although recent sightings there are rare) and to other northerly locations (based on acoustics), although some overwinter in the Antarctic.
  • 5 Pygmy blue whales are found around the Indian Ocean and from southern Australia to New Zealand. At least four groupings are evident: northern Indian Ocean, from Madagascar to the Subantarctic, Indonesia to western and southern Australia, and from New Zealand northwards to the equator. Sighting rates are typically much higher than for Antarctic blue whales.
  • 6 South‐east Pacific blue whales have a discrete distribution and high sighting rates compared with the Antarctic. Further work is needed to clarify their subspecific status given their distinctive genetics, acoustics and length frequencies.
  • 7 Antarctic blue whales numbered 1700 (95% Bayesian interval 860–2900) in 1996 (less than 1% of original levels), but are increasing at 7.3% per annum (95% Bayesian interval 1.4–11.6%). The status of other populations in the Southern Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean is unknown because few abundance estimates are available, but higher recent sighting rates suggest that they are less depleted than Antarctic blue whales.
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