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A mating-type analysis was performed on 78 stocks of the marine hypotrich ciliate, Aspidisca sp., from a sufficient number of diverse geographic locations, some widely separated. Evidence is provided for the existence of a binary mating system in this "morphospecies." The collected stocks have been challenged by the most rigorous criterion, namely breeding affinity in the laboratory, and have yielded at least four reproductively, not necessarily geographically, isolated groups that are in fact "biological species," here referred to as "syngens." Different syngens contain different pairs of mating types. Syngens are morphologically indistinguishable; hence Aspidisca sp. can be considered a conservative taxon comprising a number of "cryptic" or "sibling species." Information is also presented about the mating behavior and the pattern of nuclear events at conjugation in Aspidisca sp. Search for soluble pheromones of the mating types gave only negative results. Hence, direct contact with potential partners is postulated to play a critical role in preparing individuals to mate. Mating reaction and mating which actually involves cross-fertilization (conjugation, sensu stricto) are completely inhibited by 10 μg/ml cycloheximide, suggesting the necessity of protein synthesis for recognition and union in conjugation of potential partners.  相似文献   
Control of the widely distributed pest Liriomyza huidobrensis, is complicated due to the protected habit of the leafmining larvae, and their resistance to insecticides. The effects of Melia azedarach, (Meliaceae) fruit extracts against adults and larvae of L. huidobrensis, were investigated. In the laboratory, leaves of Cucurbita, sp. infested with first and third instar larvae were treated with different extract solutions. Larval and pupal survival, as well as wing‐spread of adults, were ssessed. Female adult behaviour towards the extract was also analysed in terms of number of feeding punctures and number of offspring left on treated/untreated leaves. In the field, an infested Vicia faba, crop was sprayed four times at weekly intervals with plant extract, water, and a blank solution. The number of adult leafminers and parasitoids emerging from sampled leaves from each treatment were compared. The laboratory tests showed translaminar action of the extracts, which negatively affected leafminer pupal survival, while body size was not affected. The extracts also deterred feeding by adult females and may also have caused reduction in oviposition rates. All solutions and concentrations tested had similar effects. In the field, extract effects were consistent with those from laboratory trials, number of pupae and pupal survival being lower on treated plants. Percentage parasitism was not affected by plant extract treatment, suggesting a selective activity.  相似文献   
Dihydroxybenzoic acids (DBA), such as 3,4-DRA, 3,5-DBA, and 2,4-DBA—at all concentrations tested—inhibited the rate of DL-DOPA oxidation to dopachrome (λmax = 475 nm) by mushroom tyrosinase. 2,3-DBA and 2,5-DBA at relatively low concentration had a synergistic effect on the reaction, whereas at relatively high concentrations they inhibited the rate of DL-DOPA oxidation. The synergistic effect of 0.6-13.3 mM 2,3-DRA on the rate of DL-DOPA oxidation to dopachrome (λmax = 475 nm) was found to be due to the ability of 2,3-DBA-o-quinone (formed by the oxidation of 2,3-DBA by mushroom tyrosinase or by sodium periodate) to oxidize DL-DOPA to dopachrome (via dopaquinone) non-enzymatically. A similar explanation is likely to be valid for the synergism exerted by 2,5-DBA on the rate of DL-DOPA oxidation by mushroom tyrosinase.  相似文献   
Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to evaluate the acclimation capacity of the schlerophyll shrub Heteromeles arbutifolia M. Roem. to the multiple co-occurring summer stresses of the California chaparral. We examined the influence of water, heat and high light stresses on the carbon gain and survival of sun and shade seedlings via a factorial experiment involving a slow drying cycle applied to plants grown outdoors during the summer. The photochemical efficiency of PSII exhibited a diurnal, transient decrease (δF/Fm′) and a chronic decrease or photoinhibition (Fv/Fm) in plants exposed to full sunlight. Water stress enhanced both transient decreases of δF/Fm’and photoinhibition. Effects of decreased δF/Fm’and Fv/Fm on carbon gain were observed only in well-watered plants since in water-stressed plants they were overidden by stomatal closure. Reductions in photochemical efficiency and stomatal conductance were observed in all plants exposed to full sunlight, even in those that were well-watered. This suggested that H. arbutifolia sacrificed carbon gain for water conservation and photoprotection (both structurally via shoot architecture and physiologically via down-regulation) and that this response was triggered by a hot and dry atmosphere together with high PFD, before severe water, heat or high PFD stresses occur. We found fast adaptive adjustments of the thermal stability of PSII (diurnal changes) and a superimposed long-term acclimation (days to weeks) to high leaf temperatures. Water stress enhanced resistance of PSII to high temperatures both in the dark and over a wide range of PFD. Low PFD protected photochemical activity against inactivation by heat while high PFD exacerbated damage of PSII by heat. The greater interception of radiation by horizontally restrained leaves relative to the steep leaves of sun-acclimated plants caused photoinhibition and increased leaf temperature. When transpirational cooling was decreased by water stress, leaf temperature surpassed the limits of chloroplast thermostability. The remarkable acclimation of water-stressed plants to high leaf temperatures proved insufficient for the semi-natural environmental conditions of the experiment. Summer stresses characteristic of Mediterranean-type climates (high leaf temperatures in particular) are a potential limiting factor for seedling survival in H. arbutifolia, especially for shade seedlings lacking the crucial structural photoprotection provided by steep leaf angles.  相似文献   
