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Because of resistance development by cancer cells against current anticancer drugs, there is a considerable interest in developing novel antitumor agents. We have previously demonstrated that CIGB‐552, a novel cell‐penetrating synthetic peptide, was effective in reducing tumor size and increasing lifespan in tumor‐bearing mice. Studies of protein–peptide interactions have shown that COMMD1 protein is a major mediator of CIGB‐552 antitumor activity. Furthermore, a typical serine‐protease degradation pattern for CIGB‐552 in BALB/c mice serum was identified, yielding peptides which differ from CIGB‐552 in size and physical properties. In the present study, we show the results obtained from a comparative analysis between CIGB‐552 and its main metabolites regarding physicochemical properties, cellular internalization, and their capability to elicit apoptosis in MCF‐7 cells. None of the analyzed metabolites proved to be as effective as CIGB‐552 in promoting apoptosis in MCF‐7. Taking into account these results, it seemed important to examine their cell‐penetrating capacity and interaction with COMMD1. We show that internalization, a lipid binding‐dependent process, is impaired as well as metabolite–COMMD1 interaction, key component of the apoptotic mechanism. Altogether, our results suggest that features conferred by the amino acid sequence are decisive for CIGB‐552 biological activity, turning it into the minimal functional unit. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
As with natural ecosystems, species within the tumor microenvironment are connected by pairwise interactions (e.g. mutualism, predation) leading to a strong interdependence of different populations on each other. In this review we have identified the ecological roles played by each non-neoplastic population (macrophages, endothelial cells, fibroblasts) and other abiotic components (oxygen, extracellular matrix) directly involved with neoplastic development. A way to alter an ecosystem is to affect other species within the environment that are supporting the growth and survival of the species of interest, here the tumor cells; thus, some features of ecological systems could be exploited for cancer therapy. We propose a well-known antitumor therapy called photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a novel modulator of ecological interactions. We refer to this as “ecological photodynamic therapy.” The main goal of this new strategy is the improvement of therapeutic efficiency through the disruption of ecological networks with the aim of destroying the tumor ecosystem. It is therefore necessary to identify those interactions from which tumor cells get benefit and those by which it is impaired, and then design multitargeted combined photodynamic regimes in order to orchestrate non-neoplastic populations against their neoplastic counterpart. Thus, conceiving the tumor as an ecological system opens avenues for novel approaches on treatment strategies.  相似文献   
Hyalella faxoni Stebbing, 1903 from Costa Rica is redescribed. The species was previously in the synonymy of Hyalella azteca (Saussure, 1858). The morphological differences between these two species are discussed.  相似文献   
Question: Although mangrove forests are generally regarded as highly threatened, some studies have shown that mangrove canopies in the Pacific coast of Mexico have been increasing in recent decades. We investigated the possible causes driving this reported mangrove expansion. Location: The mangrove lagoons of Magdalena Bay in Baja California, Mexico. Methods: We used 50‐year‐old aerial photographs and 24‐year‐old satellite images to compare long‐term vegetation change, surveyed a coastal vegetation transect to analyse flooding levels, compiled six decades of tidal and oceanographic information, as well as hurricane data to analyse changes in storm frequency or sea‐level conditions, and used isotopic analysis to date the age of trees along the gradient. Results: A significant increase in mangrove cover has occurred in backwaters of the lagoons during the last 40 years, and especially during the El Niño anomalies of the 1980s and 1990s, while at the same time the mangrove fringe has been receding. Conclusions: The observed change can be attributed to the combined action of the warm surface waters of El Niño events and sea‐level rise. Jointly, these two effects are sufficient to flood large areas of previously non‐flooded salt flats, dispersing mangrove seedlings inland. The inland expansion of mangroves, however, does not ease conservation concerns, as it is the seaward fringes, and not the inland margins, that provide the most valuable environmental services for fisheries and coastal protection.  相似文献   
Two new species of hyalellid amphipods, Hyalella crawfordi and H. gauthieri, are described from Lake Titicaca; H. echinus (Faxon, 1876) is redescribed. The H. echinus group of species is newly proposed for these three species, and a group diagnosis is provided. A key to the three species in the group is provided Full article published online at http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/06-10.htm.  相似文献   
Since cacti have very small surface/volume ratios, the amount of light they intercept is limited, and so is photosynthesis. However, many cacti shade themselves by means of dense hairy mats, called cephalia, which protect the floral buds. There is a trade-off between allocating a surface to photosynthesis or to the protection of reproductive structures. We found that proportion of the stem covered by cephalium affected fitness in the columnar cactus Lophocereus schottii. Too little cephalium holds few floral buds while too much reduces fecundity – probably through diminished photosynthesis – with an intermediate amount maximising reproduction. The optimal proportion of cephalium becomes smaller as the plant grows, probably because self-shading by new branches causes a further reduction in light interception. Smaller plants had significantly less cephalium than the optimal amount to maximise current reproduction. Since the largest individuals produced more reproductive structures, small cacti may find it more profitable to grow fast to achieve a large fecundity, than to assign resources to immediate reproduction via cephalium development.  相似文献   
Serotiny, or delayed seed dispersal, is common in fluctuating environments because it hedges the risks of establishment. Mammillaria pectinifera (Cactaceae) facultatively expels fruits in the year they are produced or retains them to disperse the seed over several years. We tested whether M. pectinifera increased fruit expulsion as a response to increased rainfall. While no fruit expulsion was observed in 1997, a dry year, in the wetter 1998 around 20% of all fruits formed were expelled from the maternal plant. A greenhouse experiment showed that high moisture results in the plants expelling all their fruits. Because in 1998 establishment was five times higher than in 1997, this response seems to be highly adaptive: Active fruit expulsion and consequent seed release increases the probability of establishment during pulses of high precipitation.  相似文献   
Modern agricultural practices pose serious threats to biodiversity worldwide. Species losses from habitat conversion are well documented, but indirect impacts such as reduced water availability to adjacent ecosystems are less known. San Quintín is an important agricultural valley in the mediterranean climate region of Baja California, Mexico. The region is also a hotspot of plant species richness and endemism. Plant species in the region are here analyzed by comparison of the contemporary flora to historical botanical collections to identify extirpations. Historical collections indicate that habitat loss to agriculture has been a direct cause of species losses. As importantly, the unsustainable extraction of groundwater has apparently led to salt water intrusion, resulting in the loss of 22 native plant taxa, including 13 rare plants. Seventy-eight percent of all the vernal pool taxa have been lost from the flora (including 85 % of the rare taxa) and 11 % of plants of riparian and pond habitat (including 25 % of the rare taxa) are no longer found in the region. Unsustainable agricultural practices continue to threaten fragile coastal ecosystems and are a serious challenge to current and future conservation efforts. Ironically, these same practices frequently result in abandonment of cultivated areas. Owing to indirect impacts, conservation of biodiversity and large-scale agricultural operations are even less compatible on a regional scale than indicated by direct impacts. It is vital that sustainable agricultural practices be adopted locally and globally to avoid further losses of biodiversity.  相似文献   
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