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The lung volume, the morphometrically determined alveolar and capillary surface area, and the capillary volume of 27 dogs (weight 2.65–57 kg) all were linearly correlated with body weight. The thickness of the air-blood barrier increased only slightly with increasing body size. The structural diffusing capacity, containing these parameters, was used to estimate the gas exchange capabilities of the lung and was also found to scale in direct proportion to body size. This coincides with reports on physiologically estimated diffusing capacity but is obviously different from the interspecies slope for metabolism which scales to the 3/4 power of body weight.  相似文献   
The kinetic analysis of l-amino acid uptake by the green alga Chlorella revealed at least seven different uptake systems to be present in cells grown autotrophically with nitrate as nitrogen source. There is a ‘general system’ which transports most neutral and acidic amino acids, a system for short-chain neutral amino acids including proline, a system for basic amino acids including histidine, a special system for acidic amino acids, and specific systems for methionine, glutamine and threonine. The ‘general system’ is possibly the same as that which can be stimulated by incubation of cells in glucose plus ammonium (Sauer, N. (1984) Planta 161, 425–431). The incubation of Chlorella in glucose induces the increased synthesis of six amino acid uptake systems, namely the above-mentioned system for short-chain neutral amino acids, a threonine system, a methionine system, and a glutamine system. These results indicate that the uptake of l-amino acids by the green alga Chlorella is as complex as in other free-living organisms such as bacteria or yeast. The small number of amino acid uptake systems found in cells of higher plants, i.e. two or three, seems therefore to be a consequence of integration of the cells in a tissue supplying a relatively constant environment, and not a consequence of autotrophic growth on mineral carbon and mineral nitrogen.  相似文献   
The loading of amino acids and nitrate into the xylem was investigated by collection and analysis of root-pressure exudate from the cut hypocotyl stumps of seedlings of Ricinus communis L. Glutamine was found to be the dominant amino acid in the exudate and also to be the amino acid which is transferred to the xylem most rapidly and accumulated to the greatest extent. The comparison between uptake and xylem loading showed significant differences in specificity between these two transport reactions, indicating a different set of transport systems. Nitrate is transferred to the xylem at a higher relative rate than any amino acid despite the great nitrate-storage capacity of the root system. Thus the supply of nitrate to Ricinus plants leads to enhanced nitrogen allocation to the shoots.  相似文献   
Ewald W. Roessler 《Hydrobiologia》1995,298(1-3):125-132
This study gives an overview of our current knowledge of the ecology and distribution patterns of Colombian conchostracans. Colombian euphyllopods are generally restricted to the warm tropical lowlands. OnlyCyclestheria hislopi can be found year-round in larger semipermanent waters and living sympatrically with abundant predators, such as planktivorous fish. The other conchostracans are restricted to the typical habitat of temporary waters.Eulimnadia magadalenensis is especially adapted to very short-term temporary ponds in relatively arid zones andE. colombiensis prefers somewhat cooler ponds of a longer duration. The two species can be found sympatrically in intermediate climatic conditions. A third form,Eulimnadia cf. geayi cohabits with the two other species in the lower Magdalena Valley, its ecological role is not clear.Limnadia orinoquiensis is the selvatic substitute of the open savannah conchostracan fauna (mainlyEulimnadia forms) living in pools in forest clearings in the vicinity of the Upper Orinoco.Four species of Lynceidae were found, twoLynceus and twoParalimnetis. Their distribution patterns are not yet clear, they prefer smaller temporary ponds of moderated temperatures. Two undescribed species ofLeptestheria were found, one restricted to the banks of the Orinoco and the other to one locality in the upper Magdalena Valley, living in ponds with a muddy bottom.Metalimnadia serratura was found in special rock pools of the Guiana Shield in the vicinity of the Orinoco, cohabiting with several other conchostracan species, with differential adaptations to very high water temperatures.  相似文献   
Summary Elevated levels of alpha-1-fetoprotein (AFP) were found in the amniotic fluid of a 36-year-old woman in the 15th week of gestation. Because of this and the results of repeated ultrasonography, abortion was induced. An anencephalic fetus with trisomy 18 was delivered. The possible correlation among neural-tube defects, chromosomal abnormalities, and level of AFP is discussed.  相似文献   
The recovery, structure and function of dog granulocytes were determined before and after freeze-preservation. Leucocytes were isolated from defibrinated or anti-coagulated whole blood and subsequent erythrocyte sedimentation on a column of 2:1 dextran (6%)-isopaque (33.9%). Granulocytes isolated by these procedures were examined for changes in O2 consumption associated with phagocytosis, in vitro directed migration (chemotaxis), bactericidal activity, and ultrastructure before and after freezing. Granulocytes were frozen in DMSO (7.5%) and autologous serum or HBSS-minus and 20% autologous serum at the rate of ?1 °C/min to ?80 °C and stored in liquid N2 vapor.After freeze-preservation, O2 consumption associated with phagocytosis was decreased by 54 and 64% for granulocytes isolated from defibrinated or from ACD-anticoagulated blood, respectively. Bactericidal activity is only slightly depressed in samples from either isolation method after freeze-preservation when compared to the prefreeze controls, but granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood are significantly less effective in killing bacteria than those from ACD-anticoagulated blood. Chemotactic response after freeze-preservation was completely inhibited in granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood. Exposure of granulocytes to ACD inhibited chemotaxis prior to freezing, but the granulocytes responded chemotactically after freeze-thaw and additional washing. The ultrastructure of granulocytes observed before and after freeze-thaw was similar for cells isolated by both methods. However, nuclear, cytoplasmic, and granular changes observed were slightly greater in granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood. Dog granulocytes isolated by either method withstood freeze-preservation in DMSO to a degree not previously reported.It is concluded that dog granulocytes freeze-preserved by these methods are functional in vitro, but that phagocytic, directed migration, and bactericidal functions and ultrastructure are impaired to different degrees, according to the method of isolation and preparation for storage. These results indicate the need for continued investigation on the effects of storage variables on the preservation of granulocytes.  相似文献   
The cholinergic sensitivity of rat diaphragm muscle, me-sured as the magnitude of depolarization responses to repetitive, iontophoretic pulses of acetylcholine (ACh) onto neuromuscular endplates, is increased by addition of ATP to the perfusion medium. Depolarization responses begin to increase within the first min after addition of 10 mM ATP and plateau at 60% above control levels (mean value) after 4 to 6 min. Neither the magnitude nor the time course of the potentiations corresponds to changes in resting potential or membrane resistance. Other nucleotides are equally or less effective at the same concentration: ATP=ADP greater than UTP greater than AMP=GTP (=no added nucleotide control) The duration of the individual ACh responses does not increase during continuous exposure to the active nucleotides for up to 15 min except when the muscle is pretreated with eserine. Mild enzymatic predigestion of the muscle with collagenase and then protease, increasing the availability of the postjunctional membrane to bath-applied drugs, decreases the variability and increases the magnitude of the potentiation to a given dose of ATP. The dose-response curve for ATP is then more than half-maximal at 1 mM and the ranking of the other nucleotides relative to ATP is the same as without predigestion. There is an optimum Ca++ concentration for the potentiation between zero and 2 mM: potentiation is enhanced in Ca++ -free medium, partially blocked in twice-normal Ca++ medium, and totally blocked in Ca++ -free medium 10 min after a 5 min exposure to 2.5 mM EGTA. The similar Ca++ dependence of ACh receptor activation in the absence of added nucleotide suggests that ATP directly facilitates receptor activation by ACh. This facilitory action could be one of the physiological roles for the ATP released from stimulated phrenic nerve.  相似文献   
The present study introduces a new preparation of a spider vibration receptor that allows intracellular recording of responses to natural mechanical or electrical stimulation of the associated mechanoreceptor cells. The spider vibration receptor is a lyriform slit sense organ made up of 21 cuticular slits located on the distal end of the metatarsus of each walking leg. The organ is stimulated when the tarsus receives substrate vibrations, which it transmits to the organ’s cuticular structures, reducing the displacement to about one tenth due to geometrical reasons. Current clamp recording was used to record action potentials generated by electrical or mechanical stimuli. Square pulse stimulation identified two groups of sensory cells, the first being single-spike cells which generated only one or two action potentials and the second being multi-spike cells which produced bursts of action potentials. When the more natural mechanical sinusoidal stimulation was applied, differences in adaptation rate between the two cell types remained. In agreement with prior extracellular recordings, both cell types showed a decrease in the threshold tarsus deflection with increasing stimulus frequency. Off-responses to mechanical stimuli have also been seen in the metatarsal organ for the first time.  相似文献   