1.Certain bacteria which are normally termed saprophytic, viz.Bacillus subtilis and B. megatherium, are able to parasitizeliving potato tissue at a suitably high temperature or whenthe tissue is injected with water. 2.Within the group of four bacteria tested, there is a correlationbetween capacity to attack potato tissue and amount of pectinaseenzyme excreted under standard conditions. 3.A qualitative difference between the pectinase enzymes ofBotrytis cinerea and Bacterium carotovorum has been demonstrated.Preparations of the bacterial enzyme, which when tested on turgidpotato discs of standard thickness were found to be weaker thanBotrytis enzyme, were able to attack normal (subturgid) potatotissue, whereas the Botrytis enzyme failed to do so. No explanationof this difference is yet forthcoming. It does not seem to restupon osmotic differences between the two enzymic preparations. 4.Rate of diffusion appears .to be a limiting factor in theattack of potato tissue by preparations of pectinase enzyme.  相似文献   
1. The spatial structure of plant patches has been shown to affect host–parasitoid interactions, but its influence on parasitoid diversity remains largely ignored. Here we tested the prediction that parasitoid species richness of the specialist leafminer Liriomyza commelinae increases in larger and less isolated patches of its host plant Commelina erecta. We also explored whether parasitoid abundance and body size affected the occurrence of parasitoid species in local assemblages. 2. A total of 893 naturally established C. erecta patches were sampled on 18 sites around Córdoba city (Argentina). Also, two experiments were performed by creating patches differing in the number of plants and the distance from a parasitoid source. For these tests, plants were infected with the miner in the laboratory prior to placement in the field. 3. Plant patch size, independently of host abundance, positively affected the number of parasitoid species in both survey observations and experimental data. However, plant patch isolation did not influence parasitoid species richness. 4. The probability of finding rare parasitoid species increased with patch size, whereas occupation of isolated patches was independent of dispersal abilities (body size) of parasitoid species. 5. Overall, the results highlight the importance of considering spatial aspects such as the size of plant patches in the study of parasitoid communities.  相似文献   
Five microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized within the woolly mouse opossum (Micoureus paraguayanus), a Neotropical marsupial, using an enrichment cloning procedure. Between four and seven alleles were detected per locus, with expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.358 to 0.560. These microsatellites should provide useful markers in a variety of genetic analyses to examine parentage, inbreeding, population structure and population dynamics in fragmented forest habitats.  相似文献   
We studied leaves of 208 seedlings (S), infants (I) and juveniles(J) ofEuterpe edulis,randomly selected from plants in 1 ha ofswampy forest in SE Brazil. Each new leaf began extending afterthe complete development of the preceding leaf. The sequencesteps of leaf growth were emergence, linear growth while closed,opening of segments and logarithmic growth of the petiole. Averageleaf production rate (2.21 leaves per plant year-1) did notvary among ontogenetic stages, conforming to a plastochronicrhythm. Average linear growth rate of the closed leaf was directlyrelated to average area of the open lamina. Herbivores attacked33.0% of all leaves giving rise to up to 10% loss of area andincluded damping-off-inducing suckers (7.1%), ordinary suckers(9.8%), chewers (5.4%), miners (2.7%) and multiple attacks (8.0%).These attacks varied among stages (S=22.4%, I=38.1%, J=33.3%),as did leaf mortality rates (S=26.5%, I=14.3% and J=0.0%). Unknownfactors were the main cause of leaf mortality (S=14.3%, I=7.1%).Not losing a leaf while a seedling and attaining a minimum leafarea in the infant stage were critical events for survival.Plants gained leaf area by not losing leaves while a seedling,by producing larger leaves with greater growth rates, and byaccumulating leaves with longer lifespans. The petiole can simulatean energetically cheaper branch, delimit a vital space aroundthe stem, favourably position the leaf lamina and substituteprovisionally for stem growth in height.Copyright 1999 Annalsof Botany Company Arecaceae,Euterpe edulis, herbivory, leaf ecology, leaf growth, leaf production, semideciduous forest, southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   
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