Traditionally, dental models, facial and intra-oral photographs and a set of two-dimensional radiographs are used for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. As evidence is lacking, the discussion is ongoing which specific records are needed for the process of making an orthodontic treatment plan.


To estimate the contribution and importance of different diagnostic records for making an orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plan.

Data sources

An electronic search in PubMed (1948–July 2012), EMBASE Excerpta Medica (1980–July 2012), CINAHL (1982–July 2012), Web of Science (1945–July 2012), Scopus (1996–July 2012), and Cochrane Library (1993–July 2012) was performed. Additionally, a hand search of the reference lists of included studies was performed to identify potentially eligible studies. There was no language restriction.

Study selection

The patient, intervention, comparator, outcome (PICO) question formulated for this study was as follows: for patients who need orthodontic treatment (P), will the use of record set X (I) compared with record set Y (C) change the treatment plan (O)? Only primary publications were included.

Data extraction

Independent extraction of data and quality assessment was performed by two observers.


Of the 1041 publications retrieved, 17 met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 4 studies were of high quality. Because of the limited number of high quality studies and the differences in study designs, patient characteristics, and reference standard or index test, a meta-analysis was not possible.


Cephalograms are not routinely needed for orthodontic treatment planning in Class II malocclusions, digital models can be used to replace plaster casts, and cone-beam computed tomography radiographs can be indicated for impacted canines. Based on the findings of this review, the minimum record set required for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning could not be defined.

Systematic review registration number

CRD42012002365  相似文献   
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